Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Positive Affirmation For Beginners – 5 Tips

What’s in a word? As it turns out, quite a lot. Especially when that word, or group of words, is spoken firmly — with conviction. That’s a good working definition of an affirmation: a word or group of words spoken firmly or with conviction. If you’d like to put language to work for you in your life (after all, what could be easier?), then these beginners’ tips could be right up your alley.

1. Speak positively about what you want to create. Often times it’s the things we don’t like that get our attention first. It’s natural to comment about what you notice, even if it’s in the privacy of your own mind. So don’t be surprised if you start to observe yourself making comments about things you don’t like. Just don’t dwell on them.

One of the easiest ways to avoid dwelling on common things that bug you in your life — like your weight, your finances, or a sore back, for example — is to plan ahead a positive statement about what you’d like to create instead. Then, when you notice yourself thinking about the situation you’re not so crazy about, replace that thought with the planned positive one.

Here are some examples:

* I feel lighter and lighter each day.
* Nature’s abundance expresses itself easily in my life.
* I feel comfortable in my body.

2. Make your positive statements personal. When you plan your positive affirmation, use words like these: “I, me, my, [your first name].” The very strongest affirmations are stated in the first person, using the word “I” or your first name. “Me” or “my” statements work pretty well too, though, so don’t obsess about it.

While general statements about goodness for all are great to use as part of your everyday language, they don’t make the best planned positive affirmations. It’s terrific that you want everyone to have lots of abundance. In fact, that background conversation supports your success much more richly than a selfishly exclusive one.

Yet in your own personal statement, be very specific. Include yourself. The statement “I am richly abundant.” makes a stronger personal affirmation than “Abundance is a natural state for all humans.”

3. Make your planned positive affirmations simple and easy to remember. Once you begin to realize the power of consciously choosing your language, it might be tempting to “throw in the kitchen sink” and start affirming everything! Of course, ultimately you can. But let’s start out simply. Create one or two short sentences to begin with. Then commit them to memory.

In the heat of the moment, it’s much easier to pluck something like “I feel slim and light.” from the recesses of your mind than to try and wrestle with “I feel so slim and light and now I’m off my blood pressure medicine, my doctor is so proud of me, and my spouse says I look better than I did on our wedding day. Boy am I ever excited!” You’d have finished the hot fudge sundae already by the time you spit that one out!

4. Keep your values in mind. You’d probably have come up with this on your own in a minute, but just to make sure we’re all on the same page, let’s discuss it. While keeping your positive statements personal, make sure they are personal in a way that supports your values. In other words, no lying, cheating, stealing, or dissing someone else.

* Pick: “Massive wealth is coming to me now.” over “I’ve come up with a foolproof bank robbery scheme.”
* Pick: “I look great on the beach in my new bikini.” over “I look better in a bikini than Jane does.”
* Pick: “I’m so happy with my perfect partner.” over “I am so happy since I stole John away from Mary.”

5. Affirm for yourself, not for someone else. Yep, I know it’s tempting. Your sister would feel so much better if she could just lose those last 15 pounds. She knows it and so do you. Your kid should do his homework, too. And wouldn’t it be great if your friend Charlie settled down with that picture-perfect gal he just met? (He said she can cook. That’s a bonus!)

Of course it’s admirable that you want the best for your family and friends. But you can’t do their life for them. Put your energy into improving things for yourself. Should they wonder what you’re up to now that you’re looking so peaceful and satisfied, then share your little secret. Teach them to create their own affirmations!

Elizabeth Eckert coaxes, cajoles, and gently guides the creation of healing intent. She’s the founder of and author of Word Cures: How to Keep Stupid Excuses From Sabotaging Your Health. Begin your self-talk makeover today — it’s simple healthy living

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A Positive Belief System Can Propel You to Incredible Heights

Ever wondered why some people seem to excel at everything they do, while others seem to be destined for failure? Why is this?

