Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Children With Aspergers – Positive Characteristics

Positive psychology is a breath of fresh air in the field of psychology. For too long, psychology followed a medical model, in which you are diagnosed with a condition, given a diagnosis, and then told about all the things that are wrong with you. Unfortunately, this thinking can spill over into the world of parents and children with Asperger’s syndrome, so that they unconsciously start to absorb some negative thoughts about themselves.

Like everyone on the face of the earth, we are people, with a mix of strengths and weaknesses. Children with Asperger’s are different, but they are not defective. In fact, Dr. Temple Grandin, an animal scientist, herself diagnosed with autism, argues that the world needs all different kinds of minds, including the Autism/Asperger’s minds.

Trustworthy and Reliable

Children with Asperger’s syndrome don’t have hidden agendas. Unlike many people, these children will tell it like it is. What you see is what you get, and what you hear is what they mean.

Children with Asperger’s do want friends. Don’t get me wrong. However, their need for friends may not be as frequent or intense as other children. They are wired to be more comfortable by themselves. Because of not feeling the need for social contact as strongly as other kids, they can be taught to select honest, genuine, and dependable persons like themselves, who share their interests.

Unique Perspectives

Although individuals with Asperger’s struggle with seeing the big picture, they are gifted with the ability to focus intently on details of things and situations. Because of this, they may able to come up with innovative solutions to problems. Because children with Asperger’s have the ability to focus long and hard on their areas of interest, they can make great academic and scientific strides in their areas of interest.

Little or No Prejudice

Perhaps because they know what it is like to be different or quirky, children and individuals with Asperger’s tend to be more accepting of others. They are more focused on people’s behavior, versus on hierarchies or social position. They can teach the rest of the world a lot of accepting people for who they are, rather than pre-judging others.

High Integrity

The idea of trying to cheat on the job, or to slack in their work, does not occur to children and adults with Asperger’s syndrome. They are conscientious, diligent workers. They may need initial instruction, support, and coaching, but once they are situated, they can be enormously productive and loyal employees. John Robison, author of Look Me In The Eye, is a man of high intelligence, ingenuity, and business savvy. He designed the guitars that smoked and lit up for KISS, and he owns his own high end restoration automotive business! Not to mention the fact that he is a tireless advocate for Asperger’s.

Intelligence and Perseverance

While there is not necessarily any scientific evidence, Dr. Temple Grandin, diagnosed with high functioning Autism, believes there are quite a few individuals with Aspeger’s in the Silicon Valley and in NASA. Children with Asperger’s, while not all geniuses, do have very active and curious minds. And once they find their interests, they are tenacious in pursuing them. This is a very strong combination that they benefit from.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Please comment and let me know what other characteristics I have not included!

I am a child therapist who specializes in working with children and families with Asperger’s Syndrome. You can stop by to find more education regarding and solutions for children and parents with Asperger’s.

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Quick Look at Positive Resveratrol Side Effects

While it is good to note the bad side effects of resveratrol, the good side effects, or the benefits are also worth noting. Well, resveratrol in its natural form protects plants from diseases, viral infections, and any potential harm. Like many other plant compounds, resveratrol is a potent antioxidant that prevents the plants from oxidative stress damages. In human beings, the same and more properties contribute to the good side effects of resveratrol.

– Antioxidant – being a very potent antioxidant, resveratrol fights off free radicals from the body thus reducing the risks of life threatening diseases like cancer.

– Anti-mutagen -acts as an anti-mutagen, inhibiting the mutation of cells that grow into cancerous tumors and growths

– A strong natural anti-inflammatory – inflammation is believed to be the primary cause of very many diseases including cancer and coronary complications. While you might take synthetic anti-inflammatory, with time the ugly head of side effects will start showing up. With natural anti-inflammatory like resveratrol, it can be used for as long one is alive without any adverse side effects. It will help prevent chronic inflammation-related diseases, among many others.

