Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Positive Words – What Are Examples and Their Effects?

Claire may not have Professor Xavier’s intelligence or Spiderman’s spider sense, but she is our superhero. Why? It’s just that Claire has the ability of saving us from the claws of despair, of frustration, of depression, of pessimism. No, she can’t read minds or turn back the hands of time. But you know what her secret weapon is? Positive words.

Affirmations or positive words are statements that Claire would make us repeat over and over again whenever we feel down or when doing a task. She says that positive words impress on the subconscious mind and trigger it into positive action. Once consistently repeated with attention, conviction, interest and desire, these words / phrases can help you focus your mind, let you take charge, and invalidate pessimistic ideas.

Here are a few of Claire’s positive words:

• I am healthy and happy
• Wealth is pouring into my life
• I am sailing on the river of wealth
• My body is healthy and functioning in a very good way
• I have a lot of energy
• I can do this!
• I study and comprehend fast
• My mind is calm
• I am calm and relaxed in every situation
• My thoughts are under my control
• I radiate love and happiness
• I am surrounded by love
• I have the perfect job for me
• I have a wonderful and satisfying job
• I can overcome these challenges
• I am successful in whatever I do
• There’s no stopping me!
• I am blessed and talented
• I am beautiful and intelligent
• I can be the best that I can be
• I am loved

These are only a few examples of positive words. These affirmations / words give you the power to state what you want in your life then give you a clear mental and emotional feel of those desires regardless of present circumstances. By being convinced of these positive words, you attract positive things in your life and repel bad and depressing thoughts. Remember that your subconscious mind accepts as true what you keep saying and will eventually attract corresponding events to your life. If negative statements fill your mind, then you will definitely not be able to do anything and eventually fail. Positive words can lend you a hand in transforming your life. So go on, think positive as if your life depends upon it! Because it really does!

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Transitions in Life – Keys For Positive Transformation Through Change

Why is change difficult for so many? Why do we resist the constant flow of energy that propels us on our journey through life?  And why is it when circumstances in life force us to change – we resist, fight and refuse the challenge?

You may think, “Oh that’s not my case, on the contrary, I love change and challenge.” Do you? That’s great but what about when a change happens that you don’t like. Are you one of the hundreds of thousands that have lost their home or job in the last year? Are you recently divorced after years of marriage? Do you find yourself in your senior years and not liking it?  How are you handling these changes in your life? To choose change is one thing but when it is thrust upon you, it is vastly different. However, there are keys that can, and will, help you maneuver through these demanding moments, making them your best times of rewarding, transformative growth.

There are four essential keys to Positive Transformation through Change:

Acceptance without Judgment
Creating a Vacuum
Taking Action
Having Faith and Fun

The first key to success is acceptance without judgment. Before anything – you must accept whatever change has presented itself and not judge it to be either good or bad. Don’t judge the timing by saying whether you’re ready or not for the change. Placing a negative decree on the change will greatly influence your attitude and will block creative flow. Simple, childlike acceptance without judgment is the first tool to positive transformation through change.  A child, when presented with change, simply and easily goes with the flow. There is no resistance. They naturally transition from crawling to walking to running to riding a bike to driving a car. Life situations move from one to the next in similar fashion. So the first tool for positive transformation through change is acceptance without judgment. Whatever is – is.
Change often includes loss – loss of a job or relationship or home. But loss, when let go of, creates space for receiving something new. So let it go. Why hang on? Take the opportunity to start fresh. Create a vacuum. Get rid of everything you’ve accumulated over the years that you really don’t need. Give it to a charity. Have a yard sale. Put an add on Craigslist. Move your stuff out. Get rid of the idea that you have to keep your job or the home. Let go and create empty space – a vacuum. That’s the next key to positive transformation through life change. Create a vacuum so that new things, ideas, environment and experiences have room to enter. Get free for a moment, back away from the woods to get an inspired perspective. Be curious about where you could live and how you can start over- even a new state or country. Be willing to adventure outside your comfort zone.  Creating a vacuum will provide you with the space you need to move forward. Be thankful for your life and welcome any new healing and help that comes along.
Once you have accepted without judgment and created a vacuum that provides space for growth, you will then feel the freedom and courage to take action. Make a list of priorities, no more than six in any given day and commit to seeing them through. Set goals with a clear vision and set aside enough time in the day to make it happen. If you find that you have to move then perhaps one of your goals would be to contact a realtor for helping with the transition and another might be going through one closet – sorting and scaling down to the essentials. You may have several major fronts that need action simultaneously – don’t panic. Set aside one thing in each to accomplish and follow it through. Take action and commit to being consistent. Get organized with a plan that is workable.
The final key is to have faith and fun in the process. Be responsible but have faith that a new door will open, that opportunities will present themselves and that life energy is really on your side. Have an attitude open to the fun and exciting aspect of change and the freedom that a change can provide. Explore options, talk to your spouse and children about what is possible. Be creative! Change can be a catalyst for going back to school, a career change or moving to another state or even country. Life is full of adventure waiting for your participation. Invite your relationships to walk with you in your journey! Be happy, have faith and fun!
Transitions in life are gifts from the universe to help us out of stagnation. Transitions help you rediscover what you like and what talents you have to offer.  Change and can help you reinvent yourself, giving you a second lease on life. So when a life altering situation comes up, welcome the opportunity with gratitude; accept it without judgment, create a vacuum, take action and have faith and fun. By using these keys you will find Positive Transformation through Change. 

