Category Archives: Postive Mindset Secrets

Top Ten Tips to Stay Positive and Focused

The cliché, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going,” is a truism for those who practice its wisdom. Here are ten tips to stay positive and focused throughout your life.

• Re-Evaluate and Set Priorities-Daily and Weekly: While planning a positive future you are creating new things to look forward to, living ‘in the moment.’ Living in the moment is truly the best way to move past the drama and chaos that is kicked up by the media or others. You can move past any drama and chaos by facing and changing your life. No moment is as important as this one right now. Consider this effective prioritizing system that is easy to use. Prioritize each task on your daily “To Do’ list as: Urgent & Important, Urgent & Not Important, Important & Not Urgent, Not Urgent & Not Important. Urgent and Not Important is a nice to have item. If I want this item included, it is urgent to do it today, albeit, is not important – it is a nice to have item.

• Bring Only Positive People Into Your Life: Seek new ways to interact and connect with people, who are positive. Positive people forge ahead and find ways to approach each day with optimism and excitement. These new connections will lift you up and inspire you and likewise you will lift them up and inspire them.

• Expand your Perspective: Focus on finding role models who are living the life you are striving to create. There are thousands of examples of people worldwide who have suffered and yet have created a wondrous and fulfilled life. They establish patterns that will work for you. If you do not find positive role models in your area, find their stories vis-à-vis the media, movies and books.

• Include Fun And Enjoyable Activities Everyday: Everyone has something they love doing to help them through the tight spots. For example: Music. Music fills your soul. It can remind you about what you care about and gives you a sense of being connected. Pursue your life with focus, purpose, enthusiasm and humility. Choose something each day to create fun, something that does not require a lot of effort or motivation and simply gives you joy. When you have fun and enjoy activities in your life, it lifts your mood, energizes you and motivates you to meet life head-on each day.

• Give Your Time and Talent to Others: Regardless of how much travail might be in your life, give your time, attention and resources to others. Giving to children, older people, or others in need provides relief from your own issues. You will feel useful and part of the larger community. Isolating yourself from others is paralyzing and self-defeating. Connect and give if only for brief periods. Being of service diminishes a sense of ineffectiveness, helplessness and provides hope that you can help someone in a sincere and meaningful way.

• Organize Tasks for Maximum Efficiency: Avoid allowing drama and chaos to control your schedule, enthusiasm and focus. When things are difficult it is more challenging to avoid losing track of what is important. Time, schedules, appointments and people might all seem to fall into the category of simply adding to your frustration. Keep a clear focus and manage your life, professionally and personally, in a well-organize system. (See prioritizing system above). Nothing is more draining than spending inordinate time to keep things on track or reestablish connections that have been damaged due to living your life in a whirlwind.

• Maintain Good Health: Exercise and a healthy food plan are essential at all times, and critically important during stressful periods. Exercise does not mean you need to spend hours every week. A daily brisk thirty minute walk or thirty minutes of moderate exercise works wonders to keep your mood elevated and your focus clear.

• Forgive Yourself for Perceived Mistakes or Transgressions: Nothing is a mistake, because what you did that missed the mark is a learning opportunity. Use it for your emotional and spiritual growth. Your finances and circumstances might change significantly. However, you can create new opportunities albeit seems you are in the dark. Focus on creating new circumstances in your life. The majority of challenges bring wonderful growth potential that you might not be able to see in the heat of the moment. If you allow yourself to let go of what you experienced and give yourself permission to look for a new perspective, you will find that everything is transpiring as it needs to transpire. You can then embrace the journey and a new path.

• Find or Organize a Support/Mastermind Group: Surround yourself with others who are creating positive results. Creating a group of experts, whom you meet with on a regular basis to gain insight, receive advice, or spiritual and emotional support is crucial. Move beyond a social circle and build a supportive community of like-minded people who are on a positive track.

