Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Change – A Positive Choice – Part 1

How do you feel about change? Do you view it as hard or scary? Or as an opportunity? Change is inevitable. How we view it can make a huge difference to our lives.

Change is happening every moment and is often something out of our control. However, how we view it, is completely our choice.

Inevitable changes

Change is a bit like time. It’s constantly happening and has an effect on us and the things around us. When we learn to work with it, it becomes our partner. If we fight it, we run the risk of creating chaos and stress.

Inevitable changes include things like nature, the seasons, tides, ageing, and climate. Changes in the seasons, and nature we accept because we have no influence on them. These changes are often the inspiration for many beautiful things such as the incredible changing colours of a sunset or the changes a chrysalis goes through to become a beautiful butterfly. These changes are inevitable, and we accept them as a part of life.

Ageing is a change that, when we are younger, we wish would happen faster and as we age we wish it would slow down. There is a huge industry based on the changes we go through as human beings. Billions of dollars are spent trying to change the process of ageing. Some cultures have another perspective on this. The young have outer beauty, while the elders have a rich inner beauty called wisdom. All wisdom is built from many moments of experience. Each one of these moments was a moment of change.

In our fast paced world we contribute to climate change. Although we are not necessarily directly in control of it, we can choose to make a positive difference in our own way. Every little bit counts. Saab plant trees to offset the emissions from their cars. Choosing to recycle helps reduce the waste going into our landfills.

Changing perspectives

Change is another word for opportunity. Every change offers an opportunity to make a choice. We can choose to be a victim of the change, or create something new and make it work for us.

The degree of the change can sometimes overwhelm us. It’s natural to have fear initially. This is one of our defense systems. We are all human, and we all have both positive and negative feelings. What makes the difference is how long you choose to hold onto the fear or negativity. The faster you choose to let it go and change your focus to something productive, the quicker you will create great results.

We all have patterns and habits we’ve had for a lifetime about change and how we view it. Active education is the best way to change your perspective and break old habits. By active education we mean putting what you learn into action immediately. You can only truly learn something once you’ve experienced it. We are constantly changing the resources to help you with this, so make sure you keep an eye on the website.

(please look for part 2…)

Lawrence Ocampo, in behalf of Robyn Simpson. Robyn Simpson has enjoyed a fast paced career, starting in marketing, reaching Senior Management level in New Zealand’s biggest corporation by the age of 22. Robyn then launched her first successful business at age 26. She has since founded Choose the ‘Tude Ltd – Australasia’s first Motivational Resource Centre which allows her to work from where ever she wants, doing what she loves when ever she wants. She lives with a life of freedom many people aspire to. Robyn is a co-author in the book ‘Living An Abundant Life’ featuring personal development guru’s such as Neale Donald Walsch, Jack Canfield, Dr Wayne Dyer, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy and more… and has just completed her own book, ‘Attitude, Aptitude, Altitude – Choose Your ‘Tude’ due to be launched in June 2009. She enjoys speaking to a variety of audiences internationally to share her messages.

Inspirational, Motivational, Coaching Books.

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Success Strategies – The Power of Positive Thinking

Is there a key for people who achieve success?

It is our choice of how we look at the world. Is the glass half empty or half full? Our view of the world determines how we think about and act in any situation, which of course leads to our results. Our results lead to the life style that we lead.

We can only have one thought in our minds at a time so why not make it a positive one? Our thoughts are something that we have complete control over. They are the one thing that directly leads to our success or failure.

If you don’t like your life style, you need to look at and change your attitudes or the way that you think because that where it all starts. Is it positive or negative? (Hint: If you think that your thinking is positive you may want to get some insight from some of the people that are closest to you. Just ask them. It may not be as positive as you think …)

Having a positive attitude takes constant reinforcement. Due to past conditioning and constant bombardment of negative stuff (i.e. Have you watched the news lately?) is it any wonder we tend to think “That just won’t work…” or “I can’t do that…” It’s easier for us as humans for our thinking to go there instead of how things can work out.

Here are a few strategies to help keep you on the path of positive attitude achievement:

– Smile before leaving your house each morning. While you are at it, smile all day long. A smile sets a positive tone for you internally. It also attracts people to you in a spirit of friendly cooperation, which will aid in your achievement. How can you ensure that you smile more often?

