Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Positive Discipline, Positive Thoughts, And Contributing Positivity

In this article, I will be explaining the importance of, and how to improve positive discipline. And why it is so important to contribute as much positivity to the universe whenever possible.

We all have them, those negative thoughts that just seem to pop into our heads out of no-where at random. For me, this seems to happen the most while I’m driving. No matter how hard I try to stay positive and courteous when I’m on the road, my ego just LOVES to make that difficult for me. And this takes some strong positive discipline to overcome.

I understand why though. When I look back at past events in my life, I can find where these negative thought patterns and habits stem from. Most of the time, it’s conditioning from either the people I used hang around with, television shows I used to watch everyday, and music I used to listen too. That’s still embedded into my subconscious, which inevitably finds its way out from time to time.

But rather than getting angry and disappointed at myself, and trying to suppress the thoughts I’d like to change. I decided to look at them from a different point of view. I started doing my best to dismantle my ego, by letting myself know that this is just my own programming coming out, and it’s giving me an opportunity to fix it. Because the universe knows that my intentions are to solve these problems within myself, so it will put me in situations that will test me, and give me the opportunity to do it.

With the driving scenario, I notice that when my intentions are to remain positive and courteous on the road, that’s when I always seem to get tested the most. I’ll just happen to get cut off more, someone will drive really close behind me (A huge pet-peeve of mine), or someone will pull out right in front of me and make me hit my brakes, when they could have just waited a few extra seconds. All of these used to really work me up, and sometimes still do. But I’m getting a lot better at it, and my driving experience changes from something stressful, to something relaxing and calm when I don’t get angry. Funny thing is, I always seem to get to my destination faster as well.

This is just one scenario of course, my past programming is always coming out in all kinds of situations. But instead of trying to suppress it, which never works, I just change the thought from something that’s negative, into something that’s positive. Instead of thinking “Jackass! Stop driving like an idiot!” I think “Thank you for testing me, have a wonderful day and drive safe.” This change in thinking isn’t easy, it’s so tempting to think the opposite. It will take some discipline, but the results are worth it.

Because you can’t change what happened, and getting angry doesn’t solve anything. You have no idea what’s going on in that persons world, so you might as well not let it affect you and put a negative impact on your day. Once you start to get into the habit of doing this, it’s only a matter of time until you’ve reprogrammed your mind into it being permanent. And you will literally see how it not only changes your own reality for the better, but for everyone else as well. The universe responds in a powerful way in your efforts to improve yourself.

Seeking to Contribute Positivity

Looking at the current condition on the planet, I think it’s quite obvious that the negative is outweighing the positive. Everywhere you go, people seemed to be weighed down by excess drama, anger, fear, stress, and anxiety. Most people seem to always be judging others, instead of trying to improve the situation. This is why trying to do your best to contribute some positivity to the world, is not just important, but is absolutely necessary.

This can be done in everyday situations, in so many simple ways. It doesn’t matter how small it is, to the whole, it contributes A LOT more than you might think it does. And the more you do it, the more you will notice it.

For example, men, if you’re at a guests house, and you see that the garbage can in the kitchen is overflowing, take it outside for them. Hold the door open for the person behind you. Do the dishes after your woman cooks you a meal, and thank her for it. If you see someone trip and fall, help them up instead of laughing at them. Help an elderly woman with loading her groceries in her car. Let someone in front of you in a traffic jam.

This is only just few ideas, if you’re a little shy at first, then just smile and say hi to a stranger. Anything helps, and nothing is too small. Every little bit of positivity helps A LOT, and is so needed in the world right now.

You don’t need to try and force a situation where you can help. I find that when I have a mind-set like “I’m going to help someone today” then it doesn’t seem to happen as often. Instead, just let it be your intention in general, and then just go on with life as you normally would. You will find that, the opportunities were always there, but you were just unaware of them. Or social conditioning made you blind and ignorant to them. Your intention to contribute, will be known to the universe, and it will put you in situations where you can help. You don’t need to force it.

Now get out there, and help make the world a happier, less stressful place to live.

