Category Archives: Positive Mindset Secrets

Positive Attitude – It’s Essential For Us

 For any person in this world a positive attitude is the most important asset to posses. It makes one life much easier.  Life is much unexpected and more often than not, it doesn’t turn out the way we want it to. There will be many times in life when you go through hard times and problems. And this is the most challenging part of living our lives. Everyone can keep a positive attitude when his or her life is going good. But the real test of our attitude comes when we face challenges and obstacles in our life.

You should keep a positive attitude to handle the problems in your life and take the problems as a test for your character. By keeping it, you must try to learn from your every mistake and failure, instead of getting demoralized by them. You should feel encouraged to work better and harder to achieve your goals. You would not be able to see your failure as a motivation, if you do not keep your attitude positive, and would rather be extremely discouraged with it.

Even though the situation of two people can be same but they may get extremely contrasting results only because of their mindsets. If we look at it this way; each one of us has been provided the same amount of time by God. Everyone’s day is of twenty four hours. Therefore, instead of wasting your time and energy in thinking about negative stuff, you should spend your days with a positive attitude. You must understand that life is already filled with disappointments and problems. Therefore, you should invest your time in thinking positively. 

Because having a positive view towards life makes us happy. Studies have proved these people are healthier and also live longer than people with negative attitude. Happiness and positive thinking is contagious. It has been observed that people with a positive outlook have more friends because they appear to be more attractive to have as company. If you are with a person who has a positive attitude then you will also start feeling happier and more positive towards life.

Finally, We can say that a positive outlook towards life makes things much easier. It also motivates us to work towards our goals as positive thinking gives us the confidence that we can achieve anything we want. 

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Secrets to Get happiness and positive change in your life

Degree of your happiness level is like yo yo. Sometimes it’s up, but other times it’s down. Many things might give you temporary joy or positive emotions. However, after a while, you come back to baseline or lower. This article will give a solution by using the scientifically proven techniques to create lasting happiness and positive change in your life.


Positive psychology is the scientific study of optimal human functioning. Traditional psychology focused on fixing what was wrong with people. Positive psychology uses the scientific method to understand what is right with human beings and how to help the average person become happier and more fulfilled. In this article, I describe an important study conducted by the worlds eminent positive psychologists and how you can use this research to improve the quality of your life. It is important however to note that according to Dr. Martin Seligman, the founder of the field, positive psychology is a descriptive rather than a prescriptive science.


That is, researchers conduct studies on concepts prescribed in self-help, pop psychology, religion and of course, wisdom passed on from grandmas. Researchers do not prescribe writing a gratitude letter to someone. Instead, they run rigorous studies on the concept then report what they have found and how it works. This is a subtle and important distinction. My approach as a positive psychology based life coach, speaker and teacher is a bridge between the prescriptive and descriptive. I call it invitational. In this article, I share the research and invite you to try some of these scientifically proven happiness activities yourself. If the activity fits, wear it. If it does not, try another one on. One size does not fit all.


In 2005 researchers Martin E. P. Seligman, Tracy A. Steen, Nansook Park and Christopher Peterson published an article in American Psychologist, a peer reviewed academic publication, titled Empirical Validation of Interventions. This was an internet based study that with 411 participants across 6 interventions, or happiness building activities, over the course of one week. The activities included: writing down three blessings everyday, paying a gratitude visit, discovering your strengths, finding new ways to use your strengths and writing about yourself at your best. They were compared to a control group that wrote about their childhood experiences. All of these groups had their subjective happiness and depression levels measured, before the activity, immediately after and as far as six months after


All of these activities had a positive effect on increasing happiness and decreasing depression. The gratitude visit and writing about you-at-your-best worked immediately after the activity. However, by 6 months, the effects wore off. Writing about 3 blessings and using strengths in a new way also increased happiness and decreased depression. These effects lasted as far as 6 months later. Identifying one’s strengths only produced a moderate, short-term decrease in depression. A factor that influenced the lasting effect was that many people spontaneously continued doing the activities after the initial assignment.I know what you might be thinking. “Well duh Emilya! If I write about what I’m grateful for and use my strengths I’ll be happier. Does that really take 5 of the most eminent psychologists today to figure that out?”


