Donald Trump’s Debates: 5 Mental Tricks You Didn’t Notice

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Donald Trump’s Debates: 5 Mental Tricks You Didn’t Notice

Donald Trump has proven himself to be a master persuader. His unlikely rise to prominence in the Republican primaries has riden on the fact that he knows how to work the media during interviews as well as his performances in the GOP debates against the likes of Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz.

When watching the debates, many of his detractors criticize Trump’s apparent lack of substance. For instance, he ducked Megyn Kelly’s question about sexism with a joke about Rosie O’Donnell. He seems to repeat buzz words more than other candidates and often justifies his positions by referring to other people who support his stances, rather than defending them outright. While this may seem like weak arguments, Donald Trump’s debate strategies actually align perfectly with the way humans think and process information. For that reason, Trump’s arguments tend to sink in more than his opponent’s (like Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz) do.

In this video we’ll look at the top 5 relatively unknown psychological truths that Trump exploits to get his point across during interviews and debates.

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Off of the forthcoming Warghosts (Bomshot & Holocaust) album, this is the highly anticipated Jedi Mind Tricks diss track. Be on the lookout for an exclusive Bomshot interview in the near future! Don’t forget to check for other exclusive content!
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40 Responses to Donald Trump’s Debates: 5 Mental Tricks You Didn’t Notice

  1. Keith Johnston says:

    Although I think some of the concepts you speak of are true.. I think its emotional and irrational to say were only using our emotional and irrational process to go through these process. Philosophy and Theology are two ways that people use logic and evidence to share points that go beyond the irrational to the coherent and cognitive levels.

  2. penky1965 says:

    Why try to make sense of Trump's stupidity? Trump is a con artist.

  3. Ruffy Nator says:

    This is crap. Trump has mental instabilities. Anyone smart caught on to the way he talks a long time ago. I could listen to a debate and predict exactly what he will say for his staged questions. He talks like a delusional 3rd grader that has limited knowledge. He does not do it better. He does it better to the sheep that vote for him.

  4. Andrzej Rybszlegerr says:

    Great, informative content, thank you

  5. KKmaddafakka says:

    Great movie but it could be called: Political Debates: 5 Mental Tricks You Didn't Notice

    Doesn't seem to be anything special about Trump, just a normal political tactic

  6. SeanWyseman says:

    Trumps greatest value is the hope that he brings. He is a man filled with energy and hope and it's contagious. I've always noticed that Trump tends to bring out the best wherever he goes. If it's a group of people he brings out the best in the group. If it's an individual the same effect happens. He energizes people like nobody else and he does it intentionally. You can't work around Trump without becoming a better self than you were and you can't live with yourself around Trump if you aren't.
    He's not afraid of other people's weaknesses and he shows it.

    Trump has the full spectrum of motivational abilities both negative and positive. He knows that you can push people only so hard before you break their respect for you. If you have gained any respect from him he nurtures that as much as he seeks to bring out the best in you. He's hard on people but he's also a great rewarder of the things he prizes. You take notice of what's important to him and deliver it and you'll have a very loyal friend in Trump. Trump actually has an unusual degree of love for people that is never captured by the media. In fact they have to work hard to prevent the public from knowing.

  7. Clarence Beidler says:

    Jeb Bush is a limp wristed pussy.

  8. Ted cox says:

    Trump appeals to idiots. He speaks on the 3rd grade level and therefore appeals to stupid people. Jingles don't work on smart people. Bullying appeals to bullys. Stupidity appeals to the stupid.

  9. Kawaii Uguu says:

    Goddamn, Trump is a genius.

  10. terriergal says:

    Irrationalist philosophy is not good for anyone. EVER.

    Master manipulator/used car salesman. And somehow we should admire this crap. He knows how people make decisions – by being manipulated and disconnecting their brains. Congratulations America.
    Please look up irrationalist philosophy and how it affected Europe (especially Germany) in the late 1800s early 1900s.

  11. OdachiTetsunoko says:

    too many retarded cucks in the comments.


  12. Scott Korb says:

    Dude, who are you??? You want to analyze like you're some expert? Who are you???

