Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Positive Language in the Education in Nigeria

Language may refer either to the specifically human capacity and using complex systems of communication or to a specific instance of such a system of complex communication. Language is an exceedingly powerful tool. Whether you communicate orally or in written form, the way you express yourself will affect whether your message is received positively or negatively.  Managers of Restaurants in Lagosalways ensure that their staffs have a very welcoming attitude to all customers no matter the situation at hand. Even when they are conveying unpleasant news, its impact is softened by the use of positive language.

The naysayer is the person who often offers criticism of ideas or always provides reasons why something won’t work. The extreme naysayer rarely offers suggestions or alternatives, but is very good at picking holes in the ideas of others.  Working with such a person can be very fatiguing. The constant challenging of the naysayer, while it may stimulate discussion, also creates a negative environment and increase confrontation.  People who work in most of the Lagos Entertainmentcompanies always politely avoid such people especially when there are other customers around.  These naysayers don’t always have negative attitudes even though in many cases they simply use language that gives the impression of negativity. They have not learned to phrase their comments in more constructive and positive ways.

Negative phrasing and language often have the following characteristics:

Tells the recipient what cannot be done
Has a subtle tone of blame
Does not stress positive actions that would be appropriate or positive consequences


People working in Restaurants in Lagoshave the following positive phrasing and language qualities:

Tells the recipient what can be done
Suggests alternatives and choices available to the recipient
Sounds helpful and encouraging rather that bureaucratic


Positive phrasing should be emphasized more in the Education in Nigeriaso as to build a nation with future great minds since they speak positively.  Young ones are going to be taught to eliminate negative phrases and replace them with positive ones.

Examples of few positive phrases are:

1. If you can send us the documents, we can complete the process for you

2. The information we have suggests that you have different viewpoint on this issue. Let me explain our perspective.

3. One option open to you is…………

4. Might we suggest that you………..


Negative language conveys poor image to customers and those around. Sometimes it causes conflict and confrontation where none is necessary or desired. Due to this most people in the Lagos Entertainmentcompanies ensure their staff have the right attitude and speak the positive language to customers at all times.

Education in Nigeria having the all information related to Nigerian Education. Get the knowledge and you can also post your business related to Education at

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Positive and Negative Results of Anger

Whenever a person feels frustrated, violated or hurt, he or she will feel angry. But most of the time, instead on controlling their anger, many people would just keep it. However, there are some times when angry people would go ballistic just to release their rage.

Expressing anger may be a good thing. If you express your rage moderately, you will be able to communicate much better and let other people know how you really feel. As you know, addressing a problem, you and the cause of your rage can create effective solutions to their problems much faster.

Anger, when expressed appropriately, can also encourage a person to indulge himself in activism. In addition, it can also help you improve your physical and mental health. Also, there are many studies that suggest that people, who express their anger in the right way, are more likely to succeed in their workplace.

Nevertheless, if you let it control you and your actions, many bad things may happen. First of all, uncontrolled anger can lead to depression and anxiety attacks. Uncontrolled rage may also result to bullying, dispassion, evasiveness, threatening, unjustly blaming, vengeance and ineffectualness. Some people who are constantly angry at themselves may also indulge themselves in self-harm.

Anger in moderation can help build healthy relationships. But once it gets out of hand, it can end up ruining relationships. There are many couples who hurt each other because of rage and most of the time; they end up divorcing and traumatizing their children. Aside from this, it can also lead to various ailments like high blood pressure, hypertension and heart attacks.

Now there are various methods that can help you control your anger. Among the most helpful methods include yoga or meditation. Such methods are not only able to help individuals in handling their rage constructively, but it also helps in attaining inner peace.


Both yoga and meditation are usually practiced while listening to relaxing music. If you want to learn meditating effectively and get a free Holosync meditation music CD which you can listen to while you meditate, you can go to and













The author is a health care specialist that deals studies on the subject of alternative medicine.

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Taking Complaints in a Positive Way

Squawkers ordinarily are not the favorite persons for many people. Why? Because they complain a lot; they talk a lot; and they simply make life miserable with their constant grumbling and complaints. And most of the time, the squawkers are argumentative, difficult to please, and irritating.

But despite their unlovable characteristics, as a business owner and marketer, there are valid reasons why you should love them. As a complainer, a customer can do you a big favor by telling you about what is not right with the service they got from you. The complaints you get from them are often keys for you to improve on your sales, retain your customers, and build loyalty.

