Category Archives: Postive Mindset Secrets

To Be Positive Or Not to Be – How to Get Real and Stay Positive

To be positive does not mean hiding the head in the sand and pretending that all is well when it’s not. If your shirt is on fire, it needs to be attended to. If you’re living off your credit cards, you are not in the land of plenty even if you’ve read The Secret and have manifested a million dollars for next week.

Being positive does not mean shunning reality. It means expecting and knowing that there is a solution to your problems and that you’ll find it, work it and solve the problem or problems. It also means having faith and confidence in your resources, having faith in the future and not being stuck on dwelling about everything that is going wrong in the world.

The fact that you are positive does not mean that you cannot get angry once in a while. Sometimes the energy that anger provides is necessary. That is especially the case when you’ve reached the threshold of tolerance.

If you’re overweight and eating your way to an early grave, it’s OK to get angry and say, “That’s it. I’ve had it. This is not me; I’m smarter and more disciplined than that. From this day on, things are going to change.” Saying that and meaning it while angry is not being negative. You are simply using one more resource at your disposal to get things done.

There is no such thing as a bad emotion or a negative emotion. Emotions are negative only when used in a disempowering way. They all have their utility and they all can be empowering. Emotions are neutral. It’s the way that they are used that can either be positive and negative.

That being said, it’s now time to get into the nitty-gritty of what is meant by “being positive.” There is one element that is absolutely essential to be positive. That is the fact that action must follow reflection. Faith without work is dead and being positive without taking action is being delusional.

If you’re positive that you can make it to first base before the ball gets there and you stay at home-plate, you’re not positive. You’re being silly. It’s the same for everyday occurrences. If you are positive that a situation or a problem will be solved and you don’t actually take action to solve it, you’re worst than being negative. You’re kidding yourself.

To be truly positive, action has to follow thoughts. That’s the true test of a positive attitude. It’s also where talk about being positive can actually be truly negative. People who put faith in the positive attitude and do not include action in the process are not actually helping themselves. They are actually hurting themselves.

Simply being positive by itself has never helped anyone. We see them all the time, the eternal optimists who positively believe that some day, their ship will come home. The ship will not come home if you did not put one in the water in the first place.

The term, positive attitude, may be the greatest thing since sliced bread but it will not do much for anyone if it’s not fully understood and used the way that it should. Sliced bread will not be of much use if it stays in the bag and a positive attitude will not help if it’s not coupled with action.

A positive attitude can be a tremendous tool for achievement and for successful living. It can also be a way of hiding the head in the sand. It can be an explosive force so long as it has a detonating device. That device is called, action. With a positive attitude and some corresponding action, almost anything is possible. When we separate these two elements, life gets to be hard… real hard.

Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Author of ShamouBlog and Owner Administrator of Personal Development for Personal Success Forums

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Get The Mission Impossible Healthy Mindset Secrets!

I’m driving along discussing life’s challenges about weight loss, temptations, eating disorders, how to stay positive and accept who I am, learning how to create and stick to better habits and remain in a healthy mindset. I would like to convey to the world and those in particular that are searching for friends struggling with the same pain, that there is hope and ways to work together to conquer our fears and learn how to love ourselves, all while reaching out and building new relationships.

To Your Success,

Jodi Carwan

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The Secret to My Success – Positive Cycling Mindset ep 194

This video is about how my greatest failures have made me the man I am today. Positive Cycling Mindset ep 194

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Developing The Millionaire’S Mindset | Secrets Of A Millionare Mind

What does it take for you to become rich and successful? Watch this video and learn how to develop the millionaire’s mindset.

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Sales Tip: A Positive Attitude is a Winning Attitude for a Salesperson Welcome to another episode of Coffee Coaching with Andrea Sittig-Rolf, CEO of BlitzMasters and creator of the Blitz Experience. If you’ve chosen sales as your career, it’s very important to choose a positive attitude. Notice the word choice of “choose” rather than “have.” A positive attitude is not beyond your control.

If you’re a sales professional, you know that having a positive attitude makes a world of difference in your success. You must be able to deal with the sometimes negative circumstances that occur. Attitude is a huge part of what makes up your reputation and is one of the first things someone will notice about you when meeting for the first time.