With a degree in Communications, JoAn has taught Business Communications and English classes at SIAS International University, in China. JoAn also studied multi-cultural communications and in addition to living in China and France, is also fluent in the French Language and Culture. She coaches and consults with those going through difficult life changes and helps structure positive Lifestyle habits – focusing on the various aspects of Wellness. Her approach to life is Wellness as a holistic concept. She is currently working on her first book, “Chopsticks” about overcoming the pain of divorce and reinventing yourself. The book is due out in the fall of 2009. Visit where we are committed to bringing you the best resources to make your life Wealthier and Healthier.

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The Psychology of Trading – Positive Personality Traits – Part 1

Dear Reader,

Trading and investing in the stock market not only means you need to have a thorough understanding of Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Trading Strategy, Portfolio Management and Risk Management. You also need to be able to understand yourself, or more importantly understand how you react to certain situations.

Here we have a list of personality traits that are akin to people we all know, and in fact we all have a little of all of them in us. Here we detail the positive personality traits.

The Philosopher

“The wise man knows that he knows nothing” Socrates

One way to gain confidence in your trades is always be a student, always look to learn, improve, and better your understanding. But do not kid yourself; you can never be 100% confident. If you are a true Philosopher you will also know what you do not know. Always understand that you cannot know everything, crowds make strange decisions, buying patterns fluctuate almost like organized chaos.

The Student

Learn, Learn, Learn and most importantly understand. This website is dedicated to this cause. Learn what the indicators mean, learn how to read a balance sheet, learn how earning affect stock price, learn about yourself.

Take a Jung Typology Test (10 minutes)

The Jung-Myers-Briggs evaluates personality type and preference based on the four Jungian psychological types:

extroversion (E) or introversion (I)

sensing (S) or intuition (N)

thinking (T) or feeling (F)

judging (J) or perceiving (P)

It is incredibly accurate and thought provoking.

The Good Shepherd

Understand that the market does not always move logically the market is emotional. Crowds are really emotional, the crowd is akin to sheep but amongst the sheep there are wolves in sheep’s clothing (negative earnings reports / bad news) and when the wolves unveil themselves the sheep tend to panic and scatter. Do not let the occasional wolf throw you off course.

The Believer

Having Self belief in the market place is vital and possibly the hardest of all emotions to develop, first you must become a philosopher, then a student, and only then can you start to believe.

 Do not rely on anyone else to sell you the secret of success. If they had it they would not need to sell it to you because they would already be rich.

The Realist

Read the Section  This will demonstrate to you, that in the real world, you will not become a millionaire overnight, in one year or ten years. However, given enough time, consistent profits and compounding, it is possible.