Sean Burrows loves to learn and discover new ways to improve the quality of peoples lives. He studies personal development and health rigorously and is the developer and author of:

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Creating the Mindset of a Winner in Web Development

No matter what game you’re trying to improve on, be it mother, father, wife, husband, problem solver, or as a web developer or designer, you have to rely on a positive mindset to get you there. Whenever you peruse your local bookstore you’ll see that there are numerous publications that deal with motivational guides, self-help, and self-development. There are so many coming from a vast array of cultures, religions, and doctors of psychology that a shortage on this type material will probably never be a problem.

With that being said, why is the number of people who don’t follow through with their project so high? The answer may shock you. It is simplicity and knowing how to take things in life, one step at a time.

When it comes to web development or web design, the same guidelines apply. Below you will find four simple tips that will help you to perform your tasks in an easy manner and to develop a winner’s mindset for any profession or life status.

1. One thing at a time: Start by putting all your focus on one thing before moving forward with the entire project or goal all at once. By mistake, many people end up focusing on one too many things, all at once, which hinders anything to get done in a timely manner. Start small and then let it develop into something bigger.

2. Compliment your progress: Instead of praising with perfection, try praising with progress. The fact is, perfection doesn’t really exist, and it’s all in the mind of the beholder. Because of this, praising perfection can lead to abandonment of your goals, and to say the least, frustration. When using perfection as praise, you’ll undoubtedly never get anything done because a perfectionist always sees something that could have been better.

3. Daily reminders: Nothing helps more than a set list of tasks that needs to be done on a daily and weekly basis. By developing a list of things that needs to be done it will help you to focus on the priorities rather than everything at once. This will also help you to visualize your goals and get things done in at timely manner. Sometimes, a daily reminder may not be a list but rather a picture of someone you admire who reminds you to be as goal-oriented as they were.

4. Support Network: Most likely, you have a group or designer friends, or co-workers who can also be of assistance when setting and completing your goals. It’s always nice to have someone or a group to rely on, even if it’s just for their opinion.

The battle always begins with your mind, and it typically ends with your mind as well. If you think you can do it, most definitely you will succeed. Likewise, if you think you can’t, then you probably won’t. Begin by only focusing on one thing at a time, then see where things lead to. If you can perfect this technique, you’ll definitely be lead to success.

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How Having the Right Mindset Can Change the Results of Your Efforts

The right mind-set, especially of the way you think of yourself, can have many consequences in the results of your efforts. Those that acquire positive thoughts and can apply that sense to their lives and efforts made also acquire the greatest outcomes. It’s a known fact that your thoughts control what you attract, whether negative or positive. It’s a simple concept known as the “Law of Attraction”. If you can master this law of attraction, the possibilities are endless. Doors that have been closed by resistance will open without effort.

You must believe that you have what it takes to achieve your goal. Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich”, developed a self mastery in this subject and has been quoted in his book to say “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” The success of all business entrepreneurs that have gone above and beyond in order to achieve and acquire their goals has been a total result of believing in themselves and NEVER giving up. Picture yourself as already reaching your goals and life has a mysterious way, better known as the Law of Attraction, of making them a reality.

Now, I have a question for you, are you a fence hopper or a fence sitter? The difference is whether you can make a quick decision or not when you are faced with an opportunity. The ability to keep moving forward and not be held back by indecisiveness can make the difference between success and failure. Most new entrepreneurs get stuck in “analysis paralysis” and become frustrated at the fact that they just don’t seem to be getting any closer to reaching their goals. When an opportunity confronts you, do your analysis and make a decision. Once the decision is made, don’t waste your energy on worrying if it was a good decision or not, it’s called taking chances. And chances are what we take each and every day unconsciously. From driving, to shopping for the right product or service, to deciding on what foods to eat, etc. These are all decisions we make daily and we are taking chances at all of them. We have no way to know exactly what the outcome is going to be in every decision we make, so when offered an opportunity to make a big change in our lives, why do some still hesitate? The answer: Confidence!