In a way it did. For a while, psychologists believed in happiness set points- or that your happiness level is predetermined and trying to become happier is futile. This research proves that with concerted effort at well-crafted activities, you can significantly improve your happiness level. An interesting point about this study is that the control group, which wrote about early childhood memories, experienced a significant increase in their happiness level and decrease in their depression levels immediately after the intervention. These rates returned to baseline after a few months. This hints at the power of our own suggestibility.


The participants knew that the study they were participating in related somehow to happiness. They assumed it would have a positive benefit and it did. However, just like fad diets, the unhappiness comes back. We live in age where researchers are conducting studies on the positive side of the human experience. Simultaneously we live in a world where time is a hot commodity. If you plan to devote 15-30 minutes a day to increasing your happiness level, you want the highest return on your investment possible. I invite you to capitalize on the research by trying out activities that are proven to work, particularly if those activities align with your values and motivations.

Here are 3 invitations:


Discover and use your top strengths: There are many ways to go about doing this. The easiest is to ask yourself, “What do I do well?” Note that a strength, such as creativity, is different than a talent, such as being a good artist. Go to to read about 24 well researched strengths and ask yourself which strengths resonate with me. You can take an online questionnaire at to discover your top strengths. Once you know your strengths, use them. Recognize when they naturally come up throughout the day and find unique ways of approaching them. Online publications, such as “340 Ways to Use Your Signature Strengths” by Tayyab Rashid, PhD, exist to help in the creative process.
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude: Express gratitude in a way that is authentic for you. Some choose to keep a gratitude journal, others think about their daily blessings before they go to bed. In the aforementioned study, participants on wrote down 3 good things a day and experienced the benefits. As you write, reflect on ways that you have contributed to these positive things happening and how you can get more of these blessings in your life. Pay a gratitude visit by seeking out someone who has positively impacted your life. Write a letter to them thanking them for their contributions. Laminate it. Personally deliver and read it to them. Try and catch them off guard.
Think back to a time when you were at your best: Perhaps a time when you were you felt fully engaged, alive and complete. What were you doing? Who were you with? How did others react to you? What made this so memorable for you? What strengths of yours were you using? How did others receive you? Write the experience down and then reread it for a few days. Put it up in place where


Is writing down 3 blessings a day the ticket to “Happily Ever After?” I do not think so. After all, “Happily Ever After” is subjective. However, objective research supports that incorporating more happiness building activities into your life can increase your happiness level. It is not what happens to you that affects how you feel, it is your reaction and interpretation of the situation. Our day-to-day happiness depends on our day to day actions and habits. Cultivating positive habits such as these activities hold strong potential to increase the quality of your life.


Emiliya Zhivotovskaya, MAPP, RYT, is an international life coach, speaker and founder of Flourish, Inc., an organization dedicated to enabling individuals and organizations in unleashing their potential using positive psychology, yoga and alternative therapies.

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Thinking and Feeling Positive Is Good For Health

Emotions Have Evolutionary Value


People all understand that negative emotions have an evolutionary value as these emotions are associated with some kind of experience – fear, loss, and attack – that signals the activation of your flight or fight response. Aversion is a typical result you will have after experiencing negative emotions. Aversion is a feeling that activates and set you in motion to identify what is wrong and remove it. Negative emotions has a close relation with behaviors and actions that are associated with a sensory alert that activates us to focus on “fight, flight or conserve.”


Positive emotions also have an evolutionary advantage. They “broaden and build.” Experiencing the good feelings of positive emotions increases your survival chances because positive emotions broaden your intellectual, physical, and social resources and build reserves for you to draw upon.


The presence of good feelings increases your drive for exploration and discovery and provides the basis for positive social interactions. When you experience positive emotions, you become more tolerant, expansive, and creative and the more open to new ideas and new experiences you become.


Negative emotions narrow a person’s perspective to deal only with the immediate threat. When negative emotions are experienced, your flight or fight response is activated and you withdraw, freeze, or protect. In contrast, when you experience positive emotions, you feel safe and engage in active, playful exploration, and discovery. Negative emotions contract and positive emotions expand.