Our thoughts, beliefs, actions and non-actions determine where we are in life, and where we are headed. If we uncovered our beliefs, many of us would be surprised to see it brimming with negativity and shortcomings.  And if we stayed on our current course, these shortcomings and beliefs would stop us from achieving our desired results in life.

Sometimes our limiting beliefs were instilled in us by others from a very young age. For example, you may have been raised to believe that you will never be wealthy and don’t deserve to be because no-one in your family has ever been rich. So even though you tell yourself you want to be rich, those instilled beliefs about prosperity will stop you dead in your tracks.

The good news is that we can change our belief systems.

The first step is to recognize negative thoughts and beliefs and turn them into positive ones. This can be difficult to start with. Just recognizing them can be hard enough, let alone trying to find a positive replacement. It does get easier in time, especially once you start seeing results. This doesn’t mean that you will never have a negative thought again. You would not be human if you didn’t. You just have to be aware of the negative thought, and stop it in it’s tracks before it drags you down.

The next step in changing your belief system is truly believing. You can go around until you’re blue in the face saying “I am going to make $ 100,000 in the next 12 months”. That’s great, but if you don’t truly believe you can, chances are that you won’t.

So start with one negative belief you have. Write it down. For me writing it down sets the wheels in motion. Think about how you can turn it into a positive. Write down the positive belief next to the negative equivalent. Truly believe in yourself that you can achieve it. This may seem difficult at first. You may even want to read your positive beliefs to yourself a couple of times a day. This gives you a positive mindset, making the self belief easier. You will soon start to see that your whole attitude and mindset begins to shift. If you keep applying these simple techniques, there should be no stopping you!

Kathy Munslow is an internet marketer and mentor, who loves helping others achieve greater levels of success in their lives. To find out more about Kathy and what she does, visit

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Focus on Goals – The Positive Psychology of Hope

My favorite Positive Psychological strength is HOPE. If you have high hopes you look down the road of your life and see lots of potential accomplishments. You know there will be hard times – even times you’ll want to give up. You are, however, confident that ultimately your abilities (and your ability to solve problems) will lead you to new and better things. Your goals make life exciting and interesting!

Contrast this with a person of no or low hopes. That person still has dreams and goals, but those goals cause anxiety and self-doubt instead of interest and excitement. That person looks down the road of life only to see potholes, detours, and dead ends. Often just thinking about all those obstacles is enough to make someone quit before they even start. Better to stay wherever you are, even if it’s stuck in the mediocre mire, than to start something that will be a lot of trouble and won’t work anyway!

Good News! Hopeful thinking is something you can acquire at any age. Some people learn it as children, but if you learned just the opposite in your childhood there’s still time to change your outlook. No matter what your family background, your money “issues”, your education (or lack thereof) – you can raise your level of hope and look towards a more exciting future. Keep in mind I didn’t say it was easy – there are old habits of thinking and living that are safe and comfortable. Some of these old standbys will have to go. They will not go quietly.

Hope is active. Hope involves setting goals and finding ways to accomplish those goals. Sometimes it requires finding different ways if one path turns out to be a dead end. Hope also involves a driving energy force that keeps moving you towards your goal. You need the power of both your will and your creative ways. This is interesting – hope does not depend upon achieving your goal 100% of the time. All you need is a little taste of success along the way as you practice. Those little victories keep the feeling of hope building inside you.

Hope can be measured and hope can be taught. The first step is to ask the miracle question: If a miracle occurred and I could have my life exactly the way I want it, what would it be like? The next step is to look at all the arenas in your life and ask yourself that same question. If a miracle occurred and I could have my personal relationships exactly the way I want them, what would it be like? If a miracle occurred and I could have my career and work life exactly the way I want them, what would it be like? Do the same for physical health, education, finances, mental health, recreation and spirituality.

It is interesting that satisfaction with life does not necessarily mean the achievement of grand and glorious goals. It does mean that you have met the goals you set for yourself to your satisfaction.

