Category Archives: Postive Mindset Secrets

Top Self Improvement Tips For You

Are you ready to win over the world? Do you have the personality with the help of which you can develop yourself and take yourself to the topmost position? If you are looking forward to a productive future then you must lay stress on your personal development.

Before you start your venture you must set certain goals so that you can work hard to reach those goals. Few people lack goals in life and this is the reason why they are unable to make it to the top.

If you are really interested in a rewarding future then start making your personal development plans as soon as possible. There are certain tips which can surely help with proper personal development. The first thing that you can do is meditation.

It is very important to keep some time for yourself. Make sure you do not face any kind of disturbance at that point of time. In the beginning you might have a tough time with meditation. There are lots of people who find it quite stressful because it requires a huge amount of concentration.

But you must take your time to make sure that you can perform this properly. It will have a positive effect on your psychology. Other than positive mental and emotional effect meditation also have good effects on your health.

The second tip that you can follow is to note down your goals as well as your plan of action. If you create this habit of writing down your goals then it will surely help you achieve the goals in reality. While writing your goals you must also write the deadline.

This will help you set a specific time frame for achieving the goals. This will be your motivation and will help you determine yourself. For proper self improvement you surely need to be strong willed. Personal development can only be achieved if you know yourself well.

Have you ever thought how well you know about yourself? To begin your personal development plan you must be sure about your inner as well as outer self. You need to find out how much confident you are about yourself.

Other than identifying the goals it is also important to formulate the plan properly. You need to plan about how to reach to your goals. You must write about all the steps that you need to take to reach to your goals.

Other than this, you should also have the right kind of attitude to achieve personal growth. You should make sure that you get rid of all your negative attitudes. You should make sure that you are smart, determined, resourceful as well as patient. You can achieve personal development with these easy tips.

Visit to develop your personal development plan and make your life successful.

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How to Stay Positive on a Bad Day | Robin Sharma


How to Stay Positive on a Bad Day | Robin Sharma

Want some unique yet practical insights + tactics to pivot from a bad day into a wonderful [and productive] one?

At legendary leadership + elite performance expert Robin Sharma’s live events like Personal Mastery Academy [2 days of personal transformation‎ each June] and the famous Titan Summit [4 days of legendary training for entrepreneurs and world-builders where luminaries like Sir Richard Branson, Shaq and Woz have been on Robin’s faculty], people quietly ask him how to turn hard times into great seasons.

Look–we all have days where nothing seems to work. That’s just being human.

And without a clear and strong ritual to run when things don’t go as planned, your focus, productivity, prosperity and impact on the world will suffer…

…The key is to have a toolkit of winning moves to “course correct” both your mindset [so you think like a pro] and your heartset [so you feel brave, joy-filled + loving].

In this inspirational + tactical video‎, Robin will walk you through an innovative method he calls “The 5 Ps of Premium Performance” that will show you how to transform a messy day into a valuable one.

The 5P process has helped the clients he works with ‎achieve world-class results and craft lives they adore. So it’s been battle-tested in the real world.‎

Please remember: each day of your life counts. A world-class life is nothing more than a series of well lived days strung together with bravery and consistency.

Ok. Be great. Go rock your game today. ‎

More Resources If You’re Ready to Go Deeper:

Robin loves helping + serving…

–if you want a potent learning tool to rewire your mindset [and heartset] so you stay strong and undefeatable, Robin has created The Mental Mastery Toolkit. Zero cost. Just use it and share it. Get it here:

–to join the millions of people who watch Robin’s Mastery Sessions podcast, subscribe here‎: – Again, a free [and handcrafted] resource with superb content.

–if you want to attend Personal Mastery Academy in June this year, definitely get onto the waiting list here: – Robin would love to work with you over these 2 life-changing days.


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Staying Positive About a Church Fundraising Effort

Back in the good old days, a church fundraising effort was something that was done as an extra activity, since fundraisers were just there to give the church some extra help with income. But these days, with things being the way they are with the economy, many churches are relying more heavily on a church fundraising effort to help build new facilities, refurbish existing facilities, or support the youth group or choir. Fundraisers can be beneficial no matter how much money your church needs or what it is needed for.

