Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Guide to have a Positive Thoughts

It is big challenge to keep a solid positive attitude about life since there are many uncontrolled intrusive negative thoughts flood the conscious mind affecting our motivation and enthusiasm for life. Now there is a good way to improve this situation.



In order to appreciate how it is possible to reclaim control over one’s mind and one’s life it becomes necessary first to recognize and accept that one’s conscious mind is not completely under one’s control.


Yes, I know that what you just read is akin to declaring one’s self insane but this is not my point at all. Rather it is an admission of one’s true situation and in its admission helping to facilitate a new awareness of one’s state of mind as well as creating an opportunity for a greater sense of self control. In order to make this clearer and more palpable I offer you the following exercise:


Place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking quietly to yourself from there sincerely say the following statements if they resonate with you:


1. I do not want any negative intrusive thoughts floating through my mind ever.

2. I did not create such negative thoughts and I renounce any beliefs I may hold unconsciously that suggest they were generated by me.

3. I desire clarity and peace of mind above all for my conscious mind.

4. I want to have greater clarity about the true source of these negative thoughts that I observe floating through my mind.

5. I want the source of such thoughts to be purged from within me recognizing that whatever lies I may have chosen to believe as to their usefulness to be erased from my unconscious mind now.


Now focus on the region in and around your Heart and notice how you feel there. You may have begun to experience some or all of the following: a sense of peace, calmness, joy, confidence, contentment, lightness, strength, optimism, clarity and so on. If you like any of this kindly affirm this to yourself via your Heart and it will only grow stronger.


Now I ask you to notice to what extent the following statement resonates with you in your Heart:


All negative intrusive thoughts not only did not come from you their sole purpose is to rob you of your Life Force Energy thereby killing you.


If that resonates with you then simply affirm that to yourself via your Heart and you will begin to feel a growing sense of empowerment.


If you would like to learn more about how to permanently erase/release your negative thoughts as well as the negative memories from which they are sourced and create a powerful positive mind kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory consultation.


A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone Consultation is available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

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Think Positive and Get rid of Negativity

Dear Readers,


Positive thinking is very important whether you are a business, manager, or employee. You will be slow if you think negative.



Last week I found myself listening to the TV news shows more than usual, reading newspaper articles I usually ignore, and listening to radio shows I don’t normally listen to.


It was a week where my mood was off and nothing seemed to work right. My behavior certainly affected my family, business and friends. What was I doing differently? What was making my energy spiral down? Why was I feeling so low?


You guessed it! It was the constant diet of negative news, negative articles and negative radio shows that had me in a place that did not feel good. I certainly wasn’t walking my talk last week and I’m admitting it to you.


When I realized what I was doing it was easy to revert back to my ole self. Watching my sons’ wrestling match and my daughters’ basketball game, watching great movies, reading positive articles in the paper (I LOVE my comics especially Zits, Family Circle and For Better or For Worse) and listening to CDs and mp3 files that sharpen my skills and help me stay positive, got me back on track. The key was shifting back into my gratitude routine.


What a difference it makes to appreciate and focus on what’s right with the world instead of what’s wrong with it. It certainly has improved my mood and those around me are much happier. I feel better, am more focused and ready to take on the world.


In regards to my business I’m clearer on what I want and what needs to be done to attract it. Geez, it feels good just writing it!!!


So, how can you shift from focusing on what’s wrong with your world to what’s right with it? It’s about appreciating the good things in your life.


Try this simple exercise. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. On one side write down the first ten challenging things that pop into your head. On the right side write what you appreciate about each item. For example, on the left side you write “My boss drives me crazy!” On the right side you write “I’m grateful that I have a job.”


Once you’re finished writing, shift your attention to your chest and breathe deeply and slowly. Really focus on and appreciate those positive things you wrote. Relax your body with each breath and begin to feel the difference as little by little the stress begins to leave your body. If you can, go outside and take a walk and breathe in fresh air.


If you try this exercise, and it works for you, please let me know about it.