Good feelings form the experiential foundation for mentally healthy people in that they provide a foundation for growth and exploration and build the intellectual, social and physical capital for further growth and development.


When you experience negative emotions, they tell you to focus on what is wrong and eliminate it. When you experience positive emotions, however, you start looking for the virtues of what is happening. You become constructive, generous, un-defensive, and open to seeing possibilities.


Experiencing good feelings makes available an entirely different way of thinking from a negative mood. A negative mood helps us detect threats in our environment and focus our attention on protection. A positive mood moves us into growth and development, exploration and discovery.


The Three Principles of Positive Emotions


1. Positive Emotions Build Resources and Capital for the Future


The first principle of positive emotion is that good felings build the resources and capital that will become the basis for growth and development in years to come. When positive emotions are experienced you will reach outward and broaden your resources by exploration and discovery. You’ll be more creative, think quicker, and not succumb to premature closure or other forms of superficial intellectual processing.


Depressed people experience what is called a “downward spiral” of negative emotions. Depressed emotions call forth negative memories that feed more negative thoughts, that feed more negative memories, that feed more depressed emotions. Breaking this downward spiral is crucial to stopping the depression.


Psychologists have found what they call an upward spiral of positive emotion – different way of thinking and acting. The thinking becomes creative and broad-minded, and the actions become adventurous and exploratory. This increased creativity and exploration results in greater expansion.


As good felings produce expansion, more successful interactions in the environment produce more useful information about the environment and a sense of greater mastery. These successful interactions in the environment and the greater sense of mastery result in the generation of more positive emotions. These increased good felings result in more exploration, creativity and discovery in even more areas of life as the sense of mastery from the successful interactions ripples outward.


2. Positive Emotions Create an Upward Spiral


This upward and outward spiral of good felings leads to the second principle of positive emotions: Augment positive emotions in your life and start an upward and outward spiral of even more good felings and thus more exploration, discovery, creativity, and insightful thinking and more success and mastery in life.


3. Positive Emotions are Important


The third principle of positive emotions is that they need to be taken as seriously as negative emotions. Often negative emotions are taken more seriously because they have been believed to be the evolutionary backbone of human motivation. It was believed that people are motivated primarily to avoid experiencing negative emotions and that positive motivation was merely superficial.


Positive emotions are just as real, authentic, and important as negative emotions and equally important for evolutionary development, growth, and success in the world.


Positive Emotions Are Associated with More Successful Interactions in the World


Experiencing positive emotions brings more successful interactions with the world. Developing the art and skill of experiencing them will build more friendships, stronger love, better physical health, and more mastery and successful interactions in the world. Growth, positive development, and creative and successful interactions in the world (i.e. mental health) may have their foundations in the experience of positive emotions.


Happy People Are More Effective and Successful in the World


Happy people view themselves as more successful in the world. Happy people think that they have more skill than others think they do. Happy people remember more good events than actually happened and forget more of the bad events that happened Happy people see success as lasting, personal and pervasive and failure as impersonal, temporary and specific.


Happy people may lose a bit of realism but this does not lock them into ineffective functioning. Happy people are more likely to switch tactics when involved in a task that appears to be failing In the normal course of events, happy people rely on their tried and true positive past experiences while less happy people are more skeptical. However, when events are threatening, happy people, more readily than less happy people, switch tactics and adopt a skeptical and analytical frame of mind. Happy people seem to deal better with adversity.


Happier people are markedly more satisfied with their jobs than less happy people. More happiness actually causes more productivity and results in higher income. Happiness also makes gainful employment and higher income more likely. Adults and children who are put in a good mood select higher goals, perform better, and persist longer on a variety of laboratory tasks, such as solving anagrams.

Happy People Are Healthier


Positive emotions result in better physical health. Happy people spend more time playing. Playing has distinct survival benefits and is associated with greater creativity, muscle, and cardiovascular fitness. Good felings also predict health and longevity and protect people from the wear and tear of aging and strongly predict who lives longer, who dies earlier and who will become disabled. Happy people seek out and make use of more health risk information. Happy people have better health habits, lower blood pressure, and stronger immune systems than less happy people. They endure pain better and take more health and safety precautions when threatened. Positive emotions are a “prolonger of life and improver of health.”