Stocks regularly move up and down 1-10% in a day. Sealing in a 10% gain in a day or week is an excellent result. Do not expect to double your money in a week, month or year, this is very rare, and this is the bait used to sell you trading robots, stock newsletters or secret trading strategies, it is all FOLLY.

“People who pay for automatic trading systems are like medieval knights who paid Alchemists for the secret of turning base metal into gold” Dr Alexander Elder – Trading for a Living p15.   Joy of Winning Joy of Winning is a beautiful women, and to be in her presence is intoxicatingly good.

Winning is a way of life. But not always in the stock market, every day can mark us a winner or a loser. The true winners, have more money at the end that they started with. Winning can be addictive, but do not let it cloud your vision.

Joy of losing.

 Believe it or not, there can be a great joy in loosing. I have had many times where I have bought a stock and instantly it turned strongly against me.   How could I possible enjoy that?   Easy! I get out of the stock quick. SELL.   When I sell, and then the stock plummets, I get a deep satisfaction about how much money I saved by being nimble, flexible and most of all decisive.


I hope this section helps you to learn more about positive mental attributes required to help improve both the numbers of winning trades and the size of the wins.

This Article was published by the Liberated Stock Trader – Barry D. Moore.
A completely free guide to learning how to find winning stocks, and make money from trading can be found on the Website.

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How to Give Your Employees the Positive Feedback They Want and Need

Have you told an employee what a great job he/she is doing recently? Have you received positive feedback for going above and beyond in the past month? Have you overheard others in your organization praise someone for doing more than was expected?
Positive feedback has long been recognized as a critical element in high performing workplaces. During these tough economic times, when job security has vanished and employee trust in their employers has sunk to an all-time low, it has become more important than ever.
Interestingly enough, one of the greatest problems with positive feedback is that many managers don’t feel comfortable giving it. It takes too long, feels insincere or “too soft”, or it just gets in the way of day-to-day activities. Some managers don’t like discussing another person’s behavior, or giving feedback just “isn’t their style.” Yet, few actions will do more to build trust and boost morale than ongoing, sincere feedback of a positive nature.
Humans have an innate need to seek feedback on how we are doing. Without it, people tend to make up information — almost always negative — to fill the void. Giving positive feedback helps to prevent destructive “information gaps,” and strengthens relationships between employees and their supervisors. It also leads to improved work quality, increased accountability and a higher-performing work environment.
Positive feedback starts with knowing when and how to praise employees. Specifically, it involves recognizing and praising employees for particular behaviors and accomplishments that go beyond the everyday expectations of their jobs.
For example, praise employees when they:

Turn a difficult customer into a promoter
Reach new levels of accuracy
Produce more than the amount produced by any predecessor
Develop or contribute significantly to another colleague
Create a new process, product or approach
Present an idea for doing something differently (even if the idea is not implemented)
Do an exceptional job of influencing internally or externally
Excel at a presentation
Participate significantly in a community event on behalf of the company

The idea is to let employees know that you are paying attention and that you appreciate their efforts. Taking a few moments to express your appreciation can have a powerful impact on employees’ self-esteem and their attitudes toward their work and the organization as a whole.
To maximize the impact of your positive feedback, make it:

Immediate. Give the recognition as soon as possible after the event.  
Specific. State specifically what the person did that met or exceeded your expectations.  
Impactful. Explain how the event or behavior affected you, the team or the organization.  
Encouraging. Focus on the positive only. Be appreciative without mentioning other things that might need to change or be adjusted. These should be saved for times when you are giving constructive feedback.  
Focused.  State how the performance or action was positive and contributed to success. This will help prevent other messages, often made up, from taking the employee off track