If you are an online printing firm for example, or even a traditional printing company, a complainer will tell you if the output you give them is not what they expect from what they paid for. Or they didn’t like the way your customer representative talked to them about an issue they raised. So on and so forth.

But instead of complaining about the complainers; you should love them instead. You should give them your time and energy to listen to what they have to say about your type of customer service.

Complaints are what you should look for every time you go out and provide your type of service. The complaints you get are often the key to getting information that can increase your sales opportunities and retention of your customers. Your business would never be able to succeed if you don’t pay attention to the complainer.

A complainer is actually doing you a favor, as I’ve said before. The customers who complain are extensions of your studies, research and testing that can give you details on how to provide quality assurance with your offers. What’s more, you don’t have to set aside a budget for this particular research because your complainers will provide you with valuable and real feedback for free. All you have to give them is your time and effort to actually listen to what they have to say about your business – what isn’t working for them, what you’re not doing, and how you can improve on your customer service. The information you’ll get from these complaints can go a long way in helping you establish and build a strong relationship with your customers that can last for a long time.

As we all know, most businesses lose their customers without knowing why and what happened. Unhappy customers are notorious for just walking out without a word or sound. They’re like thieves at night; they don’t make a noise. They just go away without you knowing about it. So you finally find yourself without any customers and even referrals are hard to come by because the same dissatisfied clients would have talked about you to their acquaintances. There goes your reputation.

So be glad that you have complainers in your midst. Celebrate that these people put effort to tell you what’s wrong so you can improve your stuff. The data you get can make for big improvements that can validate or invalidate your processes and systems, as well as your products and services.

Value the information they give you by rewarding your complainers. This would convey a very good image of you as being open to customer feedback and comments. And it would mean that you will be able to provide a long term solution that can fix the problem not only of your current customer, but your future clients as well who would definitely complain about the same issue if you haven’t done something about it this early.

Thank your customers, reward them for providing you with inputs to improve on your customer service, and let them feel their power as well as your responsiveness to their action. This would definitely strengthen even the smallest bond you have with your customers and clients.

Just think about this: your customers cared enough to tell you about a problem so you can fix it. They value your expertise and think of you highly that they gave you the opportunity to make things right. Isn’t that one very good reason to love and save your customer?

Brad Kartel is a marketing executive whose passion is helping business owners build their campaign through acquiring online printing services. Find more info about printing company.

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The Positive Economic Growth in India

The economic growth in India is on a rampant move with Mr Pranab Mukherjee hoping the gross domestic product to reach 9 per cent as he said while addressing the India Economic Summit (IES) 2010.The economic growth in India is all set to surpass the developed countries as it rides high on back of manufacturing and an overall positive investment climate in India. The companies in India are all set to harness the potentials being created by the robust economic growth in India. The foreign companies in India are glad to be part of the investment climate in India, as the economies of the developed countries struggle to stay intact.

The investment climate in India is also representative of the growing Indian economy and the prospering business opportunities in India. The soaring sales being highlighted by the companies in India are reflective of the potentials of the investment climate in India. The investment climate in India is very much dependent on the consumer and the Economic Growth in India is boosting on basis of the latter. The economic growth in India is also ascertain to India’s foreign exchange reserves, which have crossed the US$ 300 billion mark for the first time since August 2008. The data in itself represents the positive investment climate in India and the economic growth in India.

Furthermore, economic growth in India’s merchandise exports will cross the US$ 200 billion target for 2010-11 and the Government is working with the industry to double India’s exports of goods and services by 2014, said Mr Anand Sharma, Union Minister of Commerce and Industry. The economic growth in India had registered a growth rate of 8.8 per cent in the first quarter of 2010. The investment climate in India is moving positively and is assisting to improvise the economic growth in India to achieve the double digits.

Significantly, with the two-way trade between India and the United States, expected to reach US$ 50 billion in 2010-11, with investments moving in both directions, said India’s Ambassador to the US, Meera Shankar. Thus, the investment climate in India is dependent on various factors including the positive attitude of the Indian Governments, besides the healthy competition environment as mooted by the Companies in India. The overall image of the economic growth in India is favourable especially in terms of the investment climate in India.