Sarah Breathnach said it best…


“When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present… We experience heaven on earth.”


To your positive success!


Terry Wildemann, CEC, CPBA, CPCC
Success Coach
Professional Development Trainer
EFT Practitioner

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Turning A Negative Into A Positive

1. Be Prepared…
Let’s face it…you can please some of the people all the time, but you’ll never manage to please all of the people all the time.  There will be unhappy customers…that’s the way life is.  There’s not a lot you can do about it…or is there?  Being prepared to take a loss to keep a customer happy may seem like poor business sense at first glance, but think of it this way…if you make him happy today, he’ll reward your efforts by returning to your store time and time again.  Yep, taking a loss today, will pay off in the long run.

2. Be Ready with a “Quick Fix”…
Dissatisfaction multiplies at a rapid rate!  Have you ever complained and waited…and waited…and waited for someone to get back to you?  Yeah, the whole time you’re impatient and disgruntled the problem seems to grow bigger.  Let your unhappy customer know that you are getting right on the problem.  Even if it can’t be fixed immediately, he’ll know that it’s important and a high priority.  

3. Be Professional…
One angry customer plus one angry salesman doesn’t add up to a great solution.  Forget about the mannerisms of the ticked customer, and keep your cool.  Often a professional and calm response will in turn calm and quiet the tirade of the unhappy customer.  And that my friend, is much more likely to get the results you are looking for.

4. Be Responsible…
Go ahead…take the responsibility for the problem…even if it wasn’t your fault.  Hey, an “I’m sorry,” goes a long way toward fixing the problem.  Once you’ve apologized for the inconvenience your customer has experienced, you can get down to the dirty business of fixing the problem. It never pays to fix the blame or make excuses. Customers see right through it, and respect honesty rather than excuses.  Keep your credibility intact with a simple apology.

5. Be Considerate…
Disgruntled customers often fear their complaints will be overlooked and overreact to get the attention they feel they deserve.  Let them be surprised with the sincere consideration you give to the problem, and watch their anger dissapate.  They’ll walk away from a possibly explosive situation with a pleasantly surprised attitude.  They’ll remember that much longer than the problem that brought them to you in the first place.

6. Be Confirming…
It pays to double check on the satisfaction of a one-time dissatisfied customer.  You may even want to reinforce a good relationship with them by offering a special discount on their next purchase!  Getting them back in the habit of shopping with you can only benefit your business in the long run.

7. Be  Attentive to the Cause of the Problem…
Once the customer has been pacified it’s time to get to the root of the problem.  Hey, chances are pretty good that others have been unhappy about the same problem, but haven’t vocalized a complaint…at least to you.  They may very well take the time to gripe to their friends!  Take the time to fix the cause of the problem to avoid similar complaints in the future.

Don’t let customer complaints get you down or cause you to lose future sales opportunities.  In a few minutes you can turn their frown upside down, and make loyal customers out of the most disgruntled.  It just takes keeping your head on your shoulders, and implementing these 7 steps to ensure positive results.

To learn about engagement photo ideas, granite facts and other information, visit the Knowledge Galaxy website.

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Create More Positive Camping Trip Experiences

How can you create a camping holiday that you will remember for all the right reasons? Some people seem to struggle to have positive camping experiences. That’s a real shame because camping holidays allow you to spend quality time as a family, being close to nature and enjoying fun pursuits.

It’s also the case that such trips can be considerably cheaper than many alternatives. That’s why they appeal to many of us who are working to a limited budget. But it’s equally true that many of us would choose such a holiday over all the alternatives.

If you feel the same way then it may be because you have had some camping trips that you would rather forget. Some people have certainly had such negative experiences and it’s easy to see how they can lead to worries about future trips. So how can you deal with these concerns?

A good piece of advice is to look at the problems that you have previously faced. Confront the issues that have really had a negative impact on your previous holidays. By looking closely at the causes of problems, you can hope to tackle them in advance of your next trip.