Let’s say that your life would be most different if a miracle occurred in the arena of physical health, fitness and recreation. These may be areas that could benefit from a little boost of hope in your life. You might decide to set a goal to begin an exercise program. Next it’s up to you – your ability to find a way to begin and willpower to carry you through. The way is usually easy at first glance. You decide that a way to begin is to get up at 5:00 AM and run for a mile. Don’t forget to plan for a way to make you get out of bed! Maybe you need to move the alarm across the room and leave the snooze feature disabled. Will power doesn’t come into play right away, as evidenced by how many folks religiously pursue their New Year’s Resolutions – for three weeks. Will power has to kick in when you get tired or bored or aren’t seeing the results you wanted.

Hope is a way of approaching life that says YES and I CAN. Positive Psychology reminds us and our coaches and counselors that hope can be learned at any age. The best we can do for ourselves is to focus on what we CAN do and where we want to go. Clarity and persistence come from the hope we nurture in ourselves.
Dr. Mary Travis practices positive psychology in Winter Park, Florida. She evaluates for giftedness, learning disabilities, attention deficit, depression, anxiety, asperger’s disorder and emotional intelligence. Her practice niches are trichotillomania (compulsive hair pulling), trichadrem (skin picking) and victims of female bullies. She coaches and counsels individuals and groups for anxiety, depression, social skills, female bullying and body focused repetitive disorders.

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Self-Empowerment – Painting Your Positive Mental Self

Let’s get organized first. Begin by writing down what you perceive as your fitness problems and body challenges. Think of it as a personal contract that your life may very well depend on as you work towards that healthy and fit mind and body. Please do not skip this important initial step in our strategy. Just thinking about “it” is not nearly enough because our thoughts tend to run in circles. But by putting it in writing or sharing it with someone creates a sense of personal responsibility towards your goals. Thoughts are powerful but action creates results! We will focus on motivation a little later.

You truly want to succeed at this and so you begin by envisioning yourself, an image that makes you feel good both in the inside and outside. This method of visualization often gets a negative reputation like it is some kind of weird science. It isn’t! What I’m talking about is mental imagery, positive thinking in your fitness recovery undertaking. You don’t need elaborate equipment or technique for this mental exercise you just need to concentrate. It really takes work to make it effective. Let me help in the process by giving you a psychological, emotional and conscious target. It is up to you to make it work towards your own personal fitness achievement.

First of all, know that there will be challenges. We may zigzag to get there with our actions but if you are prepared, visualization will work Exercise Your Mind: Notice when and where you use the word “want.” Pay attention to the actual things and events that are connected with this word. Let go of using the word “want.” Several times a day just focus on your heart’s desire. See yourself and “it” in the picture, experience having and interacting with the image, and feel gratitude. Once a day, spend a longer period of time, three to five minutes resonating with the whole experience, and send this energy out into the universe to pull and help push you. It’s internal motivation, the motivation that is long lasting when practiced regularly.

Most importantly, you get immediate and continuous results, and spins off to other areas of your life. Most who have used positive personal imagery become happier, more assertive in their life’s purpose and are more confident people as well as leaner people. And they stay that way.

I’m Adriel Yapana. As a personal trainer and boot camp instructor, I know how hard it can be to drop stubborn body fat. To get FREE powerful, life-changing strategies, videos and finally stop the weight-loss battle, visit my website at

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Autoimmune Disease Symptoms – A Positive Sign Of Multiple Diseases

Our body depends on its immune system to stave off diseases and several alternative illnesses. When the system becomes modified in such a manner that instead of protecting the body it begins to attack it and caused damage, we tend to are said to have an autoimmune disease. Symptoms vary from disease to disease and from patient to patient. The major downside is that we currently do not have any way to cure an autoimmune disease and as a result of of the huge selection of symptoms they will be very arduous to diagnose.