If you are organizing your fundraiser this time around, it may seem like a lot of responsibility and pressure. If you feel like you are expected to get everything right, you may find it difficult to face this challenge in a positive way. After all, the bottom line is that a church fundraising campaign is there to bring in the cash, and that has to be the number one priority, to get the money rolling in. It’s enough to leave you feeling stressed, and maybe even having a negative outlook about just how much impact you can possibly make.

However, church fundraising can actually make a huge difference in the future of the church, and it’s time to start thinking about it in more positive ways, because with your effort, everyone’s load will be lightened and you will have affected your church and your community in a very beneficial way.

Remember, from the very moment that you take on the responsibility for this job, you are moving in a positive direction toward helping the church reach its monetary goals. That’s something to feel good about, and with a good church fundraising idea on your side and a team of enthusiastic people, you can turn this situation into a success the church will remember for many years.

Howard Gottlieb

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Self Improvement Ideas – Philosophical Concepts, Personal Development Tips and Personal Development Self Improvement Ideas – Philosophical Concepts, Personal Development Tips and Personal Development

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How to Stay Positive

In this video, I share an awesome tip for staying positive throughout the day. I am constantly listening to talks and books and positive thinking and this tip from Michael Beckwith really resonated with me. That’s why I want to share it with you!

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✔ Smart IQ Test – 13 Mind Trick Questions

IQ test – Are you smart? How strong is your mind?
Mind tricks – Learn how to be smart or more intelligent.
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Funny Brain games. Best Mind and Brain Tricks.
IQ Test / Intelligence Quotient Test – Trick questions.


A1: Nephew
E1: No explanation needed.
A2: 1
E2: No explanation needed.
A3: 12
E3: All months have 28 days and more.
A4: NO
E4: Because she is dead.
A5: 70
E5: 30 divided by 1/2 = 60. 60 + 10 = 70.
A6: 2
E6: You took them.
A7: 60
E7: Start with the first pill, 30 min later take the second, then 30 min for the third.
A8: 9
E8: No explanation needed.
A9: 0
E9: Moses didn’t have an ark, Noah did.
A10: 12
E10: There are 12 two cents stamps in a dozen.
A11: 2and
E11: If you overtake the second person, and you take his place, you are the second.
A12: 4100
E12: 4 x 1000 + 100 (40 + 30 + 20 + 10)
E13: No explanation needed.
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How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

We’ve all met people who seem to have everything going for them-ideal upbringing, seemingly unlimited talents, useful contacts, and so on. But why is it they never seem to get to first base, career-wise? The answer: attitude. It is often their attitude that limits their achievements. Although changing attitudes is not easy, it can be done. Here’s a nine-step process that can lead to the development of a positive mental attitude, a will to win, and career success.

1. Take charge of your attitude.
Religious writer Charles Swindoll, encapsulates it precisely: The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company… The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past…we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot chance the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude…I am convinced that life is 10 per cent what happens to me and 90 per cent how I react to it. And so it is with you…we are in charge of our attitudes.

2. Practice visualization.
Visualization is one of the most powerful techniques of self-image modification because your visual image can become your reality. Management expert Brian Tracy tells us that there are four elements of visualization and an increase in any one of them will accelerate the rate at which we create the physical equivalent of that mental picture of our life. These four elements are:

• Frequency. People who accomplish extraordinary things continually visualize their desired results.
• Vividness. This is literally seeing things clearly.
• Intensity. When you intensely desire something, it occurs much faster.
• Duration. The longer you imagine a desired future event, the more likely it is to appear.

3. Make affirmations.
Affirmations are strong statements or commands from our conscious to our subconscious mind. They over-ride old information and reinforce new, positive habits of behavior and thought. Affirmations need to be based on the 3Ps: they must be positive, present tense, and personal. For example, if you’re trying to improve your health and general well-being, positive self-talk such as this will help: ‘I’m feeling better now’, ‘I feel young and vital’, ‘I’m reaching my best weight’, and ‘I can really feel the difference my exercise program and change in eating habits are having.’

4. Affirm aloud.
Begin and end each day verbalizing your affirmations. You’ll be amazed how much more confidently you will feel and behave when you’re feeding yourself the right messages. So, in the days leading up to a job interview, for example, tell yourself, aloud, whenever you get the chance: ‘During my interview I will be calm, confident, and in control!’ Don’t forget: what you ‘see’ is what you get; what you ‘feel’ is what you are.