Happy People Are More Connected With Others


The expression of good felings results in more secure relationships. Very happy people differ markedly from average people and from unhappy people in one principle way – a rich and fulfilling social life. Happy people have more close and casual friends, are more likely to be married, and are more involved in group activities than unhappy people. Happy people are also more altruistic. When we are in a good mood we are less focused on ourselves, we like others more and we want to be kinder and share our good fortune more with others. However, when we are experiencing negative emotions we become distrustful, turn inward and become defensive about our own needs.


Focusing on the Positive


Positive emotions undo negative emotions and reduce the negative physical and psychological stresses of negative experiences. Negative emotions tell you that you are facing a win-loss encounter and need to take steps to engage with the obstacles. Positive emotions tell you that you are in a potential win-win situation and guide you to be more expansive, tolerant, and creative so that you can maximize the social, intellectual, and physical benefits of the situation.


It is important to generate and build the experience of positive affective states rather than simply extinguishing negative emotions. Positive affective states become the fuel and the raw material for experiencing more growth and development, more exploration and discovery, more mastery and successful interactions in the world, and building, developing, using and leveraging our strengths.


You can dedicate this month to recognizing the importance of building a core motion towards happiness. You will broaden, build and become more successful in your world (whatever success means for you). Seek to align yourself with the wisdom expressed by the Dali Lama –

“I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness.
That is clear.
Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, we are all seeking something better in life.
So I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness” –Dali Lama


Are You Experiencing Positive Emotions?

Do you begin and end each day feeling excited and grateful?

Do you experience moments of pleasure throughout the day?

Do you experience gratification in the life you live and the work you are doing?

Is it easy for you to write down 5 things you appreciate about your day?

Do you feel like you are “in flow” for some parts of every day?

Do you believe that the “very motion of your life is towards happiness”?

If you answered “no” to any of the above, try taking steps to develop more of the good felings of positive emotions in your life.


Mary Ann Copson is a Mood and Brain Chemistry expert. She can determine your neurotransmitter profile and help you bring your brain chemistry back into balance with nutritional and wellness, dietary, herbal, supplement, lifestyle, and personal foundations recommendations. Moods, Neurotransmitters and Brain Chemistry

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How To Create A Positive Shopping Experience For Customers

For most businesses, developing a positive customer experience is directly related to their future stream of revenues. Highly satisfied customers can help a business create more personalized relations in the aim of driving repeat business. However, to achieve that as a business owner, you need to create a positive image of your products and services so that your customers become emotionally associated to your business.

Marketing researchers suggest that emotional associations are created either through direct experience, where customers experience a firm’s products or services, or through a web environment that creates indirect associations.

In particular:

Direct customer experience is extremely important, particularly if you plan to reach repeat customers. Customers need the personal contact, seek for personal interaction and are willing to do business with you if they feel appreciated and highly valued.

On the other hand, it is hard to use a website as a means to brand your product or services. You have to be really talented to reflect your company’s culture on a well-structured website so that you manage to turn customer experience into a favorable one, where your customers will be able to gather information about your business simply and quickly.

By enabling your customers to effortlessly navigate through the products or services of their interest, you automatically create high visibility for your products and you enhance the chances of creating emotional associations as well. Besides, if you choose the right words to describe your products, the right pictures to attract your customers’ attention, and the right graphics to make your website more attractive, you may create emotional associations with them, even if personal contact is missing.

Whether established directly or indirectly, emotional associations are important when used to brand your firm’s products or services. But, you have to make sure that they reflect the same qualities that drive your business. Customers are sensitive and able to understand if your business works in harmony to provide a hassle-free shopping experience. This is why you need to think what your customers think when they walk in your store’s door or when they visit your webpage. You need to put yourself in their shoes when they call your business or send an email. If you ask yourself these simple questions, you will be able to feel what your customers feel when they interact with your business. In other words, you need to brainstorm and become your own customer to improve possible areas that need improvement so that customer experience is really unique and unforgettable.

Another important consideration that often inhibits positive customer experience is not having good ‘radar’ for your customers. This may create huge barriers in your interactions with them because you won’t be able to recognize their wants and, inevitably, you won’t be able to satisfy their needs.