• Be Open to Learn New Perspectives: Create a new vision of how your life might look five years from now-your career, your lifestyle and/or other fundamental parts of your life. It will be exciting and invigorating to embrace a new perspective that you might not have considered before. You might not be able to control the journey, but you can control how you experience the journey. Focus on how you feel and on the people you value in your life. Avoid focusing on the negative aspects of your journey. As a result you will feel empowered, inspired and enthusiastic each day as you are the architect of your life. Build the life you can be proud about and enjoy.

This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life, I invit


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Tips to stay Happy and Positive in life

Positivity in life is a trait that needs to be mastered than acquired by birth. You need constant investment in yourself and your thoughts to stay Positive and Optimistic. Happiness does relate to positivity and goes a long way to help you become a happy person. Happiness is in thoughts, its in our mind that comes out and shows up in many forms. A happy person is always happy no matter what the situation is and it has significant amount of impact on his conduct, actions, health and outlook towards life. It is like releasing the venom inside your mind and giving way to thoughts that makes us nothing but happy.

Read more on How to Stop Worrying and How to manage Phobias and How to make Love

Tips to stay happy

1.  Take time to acknowledge personal accomplishments and celebrate success in a manner that can strengthen relationships. Keeping good social and personal relations are very effective means avoiding stress.

2.  Take good care of yourself. When you feel good, you also feel good and vice versa. Love yourself each day. Tell yourself ‘I love you’ and give yourself a hug everyday.

3.  Wear a smile everyday, compliment at least one person in the day, greet people, and take each day as the first day of the rest of your life. Do something new every day or as often as you can.

4.  Practice self-help methods, like writing journals, being passionate about work, taking on some hobbies, improving social life by meeting up with friends and relatives.
5.  Figure out your fun quotient of the day.

6.  Avoid procrastinations and perfectionism.

7.  Eat healthy and exercise regularly. For this, all one needs to do is wear one’s exercise shoes and step on one’s treadmill for a few minutes or even better, jog on beautiful beach side.

8.  Avoid addictions or any such risk-driven activity.

Here is some food for thought:

1.  Be assertive instead of being aggressive.

2.  Control anxiety by identifying one’s irrational thoughts and beliefs and rectifying them.

3.  Instead of cribbing, accept loss gracefully and move on with life.

4.  Replace low self-esteem with good-self image by always choosing to think positive, strengthening your talents and learning from your mistakes.

5.  Overcome ‘boredom’ with introduction of changes and passion in life.

6.  When feeling sad or low, you can have an attitude towards good thingsof life, and observing how you are better compared to some others who are not.

Do not base your happiness solely on material possessions. Learn how to be happy from within. Focus on the good things in your life, like your health. Develop a sense of well-being from within. Don’t live with the attitude of greed or excess. There is enough for everyone. Give away things that you don’t need that are still valuable and can be used by other people. Become earth friendly and recycle. Become more connected to your environment and community. Take care of yourself and others.

Create affirmations and get in touch with your God centeredness. Utilize what you have to create wealth. Avoid negative people who constantly talk about the recession and enjoy being miserable. Bless these people with love and be on your way. Connect with like minded people. This is how you will stay happy and positive during the recession.

Read more on How to Stop Worrying and How to manage Phobias and How to make Love

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Bathroom Home Improvement Tips

A bathroom is a often used room with very high importance in a household. In America, it is becoming more and more rare to see a house built with only one bathroom. There are many houses in the real estate market that list the number of bathrooms immediately after the number of bedroom. The baths are listed as full and half baths. A full bath is actually determined by whether or not there is a bathtub in the room.

To qualify as a full bath, there has to be a toilet sink and actual bathtub, because agents have gotten cute and qualified a three-quarter bath if it only has a shower in the room. A powder room or half bathroom is only a sink and toilet.

Bathrooms are one of the most important rooms in the home renovation game, with the largest return on the dollars spent, next to kitchens. You can really bring the value of a home up when you increase the number of bathrooms in a home.