  13. ken smith says:

    but all you are doing is Talking Smooth and "quote Mining" and there is no retort voice…so you are doing something More simple than a 5th grade person can put together man…I do like your effort and intelligence…that is worth much…But what people are wanting out of this video, Are people that want to slander a person…you are cutting vids and feeding these trolls crap to toss around…there are better ways to get your point across than vid cutting fool

  14. Mobius Trip says:

    I love the way this video is supposed to be a diss against Trump, like his rhetoric is AGAINST him, when in fact it's a super plus for him…its proof that Trump is an operator, a winner and a leader…..Trump for Potus! Hoorah!

  15. Žanas Radzys says:

    What was that movie with DiCaprio?

  16. Anonymous 777 says:

    Dear Donald Trump…… GET KILLED BY A PENIS!

  17. Rhody says:

    7:30 so true. Trump totally destroyed Ted Cruz when he brought up a 9/11 throwback anecdote, and might have ruined his campaign.

  18. Patrick Kilduff says:

    I think you're a Buffoon…and you certainly didn't write any books…just like 'your' buildings…other people write them and you slap your name on them…

  19. Rian Weston-Dodds says:

    I've always known donald trump talks like a retard and only appeals to retarded people, this is nothing new. He just uses fallacies in his argument and statistical evidence.

  20. minch333 says:

    Charisma, you're immoral.

  21. Willie Sanchez says:


  22. DAB GOD says:

    Lmao is this serious? Well first dude was right about jus Allah. Jus is a bitch. And jocks vinnie. But not are legends. These guys are the worst rappers I've ever heard. Especially the second dude. How is he even allowed next to a Mic. These guys are embarrassing. 

  23. N00B says:

    I like how Jedi mind tricks don't waste there breath on these punk ass niggahs

  24. afropunk90 says:

    what the fuck is this shit

  25. Wise DaGod says:

    damn this the same holocaust that was on rza bobby digital nd killarmy albums he sound horrible now! He used to have his own flow now he sound jus like 9th prince how u jack sum1 flow from ur own camp? I hope this was jus a flow he was experimenting with I haven't heard him since like 2001

  26. Jonny M says:

    These guys are complete faggots nuff said

  27. Crystopher Shadden says:

    Jus didn't even have to reply to your first track. It was so bad that you spoke for yourself.

  28. Matt Anthony says:


  29. hankheavy says:

    Highly anticipated? Who the fuck are you kiddin'? Fucking faggots.

  30. comrade9191 says:

    You are sitting wishing you were at the same level they are at. fucking faggot

  31. I.Mythos says:


  32. MegaPrizza says:

    I didn't think it could get worse after the first guy… the second guy sounded like he was just talking lol.

  33. MegaPrizza says:

    hahahahahahhahahahahhahaha…..bwaahhahahahahahahaha name dropping doesn't work well if you suck ass 

  34. sander allik says:

    Haha this is pathetic. Jus, vinnie and stoupe are legends. They are dissing themselves with this piece of shit tune.

  35. BiG420ToMaTo420BuDs says:

    Bombshot sucks 

  36. Daniel Jenkins says:

    this is a joke! they dont have shit on jmt couldnt even finish the song , faggots

  37. tony prisco says:

    Shittiest hip hop track of all time haha Bomshot is a fuckin faggot n im ashamed hes from boston. how r u gonna dis jmt when vinnie runs the entire underground lmfao!!! Anyone that supports bomshot over jmt should be raped w a pineapple and killed. 

  38. sin says:

    …. Tf is this 

  39. SlCKES7 says:

    This shit is awful hahahahaha
    wasted my time watching this for no reason, ahah

  40. DesuOperator says:

    I remember watching this back in 2010.

    Shit was trash then – and it's STILL trash.

    Damn Bomshot, how you can't stay on the damn beat to save your fucking life? And Holocaust, how'd you go from dropping classic verses on Killarmy tracks to being reduced to being on an album with this WIGGER?

    Both these guys careers have hit the shit bin ever since.

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