Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Power Of Positive Thinking Exercises Manifest Anything!

Power Of Positive Thinking Exercises Manifest Anything!

Power Of Positive Thinking Exercises…

Empowered Mind Videos “Subliminal Manifestation Videos” are meditation tools that can be used to program your subconscious mind to carry out your wishes and desires. You can program your subconscious mind to attract money, success, the perfect lover or almost anything you can imagine. In fact our streaming video library contains over 40 subconscious altering videos, with new videos being added every month. Our subliminals can help your conquer your fears, forget a painful past, conquer anxiety, find love, put you on the right track to financial success and everything in between. Program yourself with more confidence, a healthier mind set or achieve a peaceful meditation using Empowered Mind Videos today!


Modification of your subconscious mind is not an instant process. You need to watch the videos and absorb their audio track as often as possible to fully realize the benefits. Each full length video in our library ranges from 20 minutes to 45 minutes long and are themed with different outcomes in mind. We recommend setting aside some quiet relaxation time a few times each week to watch whatever video that has the outcome you wish to achieve. Once you notice a change in your mind set or behaviors you can scale back the amount of times you watch the video. Often people will come back to the same video a few months down the road if they notice they are reverting back to their same mind set or behaviors. It is imperative that you use a set of headphones and not your computer speakers to listen to the audio tracks in order to attain the best results.


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Power Affirmations – The Secret To Positive Thinking

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500 Powerful Affirmations – The Secret to Positive Thinking
**The 500 powerful affirmations contained within this one-of-a-kind audio session will reawaken your inner drive to all that the world has to offer you. Now is the time to remove your negative thoughts and behaviors, and replace them with the power of positive thinking. If not today, then when? It is today that you can begin to grow, and these success affirmations are an excellent method to help you do so.
The positive affirmations will awaken your inner potential! The 500 affirmations relate to the areas of:
• Affirmations for Success
• Affirmations for Weight Loss
• Affirmations for Self-Love
• Affirmations for Confidence
• Positive Affirmations Meditations
• Affirmations for Self-Esteem
• Affirmations for Love
• Affirmations for Wealth and Prosperity
• Positive Affirmations for Health and Healing
• Money Affirmations
Sit back, put your headphones on and enjoy the path that leads to positive thinking. I am here to guide you, so there is nothing to fear in this visualization session. In the audio, we will begin with deep breathing exercises to relax you and help you feel comfortable. Next, I encourage you to visualize a confident memory as we begin to go through a list of powerful confirmations. As you listen to the success affirmations, you will find yourself feeling more positive than before the session began.

If you fully open yourself up to this visualization session, you fill find that it empowers you unlike any other tool you previously tried. It will open up the way you see your day today, tomorrow and far into the future. You will find yourself excited again for goals that you once thought were too difficult to reach as you feel confidence as you haven’t felt in a long time.

Your personal drive will reignite, with a renewed sense of hope about the world around you. When you embrace the power of positive thinking, you not only put out positive energies but get so much back in return. That is the law of attraction in play. When you think of good things, then good things come your way. It is a simple philosophy that truly does work.

Watch as your personal and professional relationships start to strengthen. You will find yourself embracing the new opportunities that come your way rather than avoiding or denying them out of fear. This type of lifestyle is rich in quality and also enriches the lives of everyone around you. It is then that you are living up to your maximum potential.

You will feel unstoppable and full of energy! Positive energy will surround you. Under the law of attraction, success and wealth will be drawn to you. Isn’t this how you have always pictured your life?
The secret to getting to this wonderful place in life is changing your mindset. Listening to the 500 powerful affirmations is the key to getting you there, to the success mindset. Plus, you can listen to the audio again and again. It can become part of your daily routine designed to increase your self-esteem. The daily affirmations offer hope, images of success and serve as motivation.

The power of positive thinking can be yours, as can the success, wealth and self-confidence that comes with it. Do not give up hope when it is within your grasp. Start the journey to living the life of your dreams. Start the journey today by streaming the 500 Positive Affirmations – The Secret to Positive Thinking audio session now.

If you’re ready to step up and enjoy living your full potential, then this session is a must!

Background Music: “Tropical Ocean Surf”… Footage by Addict… Image © Leonid Tit –… By: David McGraw
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How To Be Positive – Mindset Monday…

How To Be Positive – Mindset Monday

“A negative mind will never give you a positive life”.

If you want to achieve success and happiness, you need to be optimistic. There are countless benefits of positive attitude. It’s a state of mind that we should all be develop. When we adopt it as a way of life, changes slowly unfold around us. We become happier, brighter, and more successful.

However, thoughts and attitude do not change overnight. Some inner work has to be done. For this week’s Mindset Monday, we will give you the 3 things that can help you stay in a positive state!