5. Act the part.
Walk, talk, and act exactly as if you are the person you want to be. St Thomas Aquinas referred to this philosophy as ‘as if’; others call it ‘fake it till you make it’. The first step in becoming more confident is to act ‘as if’ you already are.

6. Expose yourself to high-quality information only.
The more you read, listen, watch, and learn about your subject area, the more confident and capable you’ll feel. But we need to be discerning about the quality of information we expose ourselves to. Look on information as food: we should be careful to feed ourselves only the best food. The famous T-Cell study of the 1980s is worth remembering (‘T-Cell’ being a measure of the blood’s healthfulness). The T-Cell of a group actually changed after exposure to varying amounts of positive and negative information. One outcome of the study was that regular exposure to negative information was a health hazard!

7. Associate with positive people.
Fly with the eagles instead of scratching with the chooks. Our parents taught us that ‘we are judged by the company we keep’. They were right. To meet new, positive people, you have to stop associating with the loser-brigade, those dull excuse-makers who end up dragging you down to their level of complacency and incompetence.

8. Imitate positive people.
The qualities we admire and envy in others usually reflect our own underdeveloped capacities. Imitation is vital to learning. Identify those around you with a positive mental attitude and watch what they do. How do they work, what do they say, how do they carry themselves? Select one small behavior at a time and emulate it.

9. Teach others.
When you attempt to articulate and explain a concept to others, you will understand it and internalize it better yourself. Seize every opportunity to share the notion of ‘positiveness’ as a way of helping yourself to become even more familiar with it.

Dr Neil Flanagan provides access to essential management know-how for busy people on the move. A FREE gift awaits you every time you visit and you can take advantage of your FREE e-Topic and newsletter that will keep you informed about everything management. And if you’d like more information about issues raised in this article, you can go to

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Bowel Cancer and a Positive Attitude

We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking. Having a positive attitude and so on.

Some of us will have found that these clichés are indeed true. Positive thinking can change your life dramatically. For many people their positive attitude has carried them through many adversities. For some, its made them rich believing in themselves and what they can achieve by being positive and pushing on regardless of what’s put in their path. There are many paths in our lives where a positive attitude has triumphed over what might seem insurmountable obstacles.

In case you were wondering what this has to do with bowel cancer and indeed any cancer, it’s this same positive attitude of the patient that’s important in the recovery process and in fighting the disease itself. The mind plays a significant part in the healing process of cancer and time and again its been shown that patients with a positive attitude fare better than those that give up or are overly pessimistic.

The power of the mind can be demonstrated by such occurrences as the pointing of the bone by Aboriginals at a member of the tribe, who has done something wrong, and is to be punished. There have been authenticated cases (1953) where this has occurred and the victim has simply died over a short period of time with no medical explanation. (Sources: John Godwin, Unsolved: The World of the Unknown, pp. 163-76; Ronald Rose, Living Magic, pp. 30-36):
Even though this is a somewhat morbid demonstration of the power of the mind it does show how powerful it is. Powerful enough for a person to believe he is cursed to die, and does so.

Could it now be argued that you could use the power of the mind to not die and to survive your cancer despite the odds? My research has shown that you can’t afford to take this literally. I don’t think it can be said, that if you have a positive attitude you won’t die from cancer. That depends on a number of other factors but what I do think you can say is, having a positive attitude helps enormously in surviving.

The cancer patients I interviewed for my book, who are long term survivors, have all taken a positive attitude toward their treatment and outcome. None of them were ready to lie down and die just because they had cancer. They had the courage and the fortitude to take on this disease and beat it.

I don’t think many of us can say how we would feel if diagnosed with bowel cancer. It would certainly take the wind out of your sails primarily, but having talked to these people who have survived I think, after my initial shock, I would be doing the same as they did. I would be positive about the outcome and would let nothing stand in my way in beating this terrible disease to live a long and happy life.

Roger Cuff is a freelance writer living near Sydney, Australia. He has currently just finished his book about long term survivors of bowel cancer and the strategies they used to survive.

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Stop Worrying & Stay Positive – Subliminal Message Session – By Thomas Hall

This recording contains powerful subliminal messages. Please only listen to this subliminal recording in a safe environment.

