The Right Mindset Equals Entrepreneur

When you are looking to become an entrepreneur and facing new challenges whether it be internet marketing or starting a home based internet business, there is a learning curve. Before commencing any new venture you must first go through the process of gathering all the information required. This is particularly so for the internet marketing arena. The internet is changing everyday and so new skills are required to keep up with the fast pace and the ever changing technology. As a newbie to this arena it can be daunting and you can get very overwhelmed quickly.

Have you heard the saying “you can do anything you put your mind to”? This statement has been overused too much and people have stopped believing it or say “yeah yeah I know that” and dismiss it. But the fact of the matter is it is true. The way you think and feel are a necessary component in your success. Believing in your ability, having a can do attitude and taking action on new skills learned is a must.

For most of us “stepping outside the box or comfort zone” can seem daunting. Many people are scared of changing their current situations for fear of failure, not being good enough, losing everything, and so on. If you are one of these people you need to stop, take a deep breath reassess your goals in life and create new habits. Only then can you change the path you are on. For example so many people want to lose weight, only to complain about it to everyone else. You need to change your focus and create new habits such as going for a walk or joining a gym. Losing weight takes time and people are so eager to see immediate results that they get discouraged and throw in the towel.

Why is it that some of us are already defeated before we get started? You have to believe in yourself and your ability. This is the first key in changing your mindset. Many of us are influenced by the people in our lives, who make excuses as to why they haven’t taken any chances in their life. You need to surround yourself with highly motivated successful people and learn from them. Remain focused on the bigger picture. Read books, learn how to change your mindset and become highly focused. Challenge yourself, take baby steps at first. You will grow and reap the rewards in all areas of your life both personally and professionally.

In Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich” he says “Mind control is the result of self discipline and habit. You either control your mind or it controls you. There is no half way compromise. The most practical of all methods of controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definitive purpose, backed by a definitive plan…without this control, success is not possible”.

Having an entrepreneurial mindset is to know where you are going, never giving up, having a greater purpose and living life on your terms. Isn’t that what we all want in the end?

Melissa is an entrepreneur, mentor and business coach based in Perth, WA. Melissa assists serious entrepreneurs in building a successful online business with multiple income streams. For more information and to contact Melissa, visit

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