1) Recognize when you are not being positive.

It’s very important that you acknowledge where you are right now. Assess your current state. Are you being negative? Do you easily see the negativity of things?

If you recognise that you are in a negative state early on, you give yourself an ample time to address it, before it gets worse and become contagious. So start the process in pieces. Think about how you can step out of that negative zone by looking at the brighter side of a negative situation. Maybe, you can think about the smallest things that you feel grateful of. And do it again, and again, and repeat the cycle. In no time, you will slowly feel this change in you. And you will gradually embrace positivity in your life.

2) Practice it.

It’s about pouring your mind with positive thoughts constantly, so that you can get rid of the negativities. We clean our bodies by pouring in clean water, and same goes with positive thoughts that we fuel into our mindsets. When we practice optimism, we begin realising that life can be viewed in a better picture. We don’t have to lock ourselves in a prison cell barred with doubts, fears and insecurities.

Let go of the negative thoughts and embrace the positive side, anytime and anywhere.

3) Laugh at yourself!

We don’t have to take life seriously, all the time. We sometimes find ourselves in a ridiculous or awkward situation. Instead of blaming ourselves or thinking how we messed up. why don’t we just laugh about it and move forward? That way, you can let go of the negativity that surrounds in a negative situation. And start radiating a positive aura by laughing at yourself. If you can afford to laugh at yourself, you can start sharing laughter with others.

Be happy, my friend! It takes a positive mind to unlock the keys of success and happiness. Live with it slowly, one positive step at a time!

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Harness the best asset you’ve got, the subconscious, and become an unstoppable force – visit

Welcome to the positive thinking session. If you are looking to develop a positive thinking, growth mindset attract abundance, cover yourself with positive divine energy and carry a positive attitude, I highly advise you to listen daily with headphones.

Mood enhancer serotonin boost –
Manifest goals with the law of attraction –

The subliminal affirmations below are covered by relaxing music and Binaural Beats. The Brainwave Entrainment will send relaxing frequency signals and those will put your brain in relaxation zone. Relaxing state maximize the receptiveness of the subliminal messages.

Headphones are a must. Listen repetitively on a daily basis for at least 4 weeks.

The subliminal affirmations used in this session:
I have positive interpretations of life events | My positive outlook serves me greatly in all areas of life | My positive thinking brings me more abundance and wonderful experiences
With my positive mindset, I attract the exact practical tools I need | Positive thinking enables me to make the most of my life | I find it easy to deal with any of life’s circumstances | It is safe for me to carry positive thoughts | My mind and soul contain affirmative powerful beliefs | My positive subconscious mindset attracts more abundance every day | I love living life and enjoy every second on this earth | My positive spirit inspires others to become better | Positive thoughts make me feel happier, more vibrant and more energetic | Positive energy surrounds my body, mind and halo | I feel thankful and full of gratitude for what I have in life | It feels amazing to attract all that I need and want
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Joel Osteen Have A Positive Mindset Sermon 2015

Joel Osteen Great Sermon Have A Positive Mindset 2015 God Bless you All

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Positive Mindset Hypnosis for Sleep and Good Dreams


Positive Mindset Hypnosis for Sleep and Good Dreams

Something to help you fall asleep feeling happy and relaxed.
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How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)


How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)

How to reprogram your mind for more positive thinking.
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In this episode of The Charged Life, high performance coach and motivational speaker Brendon Burchard shares how to reprogram your mind for better and more positive thinking.

Brendon Burchard is a #1 New York Times bestselling author whose books include THE CHARGE, THE MILLIONAIRE MESSENGER, and LIFE’S GOLDEN TICKET. He is also the founder of High Performance Academy, the legendary personal growth and development training for achievers. Larry King named Brendon “one of the top motivation and marketing trainers in the world.”

After a car accident at 19 years old inspired him to turn his life around and follow his dreams, and then having the blessings to become a multimillionaire writer and trainer by the age of 32, Brendon has dedicated his life to helping others find their charge and share their voice with the world. He is now one of the most in-demand motivational speakers and high performance coaches in the world.

The Charged Life is a weekly YouTube show full of #motivation, #inspiration, and #high performance strategies with personal growth legend Brendon Burchard. Filmed in one take, without any notes or prompter, the show has become one of the most viewed personal growth video series in the history of Youtube. It’s also been the #1 Podcast in all of iTunes, and is regularly the top podcast in Self-Help and Health categories around the globe. Subscribe to the free podcast here: .

*Free book details: While supplies last. You get the book with our compliments, but you have to pay your shipping to receive it. This offer expires in 30 days from date of this post or whenever supplies run out.

Meet Brendon at

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