Having confidence in you is one of the necessary success keys to an entrepreneur. Being able to walk tall without fear or doubt about what others think or say about you determines your level of success in anything you set your mind to. One of the biggest dream stealers in life is lacking the belief and confidence needed to do what it takes to be the person you want to be or do the things you’ve always wanted to do. No one, no matter who they are, were they’re from, what background they have, should feel inferior to anyone else’s success level. We are all the same and all have the same amount of time in a day as those with a high level of success. So lack of self-confidence should not exist in a life of abundance, were there is enough to go around for everyone.

Another aspect of mastering having the right mind-set is to set realistic expectations and hold yourself liable to those short term goals. Unrealistic goals can make a person question whether the actual goal is attainable. Don’t lose the confidence and focus in your efforts to attain your goal by making this mistake. If, for example, your goal is to make $ 50,000, don’t use a date that obviously is unrealistic unless you have set a definite plan of action in which you believe can be achieved. Instead, make the amount co-inside with the set time frame. That way it is more attainable and motivation will not be lost if the specific goal is not reached. You can always set a later date for the same goal and continue with your efforts in obtaining that goal. The key here is continuing to move toward your expectation with persistence and never quitting.

Most importantly, have Fun! If you’re not enjoying yourself while working at reaching those expectations, you will lose motivation and your efforts will just seem to you work. That’s the great thing about the day and age we live in. We can leverage technology to help acquire new friends and business partners if the time to physically perform this action is impossible. I’ve personally made more friends and business acquaintances through the use of online social networks than I’ve ever done personally. It just becomes impossible to physically be everywhere at once. Having created these awesome friends give me the necessary positive environment to keep focus on my goals and keep moving ahead in life. Whether it is in person or through the use of technology, enjoy the experience of meeting new people and making new friends. Doing so keeps your mind-set laser targeted, focused, motivated, and confident that what you want out of life you will get.

With that said, I’m looking forward to hearing from all of you so feel free to leave comments or share this article with others.

Wishing You a Life of Abundance,

Pablo Gonzalez After a 16 year career in the automotive industry, economic situations forced me to make a decision, whether to continue on the rat race or to finally take that extra step in getting out. Since that day, life hasn’t been the same.

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Mindset – Introducing 2 Concepts With Essentially Similar Meanings

There has been a saying about achieving something with the help of the mind. You will hear them say that all people need is to have a positive mindset and everything will work out well for them. This will also help them increase their success rate since they’ll be able to get everything working together for them.

Thinking has a great effect on people especially in working well and attracting good things to their lives. However, the concept of mindset can be in two forms like the following.

Intrapersonal concept

This is the common concept people used in describing this thinking. Most of the time, it’s about being positive about life and having the right attitude on it. You will hear some people who will say that all a person need is to think positively before doing what they have to do. This will help people achieve success since they’ll feel that their bodies are energized to do their tasks. But of course, not all instances will go with what they want to get. This is where their attitude comes in and affects their thinking. Instead of sulking up because of what happened, they would immediately change their attitude and start to see the good things on a negative event. For example, if they didn’t pass an exam, they just need to think that there are still other exams or they can try out again to pass it. Having this type of thinking is also a sign of maturity.

The social construct or thinking

Aside from the intrapersonal thinking and attitude, social thinking is also something that will describe this concept. This means having a set of generalized thinking in a society that affects various factors of their lives like decisions and others. Even analyzing various studies may also be different depending on the type of thinking used. This is where you’ll see some fields of studies would use different perspectives and may describe them in various ways. Most of the time, these generalized thinking may be considered to be a standard among people but you’ll see that not people may go along with these generalized concepts.

Having a positive thinking or outlook about a certain goal is considered as among the best tips an expert can give for success. For them, they also started their businesses or their lives with the right attitude and with a dash of positive thinking to make it this far either on their business or careers.

In conclusion, mindset may be introduced in different concepts but the truth is it’s essentially the same in terms of being a driving force in boosting their decisions and work. What they just need to do is to apply these two ingredients in order to make things easier and better for you in terms of success.

To find out more, check out: Mindset

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Flirting Recommendation – Why Your Mindset Matters

Mindset plays an vital half in flirting. With the right reasonably mindset a positive response is nearly guaranteed and with the incorrect kind of mindset, you are doomed to fail right from the outset.