One example of how to make use of a positive attitude after losing a sale is to analyze where you went wrong and plan on how to do better next time. Thanks for watching and be sure to check out other episodes of Coffee Coaching.
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How to Create Self Confidence – 5 Useful Self Improvement Tips

How to create self confidence within ourself effectively? Building self confidence is not a one time event. It is a lifelong process. Learn how to foster self confidence on a daily basis and soon we will be reaping the benefits of peace of mind, happiness and optimism. Below are 5 simple steps to create self confidence.

1 – Shower ourself in positive attention. Before we go out make sure that we are freshly showered and groomed. Don’t save our beautiful clothes for a special occasion. If we are feeling down or doubtful about ourself, dress yourself up. Admire ourself in the mirror and remind ourself that these emotions will pass.

2 – Become confident, positive and bold. It seems simple, but it is not overly simple. In a situation of stress and unexpected setbacks make a marked attempt to find something positive about the situation. Repeat the positive statement in our mind, and repeat it out loud to those experiencing the situation with us.

3 – Give positive compliments to others regularly. This goes back to treating others as we would like to be treated. Don’t hold back on the compliments. Giving honest compliments create self confidenceand confidence of others. Knowing that we have the power to give that gift is a confidence boosting tool in itself. The best part about giving compliments is that we will start receiving a lot more of them, and that feels good.

4 – Avoid bad and negative thoughts. Recognize our negative thoughts and kill them in the act. Restructure the negative thought into a positive statement. Repeat the statement to ourself until the negative thought passes.Do this with all of our negative thoughts and soon the action will become natural. Being positive is a strong foundation for create self confidence.

5 – Build our perfect self on paper. Write down the qualities that wewish to desire like confidence, optimism and peacefulness. Create positive sentences with these qualities and write them down on note cards. Examples might be, “I am confident,” “I believe in myself,” “I am at peace.” Keep the note cards in our pocket and reference them when we begin to doubt ourself.

It’s worth seeking help if it means living in the peace of self confidence.

Raymond Teh passions about achieving great self confidence and self esteem in life lead him to research for more information about self confidence.

Get videos and audio on improve your self confidence now at Self Confidence Improvement site. Full self confidence building courses can be downloaded via


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Trying To Stay Positive

OLD DRONE (cheaper but still great);

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Do You Have a Positive Attitude For Your Life and Business?

I have played percussion in a military band, wrote articles for several military publications, tried my hand at business analysis and technical writing but, because of the gloomy economic indicators a couple of years back, I finally went back to school to become a nurse and entrepreneur. Through all my work experiences in life, there is one quality in every person that seems to stand out as THE most powerful characteristic for every successful person I have ever met – a positive attitude.

When I started my entrepreneurial adventures a little over a year and a half ago, I studied and read the biographies of several “business big dogs” like Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Donald Trump and Andrew Carnegie. In these readings, each man had a mindset that said anything was possible and that what ever came their way, they would approach the issue with a positive mental attitude and expectation.

Each of us carries certain amounts of genetic material that are the overriding essence of our character. Have a close look at your mother and father. You have some personality blend of your parents with a couple of ancestral traits thrown in. With our characteristics and childhood, we develop traits and habits that are molded by our experience and training. So, if you take a good look at the men I just mentioned and read their stories, you will find out what elements made them the persons they are and were during their time….but ultimately, it was their attitude that got them through the dark periods during their ascent to business success. How does all of the “attitude” talk relate to you?

Attitude affects every part of our life and those who understand its power will do everything they can to nurture and protect this valuable quality. Attitude is what makes the difference between an average performer and a peak performer in life. No amount of money can replace what a person like this can do for your organization. But what is a great attitude as it applies to business?

Through all my professional experience, a positive attitude is a mindset that says there will be consistent and positive outcomes to every situation and problem. In other words, someone who expects the best will always bring a good attitude to the table. Looking at each situation in life realistically and expecting the best outcome is what sets successful people apart from average Joe.

How do you encourage, nurture and protect your attitude? You can protect your attitude by working hard to truly like yourself. We all have faults about ourselves that are less than desirable but we also have traits which others find energizing and powerful. What are your positive traits? Why do you feel loved and cherished? When you look at yourself positively, you bring a spring to your attitude and others will want to be around that attitude.

As you go forward in your business, remember – people are looking at your products or services but mostly, they are looking at you and the message you bring to the table. As you work on self-development, search for books and articles that contain information which nurture this valuable quality in you. What kind of attitude do you have? Are you ready for success?

To find out what business is helping many people earn income from home, go to Make your success a reality! For more home based business resources, go to Just say Hi!