Renovations in a bathroom usually consists of improving the plumbing, installing updated fixtures and bathtubs and sinks, custom cabinets and storage spaces and revamping the tile and flooring. It is also important to be able to maintain the room and keep it in good shape over time as the water in the room makes it a very important room to keep well preserved.

Things that are usually included in a bathroom renovation are a change in the actual fixtures and appearance of the room with new tiles and sinks and countertops. It also often includes the replacing or refurbishing of cabinets, mirrors, lighting fixtures, as well as sink and bathtub handles and spouts all the way down to new shelves or towel racks and hooks.

There are several things you can do that aren’t as expensive as all of those things to enhance a bathroom as well. If you are only wanting to spend a small amount of money, find a fantastic paint color and some new fresh towels, throw in a matching shower curtain to tie it all together and you can create a whole new look in your bathroom for less than a hundred dollars.

Another helpful part of any bathroom renovation is to create a safer bathroom environment. Especially in today’s ever increasing older population, safety in the form of handles in the bathtub or shower, step in showers and baths, nonskid surfacing in baths and on bathroom floors, and higher toilet seats all improve both the safety and function for anyone in the bathroom. Safety is always an important issue and anything you can do to increase the safe use of your home will increase the value.

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Memory Improvement

We all know now that the brain is an amazing tool and the message has come across loud and clear from the brain scientists that we have to keep using it – or we’ll lose it – so what can we be doing on an everyday basis to keep that brain of ours in tip top condition.

It is fairly common for us to find that we are pretty sure of what we are learning as we are listening to it or reading it. It makes sense and we understand what is going on. However within quite a short time we find that the details have faded from our short terms memories and recalling the gist of our new learning is actually quite hard. The problem is that we didn’t work at ‘filing’ the information as we were getting it. We just acted like a sponge but then the sponge dripped information right out again. What we needed to do was be far more active about sorting the information out as we received it.

For example, when you are learning something new make sure you have a block of paper and several coloured pencils so you can make notes and diagrams as you listen. With the various colours you can begin to colour code the information you are taking in – in other words you are assigning it to different mental files. You can make notes in one colour that are about aspects of the new material that you can easily link with information you already have.

Another colour might be used for any information to do with the history or principles behind the new information.

Yet another colour will be for noted about its main features or characteristics.
Another for how it can be used or what can be deduced from it
Another for what might happen in the future in relation to this topic or information

This way your new information will have been organised as you listened to a speaker or read a guidebook about it. Now when you review your notes (you do review don’t you? That is another way to keep the memory circuits working and information stored back in long term memory!) you will find it much easier to take in and recall because it is already chunked into logical pieces.

Even if you don’t make notes in this very dynamic way – which admittedly can be hard if you are at a conference and not sitting at a table – you can still use the discipline of thinking about these aspects when you are learning something new. Organising it in your head this way helps a lot. You are attaching it to things you already understand and know about and that makes remembering so much easier. The more you link up a set of new facts or concepts with what you already know the more hooks you will have to pull in the threads of information when you need to recall it. They will sit there in your unconscious until you reach into pull them through to your conscious mind.

There is no one way that is going to be the right way for everyone – each person will have their own strengths and preferred methods for getting their brain in gear. Take some time to work out your best activities and then have fun. The more fun you find doing these kind of tasks the better it will be because the level of a nice hormone called dopamine will rise in your body and you will find that you can think more creatively with this help. It is a win-win situation; you feel good and you learn well. What could be better.

This site is dedicated to bringing you free the latest, most effective tips and techniques for improving your memory NOW. We have years of experience in helping people make the most and best of their minds and we search through the best research to find the short cuts and boosters that will have the biggest impact when you use them. visit memory improvement site for finding out further details.