– Set clearly defined goals for yourself. Well set goals create enthusiasm and the motivation to change. You will be most successful and fulfilled when you are working towards the accomplishment of your goals. Goals are necessary to understand attitudes. They provide us with a measurement. If you are not reaching your goals, you need to change the way you think or your attitudes. Do you have clearly defined goals that drive your achievement?

– When you suffer a “defeat” immediately go about restoring your positive attitude. Frustration and disappointment are worthless emotions. They waste both time and energy. They take away from us having a positive attitude and will hinder achievement. So learn from mistakes to make the experience productive. Look back on other victories in your life to regain your positive focus. Do you keep track of what you have achieved in your life?

It’s really quite simple: If you think in negative terms, you will get negative results. If you think in positive terms you will get positive results. Our subconscious mind can help us achieve success beyond our wildest dreams. All you need to do is control your thoughts because we become what we think about.

Decide now what it is that you want. It’s going to be the most important decision you ever make.

I help executives, business owners, professionals, and salespeople become more successful. Do you want improved results? I help people think differently so that they can behave differently. Since it’s our actions that lead to our results, better thinking is the key to the success you want. There are 3 things that I work with: attitude development, skills and knowledge, and goal setting for achievement.

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Manifestation of Positive Spiritual Energy Through Meditation

Meditation is one of the most simplest ways to manifest your positive spiritual energy. It is through meditation that you can change your life. Just one simple positive thought a day can manifest into a new life of success, love, spiritual healing and contentment. I am going to show you how these simple meditation techniques can really improve your outlook on life.

Meditation: Practice silence and mediation for 30 minutes a day. Connecting with your inner self takes time, practice and work. At first it will be difficult to meditate. The more you do it the easier it becomes. You will find that you will become so good at it, that you will be able to do it anywhere. Waiting in line at the gas station? Why not spend those few minutes in meditation? It clears your mind, provides focus and balance.

Methods: Start by concentrating on something calming and relaxing. The easy way to do this is to close your eyes and picture a relaxing tropical beach or calming beautiful forest. Try to remove all barriers from your mind. Try to make your mind go blank. Remove all worry and thoughts of anything else but this one pictures in your head. Calm your thoughts. Once you calm your mind by concentrating on a beach, forest or something similar, take it to the next level and form a box in your mind. Surround that box with white light. Remove all other thoughts from your mind. The only three things you should be seeing in your mind is your box, the white light and the gentle feeling of your breathe being taken into your body and exiting your body. Feel the warming, relaxing effect of the breathe entering your body and then the release of the breathe leaving the body.

With every refreshing breathe; more and more of the worry, noise and stress will leave your body. In just a matter of days you will start to experience spiritual healing and a sense of contentment.

Now take one single positive thought and place that positive thought inside your box. That one single positive thought is what will manifest inside you and to others. Hold that thought there in your box. Close it off from anything else in your mind. It is protected in that box and nothing or no one can remove it. It is there for you to revisit throughout the day. Maybe your thought is to be able to help someone in need. Maybe it is to find a new job so you can feed your family. Maybe it is too find a way to finance a new home.

Whatever you choose to manifest during your mediation period will become reality in your life. This is how powerful this method can be. You will truly manifest what you concentrate on. Soon you will not need the box to manifest your own destiny. The need for approval will no longer be part of your thoughts, actions or dreams. You will have brought a daily manifestation of positive energy into your life.

These words are so powerful that I have seen one good friend go from nothing to owning his own business. He did this in less than four years. Most people spend their lives trying to build a successful business. My friend did it in 4 simple years, by giving and receiving from others. Manifesting his true “Self” to the world and the Universe is what made him the person he is today. It was through these meditation techniques that he found the spiritual healing to propel him forward in life.

Practice these meditation techniques on a daily basis. Try not to miss a day. As I mentioned, the more you do it the easier it becomes.

Blessings and Happiness….

Arturo D. Saborio is a long time practitioner of spiritual oneness and finding contentment in life. His free articles are very uplifting and filled with practical everyday life teachings. Come take a look at his newest website to gain knowledge and insight into your own spirituality. Find a path to contentment and happiness.

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Screw Positive Thinking! Where Self Help Goes Terribly Wrong

It is the battle cry of the self-help faithful. ” I am focusing on the positive!” There could never have been a dumber idea presented to the world. Yet all of us do it at one time or another. Let me give you a suggestion that might seem a bit revolutionary….

SCREW POSITIVE THINKING! It is stupid and destructive.