India’s infrastructure sector output grew 2.5 per cent in September 2010 from a year earlier, slower than the upwardly revised annual growth of 3.9 per cent in August, as per the Government data. The Investment climate India is also directly proportional to the demand and supply. The increasing consumer awareness and the ability to compare and ask for the best, in addition to the increasing economic growth is representative of the positive economic growth in India. The investment climate in India is an indicator of a boosting economic growth in India. Companies in India are representative of the investment climate in India, which is a harbinger of the growing economy and confirm the goal of the double digit growth as a reality.

Jajati Patro is a certified Business Analyst, providing information on business sectors in Articles and Blogs through global e services via internet. These days he is working on Investment climate India and Companies in India

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Electric Cigarette – On A Positive Note

Everywhere you go, you can see smokers. In bars, restaurants, clubs, coffee shops and so on, they usually have smoking areas where smoking addicts can satisfy their need for their daily dose of nicotine. Although, the government and also other health organizations express their out most concern about the bad effects of smoking into our lives, people cannot just take away their hands off the sweet temptation of tobacco. It’s becoming an obsession. To help put stop to this, electric cigarette was invented to help cigarette addicts to stay away from tobacco and add more years into their lives.

Electric cigarette or e-cigarette is the new alternative to the old school cigarettes. They are battery-operated vaporizers. Nicotine is inhaled through the device minus the harm of getting the tar and other toxic chemicals from tobacco. Nevertheless, it tastes like the real cigarette so you would not feel that you are inhaling a different stuff. You can also put flavoring on the nicotine solution depending on your choice, like vanilla and caramel. It does not create a smoke or fire which lessens the hassle of going to smoking areas and miss all the fun.

Aside from the above mentioned, there are two more benefits in using electric cigarette that practically sum up the essence of this equipment. One, the very important advantage that you can get from using this device is that you lessen the possibility of acquiring diseases because of smoking tobacco. Tobacco is known to contain harmful chemicals that could harm the body except for nicotine. People can get lung cancer and other cardiovascular diseases that could lead to death. Nevertheless, people are well aware of these facts but they cannot stop smoking easily because they are already obsessed by it.

No matter how hard you want to stop smoking, you cannot just immediately get away from your obsession because you will experience withdrawal symptoms which are pretty tough to handle. However, with e-cigarette, the chemical that you only inhale is nicotine and some other food flavor which can do you good. Studies show that nicotine can reduce the risk of some diseases like Kaposi’s sarcoma, breast cancer, ulcerative colitis, and many more. Aside from that, nicotine can also help as a therapeutic treatment for people experiencing smoking dependence from tobacco. You can spend more time with your family and friends with e-cigarette because your life is spared by this device.

Second, the amount spent for an electric cigarette is cheaper compare to buying several packs of cigarettes in a day. It is believed that one cartridge of an e-cigarette is equals to two packs of cigarette. In addition, if you use the traditional kind of cigarette or pipe, you still need to buy lighters or matches that you essentially need to light your cigarette. With e-cigarette, you just use this device anywhere and anytime you want because it is powered by a battery and you can easily recharge it when the battery runs out. How simple is that?

Do not wait for your doctor to tell you the bad news about your health or experience the hassle of making more money to buy more packs of cigarettes. You can make these sufferings go away with electric cigarette and enjoy your life to the fullest while it lasts.

Take the help of electric cigarette to help you quit smoking. Visit us to know about the advantages at

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A Positive Year For The Ax Hotels Group

This year will see the celebration of AX Holdings 35th anniversary a branch of the AX Hotels Group.

AX Hotels is to invest a 400,000 revamp programme on it’s properties throughout the winter.

As in the past few years, Seashells Resort at Suncrest in Qawra, Maltas largest four-star hotel, will be closing between December and February. Mr Xuereb said a 175,000 refurbishment will be completed before the property re-opens again for business in March 2011. Seashells Resort adopted an all-inclusive resort model last year and registered an eight-year summer occupancy record by September.

A 75,000 investment will be pumped into AX Hotels other Qawra property The Sunny Coast, which has considerable repeat business from the UK market. This refurbishment will be carried out during the winter months with no disruption to guests staying at the Hotel.

A further 100,000 will be invested into the Classical four-star Hotel in Sliema The Victoria which is now 12 years old.

AX Hotel’s five-star ‘City Hotel’ in Sliema The Palace will see an investment of 50,000 which will primarily be focused on the creation of additional designer suites like the Music Suite as a way to boost the average room rate as more and more business is increased through online bookings.

