Change Your Mindset

The journey of a thousand years begins with a step. That first step is the most difficult part of any journey. This is the giant step that gives you the best push towards success and provides you the tricks and impetus needed to break all the hurdles holding you back. Therefore, whatever you want to achieve in life, you need to have a positive and progressive mindset. Your mindset is your will power. Nobody can give it to you. You have to develop it by yourself. Your parents, guardian, boss and even government cannot create your mindset for you. Whatever you may believe in, you need to remember always that “God will never change the condition of a people (or an individual) until they change what is in their minds”

Optimism is the the bedrock of success while pessimism is the first step towards failure. When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Self confidence must always be incorporated into your plans always.

What is Your Mission in Life

Your ultimate mission must be to be happy and make others happy. To help people overcome the problem of procrastination, which is the main cause of failure. We strongly believe that success cannot be achieved single-handedly. You need to team up with others or like minded people . With team work, you can collectively achieve your goals.

This is why great men and women enjoy hanging out with progressive people. These are the selfless people who are ready to help each other and are prepared to leverage others experience in various endeavors. Belonging to the right group at the right time and readiness to learn with complete humility and open heart can be the key to ultimate success.

Giant Steps For Guaranteed Success
With my four decades of existence and with my personal interaction with people of all works of life, I have been able to observe that the main clog in the wheel of most people’s progress is lack of courage to take the first step towards the realization of their ambitions. To be precise, procrastination is the culprit that we all have to fight together. In a nutshell, take note of the following and always try to remember them before embarking on any action:

* Giant Step – Whatever you want to achieve, always summon the courage to take the first step. Make it big, let it be a giant one. Do not set your goal too low. Your worth may be higher than you personally rate yourself.

* Forward – Always attempt to go forward and never backward. Do not waste your time regretting over what you should have done better. Remember, yesterday is gone; you cannot correct it. Study your present and plan for the future.

* Upward – Aim to the top in any group you may find yourself. You may not be the best or the overall leader, but do not ever settle for a second class category. Remember, the society appreciates you better as a clever plumber than a misguided philosopher. Any society that prefers a misguided philosopher to a clever plumber, both its pipes and ideas will not hold water.

* Now – Do not delay today’s action till tomorrow. Delay sometimes could be very dangerous. Prompt action leads to prompt success. A wise crippled person does not wait for the invading army before he flees for safety.

* Ever – As long as you live on the surface of the earth, do not stop being active. Keep learning, keep working however minimal, keep giving and keep helping.

Therefore, take the Giant Steps Forward and Upward and do it Now.

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