“But Tom…. Positive thinking makes me feel good.” Why yes it does and that is exactly the problem. A person using the excuse that they need to feel good in order to get through the day is crap. It allows you to avoid all your problems but….what really happens is that the problems are still there and you are just building a defensive wall out of a fragile house of cards that one day will crumble when something happens that makes it impossible for you to avoid a problem.

Don’t worry! Then some well-meaning idiot therapist will give you a pill to boost you mood even more. After you acclimate to that they will kindly up your dosage to you can hide even better from the problem. Just like Old Faithful you can count on one thing for sure…sooner or later you will erupt.

I call this the denial circuit. Last week Dr Ken was in town and we were mapping out the behavioral circuits of the brain. We came across and interesting discovery. Once we tap into the denial circuit we get even more creative about our excuses because that circuit taps directly into the creative part of the brain. It allows you to better ignore the problem and then rewards that by making you feel even better about ignoring the problem. It is a cycle that keeps going until you run into a wall.There is a free video on the top left corner of this site.

SSRIs make that even worse because they boost the chemicals in the brain that make you better able to ignore the problems and they make you feel good about doing it.

Then the dam bursts.

Why does this happen? It is simple. You can only squeeze so much feel good out of your brain before it reacts and the feel good chemicals can’t keep up anymore. When that happens you hit the wall and there is no escape. At that point you have a few choices. You can check yourself in for a free stay and the loony bin. You can curl up into the fetal position and waste away. My choice is this. You can choose to face your problems and solve them!

The problem with hiding from your problems is that the part of the brain that rewards your hiding also has no movement attached to it. You are just sitting in neutral with good feeling and no motivation to move. There is no access to the part of the brain that initiates movement. So nothing really changes other than you feel ok about being screwed up.

Yes I know this sounds nuts. Actually growing and learning sounds crazy when it is easier to just ignore. Yes it is easier to take magic pills, go into denial or just drink and drug yourself into oblivion. One thing I can guarantee is that sooner or later the eruption will occur. You will have to face the problem you have been ignoring. There is no hiding from it.

What can you do? The first thing is to make some personal changes that allow you to handle adversity instead of hiding from it. I think the 3D Mind is the best process for that. The reason I think so is that it balances the way the brain works. This is not some therapeutic junk where we examine your past. It is an actual brain exercise that helps your brain think in a new way. It shows you how to create and have movement all at the same time so that you address your issues quickly so that they never have a chance to erupt into huge problems.

OK I know… you have one of the ten thousand self-help books out there that tell you that being positive is powerful. Sorry… they are all wrong. No exceptions. No compromises.

The happiest people I know do not focus on only the positive things in life. They just deal with problems very quickly. They are creative and move quickly to solve problems, instead of focusing on where there are no problems. If you want to be one of these people then there are a few things you are going to have to do.

1. List your favorite excuses.
2. Pick one excuse.
3. What does that excuse allow you to avoid?
4. How would it feel if you could not avoid it?
5. Use your favorite self-improvement process that does not just make it easier to avoid those feelings.

Tom Vizzini

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Believe in Yourself! Stay Positive & Build on It

Most of us live in a cocoon of fear. If it’s not one thing we’re afraid of it’s another. What with financial stresses, employment uncertainties, relationships at work, problems with children, their schools etc it’s one merry-go-round of anxiety after another. We could be forgiven for thinking this is the only way.

Fortunately it isn’t the only way. There’s an infinitely better way and it’s all about faith; a faith even more simplistic than a faith in God perhaps (as so many baulk at God–though in my experience, the God-concept is pretty simple).

This is as simple as making the choice to see the virtue within you and setting out to replicate it and build on it. Virtue contributes to faith and faith brings a zest for living. Part of this is deliberately choosing to see others positive views of you. See their views of you as positive. It will help your self-esteem.

And the result, over time, is an increasing and welling up of positive confidence that will set you up for future success and so on and so on. It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. But, it will only work if you’re growing genuinely in virtue i.e. being more thankful, positive, kind etc.

It’s often said that if we don’t believe in ourselves, who will (apart from our parents and a handful of close others)?

It’s strange how believing in yourself and not condemning yourself can be so powerful. Suddenly, without the chains and shackles of despair and rejection holding us down, we’re able to soar like eagles–and be the way we were always meant to be.