Now, everybody knows that confidence plays an vital half in all forms of communication, together with flirting. In this article, I want to concentrate on a different aspect of mindset however. What I wish to focus on is your value mindset. In your mind, what value does one assign to your self and what worth do you assign to your partner?

The big mistake many men make when they approach women is that in their minds, there is a large discrepancy in price between themselves and their partners.

On the one hand, you have got the standard back guy who’s been hesitating a lot of too long before he finally approaches a lady and has placed her on some kind of a pedestal. To him, she is an nearly angelic being and he’s already determined that she’s out of his league. Clearly, this puts him during a terribly bad position for making any kind of attraction.

On the other hand, there’s the standard “macho jerk” who’s in all probability terribly drunk before he ever approaches a girl and sees her as terribly inferior. The “jerk” sometimes doesn’t have the courage to approach (and risk rejection from) somebody he truly respects. Because of this, he desires to devalue his partner in his mind before he can initiate contact. Again, this is a reasonably unhealthy basis for building genuine attraction (though I’ve got to admit that the jerk’s cards are better than the shy guy’s).

In a very nutshell, you don’t need to come back across as submissive and meek but neither do you want to come back across as a careless idiot.

So, what’s the best mindset? Ideally, you must initiate flirting with a woman with the mindset of: “I marvel if she’s fascinating?”

This mindset prevents you from feeling completely inferior to her, makes certain that you will get her to qualify herself to you (a terribly important attraction issue) and at the identical time it implies that she might be terribly interesting and engaging (i.e. prevents you from being disrespectful and disinterested).

After all, your mindset cannot merely be modified sort of a lightweight switch, but if you quietly raise yourself “I marvel if she’s fascinating?” as you are approaching somebody, that might facilitate in supplying you with a psychological bump in the right direction. Of course, you must strive having a few conversations with that query in mind and see what happens…

Ernie Hicks been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in dating ,you can also check out his latest website about: 30 Gallon Fish Tank Which reviews and lists the best 30 Gallon Aquarium

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Positive Eye Habits

A proverb says that the eyes are the window to a person’s soul. What kind of soul can be perceived then if the beholder doesn’t have clear eyes? The following are helpful tips on how your eyes can reflect the beauty of your soul.

Nowadays most of the people are suffering from bad vision irrespective of the age and sex. There are so many reasons for this cause. Symptoms for poor eye sight include blurred vision and pain.Most commonly observed symptoms are – Poor vision,Unable to read properly,Redness and Pain and itching.

Eye muscles behave in the same as other body’s muscles; the more they are put to use in an exercise, the mightier they become. They also require nutrients and constant care to provide a good vision. There are a few strategies to better your eyesight.

If we want to improve our vision naturally, we firstly need to find the cause for our eye problem. In most cases, our poor eyesight is due to bad habits, which will make our eyes under stress most of time and finally lead to eye problem. So the first point is to develop positive eye habits.

Always be cautious when you are doing things to your face such as applying makeup that you do not touch your eyes directly. Another problem with cosmetics is that they tend to be germ infested after awhile and run the risk of causing infection to your eyes.

Give eyesight exercises a spot in your daily routine. People generally overlook the fact that your eye muscles are just that, a muscle, and respond just as any other muscle does to proper exercising, or lack thereof.There are some incredibly easy eyesight exercises which actually provide a benefit which glasses and contacts do not.

Potato is very effective home remedy in curing mild eye problems. Placing potato slices over the eyes for 10-15 minutes, removes tired looks from the eyes and restores the glow.Inflammation and swelling of the eyes can be reduced by simply placing used tea bags over them for half an hour.

Put on glasses only when you need them. The idea here is to lessen your dependency on glasses as if it were an addiction. One way to get started is to imagine what would you do if you didn’t have your glasses?

Get a healthy diet specifically dealing with enhancing your eyesight. For example, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish is good for maintaining your brain and eyesight. Also try resisting the temptation to eat unhealthy food like sugar.

Keep your eyes shaded from harmful UV rays. Buy yourself a stylish pair of sunglasses and don’t stay out in the sun for an extended period of time without them. If you or someone you know welds, make sure they were #14 filters to do so or they will regret it later on in life.