– Anti-aging – resveratrol has been displayed as a very strong anti-aging compound that gradually slows down the aging process. While a lot of people may argue that it makes aged people stay longer on earth, in truth, it makes it a healthy aging process, with less age-related complications.

– Coupled with a good exercise regime and a normal well balanced diet, resveratrol has proven to accelerate the weight loss process.

– Mild anti-estrogen – some resveratrol users report that it increases their sexual libido and general sexual awareness

– Increased endurance – it has also proven to increase the ability to endure and keep ongoing for longer without getting worn out

– Resveratrol decreases bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good one. (HDL).

– Great mental focus and increased energy has also been recorded.

Important! Before purchase I advise you to order at least one resveratrol free trial that gives you a month free of charge resveratrol supplements. We tested samples of 12 different resveratrol suppliers and selected the 3 best of them, you can read our review and recommendations by Clicking Here!

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Dating For HIV Positive People

Thanks to technology and continuing HIV awareness, dating for HIV positive people has become much easier and less humiliating than in previous years. Most importantly, an HIV positive person does not have to take their chances in clubs and other such places – online dating is here, and it’s thriving.

Dating for HIV Positive People in the ‘Real World’

Of course, online dating in specific HIV-related dating sites is not the only option, nor should it be considered so. With certain strategies and an ability to read people, an HIV-infected person can still enjoy the more ‘traditional’ dating scene. It is important to note, however, that care must be taken.

There is much stress over the question of when to disclose to a potential partner your HIV status. The best answer in my experience is this: before there is any physical contact of any kind.

Now, educated people know that a harmless kiss is not going to transmit HIV, but not everyone knows this. Since it is certainly not unheard of for some people to have violent reactions when a partner discloses their HIV status, the best thing to do is err on the side of caution and reduce the risks of that happening – especially for women.

Here are the important points to keep in mind to avoid an excessive reaction:

• Disclose early in the ‘intimacy cycle’
• Disclose when both of you are sober
• If you think there may be a problem, disclose in a relatively public place

You will generally find that if you show respect for other people’s health and allow them to make the decision of risk, they will return the respect back to you.

Online Dating for HIV Positive People

The great thing about online dating, especially in ‘themed’ sites that cater to HIV singles, is that the disclosure question is off the table. When the disclosure question is off the table, people you won’t be consumed by your condition – and neither will anyone else. The other great thing is that you can be discreet if you like, and only send photos to members with whom you have built a trust rather than in your general profile.

Now, not all HIV dating sites are created equal, and in fact many of them are rather depressing. The key is to find one or two that are really popular, with members who are actually active. The easy winner in this category is as it has been around for years and promotes itself really well to avoid that ‘ghost town’ feel. They also allow you to create a free profile so you can go in and search for matches before having to pay anything for a membership.

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Positive Results From Aesthetic Laser Treatment

There are many different treatment choices for basically any affliction that you can imagine. An area where the number of treatment types has exploded in recent years has to do with problems with the skin. This is very good news for you because it means that whatever kind of skin condition you are experiencing, or if you have additional symptom that is unrelated to the skin, you will likely have a method that you can get that should solve the problem that you are having.

If you have already begun looking into treatment options, you have probably heard and read a lot about aesthetic laser treatment by most major cities offering it to people like you. This type of treatment is becoming quite popular and can be used to treat many different issues that people can have. One popular reason people seek this treatment is for the removal of unwanted hair. Hair can easily grow in many areas that people do not want it to be growing in and when this happens, they usually quickly seek treatment to get rid of it. The benefit of using the laser treatment to get rid of this unwanted hair is that it is much faster than other procedures that are offered and patients can enjoy lasting results instead of having to go back in for treatment months down the line.

Another popular reason to get aesthetic laser treatment is people are enjoying the option to remove tattoos that they no longer want on their bodies. A tattoo that seemed like a great idea to get on your body at one point of your life can seem like a terrible idea at a later point in your life and laser is a method that is usually used to remove those unwanted tattoos. Additionally, mistakes do happen when tattoos are being applied so it very comforting for many people to know that they have the option to get the tattoo removed if a mistake does occur.