We have the confidence to invest in our hotels as a way to keep our offering as fresh as possible, Mr Xuereb added. We will continue with our strategy to offer the best possible value for money.

It has been a very good year for our hospitality arm, Mr Xuereb added. Despite the slowdown, our profitability is up thanks to our strategy to strip costs down to the bare minimum without affecting our standards and our managers enthusiasm for their product.

We have also seen an improvement in the room rate and bed nights are averaging five nights. We seek to improve on the figures again in 2011.

Mr Xuereb said AX Hotels expansion will come about under a new strategy that will involve property acquisition and management under contract.

Despite being in its infancy as a brand, AX Hotels is backed by a team of highly experienced, hands-on tourism professionals, Mr Xuereb explains.

AX Hotels is able to implement very good management structures allowing proprietors to outsource the operation while retaining ownership.

Our strategy is focused on small or boutique hotels which are difficult to market in isolation, and which will benefit from considerable leverage against the AX Hotels brand.

The AX Holdings chairman said, location will be an important factor as the brand identifies potential properties. Mr Xuereb said the sector had seen the establishment of only a handful of new hotels over the past couple of years and the market lacked good standard three-star properties which offered true value for money.

AX Hotels management division will be led by Mr Xuerebs daughter Claire Zammit Xuereb, the groups hospitality director.

Next door to the Palazzo is The Victoria Hotel which is a superior four-star hotel with distinctive elegance. Sunny Coast and the Seashells Resort are another two properties situation in the northern part of the Island of Malta.

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Ready For My First Positive Action

Ready For My First Positive Action

Junk food is sweet poison, but it tastes good. If Junk food came with a

warning label I still would not have resisted.

Warning: These chemically engineered, fake food products may cause……

your gut to expand, while sprinkling various sizes of lard like goo all over your thighs, butt waistline. Continual use of this product may also produce love handles of enormous proportion.


Are you kidding me? I would never have heeded such a warning. Sure I might have had a twinge of guilt, but I had my excuses.


One……………I was not going to eat that much (translated, she will not

stop until the last drop is gone)


two………..Besides I really do have a slow metabolism (translated my

I can guzzle down food ten times faster than my body’s ability to

utilize it.


three….. Is there anything wrong with enjoying the simple pleasures of life (translated, she will consume all this food, feel bad that her body is

expanding and gripe to everyone who will listen about why she can’t get her

weight under control)


Four…….I’m over forty (translated ah the old age card, this is great for getting out of everything …heck she probably only has another 40-50

years left on the planet she might as well give up on everything that

is too difficult now)


My excuses were starting to get on my own nerves. Okay already…… they weren’t excuses they were blatant lies. I was lying to myself, and I had to stop it before I slipped into a hole that was even darker than the one I was already in. I realized the action I was going to have to take, was going to be painful, very painful.

Losing unnecessary body fat is a hard job, staying in shape is even harder. You have to want to change, more than you want to remain the same. Either way it will be a fight, fight for what you really want and then safeguard your investment.  You can win the battle.

Tammie-Maria Allen ©2006-2010


Tammie-Maria Allen is a passionate artist,writer,model and musician,She is also a  multifaceted business woman and a certified personal trainer.

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Positive Aspects Of Purchasing Cheap Software

There are a great number of positive aspects to purchasing cheap software. Most people want to have the latest computer programs available at their disposal as quickly as possible. The majority of individuals are dependent upon their computer to do at least something throughout the day.

It is very positive to note that there are many places a person can go to get discounted software. Purchasing programs can be a very expensive venture when a person does not understand how to research the market place properly. Doing the right amount of research can lead to positive results for almost any person.

Online shopping is one way to save money in the long run. The majority of online retail merchants have the ability to offer discounted prices. The customer usually saves a lot of money if they are shopping with the same merchant on a regular basis.

Using auction websites is also another option for people that are trying to save extra money. Auctions are usually offered in a way that makes it profitable for the person making the sale but not hard for the customer to make a purchase. Making sure that the program works properly before making a purchase is very important.