Take several breaks throughout the day where you close your eyes for at least five minutes. It takes five minutes for the photo receptors in your eyes to regenerate. But this process requires total darkness.

Put your index finger in front of your eyes and concentrate fully on it. Just as you are concentrating on the index finger, try to view things which lie a little far away, and repeat the exercise at least 20 times, if not more.

Keep in mind the above eyecare tips and enjoy a healthy and clearer vision.

Explore more hair care also read aromatherapy bath and swimming lessons for adults

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Focus on the Positive

If you look around you and observe all of the various aspects of modern life, you will realize something phenomenal. Every invention, every object in the man-made world originated in a person’s mind before entering the physical, tangible world. Its incredible to understand that everything around us has been invented or improved by someone at some point in history. When you think about what you have accomplished in your life (and what you have failed to accomplish), you will realize that everything began as a dream or was imagined as thought in your mind a long time ago.

In other words, what we are trying to say is that your very thoughts helped create the circumstances of your life. You have probably heard the phrase,” you become what you think about.”

We believe there is great truth in that statement, and furthermore, we believe that your thoughts will to a great extent determine your ultimate success or failure in life. You may find this idea strange or reject it as some crazy new age idea or metaphysical abstraction. Well, we won’t inquire into a discussion about metaphysics or abstract philosophy.

What we will do, however, is simplify this concept and demonstrate why it is really a matter of common sense. You see, unsuccessful and unhappy people constantly focus on the problems they currently have, and they then try to blame these problems on everyone else but themselves.

Flourishing people, on the other hand, spend most of their time thinking about what it is they want to achieve. In other words, failures are problem-oriented, while successful and happy people are solution-oriented. No one will claim that there are no difficulties in life, and many people face serious challenges on their way to achieving goals. The issue is whether these obstacles will in the end serve as a obstruction or a positive challenge for the person who is trying to achieve certain objectives.

When you think about it in this manner, it becomes pretty clear why you become what you think about. It is not simply that your thoughts somehow magically transform into riches, as if your mind could physically manifest a pot of gold or some other wild imagination. Rather, what we are trying to say is that your thoughts will ultimately determine your actions. Focusing on your problems most of the time will keep you from seeing the solutions that are often right in front of you.

Jacob Lumbroso is a world traveler and an enthusiast for foreign languages, history, and foreign cultures. He recommends for anyone looking to buy restaurant equipment parts.

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Be Patient And Positive

There are a few different types of infertility and many reasons for its occurrence. One type is where the couple has never been able to conceive and the other is where the couple has conceived before but for some reason, they cannot anymore. If either of these is the case for you, it could be a problem that you have that could potentially be fixed or it could be because of your age. If you do not know what it is, do not give up and schedule an appointment to go to a fertility clinic and they will tell you what is wrong with you. They might even be able to offer you a solution. Infertility treatment can range from in vitro-fertilization to a simple pill that you take.

Once you have deciphered what is wrong with you and you can relax and stop worrying about it, you can decide your best choice of action after that. If you do not want to stick yourself with needles or you have been trying the in vitro for a while and it is not working, you may want to consider adoption. If you want to keep trying, then go for it. You just have to remember to be patient.

Although some people shrug off the idea of adoption because it is not their own baby or it is too big of a process, it also has a lot of advantages. If you know you cannot have a baby and you have tried everything under the sun and nothing has worked, adoption may be your only choice. You have to think positive because it is either you adopt a baby or you do not get one at all. There are plenty of children that need homes out there and if you have a good background, you are guaranteed a baby. Yes, it is a long process, but it will be well worth it when you have something you have wanted and waited for a long time.

Many people think they are infertile when they actually just have something wrong with them and once it is fixed, they have no more problems. This is why it is best to get checked out before you fully give up. The disadvantage of getting tested and seeking treatment is that it is very expensive. To go through in vitro or to get a surrogate mother can be thousands and thousands of dollars and not everyone has that kind of money. Adoption is not much less expensive.