The biggest reason for this is that this large list of autoimmune disease symptoms can be connected to anyone of a variety of disorders and diseases. Many of those sicknesses can solely be determined by extensive testing that several individuals are not willing to undertake unless they need absolutely no choice. In the case of multiple sclerosis one among the most devastating autoimmune diseases the diagnosis could be the results of eliminating all alternative possibilities.

Maybe the most commonly known of all autoimmune disease symptoms is fatigue. This happens as a result of the body is consistently fighting against itself trying to cure a downside that does not extremely exist. Instead of curing a true drawback the disease is of course attacking and destroying the part of the body that is affected. On top of this there’s typically a certain degree of inflammation that goes with any of those diseases and since your body should fight this additionally it only adds to the fatigue.

Another one amongst the terribly common autoimmune disease symptoms is pain. This pain manifests itself within the joints, muscles and a selection of tender spots everywhere the person’s body. A lot of of this pain is a direct result of the immune system’s persistent attacks on the body. Some of it is due to fevers that also are symptoms related to an autoimmune disease. For example, Rheumatoid arthritis could be a very common autoimmune disease and is characterised by the person being in a nice deal of pain within the affected joints.

Many of the common autoimmune disease symptoms are associated with MS such as dizziness, problems with mental clarity or foggy headedness, mood swings and bladder or bowel management problems. Changes in your weight, most often marked by an understandable weight gain are thought-about a sign of issues together with your autoimmune system. In other patients the same diseases will cause a weight loss. This makes it simple to determine why it can be thus tough to pin down the exact disease based solely on the symptoms.

If you notice that you suffer from a recurrence of any of those autoimmune disease symptoms, you must speak to your doctor. He will be ready to line you up with any testing to see if you have got any sort of disease that wants treatment and then set you up with the acceptable treatments. While several of these diseases don’t have any known cure, the proper therapy will leave you symptom free for many years at a time.

I’ve got benefited greatly from a book which has examined the link between what we eat and multiple sclerosis. If you would like to understand what foods are attacking your body, what supplements you want to take and how to create the energy that you would like, then this book may be a must read. Reverse Multiple Sclerosis

Writers Cafe has been writing articles online for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in Diseases, you can also check out his latest website about:
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How to Manifest a Soul Mate – Just Be Happy and Positive

What kind of a question is this? Well it is actually a bit of a rhetorical question, because you manifest a soul mate the same way as you would manifest anything into your life, with positive affirmations and the absolute belief that you will find your soul mate.

One of the first steps to take in any kind of quest for what you want out of life is to be both grateful and happy for what you already have. An attitude of gratitude and being happy will always draw people and the things you want to you. One of the most profound truths in this universe is the laws of attraction. When we feel good and this is a choice that we have made and are committed to, things start to happen.

Feeling good about ourselves and the things we already have in our lives has a way of attracting even more to us. The universe acknowledges this and will happily respond to all our desires. Inner power is something that everything in the universe has, it is energy and everything is made up of it. The same applies to humans as applies to any hydrogen or carbon atom. The energy exists and strong mental focus will help it to manifest whatever it is you want out of life and if it is a soul mate, then a soul mate it is!

People who put an effort into the laws of attraction and see no results often give up believing that it doesn’t work. You have to make an effort to learn guides to the rules of the laws of attraction before you will manage to manifest anything and then, you can’t only concentrate of one aspect of your life, everything needs to be taken care of and everything has its place.

The more you concentrate on one thing and neglect the others, the less chance you have of succeeding. Learning only part of the principles of manifestation will not attract your hearts desires, just as not changing your diet won’t help with losing weight even if you are exercising more. You have to be prepared to look at this from a holistic aspect, taking everything into consideration.

Get more help to manifest a soul mate and discover how to make the law of attraction work for you.

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Positive Parenting Technique Number 1 – Speak Your Child’s Language

By learning to speak your child’s “language,” you begin to apply a powerful positive parenting technique that significantly improves both your relationship and influence with them.

Let’s explore two situations that can happen when you “speak” a different behavioral language than your child.