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EMPOWER Law of Attraction Subliminal Affirmations for a Positive Mindset with Delta Waves hypnosis


EMPOWER Law of Attraction Subliminal Affirmations for a Positive Mindset  with Delta Waves hypnosis

Get My FREE Meditation MP3 Here ►

Law of attraction subliminal affirmations to help create a positive mindset. Can be listened to with headphone or speakers. Gentle music that you can listen to anytime, anywhere (best not listened to whilst driving due to the delta waves) MP3 now available here: See below for affirmations used:
Affirmations used:

My subconscious receives positive affirmations with ease
I am open to new ideas
I am open to ideas that are good for me
I empower my mind to act on positive messages
I empower my mind to act on healthy messages
I empower my mind to act on commands that are good for me
My mind and body bond together and help each other
My mind can do anything I want it to do
My mind is healthy
My body is healthy
I reach all my goals
I am always improving
Every day I get better at what I do
I am positive
I am succeeding
I am happy
I am always successful

~ Jason Stephenson’s positive affirmations is ideal relaxing, and positiviely charged music to help you rest whilst at the same time reprogram your negative thought patterns. Our music for sleeping is great music to help with insomnia, relieve aches and pains and any stress or tension. Most of our sleep music has added delta waves in which to help you reach a deeper and more peaceful state of mind within minutes. Our peaceful sleeping music can be used as music to go to sleep to, study music, background music and music for meditation. Allow the deep and soothing calming music to help you get some deep sound sleep.

~ I create positive affirmations, sleep and meditation music and guided meditations to help you live in the present moment and become mindful. Using my relaxing music on my channel, (which has been selected from various new age artists world-wide) will help you to relax deeply, sleep, or reach tranquil states in your meditation practice. Take time each day to listen to a guided visualization, meditation music with which you can reflect and meditate. Even if only for five minutes each day. Meditation, like anything, takes time.

~ The music I select is music from various ambient and new age artists across the world that have inspired me, relaxed me and that I have personally used for reflection or meditation. You can expect to hear gentle sounds of the piano, peaceful guitar, binaural beats, isochronic tones, yoga music, music to meditate to, study or concentration music, music with positive affirmations, reflective music, healing music, Buddhist and Tibetan tones, singing bowls, and more.

~ Please reach out and connect to me and say hello!


~ Production of isochronic tones by Transparent NP3. More about that software here:

~ Production of Subliminals by Mindzoom. More about that here:

For a FREE Yoga video by a little “guru” named Garrett (who is only 14 years old!), please visit his site!





Thank you for taking the time out to relax, rejuvenate and cherish your mind, body and spirit. You deserve this!

training the secret hypnosis

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5 Skateboarding Tricks

Skateboarding tricks can generally be broken up into 5 separate groupings, and this is what we are going to mosey on down to take a gander at here.

OK here are the 5 main groupings, in no particular order, mind.

1. Fliptricks. These are all based around the ollie and comprise of various types of aerial flips without using your hands. The feet remain on the board throughout the trick. Some fliptricks include a fakie ollie, an ollie 180, the kickflip, the heelflip, and the hardflpi etc. In many fliptricks the board is flipped upside down.

2. Freestyle tricks. Freestyle skateboarding tricks involve balancing on either one wheel or two, and sometimes just the front or back of the board, or even the edges. Freestyle has been popular for many years as it is a great way to improvise and have fun on the board, and you can get in to some cool flips.

3. Aerials. Similar to the fliptricks, and as the name implies they are tricks involving flipping your skateboard into the air, but with an aerial trick you use your hand or hands to control the board.

4. Slides and grinds. These skateboarding tricks involve the use of a rail or ledge that the skateboard slides or grinds along. The skateboarder jumps onto the rail or ledge with his board and either slides along it with the edge of the board, or grinds along it with the truck. You dont have to use just rails or ledges either, you can use whatever you got available and improvise, such as with the edges of pavements or pools. The great thing about skateboarding as far as I see it is we can all improvise and use our own imagination.

5. Liptricks. These are mainly done on a skateboard ramp. Half pipes, quarter pipes and mini ramps are all used for liptricks, which again as the name implies uses the lip of the ramp to perform various tricks, such as axle stalls, bean plants, boardstalls and inverts etc.

You can see information on skateboarding tricks at SkatePlanet

Des Ingham hails from Darwen in the North of England.
For all the information and resources you need on skateboarding go to

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