If you really want a baby, you can have one. There are always solutions and there are always people willing to help you. There is no reason to give up. It could be a problem with you or it could be a problem with your partner. If you have not waited long enough and are just not being patient enough, then that could be the only problem. Remember to stay positive and patient all the time and you will get what you want!

Stewart Wrighter has been searching the term fertility clinic Guelph Ontario on the web in order to write an article on the subject for a major news magazine. His sister is scheduled to receive infertility treatment Guelph Ontario in the near future.

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pick positive targets

Speaking with a top coach recently, he told me one of the biggest faults by amateurs is telling themselves what not to do and what what could go wrong. For example, how many of us have stood over the ball with the fear in our heads of not wanting to hit the Cleveland CG F1 Wedge  in the water, the trees or the sand?


Immediately, our subconscious mind will think about what could go wrong and will then do its best to make it happen. If you want to evaluate what could go wrong, that’s fine, size up the situation if it’s a case of risk or reward. But then make up your mind what you want to happen.


If you want to give yourself a suggestion, phrase it in your mind using positive progressive language. For example: “Right, let’s hit this ball onto the fairway over there.” or “This one’s headed for the middle of the green.”


The new Cleveland CG15 Oil Quench wedge is the most technologically advanced wedge that Cleveland Golfhas introduced to the wedge market in almost a decade. The CG15 wedgecombines a laser milled face with Zip groove technology to provide golfers with the ultimate control and the highest spin level yet seen in a Cleveland Golf wedge.


The Laser Milled clubface uses the accuracy of a laser to mill four calibrated lines between each groove which conform exactly to the official rules on roughness limit. The new Laser Milled method perfected with the Cleveland CG15 Oil Quench wedges provides a more precise and consistent surface roughness than any of the alternative methods on the markets. This enhanced roughness has allowed Clevelandto maximise the amount of spin achieved by each CG15 wedge.


The Cleveland CG15 Black Pearl wedge features a traditional player shaped wedge designed with a precision Laser Milled face texture to maximize surface roughness and spin. Coupled with the Zip Grooves the CG15 has the best and most effective spin technology ever developed byCleveland Golf.

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Be Positive in Life

Be Positive. This isn’t an article about my blood group, but positivity is the topic. Often we feel sad, worried, depressed, tense, disappointed and low in morale. This is the sign of a loser. This is the sign of a weak person. This is the sign of an ill person. This is the sign of a bankrupt person, a dying person, or a faithless person.

In life we walk through many ups and downs. We see rain, we see sunshine, we see winter, we see darkness and we see light. We have witnessed changes in life that are no different from this.

We feel happiness when we get things we want. We see rain and sunshine, we see winter, we see dark, we see light, we have witnessed this change. Life is not different to this.

We feel happiness when we get things we want. When we pass our exams, when we fall in love with someone, when we get married, when we have a child, when our child grows up, when we go on holiday. On this and many other occasions we are full of life.

When we do business we feel happy. When we see the success of it, we work hard and we expand. We celebrate. We do all we need to do.

As human beings, if our emotion and our minds are not in control, we start to worry. We get depressed and down when we loose such things as a child, business, a loved one. We just cannot accept the losses and we act in a certain manner that could affect our daily life. We do recover some time later in life, and we do get back to normal as humans generally find it difficult to move on. It is fine to take time, but there are times when we need to get a hold of ourselves, otherwise a medical complication could arise, and it could affect others around you. It may affect the household income, increase expenses so that additional care might be required.

In life, if you are enjoying good times, then you should accept the bad times too. If you have had some things that feel like a gift of god, then you must accept your losses as something from god too. Things like money, finance, jobs, girl friends, boyfriends, business, property, assets, comfort and luxury. These things mean a lot for everyone, but they are not crucial. These are things that will go when you are no longer there to enjoy them. So why cry over things like this. What would you still have if you lost them all in your lifetime? You would still have your life and your health. If you can still stand on your feet and walk, then the chances are you will be able to move on.

Just be positive in life. Look forward to things and learn from your mistakes. Avoid the wrong route. You took a previous route and you gained knowledge. You will get there a lot quicken next time, especially if you stay positive. If you have positivity in your blood, success is guaranteed.

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