A 15 Minute Mind-Hack to Massively Enhance Your Brain Power and Emotional State: Vishen Lakhiani

A 15 Minute Mind-Hack to Massively Enhance Your Brain Power and Emotional State. Talk by Vishen Lakhiani at Wisdom 2.0 Europe 2014.

Bob Proctor speaks about the power of our subconscious minds to create the reality we experience. He explains how we can impress images upon the subconscious mind with emotion and repitition and can therefore have control over what the subconscious accepts as truth. We therefore have total control over what we experience in reality by consciously choosing what to impress upon the subconscious. Bob Proctor is a featured teacher in the hit movie; The Secret.

The Secret Subconscious Mind Exercise Used By One Of The Most Successful People.
Before you get into that, have you ever wondered where brilliant ideas come from?
How do the world’s most influential, brilliant and powerful people get the inspiration for their ideas, creations and achievements? Do you believe it was their up bringing? Or, were they just extremely lucky? What about they were blessed with a gift most of us can only dream of? Or, do you think something else is at work?
Back in the day, 1937 to be exact, personal development phenomena Napoleon Hill published “Think And Grow Rich” a book that would soon go on to become one of the most powerful personal development books in history. In fact, it’s been read by the most successful people in the world than any other book. That should say something….

“Think And Grow Rich” was packed with techniques and instructions on how to develop a wealth mindset and achieve success beyond your wildest dreams.

The amazing part of these techniques is that they STILL apply to this day. Even though the book is over 70 years old, the techniques, lessons, instructions are timeless and will always apply.

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40 Responses to A 15 Minute Mind-Hack to Massively Enhance Your Brain Power and Emotional State: Vishen Lakhiani

  1. Azad Jamal says:

    Stop fooling people Mr. Vishen, every body know what you are talking, nothing special, even your omvana website not working, shit like you come and go every day in market.

  2. Ratherhype says:

    Vishen-Vision :3 sounds the samee

  3. Ro D says:

    My life was going so good before I tried this. It disrupted the positive natural flow I had going in my life. I would say unless you're in a bad place mentally stay away from this.

  4. James Smith says:

    I thought this is good, but I went on the website but everything you had to upgrade and pay for !!! NOTHING FREE!!

  5. sarthakss shah says:

    I think this all about positivity while meditating. am I right ?

  6. Allen Weinstein says:

    Very powerful.

  7. Ahmad Abid says:

    I would stick a needle in your hand and ask you to meditate the pain away lol

    Man please don't blow things out of proportions. Instead of all the accompanied stats and semi facts just to prove a point, you can just say; by sitting down and performing a breathing exercise which we all know called CHI, you can help your self relax. and gain better focus on what it is you'll be doing later.

    Nevertheless, you gave a very good advice and I wish you all the best.

  8. celicniopanak says:

    he is good

  9. mattread , says:

    elon musk!

  10. Lorraine Tait says:


  11. RyuX says:

    I heard some catch phrases from Dave Asprey here and there.. but still a good presentation

  12. Mark “steve” Mendoza Hernandez says:

    this sounds preachy and advertising…but that's just me

  13. Beauty And The Bear says:

    single tear for guy 12:03

  14. Kelli Kakes says:

    this was amazing

  15. Walton Lee says:

    Get on with it!

  16. tony james says:

    this gut talks that meditation improves memory bur still reads from the slides during his sort of promotional talk.

  17. monkeychicken27 says:

    How accurate?

  18. Sunita Deshpande says:

    "We assume it's not the circumstance, but the character." I can see way that's a healthier way to look at it and give benefit of the doubt. You never know. However sometimes it is very much the character. Sometimes that person throwing garbage on the ground is entitled, isn't going through a fight with their spouse, and your gut instinct was dead on.

  19. Dave Wilson says:

    At 32:20 he mentions a web site to down load the sound file…but he says it too fast….

  20. Parbatsinh Makwana says:

    can i get my old girlfreing???

  21. Mark Reynolds says:

    Who is the narrator on this video – Bob Proctor? Thanks for uploading :-)

  22. The Deep Code says:

    if i culd manipulate the particles vibrations i culd turn myself to anything…
    100% true, i turned to bleach

  23. Jorgy Porgy says:

    Why it's not working for me?

  24. M4GiK4RP_NUK3 says:

    look, this was a good video and all (I like your voice) but you new age commentators have got to stop trumpeting "the secret" like it's a miracle cure for everything

  25. Danny Brown says:

    so basically u get delusional

  26. Ahil Noori says:

    so it means having a vision is important and will get us wherever we want to be… Amazing

  27. Fantastic Fabulous says:

    SUPpeeeeRB ……. !!!

  28. ICE -BEAR says:

    The video was helpful! Liked it!

  29. abdulmalik shalabi says:

    Thanks helped me overcome my fears and work hard to succeed in my studies

  30. Marko Djuricic says:

    I'm guessing you live in a mansion? Yeah I didn't think so.

  31. jimbo Rose says:

    What I want to know is and i'm not talking about myself…. if one can effect someone's free will using this power.

  32. Ry Ry says:

    inception brought me here

  33. pakin pv says:

    it is great theory it might work if you put it into practice

  34. pushpendra rathore says:


  35. pushpendra rathore says:

    did not get the point

  36. victoria angel says:

    do you do.topics on relocating consciousness to another mind? I feel like my conciouss is doing that but I know I'm.not.crazy because the other person has said it too.???!

  37. Syed Ayaz Uddin Haider says:

    I think you are not getting what i meant. I am living in pakistan
    and am associated in O/A Level teaching. Whatever i have planned
    or visualised for myself in last three years, i did not even get closer to
    it. Whatever you have shown in your video i also have aspired for myself
    and my family but there is nothing before me. I felt that i can/could do
    this but i could not? The question is Why not even though i got all the
    necessary skills? I have visualized myself addressing big group of
    students/ people and involved in teaching/training but there is noting like
    that. Why and how can i resolve this or make all this things coming my way?

  38. Syed Ayaz Uddin Haider says:

    It means that what ever i will visualize or dream i will definitely get it. Its not working for me.

  39. Dennis Garwitz says:

    Humans want everything right now. It simply doesn't happen that way for most people. You have to learn some things that takes time first of all you have to learn how to give up negative thinking and not only that you have to learn how to give up negative thinking. Hanging with people that are negative thinkers will ruin your thoughts right away. So you have to give them up. Not an easy task for some people. I know it has not been easy for me but I have worked on it quite a bit in the last couple of years. Why am I telling you this? Because that is one of the first things you have to do. If you fail you have to start again giving it up maybe like giving up smoking to a heavy smoker. No salesman selling changing your life said it would be simple and easy. It is easier for some than others. In order to think positive you have to give up negative thinking that includes whatever brings it to you. Do you like to argue politics? Well stop doing that. If you like to argue about anything STOP DOING IT. If you like to fight it is very hard to be positive doing that unless you somehow can think of it in a positive light. Do all this stuff and you have just begun the change.

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