There are many other reasons why aesthetic laser is used nowadays. This includes vein treatments, which is something that affects a large number of people. Varicose veins problems are far more popular than many people realize and many people are now seeking laser treatments options to help diminish the appearance of and get rid of the veins that they view as unwanted for good.

Justin suggest visiting the website for Aesthetic Laser Portland for more information on laser procedures to solve skin conditions or losing fat with Lipodissolve in Portland Oregon

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Are You Positive You Are Not Spamming

A very simple definition of Spam is unwanted junk e-mail. We all get it and we all hate it. Let us take a look at the fine line that sometimes we all walk when it comes to marketing are business and spamming.

Interestingly enough it can be considered spamming and not just be doing it to through email marketing. If you participate in discussion forums and post your website or affiliate links in the discussion themselves often that is considered spam.

Also if you are not really participating in the discussion but are just blatantly posting advertising this is considered a form of spamming too. It is important that you read the guidelines of the various forums that you join. They all have different rules that they want you to follow.

Some will let you create a signature file where you can place a small classified ad about yourself or your product. Others just want you to create a profile on yourself and allow you to post your website address in that. This will vary from one forum to the next.

When it comes to e-mail marketing the best rule is to go for a double opt in subscribers. Using a quality auto responder such as Aweber or Get Response will help you do this.

A person has to fill out a form and submit it, than they have to click on a link in an e-mail sent to them from the auto responder confirming that they do in fact want to receive e-mail from you. By doing both of these acts they are considered to be double opting in.

If you purchase leads you need to be cautious that they are in fact to people who want to hear from you. For this reason it is always a good idea to use the auto responder supplied by the company you are buying the leads from. This way there will always be a record of the IP address to which they subscribe to and you are off the hook if there is a spam complaint.

One final thing that is important to do is to mail your list on a regular basis, so they get used to hearing from you. Many people will surf the Internet subscribing to things and then forget that they have actually done that. If they do not here from you for a couple months and then they hear from you three times in one week they may feel like they are being spammed.

These are a few tips that you can follow to be sure you are not spamming anyone when you are building your Internet marketing business.

Tom McMullen writes articles related to Home Business. You can find more of his articles at:

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Bodybuilding and a Positive Mental Attitude

It is very important to have a positive mental attitude when you are working your body building program. Having a positive outlook will mean that you are more likely to stick to your program, will be more enthusiastic about your workouts and will have a better chance of reaching your goal.

Like choosing the right rewards, a positive mental attitude will help carry you through the times when you would otherwise get discouraged. Keep in my that you can achieve your goals if you put in the effort. Using the previous advice about motivation will help you to keep this positive mental attitude because you will be able to see the results you have already achieved.

There are several ways that you can help keep it positive mental attitude while you are working your body building program.

Listening to positive music, CDs, and MP3 programs while you are doing your work out is a good step. Since you are more than likely going to be in one place for a good long time while you are doing your exercises, you might as well make that time be more productive. By filling your mind with positive information and motivating messages, you will not only have a better outlook for greater chance of success. Listen to your favourite music and especially if you have some CDs which really make you want to get up and push yourself hard.

Find someone to be your cheerleader. This can either be someone who is working out with you, or you could even have someone that simply is your motivator. Choose someone that will be very confident that you can reach your goal and someone who has a positive outlook in general. While other people cannot be your only motivator, it certainly helps to know that there is someone in your corner cheering you on. If you know someone who also wants to improve their body you could both train at the same time and help to motivate and push each other along. You will find it harder to ditch a session if there is someone else there who really does want to work. This will work the other way too so that when the other person does not feel like training, you can be there to push them along and tell them the reasons why you should both keep to the program.

