Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Having Positive Faith

“You just gotta have FAITTTTTTHHHH!” From the song “Faith” by George Michael and Limp Bizkit


They way you think will influence the way you will be. This is why having faith is essential in order for you to do anything. What you think about the most of and what you imagine yourself as the most of is what you will become!


Welcome to the power of faith! If you want to become successful or wealthy then you just have to image yourself as being it by having faith and then you will become what you are wanting and thinking about because you are obsessed with it and you have faith about it.


If you want positive things to happen in your life then you have to think positive and picture yourself there and you will be able to get anything possible in life. Wealthy and successful people had the opportunity to get where they are today due to their constant thought and imagination for what they always wanted to be and the faith they had in it brought them there and to their riches that they imagined about.


If you want to be rich and successful in your home based multi-level marketing business, your professional life and your personal life then you have to just sit down for a moment and dream about it and have faith. You have to have positive faith because if you have positive faith you will reach positive outcomes and positive things will happen in your life due to your positive thoughts.


The opposite will happen if you have negative faith because that will trigger negative into your life. For example people who think about and have faith in committing crimes actually do end up committing them because they thought about that negative concept and it actually happened to them. Negative thought will lead to a negative lifestyle.


You are what you bring upon yourself and only you can control where the future will take you through the faith that you imagine and create! Life is a journey and if you want to get the most out of that journey then you will have to have the strongest faith and curiosity.


Curiosity is also an aspect that a lot of successful people have shared. They always wondered how things work and they did research on what they loved and through their discoveries, thoughts and faith they became wealthy and successful.


An example of this concept would be about Thomas Edison. He was curious about finding a way to make life a little brighter and through his curiosity and faith and also after many failed inventions he discovered electricity and the light bulb.


If you want to be wealthy and succeed in your business then you have to be curious, have faith and imagination and then do some research and take the time to discover and think about what you love to do or something that you are interested in and you will find unlimited success and wealth in it.

If you are interested in finding out more on working from home or a SOLID work from home career then take a look at for information on getting started. I currently have the luxury of working from home and would love to help anyone who seeks the same type of success.

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Treat Everyday Life Positive

If you feel your life is lacking of the power which you need and the motivation you require, you should transform your point of view sometimes.
Make an effort to practice your opinion to focus on the helpful side of matters; you will have the motivation to make development on the designed things. You will not just stop in a period and never have development on your designed goal. It is a nice way you should endeavor and your life is more lively.
Once you change the opinion of life, you will discover your time turn to be more enriched and happiness is always around you. Do not give your destiny to chance and never have the wish that the bad situation will become better. You have to keep in peace with the deep wish and enthusiasm. Start to rebuild your confidence, and dare to confront the difficulties but not avoid them. You had better remember that power is the best way to control over situations, but the hard ability is the most important things.
You should always deem that pleasant things are not impracticable. The error may be the introduction to the success. Transform your concern into trust, and learn to surpass the uncertainties and doubt. Don not fritter away energy and time and use them to do some significant things or what you like to do. You will find out the fine things when you decide to have the benefit of the joy of life. When you regard your life positively and make it to be your daily disciplines of you life, you will find happiness with you.
Then, if you want your life is unusual and motivating, you should change yourself a bit on occasion. Society and life can not adapt you, but you have to make you to adapt life and society. Whether you are sixteen or sixty, you have to keep a curious heart that will never prostrate, and naive desire to learn something and the joy and enthusiasm to pursuit the booming career. There is a wireless station in the center of our heart, so long as which can receive messages of wish, courage, joy, power and happiness from all things on earth, so long are you young.
What does youth mean? It means the spirit of adventure which can overcome poor-spirited masculinity and the love of easy life. It is fun that this phenomenon always exists in a man of sixty than a young guy of twenty. We get older not only by a number of years but most meaning is looking for no progress of our ideas.
It is never too late to learn. The more you learn, the more you will be wise. You can find the life is full of surprise. Read can change our spirit on the view of life.

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A Passion For Positive

Do you have a deep burning desire “passion” in your heart to replace negative thinking with positive? Maybe you are not aware you’re drowning in a negative pool of thought. Maybe you are aware and don’t care. You might like the negative side of life.

