Category Archives: Postive Mindset Secrets

Free Mind Reading Tricks For All!

Okay, so you’ve been victimized by a person by his so-called mind reading abilities, and you’ve done your share of searching the internet for free mind reading tricks to get even with him. Admit it, you were outsmarted by that guy’s crafty moves and mastery of the trick. But always remember, if he can do it, there’s no reason why you couldn’t as well.

It doesn’t take a genius for one to know that there are thousands of free mind reading tricks available in the internet. However, if you’re truly determined to pull off that one amazing, trick, the internet may not necessarily be a good place to start. One person somewhere must have come across the same tricks, and might have considered doing them to please a crowd.

If you want to learn a single trick to help you read other people’s minds, then you better read on. There may be different versions of this trick but this version of the trick truly sets it apart from the rest out there.

The name of the trick is the “Quick! Quick! And Don’t Think!” game. The game is simple. It is best played with close friends, people you have known for a long time and have had a long time being together. Before the trick, write the words ‘poodle’ and ‘golden retriever’ on 2 separate slips of paper. Then, have 3-5 people join you in this game. Give each person a pencil and a small piece of paper.

Now, inform your friends that you’ve recently discovered that you have been given with mind reading abilities, and it was only just a week ago that you’ve found that out. Of course, most often your friends would laugh at you, most probably they won’t believe you. If this happens, don’t panic. Instead, celebrate. This is exactly what you want them to think. They can laugh now, but after the trick, you’ll be the one doing all the laughing.

Have your friends be seated along a circle. Then, ask them to spell out simple words. Ask them to write down these words on their slip of paper. You can use any word as long as all words belong to a certain category. For instance, your category is astronomy. You can use Star, Moon, Sun, as long as these words have something in common or belong in the certain classification or group. Have 5 words for these. Next, after the 5th word, instead of asking for another word involving astronomy, ask them to write a type of dog, and to write it as quickly as possible.

At the slightest hint of any of your friends thinking (maybe looking up, closing their eyes, mouthing the word ‘um,’ etc.) approach them quickly and pressure them! Panic them, shout at them, do everything you can! After you’ve made certain everyone has finished writing, tell them that even before your simple game began, you’ve already guessed their answers for their last question. Show them your piece of paper containing “poodle.” Most likely, a few of your friends wrote the same.

Yes, this trick involved luck, but quite honestly, luck is on your side here. If it turns out “poodle” is wrong, tough luck! You’ll get them next time. At least you’ve finally found your go-to trick. You don’t need to look for free mind reading tricks ever again!

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind Reading to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at

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Mind Reading Tricks to Amaze

If you’ve been to after-work parties or cocktail gatherings, the sight of a person amazing the rest of the crowd with mind reading tricks shouldn’t be unusual to you. It’s entertaining, it catches the awe of the crowd, and it becomes an opportunity for the party to be more fun and longer.

It’s fitting to give certain rules before reading naming several tricks in reading minds.

Rule #1 – The more people involved in the trick, the better. It may be a common sight that a mind reader and a member of the audience go one and one, while the rest of the people in the room are mere spectators. However, as the old saying goes, the more the merrier. That old adage surely applies to doing mind reading tricks as well.

Rule #2 – Practice the trick before performing it. It would be such a shame if you perform a trick and fumble while doing so. Be warned, when doing these sorts of tricks, your audience will be extra critical of everything you say and do. Even the slightest mistake in what you say may ruin the entire trick, and ultimately, the party as well.

Rule #3 – and this is the most important rule – NEVER, EVER, share the trick with the crowd after performing it. After you’ve successfully performed the trick, if the audience is amazed, they will express it by clapping and cheering. Most probably they will ask you to reveal how you did it. Don’t be carried away with your new-found fame, because once you spill the beans and tell your secret to the trick, you’ve given away the one thing that made you a star of the night. Just appreciate the applause, let it sink in, and avoid the temptation of kissing and telling.

When you’re done swearing that you’ll promise to follow all 3 rules, now you’re ready to learn mind reading tricks! Here are 2 of the best ones I’ve seen.