For example, “Susan, I really appreciated the way you stepped up to the plate and filled in on the XYZ contract when Richard was out with the flu. Your efforts helped us land a new customer that should increase sales by 10% over the next year.” Or, “Paul, nice job on the presentation today. You got the message across in a way that enabled everyone to have a much better understanding of our objective and why it is important.”
Most of all, positive feedback must be sincere. Never give positive feedback unless you mean it. And don’t praise employees for showing up on time or doing the basics of their job. Employees have very accurate “b.s. detectors,” and will quickly see through any false praise. Insincere positive feedback will just make recipients wonder what your real agenda is or what you are trying to hide. And the next time you give legitimate praise it will have far less impact.
Also, the time has come to jettison the “sandwich” technique, whereby you say something positive, sneak in something you want the employee to do differently, and then finish with a positive. For years, this approach was used to soften the impact of critical feedback, and it worked reasonably well with Baby Boomer and Traditionalist workers.
Gen-Xers, however, quickly saw through this strategy and openly questioned the hidden agenda behind the positive feedback. And the youngest generation, the Millennials, are so accustomed to direct (and often brutal) feedback that they see no point in wasting time by trying to sneak positive feedback into a constructive feedback conversation.
So keep your positive feedback positive, focus on specific events and behaviors that exceed your expectations, and let employees know how much you appreciate their efforts. You’ll improve morale and enhance trust while encouraging higher levels of performance. And today’s stressed-out employees will appreciate your efforts to meet their workplace needs.

Consultant, Author, Speaker Holly Green is the CEO of THE HUMAN FACTOR, Inc. ( She has over 20 years of executive level and operations experience in FORTUNE 100, entrepreneurial, and management consulting organizations. Experiences include working for multinational corporations such as: The Coca-Cola Company, AT&T, Dell Computer, Bass Hotels & Resorts, Expedia, RealNetworks, Microsoft and Google. She was previously president of The Ken Blanchard Companies & LumMed, Inc.

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How to Use the Yogi Approach to Positive Parenting

Being a Mom is hard. Learning the best way to parent your child is difficult and requires patience, understanding, and a support system. Yogi parenting is an approach to positive parenting that gives you an opportunity to allow your child to make mistakes and learn lessons. The yogi parenting approach applies yoga techniques to parenting in an effort to provide a nurturing environment for your child.

There are many different techniques to try; you have to find what fits for your partner and yourself. Parenting books can provide different ideas and examples of what to do. Couples often have difficulty deciding the proper way to react to situations. This summer, take a deep breath and try a new style of parenting.

Yoga techniques can help you remain calm and stress free in situations with your child and it can be useful when disciplining your child. Come up with a system that encourages your child to do the right thing and then reinforce that behavior. Act in the present and ask them why they acted in that manner. Create an open, honest environment where it is alright to make mistakes and try new things.

If you child does something wrong show them they can talk to you without angry. Support their growth and development. Your child is learning right and wrong and through those experiences are developing their own personality. Set a good example by focusing on what they do right during the day. Open up dinner conversations to discuss one good and bad behavior that happened during the day. Give them choices and so they feel powerful as well. As you start to focus on the super things they do, you will stop noticing the negative.

Remember to be patient, stay calm, and most importantly, breath. It’s easy to overreact, but overreacting is not the best way to end problem behavior. Next time your child throws a tantrum, relax, take a deep breath, and act how you would want them to act. Following the yogi parenting method, reinforcement can be giving them a couple extra minutes of play time before dinner or letting her watch their favorite movie. Just remember to stay consistent with your parenting.

As parents, you learn as you go along. Find what fits for your family. Yogi parenting is one approach to positive parenting that may work for your family.


Maggie Fairchild is a writer for My Mommy Manual, a website that connects new and expecting moms with practical and inspired tips. Visit My Mommy Manual for more tips on buying a crib for baby as well as great parenting advice.

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Attracting Abundance – Positive Thinking For the Entrepreneur

Success as an entrepreneur seems elusive to many who run their own businesses, but it’s really only as close or far as one imagines. If you are working for yourself and feeling like success is out of your reach, that very thought may be the one that is keeping you from reaching those lofty goals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with setting seemingly unattainable goals, but you must believe they can be reached if you are ever to come close to seeing them fulfilled.

Attracting abundance with the power of positive thinking is not a new concept. Consider the following if you are seeing your goals slip away, and you’d like to know how to harness the power of positive thoughts:

Success is what you make of it. If your idea of success is set to a certain marker, don’t allow yourself to get discouraged if a colleague is reaching a different marker. If you are achieving your goals, be proud of yourself and congratulate yourself for a job well done. Seeing the results of your hard work and acknowledging them helps build positive thoughts and behavior.