If you are fast paced and energetic and your child is not, they may seem to move and speak so slowly that it nearly drives you nuts.

Likewise, if you are more contemplative and slower paced and your child is fast and energetic, their energy, volume, and pace might exhaust and frustrate you.

If either of these situations describes your relationship with your child, the frustration and disconnect you feel may be because you and your child have completely different behavioral styles.

The examples above reference some common frustrations that happen when parents and children have different “motor” drives. A difference in motor drives between parent and child can create a pace, volume, and intensity mismatch between them that causes real stress and frustration in the relationship.

Another common difference can occur between “compass” drives. Some people are naturally very task-oriented. They tend to look at every situation as a task to accomplish. Other people are very people-oriented. They tend to evaluate every event based on how relationships are affected. Most people have a blend of these two perspectives, and will still tend to lean a bit more one way than the other.

Both perspectives are perfectly normal and natural. Neither one is better or worse than the other. However, when two people in a relationship have significantly different tendencies in this area, conflict can erupt.

For example, task oriented parents with people oriented children may come across as too harsh or rigid to their children. Similarly, people oriented parents with task oriented children may frustrate their children because they (the parents) act “too silly.”

The types of conflicts and misunderstandings that come from these differences are many and varied.

To minimize these conflicts and build a better relationship with your child, learn to understand and speak their behavioral “language.” The DISC model of human behavior is a powerful tool to help you develop this understanding and skill.

Study the model. Consider taking assessments so that you can objectively identify the differences and similarities you have with your child. If you will dig into understanding your child and speaking their language, you will be applying one of the most powerful positive parenting techniques at your disposal – the “technique” of love and understanding.

With his wife Sandra, Guy Harris co-created a positive parenting program called The Behavior Bucks System. Guy and Sandra Harris are both Human Behavioral Consultants and parents.

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Positive Thinking Tips For Achieving Your Desires Quickly

Positive thinking is the steady flow of thoughts and feelings in our mind that are conducive, inspiring and pleasant to our growth, happiness and good health in life. They are thoughts that give us hope and expectations of positive results. It’s also a condition of our mind that allows us to anticipate success, joy and development in our life.

On the contrary is negative thoughts. That’s thoughts, words or attitudes that produce unhappy expectations, actions or moods. When we entertain negative thoughts our mind produces poisonous substances into our body system, which causes more unhappiness, frustrations and disappointments. This is why negative thinking is fundamentally responsible to lack of progress, ill health and failure in our lives.

For each of us to attain high success and achieve all our desires quickly and easily, we need to maintain positive thinking consistently in our mind. The repetition of these thoughts is what will assist your sub-conscious mind to trigger your body system into positive mood. This will now send the positive aura to the universe to attract positive things .

In other to maintain a steady flow of positive thinking we have to constantly steer our mind away from negative thoughts. Some people have complained about some difficulties they experienced in maintaining steady flow of positive thinking. The following practical steps will assist them in this direction:

1. Immediately a negative thought enter your mind take cognizance of it and start immediately to erase it from your mind. Replace it with a positive thought. Bring to your mind immediately, the lofty goal you’ve prepared for yourself.

2. Constantly visualize the end result of your goal. Whether it’s a material thing like a house or a car, keep visualizing it. If it’s a position or attainment, keep seeing yourself as already in that position, and savoring the benefits and enjoyments of it.

3. Employ the use of affirmations. The continuous repetition of positive affirmations have assisted a great number of people. Prepare phrases well suited for your need and repeat them regularly. Be careful to say this phrases with belief and and positive expectations. Doing this will hasten your manifestations.

Did you know that it takes 9 months for an average person to achieve what he could easily have achieved with his mind in three weeks? Why waiting for that long. Visit to find out how you could use your mind to achieve your desires quickly and easily.

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People Skills – Are You a Perpetually Positive Person?