TRICK #1 – The Numbers Game. This trick requires a good friend as an assistant. Now, the goal of this trick is to convince the crowd that you’re so good with numbers that you can determine the sum of three random numbers – even before you’d know what those 4 numbers are. First things first, pick a number above 3600. For example, 3630. This will be the sum you’ll predict. Write it down in a piece of paper and place it in an envelope. Then, display this envelope to the crowd.

Then, ask 3 random spectators to shout out the year when they were born. For example, 1988, 1967, 2001. Write these numbers for everyone to see. Next, to convince the crowd that you’re even going to make things difficult for yourself, ask your assistant to write a 4th number. Do not look at this 4th number. KEY: Make it appear that your assistant is NOT your assistant. Instead, make it appear that you also RANDOMLY chose him or her. Now, have this assistant write a 4th number, making sure that when you add the previous 3 numbers to that number, the sum must be 3630 (the number you guessed). All that’s left to do now is create a little suspense, get your envelope, and reveal the slip of paper you’ve written. Wow, you’ve guessed the sum of 4 totally random numbers! Amazing!

TRICK #2 – Whatever you write. This is more of a joke than a trick. But, it can still be considered a mind reading trick. All you need is 2 slips of paper and a member of the audience. Have that member stand at the opposite end of the room, and instruct him to write his favorite line from a song. After he has done so, tell him “I will write in my paper, whatever you’ve written.” Now, in your own piece of paper, write the words ‘whatever you’ve written.’ Then, tell your volunteer to reveal his paper. It contains the words he chose. Now, remind the audience that “I wrote whatever you’ve written” on your paper. Reveal your paper, and true enough, you wrote exactly that – Whatever you’ve written!

These are just 2 of the tricks that we usually see first-hand in parties. They never grow old. Enjoy playing these mind reading tricks!

Ready to unlock the secrets about Mind Reading Tricks to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at

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Tony Robins | Secret To Mastering The Perfect Mindset

Tony Robins | Secret To Mastering The Perfect Mindset

Hey I know that it’s hard sometimes to keep your
mind free and clear of stink’n think’n but the thing
that will help you the most is understanding that it only makes
matters worse.. You have always heard that the rich
get richer and the poor get poorer.. Let me be perfectly
straight forward with you here. it has nothing to do
with the money ” FIRST ” yes money is a great tool to
earning more money but if you cant perceive it first
in your mind then you will have a very hard time bringing
an abundance of it into your life and keeping it. When you clearly see
yourself with absolute certainty that you have it and deserve
all you need, then you will project that right into your life..

Doors will open and the ability to make it so, will come natural.
Best rule of thumb is to “project it till you prefect it”, but always know
that you know that you know everything you are wanting will
most definitely show up whether it be good or bad so make
sure you are clear with your thoughts and don’t allow your
mind to rest on the negative ones for very long, like less that
4 seconds.. catch yourself and think of the best thing that
puts a smile on your face to get back on track.. Like anything
old habits are hard to brake sometimes but practice makes perfect.

The out come will be staggeringly good if you master the art of
thinking and speaking positive thoughts out into the world everyday
even when the world is not giving it to you.

Your words create your world so make them all count…
* Tony Robins
* Mindset
* Frank Kern
* Power Of Curtainty mindset

” Your words and Thoughts have physical power ”
” Live Everyday Like It’s A Vacation ”
– Mark Sansom

P.S ..Tony Robins may have big teeth but he is one smart cookie
that has help so many people that it is mind boggling..

Frank kern is a brilliant marketer that has gone on to earn
22 million in a 24 hour period.. before anyone could even
perceive it… Nobody thought that was even posable, with
out winning the lottery or something.

You might believe you are the next one to do even better than
that.. I say whether you think you can or think you can’t “you’re right”


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A 15 Minute Mind-Hack to Massively Enhance Your Brain Power and Emotional State: Vishen Lakhiani

A 15 Minute Mind-Hack to Massively Enhance Your Brain Power and Emotional State. Talk by Vishen Lakhiani at Wisdom 2.0 Europe 2014.

Bob Proctor speaks about the power of our subconscious minds to create the reality we experience. He explains how we can impress images upon the subconscious mind with emotion and repitition and can therefore have control over what the subconscious accepts as truth. We therefore have total control over what we experience in reality by consciously choosing what to impress upon the subconscious. Bob Proctor is a featured teacher in the hit movie; The Secret.