Like minded people attract each other. If you remain positive in your mindset, you’ll attract the people, situations, and resources you need to fulfill your goals. Staying positive repels the negative people who want to dwell in their own negativity. Keeping a smile on your face will bring the people you need to help you succeed into your life.

Don’t just think — believe. Positive thinking is more than just saying or thinking statements that are not negative. You must believe the statements; you must feel the emotions that they should bring out in you.

As an entrepreneur, it can be easy to get discouraged. Often we are working with limited resources or support, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Stay positive and keep the mindset that you have the tools you need at your disposal. Whether you actually do or not, your subconscious will find a way to bring them into your reality. With each achievement you attract, you’ll find the power within yourself to attract the next.

Abundance is an important topic to consider, but this offering is only one small part of a much larger knowledge pool. If you’re interesting in finding out how mentoring and guidance can improve your business results while teaching you advanced marketing tactics, look at this site (I strongly recommend it).

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Creating Positive and Lasting Successful Relationships

It is a fact that as human beings one of our most basic needs is to fit in with the environment that we live in.
From childhood, we learn about where we come from and what makes up our family. As we grow older, we start to ask questions about ourselves and start to build an identity for ourselves that matches our view of the world around us.

During our teenage years we experience some of the most defining moments that stay with us through to our adult lives. It is during this time that we lay down the foundations to who we are and how we relate to the people around us.

Relationships are formed because each one of us has a need to fit in. The way we “fit in” is different for everyone. That is why there are so many various hobbies, groups and social events available to take part in. Each person joining these different groups may share a common interest on the surface, but may have more specific needs that they want to fulfill by joining a particular group. Some are looking for their “soul mates”, individuals to whom they are intimately drawn to through a favorable meeting of minds and with whom they find mutual acceptance and understanding with one another.

On a deeper level though, all these different groups and ways of self expression share a common link: the need to feel valued as an individual and to be listened to as a human being. In any interpersonal relationship, for most of us, there is nothing more important than being aware that we are being listened to and are valued for being ourselves. After all what is the real reason for you wanting to be in a relationship? What is your definition of a long lasting relationship?

If you breakdown the word relationship to re-late, it is easier to understand the whole mechanism of positive lasting relationships. When you develop the ability to relate or to connect to other people around you, whether it is at work or in your personal life, you stop seeing them just from your point of view and are willing to see things from their perspective. Once you are able to free your thoughts from your world and start noticing the events of others around you, your world changes and you grow as a person. You start to see yourself and the things that you say and do from a different angle and this helps you to understand the people in your life better.

Creating and having positive relationships is something that most people want. Even if they deny it, everyone at one point in their life is looking to better themselves by improving their interrelationship skills. No matter what kind of relationship it is, work or personal, the need is the same: To create understanding so that your common goals can be achieved together.

The problem is, when a person wants to improve their relationship skills, they fall into a common trap. Hence, they start learning certain techniques that will help them become better communicators’ i.e. positive mental attitude (P.M.A) and body language. On their own they do produce good results, but on the whole they still leave the user limited to the kind of quality they can have in their relationships. Even though they may see themselves coming from a more enlightened path, unless they see other people as human beings with needs of their own, people around them will always be resistant to their advances. This is because we have the ability to sense when someone is not being entirely truthful to us. So even though you might try to take an interest in your co-workers simply to try and build good rapport for your work team, if you don’t genuinely see them as individual human beings they will notice this and will put up a barrier between you and them.

Can you think of a similar situation in your personal life when someone was trying hard to show their interest in you simply because they wanted to gain some advantage over you? How did that feel? There are few things worse than feeling that someone isn’t being totally honest with you. It causes you to be less open to them and to be on your guard. So what can you do to make sure that you don’t fall into this trap?

The first thing is to find out what it is you want from the relationships you seek. What specific qualities would you like the other person to have? Are they confident? Are they honest? Are they loyal? By finding out what it is you want from a relationship, sets up the boundaries for what you will and will not accept from a relationship.