In order to reap the benefits of living a positive life you have to have a passion for replacing the lies with the truth. Humans are born negative. Ok, some believe humans are born positive or sinless and then taught to think and behave negative. I disagree but who really cares where it comes from, the point is how to stop it, so you can live happy and free from misery and depression. Develop a new life by practicing positive replacement of all thoughts, which are negative. One way to know a thought is negative is how the thought makes you feel and behave. If you think a thought and the thought creates a negative emotional response, maybe you should change the thought or stay miserable.

Are you aware of what you think? Stop for a moment and listen to that voice inside of your mind. Woo, spooky, yes we all hear voices. Not the voices that create specific mental disorders, yet they can if the pathology is correct but in most case the voices are our self-talk. Pay attention to what you tell your self. Listen closely to the words and phrases you repeat in your mind.

Are you happy being negative, miserable and depressed? Maybe you are accustom to living life on a negative level and you just don’t realize there is another way. Well, my dear friend there is another way of living, which is very satisfying and rewarding. You can have this life of peace if you are willing to work toward change. There are tons of material on the net about positive thinking, positive affirmation, faith in God and other methods of change so go for the change or stay miserable. The choice is yours.

Dr Bob Wilkerson is author of the book, “I Will Not Be Defeated Anymore”. He is dedicated to helping others recover from life altering circumstances. If you like the first thoughts method of writing you will love Bob’s articles. It is Bob’s prayer that you will find something in his articles to help you make it through another day on planet earth.

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Positive Things After A Positive Std Test

The usual feeling when having been check positive from STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) depends on the extent of the condition. If the disease proved gentle and simply treated, the probably feeling is relief. For serious conditions, in fact devastating, no traditional person desires to be ill. But even when diagnosed with a milder condition, there is possible to be a sway on the person concerned. It may be the turning purpose for someone during a positive approach or the opposite for another. Hopefully, the results of being affected brings forth changes that will profit and improve a person’s lifestyle.
But as the worst is going on, solely the better will return afterward. Having positive results for any disease, relying on a person’s purpose of read, can prove beneficial. An optimistic person will notice matters as an opportunity to straighten their life and start on the journey for the betterment of their quality of life. Someone with a terribly sensible read of life can simply realize the disease a challenge that will lead and produce forth triumph when the disease has been treated or in other situations, lessons that can altogether result to improvements in life.
In any disease, gentle or serious, the simplest factor is to continually keep on the positive side. It is a sound and sensible way to deal with any reasonably problem. Staying optimistic will keep away stress which is known to deteriorate and worsen any disease. Therefore, creating the course of the treatment stay on the move of betterment while keeping away the chances of the disease worsening or any other stress induced conditions at bay.
When worries can’t appear to prevent creeping in your head and you are feeling isolated and alone, keep in mind that you are not the sole one who have and still stricken by the disease. STD affects many people; you’re not alone therefore you should not feel isolated or discriminated in any way. What you must do is accept the actual fact and stay positive throughout the course of your treatment.
If STD Testing brought forth positive diagnosis for you, the most effective issue is to just accept the very fact and try for the advance of your condition. Several types of STDs will be cured if diagnosed and treated early. The foremost necessary factor to try and do when knowing you’re affected with STD is to just accept the fact and work on the manner to betterment.

Dominick has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Diseases STDs, you can also check out his latest website about:

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Positive Changes With Positive Thoughts

Changing how you do things in life can be a very daunting task. The fact of the matter is, however, that everyone has at least one area that they need to change. It could be that you need to work on your temper and how you react to others. Someone else may need to stop drinking as much, while another may need to be more outgoing in order to get a new job. Whatever it is that needs change, or tweaking in our lives we should always be striving to become better people. We are only given one chance at life, so we should make every attempt to make it the best life we possibly can.

One of the ways we can achieve change in our lives is by learning to change how we think. What I mean by this is that we are capable of changing how we think about any aspect of our lives. By changing how we think, we can effectively change how we do things as well. It may be as small as removing a couple of letters from one sentence in our head such as, “I cannot do this”, to, “I can do this.” This probably sounds very much like a simple positive thinking method. If it does, it is because in many ways it is.