In conclusion, positive customer experience is the lifeblood of any business. Satisfied customers can turn into loyal advocates of your business and increase your sales revenues through word of mouth advertisement in no time. To achieve that you need to develop direct or indirect emotional associations with your customers and be able to ‘read’ their wants to satisfy their needs.

Christina Pomoni has acquired her MBA Finance from the American College of Greece. Her advanced familiarity with financial statement analysis, capital budgeting and market research has been acquired through her professional career at high-esteemed organizations. Besides, having lived at Chicago, IL, Boca Raton, FL and Paris, France has helped her, not only to be a successful professional, but mostly to see life under a more creative and innovative perspective.

Since 2005, Christina provides high quality writing services to where she is also appointed as a Channel Steward of Economic Values ( Besides, she contributes her knowledge and expertise to several websites and research companies. Her areas of specialization are Business, Finance & Investment, Society, Politics & Culture. She also has a very good knowledge of Entertainment, Health & Fitness and Computers & Technology.

Christina recently launched her own writing company (

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Positive Affirmations – The Power of Your Words

You use positive affirmations to help you to achieve your goals. And fundamentally, positive affirmations are just words but it is the way in which you combine those words and the actual words that you use in creating your affirmations that mean the difference between succeeding in achieving your goals or failing.

The words you use, both spoken and unspoken, literally control the results you achieve in your life. As Bill Bartmann said:

“The words that we use to describe the thing we want predicates more often than not our own success or own failure.”

Yet, far too many people do not pay attention to the words they use to describe themselves far less the words they use to describe what they desire. In many cases the words that people use to describe themselves are often negative and erode their self-esteem making it even more challenging to achieve the results that they desire. As Gloria Steinem said:

“Self-esteem isn’t everything; it’s just that there’s nothing without it.”

They then compound matters by describing what they want as a goal. Now some individuals are very clear about what a goal is and what the term goal means to them. They are also very confident about achieving the goals that they set. However, there are others to whom the word goal actually has negative connotations.

To this group of individuals a goal is something which is generally beyond their reach. It’s something they aspire to but deep down inside they do not expect to achieve it. So they set a goal and they fulfil their prophecy that they will not achieve it. In other words they self-sabotage their attempts to accomplish their goal. It then becomes one more on a long list of goals set but not achieved.

So the next time they set a goal their sub-conscious mind checks their personal history of goal setting and goal achievement, sees that the norm is that majority of goals set are not achieved and so again sabotages the individual’s effort to achieve this new goal as well. A pattern is established and failing to achieve your goals becomes a habit because the sub-conscious mind resists change. It doesn’t like to upset the status quo.

Maybe this has happened to you and if not to you personally, you can probably think of someone to whom this happens time and time again. They set goals and are very enthusiastic for a while but before long the goal is abandoned. They don’t even go the distance in their attempt to achieve their goal. Or they repeatedly lament about the number of projects they start but don’t finish.

If you do fall into this category and you’re using positive affirmations with respect to “goals” you’re aiming to achieve, then it’s likely that you will be disappointed.

There are several different ways to overcome this problem. Bill Bartmann suggests that instead of setting goals you make a promise. Now, admittedly, some people are just as bad at keeping their promises but, generally, when someone makes a promise it is a serious commitment. To some individuals a promise is almost sacred. They would rather die than break a promise.

If you fall into this latter category then you know that when you make a promise that:

1. You don’t do so lightly, and

2. You do everything in your power to fulfil your promise.

As a result, you know and those close to you know that even if you don’t fulfil your promise that you would have done all that you could to carry out your promise and that nothing more could realistically be asked of you. However, because you pull the stops out when you do make a promise your track record for fulfilling your promises is high.

Thus, when your sub-conscious mind learns that you’ve made a new promise. It sends out the red alert. And it starts to work flat out, working with you rather than against you, to help you achieve your goal and manifest your promise or positive affirmation.

For a complete system to help you create empowering affirmations and then transform those positive affirmations into a powerful medium that will super-charge the effectiveness of your affirmations visit:

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Positive Psychology – What Makes People Happy is Pleasure

Smart Alek: I have been working very hard lately. Soon I will have my great reward.