To find out about the kind of person you want to be having a lasting relationship with also involves knowing yourself better. Are you confident, honest or loyal? Do you need to change yourself or your habits to be able to find your “ideal” partner? What would you have to do differently to be with that person you want?

When you are looking for the perfect relationship, it is not only about what others should do for you. It is also about what you would like to do for others. Imagine your ideal relationship, how would you fit into the picture? Sometimes when you dream about something, you concentrate on how the whole scene would look like and what everyone will be doing, but you forget to focus on yourself and the things you will be doing differently.

Creating positive and lasting relationships comes down to creating a positive and lasting outlook on your life. All too often we get caught up in our everyday lives and thoughts and it is easy to lose sight of the potential power we have in ourselves to achieve our deepest desires. When this happens, the people around you will notice and retreat further away from the ideal that you want to create.

To break this cycle requires an awareness that it exists in the first place. By hiring a life coach who specialises in relationships, you could easily find solutions to your relationship problems. A relationship coach is there to help you reconnect with who you really want to be.

This article has been prepared by Dr. Richard Zzizinga, Personal Performance Coach.
To book yourself a free consultation, call: (+44)07855 277960.
Or visit for more information on life coaching and personal development.

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Use Promotional Pencils to Reflect Your Brand in a Positive Way

You do not need to spend a large amount of money to promote your company, a little goes along way when it comes to promotional pencils.

There are many other promotional items like mugs, T-shirts, bags etc. But among them the humble pencils is possibly one of the best ways to market your business.

1. It is small, weightless, and sleek.

2. Always finds a small place in the pockets of every professional.

They are a good marketing strategy to advertise your business .Your logo or brand name can be easily imprinted. When one of your valued customers receives your giveaway, from the very moment they also start to serve you actively by promoting and advertising your brand, because they make their appearance everywhere. On the other hand consider the mug most of the times they remain in the same place, a passive product.

Choosing a good pencil either the usual everyday wooden one or a more stylish retractable version will ensure that your brand name or product gets reflected in a positive manner. When you decided to give these handy products away then one can say that it is an economical alternative to any other advertising and ensures that you get profit in your business. One major advantage over some traditional advertising method is that you can choose the target public so that you can save money, but this is not the case of traditional advertising.

As already said there are a wide variety of different products to choose from but among them pencils are a good choice. They find their use from hotels and banks to shops and airports. Even a child uses one. They are used almost in every area .For instance a person sitting in front of computer for the whole day also needs a writing implement for a variety of reasons (example: making notes, noting down address etc ) So there is no doubt you can use these as a tool for promoting your business.

Using them as a marketing strategy results only in positive things, it is simple to pack and despatch through the post, or just put them into an envelope and ship them. Even for trade shows they can be used as they are small and a huge number can be stored in a small place or they can be carried to the exhibition halls with ease. Booth sizes within trade shows are minimal allowing for more trade people to attend. Promotional pencils are simple to display and exhibit and won’t take up too much space.

Moreover your potential client is going to be happy with a free useful product which is going to easily slip into his or her pocket or into their bag. Because the product is lightweight and easy to carry around it is sure to come into use throughout the day. If you have attended a trade show previously than you would have, not doubt, been asked to fill out forms and questionnaires as you move from booth to booth, so giving these useful items out during a trade show will ensure you that your brand name is getting promoted which also encourages new potential customers to become an actual customer.

Lottie Carrot works in the promotional pencil industry for Argon Promotions, the leading company in terms of innovative business gift ideas. Lottie works closely with businesses to help market their products and services by providing information and help in the selection of suitable promotional pencils for their advertising campaigns.

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Why Positive Thinking Can Kill Your Chances With Hot Girls

Back in the day, when I was an awkward, skinny, teenage virgin, I used to wonder why girls didn’t like me. So I read a bunch of ‘self-help’ books that all fired me up with the same ‘think positively, what you believe, you will achieve’ style advice. If you’ve ever seen the movie ‘The Secret’, you’re along the right lines.

End result: Still no girls were attracted to me.