I used this method of change when I talked to clients as a Work Adjustment Specialist a little over a year ago. The clients I was dealing with had various disorders such as bi-polar, schizophrenia, depression, and other various mental disorders. My job was to help them to gain a perspective and ability to become productive and effective workers in the workplace. As I talked to these people I began to see a common trait amongst all of them. The way they were thinking was very self defeating. They were essentially talking themselves out of being able to succeed. So as I counseled with them I encouraged them to try and retrain their brain into thinking more positively. Instead of thinking, “I cannot do this”, think instead, “This may be difficult, but I CAN do this.” As some of my clients began to do this, I was able to see an improvement not only in their attitude, but also in their quality of work.

It does not really matter what aspect of life you are dealing with when using this method of self-help. If you realize that change is needed on your behalf, it will take a change of attitude more than likely to ensure success. By retraining your brain into thinking more positively and not so negatively, you can nearly always overcome any obstacle in life. Let’s face it, one of the main reasons people do not even attempt change to begin with is because they believe they cannot do it. In these cases, the person must first retrain his/her brain into believing that success is even possible. Then with each hurdle faced they must continue to retrain how they think in order to continue to overcome.

One of the great things about this is that the more a person does this, the less they will have to even think about doing it. We are creatures of habit. Because of this when we do something enough times it becomes a habit of which we no longer have to think about doing. We simply just do it. So the more you think positively about you and your life, the less you will have to convince yourself of it and the more you will simply believe it.

So if you are facing having to make a change in your life right now and are hesitant about it, begin by thinking in a positive way and believing you can. Once you have convinced yourself that you are capable of making the change, be sure to keep retraining your brain each time you hit an obstacle along the way. Continually tell yourself that you are not only capable of making this change in your life, but you are worth it as well. Good luck in your journey and remember, YOU CAN DO IT!

Timothy Sweezy
Writing for me is not a profession but a passion. It is an art form that evolves with the author and is expressed for the world to see.

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Tips To Having A Better Mindset

If attaining success has been elusive for you, then it is a good indication that you need to make some changes in your life. These changes are of course for the better, and it could mean a change in your mindset. You need to accept the fact that if you want to pursue a significantly successful life, then you need to avoid small thinking. Small thinking will enable you to set certain limitations for yourself, which will prevent you from attaining your goals, which in turn, would hold you back in reaching your dreams of being successful. Small thinking may be caused by negative thoughts, which you need to get rid of as well. Negative thoughts, can affect everyone on a daily basis, but to come out as a winner, you need to make some changes in the way you think.

There are a lot of things that can help you gain success in your life, and one of which is by changing the way you think. For one, if you want to be promoted, you need to think positive and convince yourself that you will be able to get the position that you are longing for. This will give you better results than thinking downward thoughts such as being afraid that you would be rejected, or people would laugh at you for even considering applying for such a position.

You need to realize that your thoughts are things, and they can become your reality. Therefore, if you are thinking of negative thoughts, you need to stop it, since your actions will soon be based on them. Your thoughts will be manifested by your actions and the results would be negative if you were thinking of negative things. Therefore, it is always best to think of positive things, than the other kind. With positive thoughts, you will also have a positive disposition in life. With that, your boss and your colleagues would also be able to see or feel the positive energy that you have, which could mean that they will trust you more, and eventually trust you for certain types of tasks they have in mind.

Now that you want to think positive thoughts, you may be wondering on how to constantly do it. It would actually require self discipline to do that, and it is a good idea to surround yourself with people who are also positive thinkers. In most cases, if you are with people who are pessimistic or are always complaining, you will soon see yourself doing that they do. Therefore, avoid people with negative energy since they may influence you to think negative thoughts as well.

Keep these tips in mind, so that you will soon be able to develop a more positive mindset. Always think positive in all you do, since it will eventually become part of you.

To find out more, check out: Mindset

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True Life Success Secrets: Banish The Failure Mindset

I’ve been in the failure mindset most of my life. I struggled to think that I deserved anything more than I already had in life. I struggled to think I deserved more than my parents had.

When I was overweight I was depressed and felt ashamed of the way I looked. I decided that I was going to lose weight. I tried to diet and tried to exercise, and the weight just seemed to be resistant to anything I tried. It seemed like I was failing at losing weight and why try. So, I would go back to the same lifestyle.