It may even be worth making a list of potential issues. Now start to think about how you can avoid facing the same problems again. In some circumstances, this could be achieved through the use of additional camping accessories. In other cases, it may be that better planning could help you to have a more positive experience in the future.

You’ll soon realise that one great camping holiday will get you hooked. You’ll want to spend more and more time enjoying the simple pleasures that are associated with such camping trips. But avoiding the problems that you have previously faced is key when it comes to promoting this positive mindset.

By preparing correctly, you can ensure that you won’t have a repeat of previous disasters. You can make sure that you will have a positive holiday and one that you will want to remember for all the right reasons.

Find out about camping toilet choices and other outdoor accessories with this author’s other camping articles online. This article may be used by any website publisher, though this resource box must always be included in full.

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The True Power of Positive Thinking

The power of optimism is not a new subject. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, author of “The Power Of Positive Thinking,” became a pioneer in the self-improvement industry. He helped millions to believe in themselves and achieve success and happiness by harnessing the power of positive thinking coupled with positive action. He taught that the mental attitude of seeing the bright side of life is just another word for faith and is a topic that is always wrapped together with spiritual cultivation.

Positive thinking is one of the most important things you need to practice throughout your life. It is a way of living and a technique that you need to incorporate into your daily life if you have any intentions of changing things or accomplishing your goals.

When our attitude and behavior is positive, we allow only pleasant feelings and constructive images to work in our mind. We also visualize in our inner eye, what we really want from our life and how it should happen.

Although the mind is naturally predisposed to positive thinking, it doesn’t like to change its thought patterns, and often subconsciously sabotages any attempts for looking on the bright side. When it’s not natural, but forced, the results, at best, will be limited, temporary, and self-deluding. The true power of positive thinking is that it allows you to live life to its fullest potential without letting negativity bring you down.

Start with this simple exercise: Every evening, reflect on the positives of the day. Optimism is a mind-set that you must nurture like growing flowers. People with a positive frame of mind think about possibilities, growth, expansion and success.

Positive thinking is a huge personal asset and the key to success. Changing your attitude to look at the positive side of every situation is the best thing you could ever learn to do.

Kimberly C. Smith is an aspiring writer with a different perspective. Visit to browse a variety of interesting topics. Join this growing community FREE by clicking

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Training the Mind For Positive Output

Psychology presents us with multiple tools used in programming mind shifts and thinking adjustments in order to improve the mental state of an individual, or to allow this person to better cope with everyday truths. An assortment of methods may be explored clinically in doing this such as meditation, hypnosis, and sleep programming. However, for those looking to train their own minds on their own, mind exercises and experimentation with mental triggers will enable to provide individuals with subtle training that can help develop the power of the mind.

The mind has already been pre programmed via our past experiences and learning, and our memory fuels continuing the mind function, providing a basis for reference and comparison for things encountered at present. Any attempt to alter what is already stored in the mind, to adjust pre-conceived notions, and to condition the mind to be able to take on more that it has already handled in the past requires a coerced attitude shift in an individual. It is, after all, still each person who decides how he or she really does want to interpret what is seen and perceived, as well as what is imagined. It is still our intellect that will piece together all the information that our brain has processed. However strong the brain is, one must remember that it is also still just a tool of a human being, and in the end, it is our total self that will still forge forward and carry on.

Programming mind perceptions is not easy, especially for cynics and realists. Oftentimes instead of a smooth flow of brain functions, the ideal notions we have stored in our memory banks are blocked by pessimistic thoughts, giving our minds a more difficult time filtering for us what environmental elements are assets towards reaching our idyllic state. It is therefore vital to keep an optimistic frame of mind, as this will aid us in determining what truly what we want, and which are merely passing items. This positive manner of thinking is more easily sustained with the addition of every experience that is at par with our standard of perfection or ideal. In fact, if there is a particular scenario that we wish to happen, and with the power of our minds we are able to attain this, there is a larger likelihood that we will be able to achieve the same feat in the future, with a higher level of success. This is all because of the adjusted manner of thinking which we now possess due to the previous success. It is true that positive thinking will really enable on to accomplish a lot, because it clears the mind and allows thought of the ideal to flow through.