1 Hour Muscles is a home workout program.

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Creating a Positive Work Environment

Johnny enjoyed his job. He woke up early each morning excited about going to the office. He felt like he was making a difference. He was engaged and constantly challenged. He enjoyed his team mates and overall had a great time at work.

Sally was the exact opposite of Johnny. She hated work. She found it difficult to get out of bed in the morning and start her day. She didn’t fell like she contributed and was constantly in battle with her coworkers.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know which employee is going to be more productive.

Think about your past experiences, I bet you’ve had Sally jobs and Johnny jobs. I know I have. What is it about Johnny’s job that makes it so much more manageable, so much more exciting? It is the work environment. The people you work with, the job you do, the boss you have, the support you get, all of these things and many more make up your work environment.

So how can you as a leader ensure you have built a Johnny environment and not a Sally one?

1. Make sure that your team is challenged at work. Are they doing work they find interesting? Are they making a difference? Ensuring your team has challenging work is key to making a great work environment. One way to do this is to evaluate your team’s work and make sure it is evenly balanced across the workgroup. Also, look at what your employees like to do and what they are skilled at and make sure that there is an abundance of work in those areas if possible. If this is not possible, it may be time to ask yourself if you have the right people cast correctly.

2. Make sure your company and workgroup have clearly established goals. Nothing is more frustrating than lack of direction. Teams with out a clear vision of the future have the propensity to “spin their wheels.”. If your team does not have clear objectives, create them. Once they are created, share them and make sure that the team understands them and how they link to the job they do. Only then can you create clear, fair and stretching objectives for the individual that are linked to the overall company objectives. Ensuring that the employee has clear, fair and stretching objectives will let the employee know what is expected of them. This linkage of goals will allow the employee to see that they do makes a difference and will more than likely make them feel a greater connection to the organization and its objectives.

3. Make sure you create an atmosphere where fun is accepted. No your work environment doesn’t need to be like the set of an Adam Sandler movie, but it does need to accept fun. A client once told me that they were not fun, I told them they didn’t have to be fun, but they needed to be ok with others letting loose at times. All of this is still within the confines of what is right and what is not. Don’t be afraid to let your hair down a little and have some fun at work.

4. Make sure you get to know your team, both professionally and personally. Life is too short to spend 8 (or more) hours a day with people you don’t enjoy. Get to know people away from work. Understand what makes people you work with tick. Know the name of people in your office and use them. Try and learn things about your team so you can create meaningful dialogues with them.

5. Make sure to create an environment where differences are celebrated. Don’t just say it, truly live it. Different people bring different backgrounds and experiences to the table. Without difference we would have a whole office full of people like you. And if you are like me that could be scary.

6. Make sure people are treated fairly and consistently. Make sure your team knows you have their back. If you treat everyone the same and have the same rules for everyone the team will know what is expected and what is in bounds. Eliminate the showing of favoritism.

7. Make sure you are giving and receiving feedback often. Truly share openly.

8. Make sure you recognize contributions. Understand how your teams like to be recognized and try and recognize them that way. In a past corporate job, one of my managers didn’t like to be recognized in large group meetings. She preferred to be recognized in small work groups or in one-on-one situations. Knowing this, when she was up for a big award, I ensured that the recognition was in small groups and not at the large company meeting. This may sound simple, but knowing your people is critical to gaining their trust and support and creating a great environment.

Unfortunately, these are not quick fixes; they take a while to master and implement. Good luck and remember you can create an environment like Johnny’s.

Russ Faulkner is the Principal at Your Training Team, LLC. We are dedicated to helping you grow your business by focusing on your most valuable resource … Your People. We provide best in class employee development solutions to ensure our clients can compete in today’s tough marketplace.