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Tips on How to Improve Self Esteem

Have you noticed all of the ways of improving your self esteem? It seems there are many different ways you can use in order to improve self esteem and who wouldn’t want to improve it? It does play a pretty important role on human society. When you have a good esteem level, you will be enjoying every bit of your life to the fullest.

In fact, there are many individuals out there that have a high esteem level and they will tell you just how fun it is. If you think you are the only one that lacks that self esteem, then you are wrong. Would you believe it if we told you that many celebrities are dealing with the same problem? With all of that out in the open, are you looking for information on how to improve it? If so, then you should continue reading this article.

First of all, you will need to get rid of all that negative energy you have about yourself. During this moment, you should only think happy thoughts about yourself. This will allow you to outweigh any of those shortcomings you may have. We highly recommend you thinking twice about those destructive thoughts you are having. Many individuals opt for a daily exercise and say something about themselves that is good. If possible, write it down and put it where you can read it all day.

When you set your goals, you should not set them too high as this is only going to lead to disappointment. In the same tone and breath, we must say that you should aim for those accomplishments and not for the perfection. Yes, there is nothing wrong with aiming for the perfection, but this is only giving you room to down yourself.

When you make mistakes in your life, take them in as learning experience. You should learn to accept all of those mistakes that you make. In fact, those individuals that do not make mistakes do not do anything. How to improve your self esteem level all revolves around what you think of yourself.

Get more help to improve your self esteem with this easy to use self esteem hypnosis.

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Self Talk and Attitude

Here’s a quick quiz question for you. What controls your attitude?

Here are a few clues for you. It has nothing to do with your clothing selection, haircut, choice of automobiles, bank account balance, or whether your house is cleaned up and orderly. Those kind of externalities may have an occasional, temporary impact on your outlook toward life, but they certainly don’t control it.

The correct answer is that you control the way you feel.

That’s tough for some people to swallow. That’s probably because accepting the premise that you are the boss of your own disposition creates a personal responsibility for happiness. Sometimes, it’s just easier to lay everything at the feet of the rest of the world! Nonetheless, we really are in charge of how we see the world. We get to make that decision–whether we opt for joy or sorrow. It’s our call to make.

And that leads us right into a follow up quiz question (you didn’t know this article was going to be a test, did you?). How can we transform the way we feel?

Well, we already know better than to try to find that answer in retail stores or bank vaults. If we can to alter our feelings, we’ll need to start looking inward instead of outward. And when you do that, you begin to realize that part of the solution may be to start talking to yourself a little more often.

No, you don’t need to run around town editorializing on everything you see to yourself. You don’t need to invent a new imaginary friend, either. You do, however, need to make a conscious effort to control and alter your self talk in order to build a better attitude.

All of us spend our waking hours involved in an ongoing internal conversation with ourselves. When that conversation involves a great deal of self-criticism (or in more extreme cases, self-loathing) it’s hard to develop a rich, positive outlook.

However, if we can transform our self talk by intentionally cheating ourselves to deal in positivity instead of negativity, it’s possible to produce an attitude change. That’s one reason why so many people are finding a new perspective on life by properly utilizing positive affirmations. They’re taking control of their self talk with some great results.

So, you want to know more about self talk and attitude. I strongly recommend this fascinating site that absolutely revolutionizes the process of using affirmations to create a more positive outlook on life. It makes the development of a positive outlook as easy as flipping a switch! If you don’t know about affirmation jingles and their potential, it’s time for you to take a look!

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Self Improvement and Motivation

Everyone should be interested in self improvement and motivation, but most people are satisfied with the “status quo”. Even people that say they are unhappy with their lives continue to repeat the same behavior patterns over and over again, throughout their lives. 

All good self improvement ideas begin with one thing. That is change.  

You might need to change the things that you do or the way that you think. You might need to change both. Perhaps it is the power of positive thinking that will bring about self improvement and motivation in your life. Perhaps, you can take advantage of the law of attraction.  

