Best Self Improvement Tips — The Importance of Humour By Richard Bandler If you are looking for one of the best simple self improvement tips, then humour is actually a technique which can be used to help you get over bad experiences in your life and help you work towards your goals. Successful people tend to be happy people, and they look on the bright side of life. They don’t dwell on the past, but are always thinking of the future, and fall back on a sense of humour when problems arise. A sense of humour will help you get over your problems quicker and move on. Richard Bandler is known for his sense of humour. He sees it as one of the key NLP techniques which he teaches to people all over the world. Neuro Lingusitic Programming is one if not the best self improvement methods in the world and one of the best tips in terms of becoming happier and achieving more in your life is to have a sense of humour.
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The Top 3 Self Improvement Tips that made the greatest change in my life in April, 2015.

I decided to start this video series because I wanted to share what I’ve found is most successful in my life in creating actual change. This video covers 3 of the most important points I added to my every day life to make large differences in my overall success.

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19 Responses to Best Self Improvement Tips — The Importance of Humour By Richard Bandler

  1. ISIDORO LOPEZ. says:

    super  super

  2. Roope Härmälä says:

    "Don't fix it, replace it"

  3. optizap says:

    You can spend your way out of debt if you buy something that accumulates money or saves you money;for example, buy some E-cig equipment and cut the cost of smoking. In the case of governments,buy your own service provision assets and don't outsource to capitalist profiteers..

  4. hhreginahh says:

    Mensa joke!!! So f***g true!!! NLP saved my life!!! Thanks so much, Richard!!! GinaG NLP trainer

  5. Jude O'Connor says:

    Richard has change a bit sense I saw him last in California at one of his seminars about 1987. He had more hair too. Great teacher sometimes rough but so is sandpaper. Go to his seminars, you'll never regret it.

  6. Chad Rushing Music says:

    And how does this apply to Richard Bandler?

  7. Merle Langlois says:

    The Project for a New American Century's document "Rebuilding America's Defenses" could probably be seen as the apotheosis of neo-conservatism, especially as it actually got put into practice (and failed dramatically in the real world).

  8. Merle Langlois says:

    Another goal of neo-conservatism is doing anything possible to prolong American hegemony (obviously neo-conservatism is having a lot of trouble with this one). Strong support of Israel is a neo-con policy plank although it's not distinct from any other mainstream American political wing. Neo-conservatives often praise the free market and rely on economic theories from the 19th century to justify economic policies such as decreased regulation, smaller government, etc.

  9. Merle Langlois says:

    Of course I do. It's a type of faux conservative. In contradistinction from classical conservatism, it's not about preserving anything from the past (Putin's allying himself with the Orthodox church would be a prime example of a more classical conservatism). Neo-conservatism is a largely American/Jewish led movement focusing on forcing unequal trade agreements on third world countries and projecting American military power into the Middle East.

  10. Chad Rushing Music says:

    Do you know what neocon means?

  11. Jrion says:

    Richard for president!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Merle Langlois says:

    He must be the only neo-con who's ever helped anybody.

  13. Nick Ritchie says:

    ha ha gold!

  14. John Hayes says:

    Richard Bandler knows the “secret to success”…

    Entrepreneurs hate the idea of wasting time and not maximizing

    life’s potential…

    When we LOVE what we do we’re actually doing the world harm by not

    releasing our value (and getting paid “robustly” for it)…

    Don’t go to sleep until you watch this 3 min video. Discover how to maximize

    your life potential NOW…



  15. andrew kent says:

    simple is genius you do that, thank you

  16. tamarindtrick says:

    Richard Bandler is such a valuable thinker and teacher.
    Can't you clean up the color balance on these videos?
    I don't think he is beet red!

  17. Perry Weaber (Soshi) says:

    I enjoyed this LIx, Thanks:3 Meditating more is something i have been trying to work on.  This video has motivated me to do so and I really need to read more in my life. I still have the book "The Power of Now" that you recommended to me awhile back from your stream and i've never gotten around to reading all of it. I can't believe i've been watching your streams and stuff for two years now. You're an inspiration my friend.

  18. Tlaloc says:

    How long are the books you read? I'm a slow reader and can't fathom finishing a book in a week. 

    For the april question. I Took advice from Ted talks and projectnolimits, and I did try to be more outgoing and talk to people last few weeks improving my confidence with posture and putting in emotion to conversations and such. Instead of being someone who is just there and goes unnoticed, I tried to just generally be more social and it worked. I was happy when someone noticed that I was being more social and actually told me.  I think that was the best thing I did for self improvement. 

    I still need to work on a couple of things, I still need a skill to learn, and perfect posture. I can sit up straight up, and have direct eye contact no problem, but I just can't control my arms and legs as much. I feel like I don't know what to do with them, I just can't do hand gestures without feeling awkward. 

    Oh and meditation, I can't consistently practice it. Because I feel I can't achieve keeping my mind blank. And I don't really feel results, as opposed to working out where you can feel your sore muscles,  or practicing soccer or video games where I can tell I've improved my skills in comparison to before. 
    But with meditation, I don't feel it. So I just give up on it too easy.

  19. Hapmaplapflapgap says:

    I read an article the other day about time management, by some European non-budhist. In the article he pledged that we are to focussed on doing everything exectly according to the 'econimical clock', but that we should give ourselfs time to do nothing. He said something along the lines of doing nothing in particular will help against exesive stress and boost creativity and focus. So the 'yin' seems to be supported by more thean just asian religions ;)

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