The Secret Subconscious Mind Exercise Used By One Of The Most Successful People.
Before you get into that, have you ever wondered where brilliant ideas come from?
How do the world’s most influential, brilliant and powerful people get the inspiration for their ideas, creations and achievements? Do you believe it was their up bringing? Or, were they just extremely lucky? What about they were blessed with a gift most of us can only dream of? Or, do you think something else is at work?
Back in the day, 1937 to be exact, personal development phenomena Napoleon Hill published “Think And Grow Rich” a book that would soon go on to become one of the most powerful personal development books in history. In fact, it’s been read by the most successful people in the world than any other book. That should say something….

“Think And Grow Rich” was packed with techniques and instructions on how to develop a wealth mindset and achieve success beyond your wildest dreams.

The amazing part of these techniques is that they STILL apply to this day. Even though the book is over 70 years old, the techniques, lessons, instructions are timeless and will always apply.

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Taking Action – Self Improvement Tips, How to Take Action, Motivation and How to Just Do it Taking Action – Self Improvement Tips, How to Take Action, Motivation and How to Just Do it

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Taking Action, Self Improvement Tips, Success Tips, How to Take Action, Power of Action, How do I get Motivated, How to Motivate Myself, How do I Motivate Myself, Take Action Now, Take Massive Action, Massive Action, How to Just DO It, Action Taker, Just Do It, Motivation, Success
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How to Do a Powerful Mind Reading Trick That Will Shock Anyone

The best mind reading tricks are quick and direct. This trick is very simple to perform but has a remarkable effect on people. Without any nonsense, you just read their minds.

How It Looks To The Audience

The magician asks a spectator to place a silver coin and a copper coin on the table in front of him. The magician then turns his back towards the spectator and tells him to move the coins around, so the magician cannot know the positions of the coins.

He then asks the spectator to cover each coin with one of his hands. One hand covers one coin and the other hand covers the other coin. The magician then tells him to touch his forehead with one hand and place his other hand in his pocket.

The magician then instructs him to take his hand out of his pocket and place it over the copper coin. He then tells him to place the hand that was touching his forehead over the silver coin.

The magician turns round and emphasizes that there is no way he could know which hand is covering which coin. He asks the spectator to silently visualize which coin is under which hand. Slowly and dramatically, the magician announces which coin is under which hand – and he is correct!

The magician repeats the trick and is correct again.

How The Trick Is Done

The secret is simple. The hand that was covering the silver coin is the hand that was touching his forehead. Because he was touching his forehead, there will be less blood in this hand and this will make the skin color lighter in appearance. So, you just quickly compare his hands when he is covering the coins. The hand that looks lighter in color will be the one covering the silver coin.

However, the key here is that you just have a quick glance at his hands and then pay no further attention to them. You want to create the impression that you are reading his mind – not staring at his hands.

The method is helped by the fact that after you initially ask him to touch his forehead, you ask him to place his other hand in his pocket. Then you ask him to cover the copper coin with the hand that was in his pocket. This confuses the issue and helps to put the spectator off the track from guessing the secret. It also ensures that his other hand will be held to his head for as long as possible.

The only thing you will have to be careful of when performing this trick is using someone who has a suntan. If the person has a deep tan, then it can be more difficult to detect the change in skin color. So, do not use anyone who has a tan. Keep to pale skins.

Michael Breck is a professional Magician in Scotland. He also runs an entertainment agency called The Magic Agency. He has been entertaining at weddings and booking entertainment for weddings for over twenty years. For more ideas about wedding entertainment go to Entertainment For Weddings or Magical Entertainment.