Give yourself another second chance. Believe in yourself: your abilities, your ideas, your resilience to get through your tough situation right now, and finally, your character.

Life was never meant to beat us down. No matter what is against you, you can prove the greatest inspiration, even to yourself.

Stay positive and build on it.

Copyright © 2009, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved.

Steve Wickham is a registered safety practitioner (BSc, MSIA, RSP) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). He also has training and leadership Diplomas. His passion in vocation is facilitation and coaching; encouraging people to soar to a higher value of their potential. Steve’s key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

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Delete Negative Thoughts and Create a Positive Mind

Are you one of those individuals whose mental time, power and energy is consumed in generating, supporting or languishing in negative thinking? If so, then you clearly recognize how this activity wastes a huge portion of your life and slows you down from achieving your goals. Indeed, a negative thought acts much like “friction” does in the physical world, it makes everything feel like work. Do you know that it is possible to delete negative thoughts from the mind and create a life that flows effortlessly?

In order to delete such negativity it becomes necessary to first understand where it comes from. If you ponder the experience of having a negative thought you will recognize that it just “pops” into the mind unannounced and without your active permission. It often seems like a random and uncontrollable event. There are however several factors that affect the intensity and number of negative thoughts one may experience at any given time.

They are:

1. The degree of stress you find yourself in (i.e. financial, relationship, health etc…)

2. The extent to which you choose to believe how beneficial such thoughts might be to you.

3. The presence of foreign substances including coffee, alcohol and other depressant drugs.

4. The cumulative history of negative memories of events in your life that are stored in your unconscious mind.

If we assume that Number 3 above is absent then we are left with 3 significant factors that can be addressed directly to deal with this problem. In fact it turns out that these 3 are actually intimately related both to the problem itself and to the solution. Let me explain.

At the deepest level negative memories stored in the unconscious mind:
a) generate the negative thoughts you experience floating into your conscious mind
b) are triggered by stressful daily events that “stir this unconscious pot” and
c) also act as “evidence” or “justify” to you why having such negative thoughts is necessary. Let me give you an example.

Suppose you have experienced a failed relationship that was traumatic to you. You will have the memory of this event stored inside along with all the negative feelings that go with it. If you happen to meet a new potential partner this new situation will often trigger some or all of the negative emotions and thoughts from the old relationship. These will emerge into your conscious mind likely as: doubts about the new relationship, beliefs (and or fears) of rejection, potentially pessimism about relationships and about your new friend and so on.

What’s more you might find yourself “justifying” the need to hold onto this negativity in order to, say, protect yourself from getting hurt again. So where does this leave you? Well living an unfulfilling life that is consumed with negativity. Happy? Hardly!

In order to permanently delete this negativity it becomes necessary therefore to:

1. Delete the negative memories.


2. Delete the need to justify the negative thoughts.

By doing so not only will you create a clear, focused and positive mind you will also release stress from your life and experience what few individuals on this planet ever do, an effortless life.

All of this can be done easily and effectively with a new process that you can learn more about and/or experience by visiting the web site below where you can request a free introductory telephone consultation.

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc. and the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process® (MRP).

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How to Relieve Stress With a Positive Mental Attitude

We tend to think that stress is something that happens to us due to external events and circumstances outside of ourselves that we cannot control. We may be uncomfortable with the idea that we could possibly be the creators of our own stress. Yet, a great deal can be done to relieve stress by taking charge of our inner thoughts and developing a positive mental attitude.

Think of this. If two different people can respond to the same situation in two different ways, does this not suggest that there is a direct correlation between the individual and their response?

So, why is it that one person can feel completely overwhelmed and stressed out by a particularly situation, and another is able to respond calmly and without anxiety?

The answer to this is in our own heads. All of us think differently and perceive situations in different ways. For example, being made redundant may be a disaster to one person. To another, it is an opportunity to make a change. It is the same situation, but two different ways of looking at it.

We all have an inner voice which constantly chats away in our heads telling us what we should do, what we shouldn’t do. It also tells us how to react. Often this voice is self-critical. It may tell us that we look awful when we look in the mirror or that there’s no way we’re going to pass that exam, or the one that says: “he’s never going to look at me!”

Why do we have this voice, where does it come from, and how does it have such an impact on our stress levels?

From the moment of birth, we are absorbing experiences and learning how to think. When we were very young, we did not question what we are told by our parents or teachers, even when they told us we were no good. At that age we could not sift out what would work for us and what wouldn’t, we just believed what we were told to be true, and these ideas, values, beliefs and statements become our world view, whether they are negative or positive.

