Benefits of a Positive Mindset

Everyone knows that Life is not always easy to handle. If you think about it, want whether it be a want of love, material possessions, or spiritual development is all part of everyone’s earthly experience. Coming across hardship is not really a bad thing – the point is it’s the way a person deals with it that matters. A positive mind-set is so essential in many ways. Positive thinking has been proven to increase the quality of living. When a person thinks in a positive way the mind will automatically change that person’s perception of the world; as well as the person’s behaviour and for the better.

The biological reason for this is, a positive mind-set will increase the levels of neuro transmitters like serotonin that manage the functioning aspects of the brain. The benefits of a positive way of thinking also includes better mental and physical health. This is because of the increase of positive hormones to the immune system.

Of course the opposite is also true, when a person is always feeling negative, or in deep depression that person is much more likely to develop mental health problems. Which in turn will affect relationships at home, at work, with friends and so on. The negative mind-set is best got rid of as soon as possible. Of course to feel unhappy now and again is normal; like I said before it is how a person deals with it that’s important – positive thinking always wins over negative thinking.

The good thing about having a positive way of thinking is that it makes a person feel like they can achieve anything that they want in life. The Person who mostly thinks in a positive way is a lot more likely to see minor mishaps as challenges or opportunities instead of problems or difficulties. Think about it, all the most successful people in the world are successful because they are able to see opportunities where other people only see problems. The thing is there are opportunities coming up everyday for everyone, but almost everyone just can’t see them.

Positive thinking and cultivating a positive frame of mind, is not something that just started in the hippy new age era of the 60’s. Spiritual men and women have for hundreds of years searched for, and developed methods to harness an inner equilibrium. People with a positive mind-set feel part of the universe; while people with a negative mind-set feel detached from the universe.

To establish what frame of mind you have, if it’s negative or positive, ask yourself, “How am I with other people?” The best way to do this is to think of how you conduct yourself towards people you have just met. Are you the kind of person that is open and friendly when meeting others? Or are you inward-looking and frightened when talking to others. One of the easiest ways to conquer an un-constructive frame of mind is to modify your outlook to your environment, and by that I mean the new people who you meet every day also.

If you feel uneasy when talking to people then try out this exercise. Go and force yourself have a conversation with someone in a public place. A comment about the weather or anything in the news will do. Take a note on how you feel afterwards.

The thing is the way you act with other people will have a considerable influence on the opportunities you get in life. For example, two people in an office who both have the same aptitude and know-how, but there is one distinction – one is bad-tempered and uncomfortable with their work colleagues and the other is great to talk to and is secure in the company of their work colleagues. Which one would you pick for advancement in the company?



About The Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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