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Finding Happiness and Having a Happier Life Requires a Positive Attitude Know the secret of happiness. Using positive psychology strategies” you can control negative thinking and develop a positive attitude to have a happier life
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Yes we have 1,000 engineers but ALL our 23,000 people are experts in THEIR fields. They are modern manufacturing. Jack brings the good safety habits with him home, so he and his family stay safe.
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How to Stay Positive All the Time? 5 Tips to Stay Happy :)


How to Stay Positive All the Time? 5 Tips to Stay Happy :)

How to Stay Positive All the Time?
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Related links:
How to Meditate in 5 Simple Steps:
Brain Dumping Exercise:
The Day I Quit My Job to Pursue My Passion:
How To Be Happy: 10 Timeless Principles for Lasting Happiness:
How To Be Unhappy: 10 Surefire Ways To Be Unhappy in Life:

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Music: Do It Right, Secret Conversations (YouTube Library)
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Oprah Winfrey explains how she keeps positive.
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How Jedi Mind Tricks Can Help Your Writing

I have been looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi for some time now. My search for a Jedi master has all but failed me. I found well dressed look-a-likes, bizarre Jedi-wannabe’s who turned out to be 35-year-old unemployed men living with their mothers while honing their light saber skills in a damp basement. Battery operated plastic light sabers and Jedi guides printed from the internet could offer me no assistance. I was searching for the real thing. 

Why do I need a Jedi Master, you ask? I am in search of the secrets of George Lucas, the Jedi Master of Writing and I thought, if anyone could help me find those skills, well, Obi Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn come to mind instantly. And as they obtained those secrets for me-the secrets of great story telling and unrestrained ambition-I thought they could also use some of their power on me. You know, just a few Jedi mind tricks to help me stay focused. I wrote some of them down for that fateful day Obi and I meet face to face.  

You are an amazing writer. 

This book will be published. 

You will work at your craft at every opportunity you get.
You will write consistently several times a week. 

You will read and research to gain more knowledge-always sharpening your skills. 

You will never give up on yourself because your talent is God-given. 

Mere words, yes, but in the hands of a Jedi Master, those words have great power! Even as I read over them again, my faded, folded too many times and shoved in my back pocket list, I can feel the strength they want to have. But my timid words don’t hold the “force”fulness I need and crave. I need Obi Wan to stand before me, waving his mystical hand in front of my eyes and saying in his slightly Scottish voice (the Ewen McGreggor Obi Wan of course), “You are an amazing writer.”

In my desperation, I tried those Jedi mind tricks on myself, all the while knowing I did not possess the Force nor have I had any Jedi training. I did read something though in Proverbs 18:21 that gave me a little more confidence. “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (NIV) So I stood in front of my bathroom mirror with my list and waved my hand in front of my eyes while reciting, “You are an amazing writer… You will be published… You will never give up on yourself because your talent is God-given.” A funny thing happened. I felt better. 

So the next morning, I pulled my list out, waved my hand in front of my face and read those words again. During my lunch break, I pulled a book out of my bag and began searching through the chapters. It was a book on how to become a better writer. When I finished a long, tedious day, I turned on my laptop and skimmed through a few chapters of an upcoming title I had written a few weeks ago. I continued my Jedi mind tricks, eventually losing the hand movement and found that the more I said those things, the more I believed them. The more I acted on them. I was beginning to act like a writer, writing several times a week and even taking notes and listening to what other writers were saying around me.  

The power of life and death are in my words! I didn’t need a Jedi Master, I just needed to believe in who God created me to be! I am a writer, an amazing writer, who works on her craft at every chance she gets, writes consistently, reads and researches and refuses to give up on herself because her talent is God-given. I have written these words on my bathroom mirror in dry erase marker to remind me of those things. Just as Jedi mind tricks are only temporary-I have to constantly renew my mind. I have to remind myself who I really am as there are those (The Sith) who desire to weaken my resolve.

I no longer seek my Jedi Master, no longer search for Obi Wan Kenobi or Qui-Gon. I have become my own Jedi writing master, if you will. What are the words you need to be saying to yourself as a writer? Write down those thoughts that need to be said back to you-whatever they may be-and write them on your bathroom mirror, tape them to your walls or your computer monitor. Speak those words of writing life over you. Become your own Jedi Master and may the writing force be with you!

Kristen Eckstein is an avid marketer, book publishing coach, and the author of three books. Find out which publishing option is right for you! Grab your free audio and fun quiz at

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Top 10 Ways To Improve Your Memory

From drinking more milk to clenching your first, we take a look at the top 10 ways to improve your memory.

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