Some of the most effective self improvement ideas have to do with the law of attraction. Our thoughts are like magnets that can attract good or bad things to our lives, depending on whether our thoughts are positive or negative.

People have experienced life changing events, simply by changing the way that they think. If you go through the day with a frown on your face, thinking that nothing good will happen today, then you will be right.   By the same token, if you go through the day with a smile, expecting something good to happen, then you will be right. Give it a try.  

The biggest obstacle that people must deal with when they are experimenting with self improvement ideas is impatience. They try thinking positively or visualizing for a few days, but when things don’t change in a big way, in a short period of time, they give up.   

Sometimes, you have to look for the little things that are good about your life and be grateful for those. At the beginning of every day, take a few moments to count your blessings. Being grateful for what you already have is a big part of self improvement and motivation.  

As you begin to put some positive self improvement ideas into action, be aware of each kindness that someone bestows upon you. And, be sure to always react with kindness.  Be ready for opportunity to knock, but remember to look carefully at the opportunity, to be sure that it fits with your long-term goals. It can be easy to get side-tracked, unless you are careful to always think about your long-term goals.   The “Secret”, by Bob Proctor, is a good plan for self improvement and motivation.  It includes many of the things mentioned here, as well as other secrets for being happier and more successful at everything you attempt to do.

Day by day, build your home
Don’t forget to be positive
Don’t forget to be happy

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Mind Power – Converting Thoughts to Reality

Did you know that Mind Power can take control over your life? Yes, it absolutely can through hypnotic mind control. It’s just a matter of conditioning your brain to focus on a particular subject or idea and instructing your brain what to perceive, in that way you set whatever you wish your mind to think. That’s how the power of the mind works; it can either construct or ruin your life. The choice only depends on how you will maneuver or trick your brain.

Say for instance, you have been smoking for quite a long time and decided to stop. For your every attempt of defying the habit of smoking, still you cannot control the urge because there is already the addiction. Another case could be something about weight management, most of us would want to have a fit and healthy body yet we cannot manage to control our eating habits, consequently we become depressed and frustrated and we tend to eat some more . But through hypnotic mind control anything that you wish to happen can actually come to pass. That’s how amazing mind power could be.

Controlling the mind with hypnosis entails practice. To start with, you need to find a tranquil place where you can do the method, in there you can opt to sit, lie down or stand straight with eyes closed. Also, it is necessary that you’re calm and ready to focus for an hour or so. Since in controlling the mind with hypnosis you are actually interacting with your subconscious mind, you must make yourself believe that whatever you lead yourself to think or do will happen. And that will really happen. Focus until the end of the process. Parenthetically Hypnotic mind control is not just applicable in oneself or what is connoted as self-suggestion but it’s also proven in controlling the mind of other people. And it follows the same process.

Going back to the scenarios, if you tell your subconscious mind that you need to cut off your cigarette addiction and you follow the basic instructions then the next time smoking calls, you’ll be able to resist it. Same goes with weight management, if in the process you lead your mind into thinking that you need to cut off on carbohydrate rich foods or maybe discontinue eating unhealthy snacks, without doubt the next time you feel craving for those food, you can easily refuse to give in.

Converting thoughts to Reality is not really that hard if you notice. You only need to pay attention and focus on what you think will benefit you the most. If you want to fail or succeed in life, you just need to have the right mindset. And to have the right way of thinking you must direct your mind to believe that everything you think is feasible. In fact it’s like believing in magic. That’s the mystery of mind power, it makes the impossible possible by merely leading the mind to think it can be.

Ready to unlock the secrets of controlling your Mind Power to improve your life? I reveal all the secrets you will need to know at

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A Powerful Mind

Most people take aside the power of their mind. They don’t know how much the mind can affect our environment. Our mind is very powerful it can even change the most negative aura into positive. Nowadays, most of the martial artist doesn’t include the training for their mind. They don’t know that the most effective way to learn martial art is to train the effectiveness of your mind. There are several methods to effectively apply the power of your mind into the real world. These methods are even more useful when it comes to martial arts.