I decided to start humming. Hummm…Hummm…Hummm… Hummm…Hummm…

This attracted a few weird looks. I wasn’t doing it very loud, just spreading a joyful noise and smiling like I knew something no one else knew…which I did. The person next to me smiled and nodded at me, and so did the person two people ahead in line. As a matter of fact, it seemed like everyone standing near me began to lighten up and become a bit cheerier.

Now this could have only been my imagination (it’s pretty active), and it could have just been the fact that in less than a minute, I changed my attitude, which made the whole situation seem different. But the end result was magic! The line seemed to move faster and I was now making others smile.

That day I was standing in what seemed like an endless line at my local retail store. I looked around and noticed that it seemed like we were all resigned to our waiting fate. The cashiers were trying to do their best, but there wasn’t a smile in the vicinity. No uplifted lips on the cashiers or the customers that were waiting. It was like one long line of resignation… until I started humming.

My point to all of this is “Why are we letting a situation determine our attitude?” Why is it that we will put up with humorless lines, rude people, long waits and endless seriousness when we could be putting a little more grace, happiness and joy into even the tiniest of daily tasks?

Maybe you do this already. BRAVO if you do! Is being a perpetually positive person part of your personality? (Whoa, the P thing got away from me!) If you’re one of those perpetually positive people…please stand in line by me, drive on my part of the highway, and please be the person on the other end of my phone line. I need you, and the whole world needs you!

If you aren’t inclined to be a PPP (Perpetually Positive Person) than maybe you can start now. Why? Because being positive does a whole lot of good for the world. But even more importantly, it does a whole lot of good for you. Being positive helps improve your health, makes your face wrinkle less, and lowers your body fat. (Okay, the body fat part was my wishful thinking). But it’s a proven fact that happier people live longer.

How can you go about becoming a Perpetually Positive Person (PPP)? I thought you’d never ask!

1. Wear that smile! Plaster it on your face the minute you wake up and don’t take it off until you go to bed. Even when you’re alone you should wear a smile. A wonderful expert in skin care and cosmetics suggested that a person earns their face. Meaning that as you age, your resting demeanor and how you think and behave on a continuous basis contributes to your facial lines. If you keep a smile or slight grin going you will age more gracefully, have a lot more friends, and fewer wrinkles to boot! I’m very serious about this. The power of a smile is underrated because all of us think we smile all the time, but in reality we don’t. So now is the time to turn up the corners of those lips!

2. Think happy thoughts! The challenge with this one is that we are bombarded daily with negative messages. Okay, so don’t read or listen to the news. Also think of the positive points of each and every situation. This is easier the more you practice it. One technique I have used successfully is to pray a happy prayer whenever I hear something bad. A war in the Middle East? Please God let those people work it out. Some teen set a cat on fire? I pray that the teen gets the help he or she needs, and I pray the cat hasn’t used up all nine of its lives. It’s not that I’m heartless; it’s that I know I can only change the world if I can keep myself from getting jaded and negative. I’m not in control of other people, and neither are you, but we are both in control of one very important thing, our own thoughts. Keep them happy and positive and we can change any situation.

3. Say “Please” & “Thank-you.” This is something that seems to have gone the way of white gloves. People and customers expect so much, but if we asked a little nicer and were a bit more grateful the world would be a much better place to do business. Wouldn’t you agree? Graciousness begins with you and me. I’ve found that from time to time we begin to lose these little niceties with our families. We no longer ask our spouse to get something, we demand it (in the nicest way I’m sure), or we tell our children to do something and expect them to comply without our demonstrating politeness. Often forgetting that whatever they do deserves recognition and thanks. Some people don’t say please and thank-you because they forget, some don’t say it because they think it weakens them, and some don’t say it from pure laziness. Whatever the reason, I know that none of us, even those that are pretty good at remembering to say please and thank-you say it enough. We can never be too polite when asking for things and never too grateful when receiving a request. Add these little words to the beginning and ending of most of your sentences and you’ll be surprised at how wonderful people begin to treat you!