People who have grown up in an atmosphere of difficulty or negativity can have a more negative way of perceiving things. If you grew up in a family where financial loss meant constant dramatic changes, you may develop a fear around money, so that any difficulties you have later in life may occur to you as greater than they actually are. Or, if you were constantly told that money was hard to come by and that you have to work hard to stay on top, this could also develop a sense of insecurity.

Negative self talk makes things much worse. If you say to yourself that a situation is ‘stressful’ or ‘impossible’, you will actually create stress and feelings of inadequacy. The good news is that this kind of destructive thinking can be changed. You need to be aware of what you are saying to yourself and change this kind of thinking to more positive self talk, such as describing the same situation as ‘a challenge’, which suggests that it is solvable.
It has been scientifically proven that practicing positive self talk on a regular basis has proven benefits for stress, health and productivity.

Your subconscious mind does not differentiate between positive and negative, or what is the truth. It will believe everything you tell it, and respond accordingly. When you tell yourself that you can’t do something, you subconsciously stop looking for a way to solve it.

If you need to relieve stress, try catching yourself in the act of negative thinking, and then switch it to something more empowering. Next time you find yourself thinking that something is too difficult, try asking yourself how you are going to do it, instead of saying that you can’t. Asking the question, ‘how?’ opens up your mind to solutions, whereas the latter closes it down.

There are many ways to relieve stress, but changing your inner voice and viewing things in a more positive way can make a profound and lasting difference to your stress levels. A positive mental attitude takes practice and time, but you can start to see results immediately, and this will increase as long as you practice every day.

Ros Bott owns the website Natural Stress Reducers which offers natural remedies and advice for natural stress reduction. Ros is a life coach and writer by trade, and you can see her coaching website at Career Coaching

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How to Make Positive Affirmations Work in Your Life

Positive affirmations work. Period. They change lives. They displace negativity. They remove limiting beliefs. They open us to possibilities, change the way we view ourselves and create a happier, more forward thinking outlook. They’re extremely powerful and their accessible to everyone.

That doesn’t mean they work automatically, though. It’s entirely possible to try to utilize affirmations unsuccessfully. That generally stems from misunderstanding the process or not having a full sense of what makes the right kind of positive self-talk sufficiently powerful to overcome negative subconscious defenses. Here are a few pointers that can really take your affirmations to the next level.

First, retain credibility. You’re not going to experience the desired effect if your positive affirmations ring hollow on either a conscious or subconscious level. If the content of your affirming comments seems like pure fiction, the message just isn’t going to get through the way you’d like it to.

Second, be mindful of the power of repetition. It’s a key to successful affirmation. If you repeat a given affirmation once a week, it isn’t going to have the power or resonance of one used repeatedly every day. Remember, you’re trying to displace and reconfigure negative thinking that’s been part of your life for quite some time. That requires a consistency and frequency in your efforts.

Third, have a little patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day. The artifice of negativity that has unfortunate repercussions for your life wasn’t built in a day, either. You’re not going to tear it down in the course of a single week. Commit yourself to getting the job done and follow through with your positive self-talk for the long run. At some point (probably sooner than you might really think), you’ll notice a change coming over you.

Fourth, tone matters. You aren’t doing your affirmations out loud, but your internal “voice” has a tone of its own and you control it. If your affirmation is dripping with contempt or wrapped in sarcasm, it isn’t going to have the desired effect. If it’s desperate, angry or insincere, you can’t expect to experience a change. Use a sincere, forward, calm and clear voice when you deliver your positive affirmations.

You can change the way you think and feel. Positive self-talk is a great way to do it. You just need to engage in the activity with a knowledge of what makes the approach successful. That includes repetition, patience, credibility and the right tone.

So, you want to know more about positive affirmations. I strongly recommend this fascinating site that absolutely revolutionizes the process of using affirmations to create a more postive outlook on life. It makes the development of a positive outlook as easy as flipping a switch! If you don’t know about affirmation jingles and their potential, it’s time for you to take a look!

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Developing a Positive Attitude With Affirmations – An Approach That Works!

A positive attitude doesn’t stem from blind luck. It isn’t the result of getting a discount on your morning coffee or a smile from a stranger, either. A real positive outlook on life comes from within. So doesn’t it make sense to focus on what’s happening on the inside to develop one?