Actually, the title of this article is kinda misleading, since positive thinking is a good thing, and certainly better than negative thinking. But positive thinking on its own will not get you more women, money, respect, appreciation – or anything else you want more of in this life. Positive thinking on its own is equivalent to shutting your eyes and saying ‘lalalala everything is great, everything is fine!’, when in reality, you know that it isn’t.

Closing your eyes and hoping the problem fixes itself NEVER ever works. The quickest way I know of to get where you want to be, in any area of your life, is to follow this 4 step process:

1. Honestly assess exactly where you are right now (so if you’re not attracting any women, it’s ok to say ‘I’m not getting the women I really want – and I’m not happy about that.’ You’re not moaning or complaining – just being honest with yourself.

2. Work out what you want and where you want to be. Do you want to turn into a super pimp, with Playboy bunnies all over you, and free entry to VIP clubs wherever you go? Or do you just want to meet one gorgeous, special girl who you share a real connection with, and settle down? Whatever you want is fine – but it’s important to know where you want to go before you set off.

3. Find someone who has been where you have been, and is where you want to be now, then find out what they did in order to get there. If possible, get them to mentor you. Don’t listen to any advice from armchair theorists who have not followed the path you need to follow.

4. Take action, and do whatever it takes to get there. Don’t allow yourself to be put off by the inevitable potholes along the way.

I know what it’s like to have women laugh at you, and not take you seriously. Or worse still, to totally ignore you when you speak to them. I also know what it’s like to have gorgeous, beautiful, fun, smart women hanging off your every word, and fighting over each other to get to you.

I know which one I prefer…

I want to show you how to get from where I was, to where I am now – without having to go through the years of pain that I went through. Of course, you could figure this out on your own – but why go through all that extra hassle and bother?

Visit and let me do the work for you…

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Change From Negative to Positive Thinking With a Single Word

I learned a new word today and it has me giddy with joy. The word is insouciance. Say it out loud: in soo see ance. Doesn’t that sound delicious-like you want to eat a piece of it?

Visualize To Change Your Thinking

Insouciance is a French word that means carefree or without a care. Immediately as I roll the word across my tongue, my mind conjures up the image of me living a carefree life. I picture myself twirling around in the sunshine with my face warmed by its heat, my arms spread eagle and a big smile on my face.

As I hold this image, I see blue sky, shimmering crystal clear water, and fields of tall green grass blowing in the wind. I envision fluffy white clouds sailing along in the sky. I hear laughter and birds singing. I smell the freshness you notice when winter starts to move into spring-that deep moist earthy scent. I notice that people are passing by me with smiles on their faces, curious about what’s making me so happy.

I continue to hold this image and begin to feel the emotions associated with this carefree connection starting to physically well up inside me. Joy, peace, exuberance, vibrancy, excitement, love, abundance are all present. I radiate goodness and feel life in all its glorious splendor.

Mind Body Connection Is At Work

The mind body connection is at work. Simply thinking of the word “insouciance” instantly creates a picture in my mind of living the meaning of the word. My body responds by feeling the feelings I associate with the word.

Now as I move forward into the rest of my day, I’m filled with these feelings and their energy vibration. These feelings are being projected outward to everyone I meet and are present in every situation I encounter. This energy will serve me well today and will help me create the desires of my heart. And it all began with a word-and a thought-a very positive thought.

Should I happen to face a perceived challenge, I now have an anchor to shift my thinking from negative to positive. I will simply think of my word, and all its associations will come flooding back to me and become my new perception filter for that situation.

Take A Moment For Positive Thinking Now

Take a moment right now to reflect inside yourself. Is your mind filled with words and thoughts that stimulate your responses and help you live the life you desire? Or are you mulling over and thinking about words or negative thoughts which do the opposite? Do they hold you back-cause you to stumble? Do they take you off your desired path of conscious creation?

Your Thoughts Create

What you believe, you create in your life. Your thoughts become things. What are your words and thoughts creating for you today? If you need a word to grasp onto, I give to you “insouciance.” Now go forward and be carefree.

Esther Bartkiw is a Core Belief Engineering Practitioner and Motivational Speaker. She helps people release their fears and negative beliefs, open up conscious awareness and guides them on a journey of transformation. She can be reached at 905-630-4471 or visit her website at
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