How Negative Ions Are Really Positive

By now, you have become a big fan of your water fountain. You not only appreciate the wonders it brings to your home- what with the relaxing and soothing mood it sets, the aesthetic value it adds to your foyer and lawn, the natural humidification it brings about your kid’s room, and being your pet’s favorite source of drinking water-your friends also rave about it!

There’s one more thing that would make you absolutely adoring to your water fountain- negative ions.

What are they?

The air is full with charged particles called ions. These are formed when electrons are ejected. This happens when energy reacts on molecules like water, oxygen or carbon dioxide .The dislodged electron affixes itself to a molecule which then becomes a negative ion. The original molecule, now without the electron, becomes a positive ion.

We have all experienced the effect of negative ions. Think of the time you were on a beach, or near a waterfall, high up the mountains, close to a pine forest, in the country. We feel better about ourselves and others, more alert and energized. Even in simple activities like taking a shower or turning your fountain on. Research has proven that negative ions are abundant when there is falling water. What flowing water does is split positive or neutral ions and create negative ions.

What negative ions do is help freshen the air in your home, lift your mood and relieve stress, amongst other benefits.

Freshen the air

They bring about clumping of allergens causing them to be heavy enough to be pulled down to the floor and be vacuumed, rather than being suspended in the air where they can be inhaled and cause allergic reactions. In other words, negative ions help eliminate dust, spores, pollens and other allergens floating in the air. This creates a better environment for your home or office.

Lift your Mood/ Relieve Stress

Some studies show that when negative ions reach our bloodstream, our serotonin level increases. This means that we feel happier and energized and our stress level decreases.

It is also important to point out that positive ions are undesirable. Breathing in positive ions decreases our energy and our over all health is compromised. It’s not easy to avoid positive ions as they are everywhere-indoors or outdoors. Household appliances- computers, TV, microwave ovens, refrigerators- emit positive ions. Outdoors, whenever warm, dry wind blows or when there is pollution (which is pretty much everywhere), there’s an abundance of positive ions.

That’s why having a water fountain is important. You have a constant supply of these healthy ions in your home or office. What that means are happier spouses and children, happier pets too! In the office, you not only get happier clients, you also get more efficient workers.

And then you prove for yourself that negative ions are really positive.

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