It seems a lot easier to change our outlooks by making external alterations. A new car. A new haircut. A new house. Things of that nature “feel” like shortcuts to a better disposition. Sometimes they work, too–but only temporarily. The shine wears off quickly and we’re back to where we started.

That’s because attitude has nothing to do with our external realities. Mother Theresa, by all accounts, managed to keep a pretty upbeat perspective even though she was surrounded by the horrors of disease and poverty.

How do we get there, though? Changing our hair is easy. Changing our minds seems impossible by comparison. Our thinking is a complex combination of socialization, experience, genetics and assorted other mysteries that traditional science still can’t get handle on. How are we supposed to make that internal adjustment?

One of the most effective ways to do it involves the use of affirmations. By making positive, affirmative statements to yourself and feeling them in a very real way, you can start to reprogram your disposition. You can empower your mind to reject negativity and bask in the glow of the positive. Affirmations, in essence, shove out the ugly thinking, replacing it with positive hooks on which we can hang our daily hats.

This is a highly effective way to improve your outlook on life and when it’s done correctly, you’ll notice changes in your disposition quite quickly. You’re not stuck with your current attitude and there’s no reason to rush out for a box of donuts, a great new set of clothes or a bottle of wine to improve it. Don’t bother with those trivial externalities. Happiness and a positive perspective come from within.

Develop your positive attitude by using self-affirmations. They’re fast. They’re easy. They’re fun. And best of all, they really work.

So, you want to know more about developing a positive attitude. I strongly recommend this fascinating site that absolutely revolutionizes the process of using affirmations to create a more positive outlook on life. It makes the development of a positive outlook as easy as flipping a switch! If you don’t know about affirmation jingles and their potential, it’s time for you to take a look!

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Choose Your State of Mind – Negative Or Positive

So how important is your mind set? If your answer is it’s not that important well, I have some bad news for you. You are so wrong, your mind set has everything to do will all aspects of your life from business to family to life in general.

The way you look at everything will have directly affect how you handle everyday situations or as I like to call them the bumps, lumps and hills of life, the curve ball that gets thrown at you when you are not looking; course I could use analogy all day but you understand where I’m coming from.

We attract things in our life. If we are negative then negative will follow. If we are positive then positive things will follow us. That doesn’t go to say that positive people don’t have negative things happen to them and negative people have positive things happen to them. It is the way we handle and look at the situation that counts.

People that are plagued with negative thoughts tend to have negative things happen to them. They draw negativity into there lives. Some people thrive here and they refuse or just don’t want to be happy. Makes you wonder why they spend so much time complaining about all the bad things they find in life or about life, people etc. and that they never stop to see all the beauty and wonderful things that life has to offer. I feel sad for these people, they are wasting a way there life on all negativity but everyone has the right to make the choice of being happy or not. So I no longer feel sad for them, I accept their choice even though I don’t agree. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink, right?

Positive people who have positive thoughts attract positive things, people etc in their lives…these are the people who say yeah, it’s raining at least it not a drought. They find a silver lining…a peak of sun in the dark clouds. They stop and enjoy the small simple pleasures that life has to offer.

When you have a positive business mindset you are ready to accept the success of the day. When we have failures, we accept them learn from them and keep going…we don’t let them stop us from going after our dreams – goals that we have set for ourselves. They are ready to accept the abundance of wealth that is coming their way.

Negative business mindset people say well I tried that but this and that happen so I gave up, I can’t dot that, I will try, I’m not smart enough, I’m computer illiterate, I would if I had time, etc. They have an excuse for everything that happens which is there excuse of why they have given up. They are usually defeated before they start. They don’t know how to handle their money so no matter how much they make they still are in the same place as they were.

So I ask you who would you rather be, the negative person or the positive one? I choose to be the positive person and just because you choose you have to believe because you have to believe in your choice or you will never go anywhere. I’m not saying that positive people can’t have negative thoughts. We all have them but I only allow myself 20 mins., 2- 3 times a day to have negative thoughts. I get it all out where i have to cry, yell or be depressed…then I tell myself what did that do for me…If I continue..I will only draw my negativity into my life. Do I want that? No, I don’t so I think of happy thoughts. This has helped me a lot and has brought success to my life and a happiness that I thought I would never have.

Remember your state of mind is up to you. Your success depends on your state of mind.

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