Investigation of the return policy for defective programs is essential. It is a person receives a product that does not work properly but they cannot return it they really have not gotten ahead. Finding a way to get a working copy of the program can sometimes be very frustrating if the return policy is not proper

Most people find it relatively easy to understand the benefits of purchasing cheap software. It allows individuals the opportunity to purchase their favorite programs without losing a great deal of financial security. Nearly every person can benefit from saving money in the current economic climate of the world.

You can find the latest authentic software at cheap software prices at

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Positive Thinking To Beat Hard Times!

Did you ever get some good advice? One bit of advice that I keep coming back to is the thought that I cannot always control situations or other people. The only thing I can control is my own personal reaction to bad situations.

Sometimes we do need help. But many times we really can influence our own moods by the way we think about the negative situations that caused a case of the blues!

Have you ever seen people who have just endured an awful situation? If you turn on the nightly news, stories about people who have lost their homes or been through an illness are common. Some focus on what they have lost, and this is easy to understand. But other people focus on what they did not lose, and they start thinking about a better future.

Imagine two families who lost their homes in a sudden wind storm.

One family is in tears because they lost all of their furniture, family pictures, or other items that will be hard to replace. Since they have lost their homes they have to go live at a community shelter or with family. Their normal life seems to have been destroyed within minutes.

A second family is crying with joy because all of the people in their family are unharmed and safe. This family is just happy that they have found shelter right now. This family is also already trying to figure out how they can recover.

I would not blame the first family, and I would understand that they are probably experiencing a very normal reaction to a trauma. But I would say that the second family is better off. They are thinking about making progress in the future. The second family is not focused on the tragedy they had yesterday.

Hopefully, most of you will not ever lose your homes in a sudden storm. But I am sure that all of us have experienced some setbacks that seemed just awful at the time. This could be a job loss, social snub, illness, or problems with family members. I cannot imagine that anybody ever gets through life without having some bad things happen.

If you can try to focus on the steps you will take to remedy the situation, instead of how awful the setback is, you will do yourself a favor. You will be working toward a better tomorrow. And you will not suffer as much pain today.

You can try to control your own response to help you get through a variety tough situations. Have you gained too much weight, lost your job, or had problems with your spouse or partner? You will make a lot more progress is you can work out a plan to fix some of the problems. You can find some positive steps to take, but sometimes, you will find they are not easy.

Do not be afraid to seek help when you need it. A friend, clergy member, or mental health professional may have answers that you seek.

I have heard the cliche that attitude is everything. I do not believe that a positive attitude can cure everything but without a good mental outlook, it can be hard to survive the most minor setbacks.

Do you need more motivation? Stop by the website if this popular Iowa Motivational Speaker for more positive thoughts. See what a good Midwestern Motivational speaker can do for your group.

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A Simple Smile Would Make The World Positive

In Germantown, TN, people live a rural lifestyle even though they have an urbanely inclined atmosphere. This city is first known as Pea Ridge, but in 1836, it was renamed as Germantown due to the growing German residents who settled in it. During the World War I, however, its name was changed to Neshoba for a short time.

The country suffered a downfall during and right after the war because of the wreckage brought by the war, as well as the epidemic that spread within the city which lead to the death of several Germantown citizens. After the war, it slowly recovered its previous wealth until today.

The city is also full of dependable citizens. Germantown has residents that are dependable and trustworthy, eager to provide quality service to people. Most prominent names that came from Germantown are Matt Cain, Steven Seagal and Michael Stern.

Aside from having famous citizens, the city is also marked as having outstanding services. Their police are considered as one of the best police departments. Their fire services are also exemplary in their field. Germantown is also noted for having proficient dentists that can help residents with any dental issues that they need.

For teeth cleaning, comprehensive oral examinations, cracked tooth tests and other dental services, residents rely on their local dentists. Germantown dentists offer a wide range of dental health services that are at par with dental clinics in big cities. Functional or cosmetic teeth repair are available to patients, using only the latest in dental technology. Also, dentists provide their patients with in-depth dental knowledge to further deliver quality service.

For dental advice and any information regarding proper teeth hygiene and oral care, citizens rely on a dentist. Germantown, TN has quality dentists that can give patients helpful advice on how to take care of their teeth and they can also offer information on how to avoid food and activities that might damage their teeth.

Quality service and optimum care are the motto of dentists. Germantown dentists devote themselves to providing the best in customer care. They cater to any patients needs with regards to their dental health. And they are committed to helping patients retain their smiles by helping them maintain healthy teeth.

For More Information, please visit our website at

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