In programming mind sequences, ideas and memories for success, we must be in total control. We must know what we want and know how we want to get it. And we must teach ourselves and our minds to think it, to dream it, and to imagine it. And before long we will realize that we are already living it.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind for a positive output to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at

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Positive Manifestation is For Everyone

How do we get better at positive manifesting? We keep learning and applying what we learn. That’s the only way to do it.

Instinctively we all know how to manifest. We manifest stuff we do and don’t want every day. We’re just a million times better at manifesting what we don’t want which is why we’re always saying ‘I knew that would happen!’ or ‘Can’t anything ever go right for me?’

If everyone could only realized that just saying and thinking those common negative phrases is making everything we don’t want manifest over and over again, then we could get rid of those sayings completely and start to turn all of our lives around.

We’re pros at manifesting being late for an appointment or our order coming back wrong. Are you one of those people who never receives your order the way you want it, whether it’s at a restaurant or just a delivery from a store?

If you are then congratulations, you really are a pro at manifesting.

It’s easier for us to manifest the negative things because we really believe they are going to happen.

I’m not sure when it becomes ingrained in us that we can’t obtain everything we want whether it be the perfect career, house, partner, education, and on and on. All I know for sure is that it’s complete crap.

All those things you want are obtainable and all you have to do is start working your way towards it.

You can’t manifest something without putting the effort in and really believing that you are going to reach your end goal. And all the effort in the world is not going to get you there if you don’t believe you deserve it.

I don’t care whether you are a doctor, a rocket scientist, or a fast food employee. Everyone deserves to have whatever makes them happy and everyone can obtain happiness. We are all equal.

Having doubt about receiving what you want happens to everyone but if you take you thoughts and detour them around your doubt than you will end up at your goal.

The more you learn about positive manifesting, the more you will apply what you learn, and the more you will see your positive manifestations come true.

Start living the life you want to live and not the life you’re expected to live.

Visit my website at for weekly updates on topics involving manifestation.

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6 Steps to Maintaining Positive Attitude

Maintaining positive attitude allows us to focus on our strengths and achievements, instead of allowing negative thinking to stop us in our tracks, when it comes to making and maintaining progress as an entrepreneur, either online or offline.

Here are 6 steps to maintaining positive attitude and taking control of your emotions and thoughts to allow endless possibilities into your life.

1. Look After Yourself

As much as you’re able to, eat a healthy diet, get as much sleep as you need and exercise, at least once a week!

2. Don’t Forget What You’ve Already Got

When you remind yourself of the things that are good in your life, however small or insignificant you think they are, it makes a difference in maintaining positive attitude and starts to attract bigger and better things to you. Just pause for a minute every day to remind yourself of what you have got.

3. Believing In Yourself

The need to feel accepted by others and to fit in is perfectly normal, as you’d agree. All of us have had a fear or nervousness about what other people might be thinking about us, but what we fear isn’t always real.

Regardless of other people’s opinions, if you know yourself that your chosen course of action is the right one for you, don’t let anyone persuade you otherwise.

4. Watch Your Language!

We tend to think the way that we speak, I know I do. If you use certain words or phrases, they will affect the way you think. Maintaining positive attitude means you need to consciously think about the way you phrase things. Avoid using words like “can’t”, “never”, don’t”.

These words will send your thoughts and emotions the wrong way.

Be aware of what you’re saying and thinking. Instead of “I can’t afford this”, use “I can’t afford this yet” or “I can afford this if I…”. 

5. Be Aware of Negative Thoughts

If you have a moment in struggling with maintaining positive attitude and negative thoughts start to creep in, be aware of what is happening. If you are aware of something, you can control it.

When you notice yourself having a negative thought, recognize it for what it is, make the choice to not let it affect you, let it go and move on.

6. Taking Action – don’t Procrastinate

If you get stuck in the headlights thinking over the best way to go about doing something all of the time, you end up doing nothing. Pick one of your viable options and carry it through by taking action. It’s easy to become paralyzed with analyzing things too much.