When I had financial struggles I was depressed because it seemed we never had enough. I decided that I was going to find a way to bring our finances up to the level that would make us comfortable. And because I didn’t believe I could do it I failed for years.

What changed? I change my mindset. Once I believed that losing weight was going to happen it happened. I started riding bikes and taking walks with my family and I stopped eating the sweets. I had sweets once a day in moderation. I didn’t cut it out totally.

But the point is this is what I had done before. It hadn’t worked the times before when I tried, but this time my mindset was of achieving my goals. I released the failure mindset and decided I was worth it and it was going to happen and it did.

Our financial situation has changed as well. While I used to work harder and longer hours, it didn’t ever seem to get better. But once I decided that financial freedom was what I deserved and what I was going to get everything seemed to fall into place for it to manifest in my life.

A big misunderstanding about the Law of Attraction today is most people imply that if you think about something and believe it is coming that it will just appear in your life. And while that is partly true, it’s not the total truth. The secret to manifesting what you want in your life is the part that was left out.

While you must first believe that you can achieve what you set out to do, you must take action along with that mindset. Nothing falls into your lap.

Without the correct mindset and the correct action nothing is going to happen. You must employ both together to get the results that you desire.

Decide that today is the day to banish the failure mindset. Discover the difference you’ll make in your own life and the things that you are capable of accomplishing that taking action and changing your mindset can make.

Tammy Matthews, the author of A Change of Pace invites you to discover the lasting changes you can make in your life by understanding what a difference a change of mindset can make in attaining what you want in life. Click the link below to claim your Free Report on Living The Life Of Your Dreams.. =>

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It’s All In Your Head: Easy Ways To Stay Positive And Boost Your Business

I did a lot of things over the past few years to grow and expand my business, including working for the lifestyle I want, defining my ideal clients and taking care of my physical and mental health.

Part of my mental healthcare included maintaining a positive mindset and it really made a huge difference. It cleared my head and allowed me to really focus on my business. Here are the four things I did to create a constant source of positive energy.

1.No News!
My first rule was no news, no radio and no reading the newspaper. That meant not flipping on the radio in the car. It meant not turning on the TV – even for two seconds – because it seemed like I’d always hear bad news. It’s amazing how I always manage to hear about the top news items anyway.

2.Positive Programs and Music
I made sure that I had a lot of positive audio programs and music. This can be any kind of spiritual teacher, guru, coach, leader or author who resonates with you. Buy their audio books or seminars and put them in your iPod or on your computer; rent them from the library and listen to the CDs in your car. Positive, uplifting music is good too. I, myself, like music that includes chanting, affirmations and stuff that’s just fun and fancy-free. We all have music that puts us in a good mood – so use whatever works for you.

3.Positive People
I decided I only wanted positive people around me. That meant I needed to not hang out with some of my family and friends. I worked hard to avoid energy vampires – those people who are so negative they just suck the life right out of you. To be honest, for a while I went into kind of a little cocoon. I needed to reconnect with my family and myself and be very purposeful about who I was spending my time with. Also, I attended retreats and conferences that were in a positive, spiritual realm. If that doesn’t work for you, find something related to a hobby. For example, if you’re into genealogy or you’re a stamp collector – whatever gives you energy – put yourself in those environments.

4.Community Connection
I made sure I was connected to community. This is a really big one because we tend to isolate ourselves. As entrepreneurs with our own businesses – most of us in our own homes – it’s very easy to isolate. So, find some likeminded groups, like a book club, spiritual group or volunteer activity, and attend regularly.

Taking care of oneself physically and mentally – and keeping a positive mindset – is a great way to keep yourself in the game. You’ll be amazed at the renewed motivation you have for doing the things that are not your core passion, but will make your business grow. Working from a cup overflowing helps you float through cold calls, accounting, filing, networking or any other activity that is critical to success but not always top on your list. Once the negativity is gone and you’ve got positive energy on your side, anything is possible.

Lisa Cherney is a Marketing Intuitive and President & Founder of Conscious Marketing. Lisa has helped thousands of business owners tap into their intuition and market their businesses from the Inside Out. For 15 years she worked at Fortune 500 companies and top advertising agencies.