Aleks Psych: What will that be?

Smart Alek: I will never work again.

Aleks Psych: What will you do if you do not work?

Smart Alek: What else, expect everyone else to look after me and vehemently complain if they try to stop! Their frustration and pain will be my ultimate pleasure.

All positive psychology practitioners agree that one crucial aspect in the psychology of what makes people happy is the development of pleasure. The seeking of pleasure underlines everything that we do. Even when we decide to do an activity that we know will not be pleasurable in the short term, we do it in the hope of it leading to an eventual outcome that will be pleasurable.

The research into how to become a happy person has shown that the pleasurable feelings and things that make people happy in the short term are not the most important factors in living a fulfilling life. Having a life filled only with pleasurable activities will not sustain most people as we need to have a greater sense of purpose that is effortful and aimed at benefiting others. I will address these issues in other articles. However, becoming a martyr is not how to become a happy person either. A life with little to no pleasure will lead to burn out.

When it comes to the psychology of happiness, learning how to become a happy person requires you to understand and develop the activities that you find the most pleasurable and know how to use them in order to increase the quality of your life. I have broken up the pleasurable things that make people happy into 2 categories, they are Regular Pleasures and Reward Pleasures. In daily life, it is important to have a few standard pleasures that are practiced regularly to make life enjoyable but in order to pull yourself towards growing as a person and achieving your greater goals, you need to create reward pleasures that you can only receive once you have earned them.

One of the flaws in the common psychology of what makes people happy in modern life, is many people are so used to immediate gratification that they will never obtain the full pleasurable feeling that comes from a reward that they have worked to earn. Compared to previous generations, luxury item debts are ludicrously high, and yet current generations are not happier. That is because the novelty of a fancy toy or experience that you did not work hard to obtain wears off quite quickly. You can not live a non challenging lifestyle and expect to feel intense pleasure. However, if your toy or experience is an honest and fair reward based on what you have accomplished, the potential pleasure of that reward once obtained is considerably greater.

When I decided to become a life skill coach and began work on my coaching program ‘Fulfilling Happiness’ one thing I really wanted was a motorcycle. However, I did not buy one. Instead I decided to make it my reward for when the program is completed. I can afford a motorcycle, especially when considering all I am seeking is an older bike that I can learn on. But I knew if I bought one, I would spend too much time on it learning and it would distract me from a more important and meaningful goal. That is why at the time of this article, I am still without a motorcycle as ‘Fulfilling Happiness’ is almost, but not quite complete. But that is ok, because in a short time it will be complete, and I will savour every moment of my sweet 100% deserved, completely guilt-free ride.

Positive Psychology: What makes people happy? Exercise: Write out a list of your current regular pleasures. (E.g. TV shows, social engagements, sports, reading, hobbies, creative pursuits etc) in your life and your larger pleasures (E.g. New products, holidays, special events etc). Then rank your regular pleasures in order of importance and plan how you could increase the time you spend on your favourites and decrease the time spent on ones that are not that enjoyable. With your larger pleasures, write down what important activities you need to accomplish first (and within what time frame) before rewarding yourself with them.

Aleks Srbinoski is a Clinical and Coaching Psychologist, Company Consultant, Creative Writer and Author, Humorist and Inspirational Motivational Speaker.

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Practicing Daily Positive Affirmations – Wash Your Mouth Out With Soap!

Actually, I’m not recommending that when practicing daily positive affirmations that you need to literally wash your mouth out with soap – I’m just using the expression figuratively. Allow me to explain further.

You’ve probably heard the expression used when someone, usually a child, is overhead uttering profanity. And the reason why I’m using the expression here is because so many times people tell me that they are practicing daily positive affirmations but 99% of what comes out of their mouth is negative.

If you have a conversation with these individuals they are constantly putting themselves down and saying what they aren’t good at. They are quick to list their faults and quick at identifying what’s wrong with their lives.

What they don’t seem to realise is that every time they put themselves down or ‘highlight’ what they don’t like about their life, they are affirming what they don’t want in their lives. And they are negating any of the positive effects of their practice of positive affirmations.

“You will never, ever amass enough power to accomplish your goals and your dreams if you are constantly weakening yourself.”

