The Right MindSet

Negative thoughts have the potential to destroy your life. A mind that is filled with negative thoughts can cause one to feel unhappy, miserable, and can lead to disaster after disaster, no matter how hard one tries to succeed.

If you have developed a pattern of thinking negatively, you are more likely to be the one that will end up with poor relationships, destructive ones, and also be in debt. So, if you really want to succeed in life, live a life of prosperity and abundance, and enjoy true happiness, you are going to have to eliminate the negative beliefs that you hold.

You’re going to have to replace those negative beliefs with positive ones that can allow you to live the type of life that you really want to live. Even though it may be a bit challenging, it’s simpler than you think. Here are a few ways to eliminate negative thinking and create the life of your dreams. First of all, let’s go back to the thought process.

How do negative thoughts start in the first place? Well, we have to realize that we all have negative thoughts and, as hard as we try, we are not able to eliminate all of them. However, if we eliminate the chronic ones, the ones that repeat themselves over and over again, we can change the course of our lives.

So, the question is: What are these repetitive thoughts and where do they come from? These thoughts come from our friends, our parents, our siblings, our fellow co-workers, teachers, even from strangers, and most of all they come from us, from right inside of us.

You know, it’s hard to accept, but it’s true. We create the most of those thoughts. As you know, we think over 60,000 thoughts a day, and from those 60,000 thoughts, we only remember a few of them , and it’s only because we have not yet trained our minds to take control and we have not yet created the positive beliefs that allow us to succeed.

So when we have a negative thought that says we cannot do something, we have to switch it around and think of why we can do something. When we have a negative thought that something might not go right, we can change those thoughts and think about what could go right. When we say that we cannot accomplish something we have to think of why we can accomplish something. We have to recite affirmations, to help us arrive at a new positive way of thinking.

The mind is like a garden that needs nurturing. Weeds(negative thoughts) can destroy it. We need to remove the weeds (negative thoughts) and also plant new seeds (positive affirmations) for the garden to grow. We also have to work with as many techniques. The results will show up when we least expect it. We have to continue watering the garden of our mind with positive thoughts and only then will things start to change. So when is this change going to happen? When are we going to be ready and when are we going to eliminate the negatives that come into our minds? Keep doing the exercises and the changes will happen sooner than you expect. Believe me when I say this.

So let me do a quick recap:

We have to look after the garden of our mind. We first have to discover and then begin removing the weeds of our negative and limiting beliefs (the weeds). We then have to replace these weeds with new seeds. These seeds have to be positive and they have to be positive thoughts that lead to positive feelings that lead on to positive actions and finally lead to positive results.

Share this with others and it becomes infectious. Continue watering the garden of your mind by working with affirmations and other positive techniques. Keep the negative weeds of thinking out of your mind. It will catapult you in the right direction.

Dr Ken Onu is the CEO and founder of Attract Freedom. An organization with the sole purpose of empowering others to personal and financial freedom. An Ophthalmologist by profession, he is a keen speaker, communicator, entrepreneur and an aspiring author.

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