Here is a list of all the affirmations/messages in this recording.

You are a positive person that can see the good in every situation
I am a positive person that can see the good in every situation
You enjoy life
I enjoy life
You feel calm
I feel calm
You are calm
I am calm
Let yourself relax and feel good
You can achieve anything you set your mind to
I can achieve anything I set my mind to
Let yourself completely relax
You are a good person
I am a good person
You are a happy person
I am a happy person
You feel happy and relaxed in all situations
I feel happy and relaxed in all situations
You can focus on all the great things in your life
I can focus on all the great things in my life
Focus on the positive things
Focus on positive thoughts
You become even more relaxed everyday
I become even more relaxed everyday
You can think of the positive things in the world
I can think of the positive things in the world
You love life
I love life
You are a relaxed person
I am a relaxed person
You deserve to be happy
I deserve to be happy
You are happy
I am happy
Enjoy your life
People like you because you are a happy person
People like me because I am a happy person
You can laugh and have fun
I can laugh and have fun
Think of happy thoughts
Let yourself relax
You can achieve anything you set your mind to
I can achieve anything I set me mind to
(((((All of the above are repeated throughout the recording)))))

Thank you for listening for a full range of subliminal and hypnosis recordings please subscribe.

Credit line

Background Music: Music from The Self Development Network, in accordance with Copyright Law.

Beautiful Clouds In The Blue Sky (photo) – artist name: schankz – Photo ID#:40138712 – royalty free image brought from

Hypnosis Image – royalty free image brought from ©Valkos|

Everything else by Thomas Hall – (C) Copyright 2015

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Self Improvement Guide – Effective Tips For Self Improvement

There are different books and seminars that can help you gather some self improvement guide. All these sources are against the negative factors in your life.

This self improvement guide is intended to offer you the best solutions to eliminate these factors for good. Or at least to reduce it drastically.

Work, meetings, deadlines, appointments, telephone calls, shopping, taking the dogs out etc. all these are things most people have to accomplish daily.

Most of the times, on the waiting list there are other things like: family, friends and even ourselves.

Sometimes we discover too late that the points mentioned on the waiting lists are, in fact, the most important and, unfortunately, sometimes, we dont realize this at all, so find ourselves wondering for what reason we are so unhappy.

All this people know that time is more than money time means, first of all, life and, more than that, it means our lives.

That is way we have the obligation not to surrender in stressful situations and to go fighting for the joy of living.

Let us not forget also that deficient management of time can produce tremendous health problems, both at the physical and mental level.

But there is good news! Time can be domesticated we can make it, in certain manner, obey us. First step in implementing this process is to identify the elements that robe your time. Normally, they are divided into two groups:

The external factors (unexpected phone calls, very long phone conversations, unplanned visits, the policy of open doors, not sufficiently trained personnel, frequent meetings, interruptions caused by colleagues, friends and family etc.)

The internal factors related strictly to our own persons (priorities and objectives that change, the lack of a daily working plan, lack of self imposed deadlines, the tendency to take care of too many things at the same time, disorder, lateness in resolving the conflicts, incapacity of saying no, lack of decision, tiredness).

By reading the above enumeration, you probably pictured recalled all the similar situations that you went through. Now, all you have to do is to find a way to defeat and eliminate them, so that you can be the matter of your own time again.

Here are three possible ways in which you can do that:

Get used to write everything down. It is useful, especially if you have a bad memory. Otherwise you might fail to remember to go to important meetings, to make important phone calls, to answer messages you promised you would answer.

You can also write down great ideas and inspirations that occur to you in the most unexpected moments.

Make a list of priorities. It takes you very little time to draw it and you can even do it while youre having your morning coffee. Write down, the things you need to do that day, in the order of their importance and urgency.

Learn to say no. One big mistake that a lot of us make is that we put other peoples problems in front of ours. Nevertheless, by helping them in a bad moment for us, we give rise to frustration, stress and we find ourselves unable to respect previous engagements.

All these advices are also present in Jean-Louis Servan-Schreibers book New art of time against stress and they invite us to meditate that more than a weapon against stress, time management is also a philosophy of life.
So if you are now in depression you need this guide to empower yourself. To understand more about self improvement guide, you can go

So if you are now in depression you need this guide to empower yourself. To understand more about self improvement guide, you can go

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