Lisa tells her story in her co-authored book Inspiration to Realization, available at Conscious Marketing also offers workshops and coaching. Visit her website for more details or call 887-771-0156.

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Positive Parenting

You may not realize it but one of the best things that you can contribute to your childrens personality is by creating your own positive parenting method. This would be very useful and helpful for you especially if you have kids ageing from 4-12 year of age. Though no matter what age your children are such a plan can still be useful and effective for you.

Positive parenting would definitely be a great help for you and your family in organizing and in living harmoniously, you may not realize it but children crave for organizing or structure. You may very well observe that in unstructured kind of environment they totally would be chaotic, however once you put some standards and rules for them to follow; they eventually learn how to adapt with it instantly.

Organizing and structuring makes your entire entire family member establish stronger and better relationship towards one another, quarrelling and petty squabbling can be prevented or reduced as well.

Here are some positive parenting structures that might be applicable for your family:

Individualized parenting plan can help you with your parenting skills area; children usually pass through all sorts of challenges and problems in life. Such problems could cause you also to worry about their behavior in reaction to the kind of challenge or problem that they encounter. So, before you butt in and inject your kind of parenting tools might as well correct some unwanted attitudes while teaching your child learn the lesson in a bit light and comfortable way.

Having a positive parenting strategy on hand, itll make your child feel more secure. On the other hand youll have also a better idea on how to deal with your kids when faced by behavioral problems.

Misunderstanding would be reduced; it may not be totally eradicated within your family as we all have our own individual differences. However, with positive parenting put into play the effect would be lesser unfinished chores, lesser conflicts and quarrelling, lesser frustration for the entire family as well. Positive parenting will put your entire family into proper perspective, giving place for understanding and have better and clear expectations and standards towards each other, building a happy and healthy relationship in your family.

With these suggested strategies, you may find it useful for you. However, the way you are going to train and raise your kids would entirely lie in your hand. After all it is you who knows what kind of individual each one of them, some parenting strategies may apply to some of your kids, while some may not. It is therefore essential that youll learn to adjust and modify your parenting plan from time to time but maintaining that certain bond among your children and your family as a whole.

To read more interesting articles on pregnancy, baby care and parenting, visit Do not forget to check out the articles on parenting skills & parenting styles.

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Being Positive

Being positive means having faith in the future. It means focusing on solutions and not on problems. It means being open to new ideas, new concepts and being able to think outside the box.

The positive person can see reality such as it is and does not need to say that things are rosy when they are not. Unless a challenge is well appraised and understood, it cannot be solved. However the positive person will tend to see the challenge as a stepping-stone and not as a stumbling block.

Being positive is a constant challenge. It is said that it takes seventeen positive experiences to negate one negative one. Life has its share of challenges so, in order to remain positive, the emotional battery has to be recharged constantly.

There are a great many ways of recharging the emotional battery and none will be effective for everyone. Each of us has to find what works best for him or her. A person who tends to be introverted will be better served by reading a positive book or viewing an inspirational video while an extrovert will find the same inspiration by associating with positive people.

Be it as may, recharging the battery has to be done on a daily basis if it is to be effective. Zig Ziglar used to say, “Skip a meal but don’t skip your daily inspirational moment.”

The brain follows the GIGO principle. That is, Good Stuff In, Good Stuff Out… and Garbage In, Garbage Out. It does not fail. If we feed good and positive material to our brain, it will create a positive state of mind. However, if we allow the bad news peddlers to influence us, the state of mind will be affected accordingly.

The difference in the quality of life that we enjoy depends on what we chose to focus on. If we chose beauty and quality, that’s what we’ll experience but if we dwell on the negative, it will take its toll.

The state of mind, positive or negative, is also highly influenced by our posture. Walking tall and erect will send positive vibes to the brain whereas the slouching and lazy posture will affect us negatively. It is impossible to stay in a depressing mood for a long time when we stand or walk like a champion and it is also impossible to be enthusiastic for any length of time when slouching like a loser.

Being positive means faith and hope. It does not mean shying away from reality. It means that we are convinced that sooner or later we’ll come out on top and that we will prevail. It’s that simple.

Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Owner Administrator of the Personal Development for Personal Success Forums.

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