Take action and reap the rewards. Do nothing and receive exactly that. 

Keep these 6 steps in mind and use them as a foundation for maintaining positive attitude in order to become a successful entrepreneur.

Online income mentor Ed Hodgson teaches people how to generate a substantial passive income from the internet. For free tips on making money online, go to

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How to turn negative into positive thoughts

Did you ever wanted a parking space nearby the mall entrance, but finally you ended at the beginning of the parking aera. I bet the thought:” I probably won’t find a space nearby”, crossed your mind several times.

So got what you asked for. The word “won’t” is a negative mind related thought. A so called negative affirmation. You probably experience more of these things in life. You would like a nicer house or car but for some reason things don’t change. Let me explain how to mind works. Our mind is the most amazing hard drive you can imagine. There are billions off= neural connections possible. Every time you think or see something your brain stores the event with sound, odeur, feeling or other senses that you’re not aware off. Sometimes when you hear a sound that event runs through your head again. The sound is called an anchor. Also smell is an anchor. Every time you experience that specific smell related with an event those thought comes in mind.

We can use those anchors in a positive way. We must realize that our mind doesn’t recognize negative words similar like “not” . For example if you say : I will not be late”. Your mind will registers: “I will be late”. The result is that you will be just in time for your appointment.

Therefore the way to use our mind is by positive affirmation like: I will be on time, I have a parking space near the entrance . Believe me it works. Nine out of ten times I have a parking space close to the place where I must be. The times I don’t have that spot is because I didn’t thought of needing a space at all or enough .

Positive thinking is like sports exercising. The more you repeat the better you become. Forget the negative thought or emotion that comes into your mind. Say: “Next” to each of those negative thoughts. Stay focused on what you want. Think in possibilities not in problems. Use positive affirmations like:

I feel more secure each day

I’m emotionally in balance

This is another perfect day for me.

Start with positive thinking right now!

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A Bodybuilders Mindset

So how and why are successful bodybuilders able to create the bodies that many people dream of (note I am not talking about the infamous bodybuilders that are abnormal huge). To answer this, people do bodybuilding for various reasons. Some bodybuilders use to be very skinny, obese, or just the average joe, but many bodybuilders have their reason why. Now going from a previous body type to becoming pretty well built is not the easiest thing to do, but it can be simple once you have the right mindset in place.

Yes dieting and training to create the body of your dreams is a key factor, but without a solid mindset or drive helping you to stay on track to continue dieting and training, there is no point. You see, in order to transform your body wither your looking to get bigger or just slim down and get leaner, you will have to want it bad enough. At times things can be discouraging because you may not be able to eat the foods you want or make the time to do a workout, but you can easily evaporate this discouragement by creating some motivational factors.

You may already be motivated in a way to have that perfect or near perfect body that you want, but that’s not always enough. There needs to be a deeper reason why you want to transform your body. Like for me as an example, I was really skinny and I almost came to accepting that I could never make a difference, but after a bad breakup I realized that I had some deep insecurities about myself and I needed to change that. So that’s when I decided to start working out to get bigger so that I can take more confidence in how I felt about myself.

Thus my main motivation was for me to not only look sexier (lol), but if my ex were to ever see me again she wouldn’t recognize me because of my transformation. And this was my “why”. And that’s what kept me motivated on my diet and routine to improve myself, and in a way helped me become a better me.

Since I began working out I hit my first goal to gain over twenty pounds in a few week’s time, and since then I been pretty content with my body and just really maintaining my shape. So if you are really looking to make a change in your body to gain more lean muscle or whatever, you need to dig deep and know what is your reason why, and let that be your drive to your bodybuilding success.


If you would like to not only learn more bodybuilding tips but to build sustainable muscle, feel free to go here-How to get ripped fast.

Also if have any comments or questions it would be great to leave one in the original article – Bodybuilders Mindset, so I can reply back. Thanks!


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