James Arthur Ray, Author of “Harmonic Wealth”

Plus, when you listen to these individuals, their negative self-talk is always done in a very matter-of-fact manner because it’s what they truly believe about themselves. But when they say their positive affirmations you can bet that same degree of matter-of-factness is most definitely absent. So they sabotage their efforts to create positive change in two ways:

1. They don’t clean up their act regarding their self-talk, and
2. They do not fully commit to their positive affirmations.

With respect to the latter when you practice your affirmations you have to practice them as though they are completely true even though they may not be as yet. Now I can sense that you have doubts about this. Then understand this – the negative things you say about yourself may be true now but were not always the case. You developed limiting beliefs and practiced negative affirmations for so long that they become fact.

The actor Cary Grant said,

“I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally I became that person. Or he became me.”

And he also said,

“Everyone wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant.”

In other words he was practicing a role that he wanted, enjoyed and liked. You can do the same. You are the director and leading actor in this movie which, incidentally, is called “This is Your Life”.

I can hear you say,

“But the fact is…”

Forget the facts! As Patricia Shambrook said,

“Don’t give me the facts, give me the truth. The facts are always changing.”

And the truth is you were born as close to perfection as anything can be. The majority of your limiting and negative beliefs were learnt and they were ingrained into you through repetition.

It’s time for change.

You can re-program your mind for the life you desire. And ironically, you can achieve this through repetition as well but the through the repetition of what you want.

And so you have to stay in character. You can’t practice daily positive affirmations at a set time of day and then for the rest of the day trash yourself with your negative self-talk.

But you may have to take baby steps. For instance, if you say to yourself “I’m hopeless at managing money” you may want to practice saying “I’m getting better at managing money” until you feel confident enough to practice the affirmation “I’m an excellent money manager”.

It is not expected that you monitor your thoughts and self-talk every moment of the day but do regularly check in to what you’re saying. You can also ask your close friends to help you with this exercise and a coach will certainly pick up on any negative self-talk because it’s amazing at how oblivious some people can be to this. And, if all else fails, keep a bar of soap handy for when you hear that trashy, profane negative self-talk coming from your mouth.

And if washing your mouth out with soap is a tad too extreme then I’d like to recommend something far more enjoyable to help you stay on track with your practice of daily positive affirmations Visit for a wealth of resources that will help make practicing affirmations effortless and fun.

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Positive Attitude – Easy Ways For Easier Lives

There are people who would rather hold the negative attitude than a positive one, but as the world is changing the people are also changing; some are getting darker, some are getting brighter. With being more positive you can totally change your life’s direction to the white side which will in turn cause other people to respond more positively to you because you feel good about whatever they say. You can have the ability to change the others positively as well!

First lets see the difference between positive and negative attitudes.

Negative: I will fail 100%.

Positive: I am sure that I won!

How can I create the positive attitude?

Everything valuable in the world takes a bit work, and so does replacing positiveness with negativeness in your minds. You can start to shift your attitude by changing the unconscious thinking. Every time a negative thought comes in your mind, change it into positive. Of course it is not easy because negative thoughts come all the time, but you can change this as well because its you and YOUR MIND which is creating the negative thoughts.

There are many ways to destroy a negative attitude…

– By thinking positively of course… which means that you should expect the best, be optimistic, choose to win, choose to be happy, be motivated, always try harder, look for solutions, believe in yourself, be confident, see the failures as opportunities to learn and succeed.

What do I get by holding a strong positive attitude?

– There are many advantages if you hold the positive attitude such as: success, happiness, feel of better health, wealth, getting less stress, having more confidence, feeling that everything is possible, never giving up, etc.

Now take CONTROL of your MIND and shift your ATTITUDE and start creating glorious results.

“Everything at the beginning is without colors, it is your attitude which paints it brighter or darker.”