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Dog Aggression and Positive Reinforcement

As a dog trainer I deal with many behavior problems. Aggression is one of the most common reasons I get called to someone’s home, whether it is aggression directed towards a person or another animal (usually other dogs). In my 20 years experience as a dog trainer I have found that aggression is usually caused by one or more of a few things:

1) under-socialization/fear
2) a traumatic experience when the dog had little to no “padding” of good experiences
3) mishandling of the situation by the owner
4) genetics

Unless a dog is poorly bred, has a neuro-organic disorder, or is bred specifically for its aggressive tendencies, the most likely cause of its aggression is fear. The old-school way of dealing with aggression of any kind was to try to punish it out of the dog. The problem with this concept is that it usually only made matters worse. Yes, a well-timed choke chain correction or shock from a collar may have suppressed the behavior temporarily but, if in the future, the dog is ever put in a situation where it knows the correction is not immediately forthcoming, its reaction will be worse than it would have been to begin with.

Let me put it this way. Lets say you are deathly afraid of snakes, so much so that you react violently when you see one. One day I come along & beat you over the head while you are reacting to this thing you are so afraid of. Now how do you feel about snakes? You would probably be more afraid of them & more anxious because not only do you have the original fear, but snakes have come to predict me beating you over the head. So, the next time you see a snake you would react even more violently in an attempt to make it go away before you get another beating.

This said, the best way to deal with any aggression problem is not through positive punishment. The most effective options are Classical (also called Pavlovian or Respondent) Conditioning, and the positive reinforcement & negative punishment aspects of Operant Conditioning. Classical conditioning is the typical Pavlov’s dog scenario: bell rings = dog salivates. Operant conditioning is based on B.F. Skinner’s work where the animal’s behavior predicts whether or not it is rewarded or punished.

The solution through Classical Conditioning is get the dog to understand that the presence of something it doesn’t like predicts a reward. The reward has to be something the dog finds rewarding, not what we think the dog should find rewarding. It could be prime rib, a ride in the car, going for a walk, or even a thrown tennis ball. It doesn’t matter, as long as the dog only receives this special reward in these situations and at no other time. Basically you are trying to change the dog’s internal emotional state about whatever it is he doesn’t like.

The process for classical conditioning goes something like this: the stimulus (person/dog) appears, the dog gets a reward – REGARDLESS of his behavior! Preferably he is not in full blown attack mode at this point, but it doesn’t matter. Every time this stimulus appears the dog gets a reward. Sometimes he may be growling, sometimes he may be sniffing the ground, sometimes he may be sitting. It really doesn’t matter because the common denominator here is the presence of what he doesn’t like. Pretty soon the dog will be begging for this situation to happen because it means he gets his favorite reward. We have changed his way of thinking. This is called a Conditioned Emotional Response, or CER for short.

Now, for the solution to this problem using the positive reinforcement and negative punishment parts of Operant conditioning. The stimulus that your dog doesn’t like comes into view. Hopefully, being the good owner you are, you know the threshold for your dog in this situation – lets say 15′. You want to begin reinforcing your dog for his good behavior when the stimulus is more than 15? away. He gets reinforced based on his behavior. This means he really has to concentrate on how he is acting in the presence of this thing he doesn’t like. Once your dog is really comfortable at this distance you gradually decrease the distance.

You do not want to get so close as to cause him to react. You want him to remain calm and relaxed. Decreasing the distance down to nothing may happen in one session, or it may take many sessions depending on the severity of your dog’s problem. The key here is not to push it. If you push your dog too far too fast then you will cause anxiety. You will not have a stable foundation on which to build and your dog will not be reliable. If your dog reacts then do not punish him because it was your mistake by getting too close & not reading your dog properly. The best thing to do is to remove the reinforcer (negative punishment) and distract him while you increase the distance and begin again.

Obviously there is more to this than I can possibly cover here, but hopefully this gives you an idea of the process. There are benefits and drawbacks to each of these methods, but either way they are much more effective than positive punishment.

Laura Bourhenne
Animal Attraction Unlimited
Copyright 2009

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Relationship Repair – Staying Positive After a Breakup

Every relationship has it’s ups and downs. Some days you are on top of the world and the next day you are on the bottom. But when a relationship breaks up you can really sink into a negative mood. Of course you are angry and upset and granted you will have a period of mourning over a lost love and questioning your self worth. Despite these feelings it’s critical to regain your positive attitude and at least appear confident and mentally strong if you want to get your ex back.