You now have an opportunity to make a difference. I’ve given you three tips that when practiced regularly can be the start of an incredible change for you. I wish you a future filled with perpetually positive people!

If you want to attract more prospects, multiply loyal customers, and boost sales, this Schuh is a fit! Shawna Schuh is an extraordinary storyteller, who works with corporations and associations to develop environments that help people bring their best selves to the work they do. Shawna addresses any and all issues relating to people skills. Her presentations are humorous, overflowing with energy and packed with practical results driven information that will positively maximize profits. Take an action that will help you succeed and improve your people skills visit:

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Why Positive Thinking Can Be a Bad Practice

When you say the way you think will inevitably yield you certain results you reinforce the idea that different thinking will yield different results. People in sales will often tell their sales force to think positive. But that only works for those who are feeling positive already. If you tell a person who is experiencing negative feelings to think positive you can immerse them deeper. When you feel better you evoke better feeling thoughts. Your thinking is pointed in a more lofty direction and that’s what you want for success, a greater sense of self esteem. Your coaching would be more effective if you could raise the level of their feelings to be better place than where they might be.

The only people you would say ‘think positive’ to, are people you feel are not thinking that way. You don’t tell everyone who doesn’t think negative to think differently. And what they hear when you keep reminding them to think positive is that they think negatively. So at a deeper level they are being reminded that they must be negative thinkers. It’s worse than that, every time you harp on the idea they try harder but every effort makes real what they are resisting.

If you think healthy thinking is indeed healthy for you, you do affirm one thing that is very important, that what you think matters. No doubt about it. However, that is all you are doing, you are making it real that what you think influences the outcomes in life, negative or not. A more dominant negative person, who may for the moment feel good about himself, can be pushed into re-igniting the negative beliefs about himself when he is reminded to think positive. And if he tries hard to think that way he further stirs his negative beliefs. In that state any bit of negative evidence life brings forth may continue to flame those emotions.

It’s just not as simple as telling someone to think differently. I have coached many young athletes and students and what is important for them is to have an understanding of both where thoughts come, and what causes them to come forth. When you are deeply worried the thoughts that come to you are not happy thoughts and when you have a feeling of happiness and joy the thoughts that come to you are a match. One needs to know his or her thinking is always preceded by the emotions and feelings which give rise to them. Always, always, and did I say, always.

You alter the conversation from negative to positive or from the undesired to the desired by deliberately choosing better feelings, to have better feeling thoughts. It’s quite true that you can not be experiencing deep worry and in a moment cause yourself to experience jubilation. But you can however, with the willingness to seek out a better feeling thought, a very small happier feeling thought; you can cause yourself to get there. Reach for a better feeling thought no matter how small and then reach further and then further. You will notice changes in the physical reality as you begin to build an ability to do this. You will be thinking ‘positive thoughts’. Moreover your ability to attract what you desire in your present activity is enhanced.

By intending to move from whatever the emotions you are experiencing to even a small improvement in your feeling about whatever your immediate concern is, will cause you to point yourself in a direction of no resistance and freedom. My youngest daughter is a waitress and she realizes that the happier she can be she seems to receive far better tips. You do better in school, at work, in your studies, in all areas of your life when you can live your life always choosing to be happy. You are recognized as a ‘positive person’.

When you catch yourself speaking something or thinking something you feel negative about, never add to it by making yourself wrong. Use it to make yourself stronger by quickly looking for something that feels better. Dom DeLuise recently passed away and Burt Reynolds said that Dom never had an unkind word to say about anyone. How wonderful an example is that? In my next article on this subject I will be suggest some things you could do when you are in a ‘negative’ mood and wish to get yourself out.

Leon Michael Cautillo, Author/Instructor
Come visit In Our Time and read ‘A Global Vision’. If you enjoy the poster please consider purchasing it for display. You are invited to discover more about the magnificent and great possibility for mankind. Here you can find what there is to focus on that lifts the world and all its people to greater levels of happiness and joy.

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