My name is HyunSoung Kim, I am student in International Baccalaureate (IB). When I grow up I will be an actor and positive psychologist. If you have any problems or questions about your life, future and frustrations please feel free to ask me by sending an e-mail to

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Positive Thinking – The Power of the Human Mind

The power of the human mind has been regarded as one of the most powerful in our universe. Just like what most people say, it’s always mind over matter. Just think and it will happen – think positive and everything will be alright. It’s the same as waking up at the wrong side of the bed, and the whole day follows along with it – you being irritated, angry, tired and every negative feeling or situation. But by waking up at the right side of the bed, you end up being productive in work, feeling good about yourself…and everything else. Being optimistic may prove to be very beneficial in our day-to-day lives. It’s thinking that it will be like this and it will be – the Law of Attraction. But this power can also be destructive for us. But exactly how can this be possible? It’s the moment when you become pessimistic.

The Law of Attraction has had many followers and critics over the past years. But what is it? It’s simply saying that you should know what you want, think about it, ask for it, and eventually you will get it. Its roots say that it was from Quantum Physics, and has been popularized by a film in 2006 “The Secret” which was then made into a book. When you think about it for a second, it’s actually making the power of the human mind work its wonders. The Law of Attraction is the power that we all have in our minds – something that we have been using for our whole lives. Have you ever stopped and thought that, “Yeah, it’s a lucky day for me,” and all the things that had happened to you that day were indeed a stroke of luck? Maybe it is, but it’s actually you who put yourself into it. You thought of it – you activated the whole universe to support you into making it a reality. It’s the same when you were wearing that new pair of white pants and some guy splashed coffee on you – and the list goes on that seemingly unlucky day. Why did it happen? Because you started to think that, “oh damn, I guess it isn’t my day today.”

A number of people have adapted this Law of Attraction by putting it into different schools of thoughts & books and areas of studies, such as Napeleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” and even in Theosophy, but all of them come to one point: positive thinking. Though it also received a number of critiques across the world saying that if you just need to know what you want, visualize it et al, then why are there still poverty and suffering in the world? Maybe because, for example, those people who are stuck in poverty had always thought that they will be poor forever – they do not exert any effort. They do not even think that it will be good in the future – they use the power of the human mind in a different way – in an awful way into thinking that there is nothing for them in the future. But you have your choice as you read this – and it would be a great way to now stop, think and visualize of the positive things, for your good and the goodness of the whole society.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Human Mind to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at

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Hiring a Handyman Can Have Several Positive Effects

Everything you can buy has its up sides and its downsides. Whether that’s hiring someone to do a job for you, or purchasing a new car, nothing is perfect. Things can go wrong in homes, whether it is a tree falling on your roof or your bathroom getting flooded and having to be remodeled. For all of these problems that may occur, a Fox Valley handyman would do the job perfectly. Sometimes the job needs more specialty work, such as renovating a bathroom, in which case Fox Valley bathroom remodeling can do the job better than your average Joe.

It is very important to have someone around who can fix a sink, re-wallpaper a room or just pick up some sticks around the home. If you are a single parent, hiring someone to do these jobs would be very wise and a good investment of your time. Since you may not always be home when you need to, you can give this person a call in case something in your household goes awry. This will prevent further damage because the job will get fixed before any more damage can occur. Even if you have someone that is already at the house frequently who could do these jobs, they may not be the most proficient. Some people aren’t gifted with skills to use a hammer or any other tool that is necessary to handle the job. If you are always gone all the time and the person who is occupying your home does not possess the skills to do these jobs, hiring someone to do them for you is a wise investment.

When you purchase a home, things may seem perfect to you. Especially if you want things to work out with the home, you may find yourself trying to find the good in all things that you see in the house. Although this is completely natural, it may hinder your decision so that you may not make the best choice when it comes to choosing the right home. If you accidentally make this mistake, there are ways that you can alter your home or any specific room so that in case you don’t absolutely love one part of your home, you don’t have to live with it. A place in your home that often needs change is the lavatory because it is a place that people visit every day they live in the house.  

The next time you encounter a problem in your home, don’t worry too much about it, there are many ways to fix it so you aren’t stuck with the problem the rest of the time you live there. Hiring someone to do the job for you can have many benefits whether it is a better looking home or someone who can fix whatever small job needs to be done. Before you go out trying to find a new home, think about your options before you make any big changes and spend money that doesn’t need to be spent.  

Chuck R. Stewart has been interviewing fox valley handyman companies to do some work on his inlaws home. He selected fox valley bathroom remodeling to add a small bathroom.

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