So why is it important to be confident and have a positive attitude? How does this help getting your lover back? The real secret in staying upbeat is it makes you more attractive. Not just to your lost lover but to friends and people in general. Think about this who would you rather be around? A happy, confident person or some one with a negative attitude? I think your answer would be to hang out with the confident person. This person is fun to be with, happy and self assured and people are attractive to him/her.

The great thing about this positive thinking and acting idea is your former girlfriend/boyfriend is going to see you in a new light. If she still has strong feeling for you she will begin feeling a sense of longing to renew the relationship. Seeing you as outgoing, positive and fun loving will draw her to you. So decide today to turn the frown into a smile. Go out buy yourself some new clothes. Put a bounce into your step. Yes it may be hard at first to stay upbeat, but remember what your goal is: getting your lover back.

Breaking ishard to do! But trying too hard to get your lover back will only drive them further from your arms. Keep the communication lines open. They may have ended the relationship, but you just need to make her feel like communication lines are open and that you want to be civil. You do not have to be the one initiating the conversation, but you should be willing to say hello and have a conversation occasionally with her, keeping in touch casually. Above all else, analyze what went awry with the relationship. “The Magic of Making Up” can be your guide to restoring your relationship. Visit for more free heartfelt advice.

Your broken heart stops here! Put the love back in your life. Learn the “Magic of Making Up”; the secret recipe for getting your ex boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse or lover back. There are alternatives to suffering, heart ache and loneliness. You deserve your lover back in your arms.

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Acai Berry Research Finds Positive Benefits

Acai Berry is being cultivated in the jungles of Brazil since centuries. However it is only recently that scientists of America have begun Acai Berry research. The results of researches have unfolded its nutritional benefits when the tiny fruit is used for losing weight and for promoting healthier life.

Most Americans do not have any idea about effectiveness of this wonder of nature and its healthy nutrients till the publishing of book “The Perricone Promise” by Doctor Nicholas Perricone. The author of the book is an anti aging expert and he earmarked this berry as the world’s number one super food of the world.

The book caught the eye of many health experts and dieters including celebrities. One such celebrity Oprah Winfrey invited this Acai Berry Guru (Dr. Nicholas Perricone) to her show for discussing Acai Berry research and explaining its healthful benefits.

Acai Berry Researches have proved that this tiny berry is made up of key units that help in speeding up metabolism, suppressing hunger and for developing shaped muscles. It seems that it is a lot for such super food. It has been discovered that this wonder of nature is rich in its antioxidant content. All other foods do not even come on comparison when evaluated by USDA. It is believed to contain the maximum nutritional value compared to any other fruit of the world.

Acai berry research has revealed this tiny fruit contains many benefits like:

• Help to lose weight
• Increase the speed of metabolism
• Relieve the pains
• Support the immunity system
• Help in fighting and preventing cancer and many other diseases
• Help the process of digestion
• Aid in sleeping disorders
• Serve as an anti aging substance

This small berry is a new diet evolution. Many Americans are in search of this tiny fruit. Unfortunately this is not as easy as it seems. The reason is that it is impossible to cultivate the fruit in America or any other part of the world except the damp jungles of Amazon. It cannot be sent to other parts of the world because of the perishable nature of the fruit. The berry once picked from the tree stays fresh for not more than 24 hours. Nonetheless many companies extract the pulp of the fruit, process it and include the healthful ingredients in dietary supplements. This way they are able to preserve the nutritional benefit of this small wonder of nature.

Extensive Acai Berry Researches have revealed that this small fruit holds its magical properties even after processing. So the health supplement made from the extract of Acai Berry ate favorable and one must step ahead to order it.

Learn more about the acai superfood and see why so many people think the Amazon acai berry will stay around.

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