Meditation is the most effective way to calm your mind. When you are in the state of meditation your body is relaxing. Meditation can help you awaken the power of your mind if you know how to use it. In fact, Kung Fu martial artist never forgot to include meditation in their training activities. Moreover, meditation is the most beneficial martial art training for the brain. This method of training strengthens your martial artist’s principles.

When you are in the state of meditation, the next thing that you should consider is to visualize. As a martial artist it is very important for you to visualize the techniques that you want to master. Visualization has proven its effectiveness for over thousands of centuries. Ancient martial artist visualizes the way on how to execute their techniques. No wonder why old martial artists are very accurate when using several techniques. When you visualize you are imagining your techniques in action. It is easy to visualize things if you are in the deep state of meditation. As you visualize the execution of your techniques, you need to make sure that it is based on reality. For example, you cannot visualize that you can fly like superman. But, you can visualize that you can jump higher than before.

One last thing to remember is to believe in what you are thinking. Even if you meditate and visualize the most effective way to execute your techniques, they will become useless if you do not believe in what your mind thinking. Believing to what you are visualizing is very important. For your faith is the key to its success. Buddha once said that what you think is what you become.

Now that you have the methods on how to train your mind, you should consider practicing it every day. Meditating 15minutes per day is enough. Though, sometimes it depends on your needs and your level of faith. Make sure to believe in what you are visualizing. And never forget that our mind is a lot more powerful than what we are thinking.

Troy Macraft is an independent content writer who specializes in the martial arts. Troy’s passion is in the mixed martial arts as he is working for The MMA Zone as the online martial arts supplies store. Shop The MMA Zone for great prices on all your MMA Gear!

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Simple But Effective Ways To Convert A Negative Attitude To Positive Attitude

Within this article we will be introducing ways to converting your negative attitude to positive attitude that will help you cope up with life better. For most people it is far easier to remember the bad things that happened to them in life than the good things. Our minds seem more programmed than ever to indulge on what’s wrong with our lives rather than what’s right. We always seem surrounded by bad news stories, whether it’s the economy, conflicts and wars, poverty………you name it we seem to seem to constantly see it. Being confronted by all this negativity drives the majority of us to have more negative feelings such as hate, anger, insecurity, jealousy, loneliness and many more. Constantly revolving around these feelings, makes it extremely hard to enjoy life and see the world how it’s supposed to be seen. There are some things that we can do however to change these negative attitudes to positive ones.

The first step in converting negative attitude to positive attitude is by listing down the negative things that are happening in your life. There might be a lot of things that you don’t like so just list them all and assess how you feel about those things. After listing them down, check those things that you can still change and those things that are irreversible. Once you have sorted them out, burn the piece of paper containing the bad things that you can not change. This will symbolize your letting go of these things. After this, create a strategic plan on how to turn the negative things around that you can still change.

Focusing on the good things is the next step in changing negative attitude to positive attitude. Being grateful is one way of working out positive vibes. So you have to list down the good things that is already happening or has happened in your life and the things that you want to happen in the future. Just by looking at it you’ll realize that there are still things that you need to be thankful for, and sometimes these are more overwhelming that those bad things that you let go of. This will give you the realization that whatever happens, life is still good and that there is always something to look forward to.

After listing the good things down, the next step in switching negative attitude to positive attitude is focusing your thoughts on all the good things. This will be hard at first but with constant exercise, you’ll get used to it. Every time something that you don’t like is happening, try to forget about it and keep your focus on the things that you like to happen. Just shrug it off and keep moving forward. At first there would be positive and negative thoughts that will be fighting in your mind so just let it be and make sure the positive ones win. Always keep in mind that nothing can pull your focus away from your goal.

Every time distractions come to keep you from your focus, try to meditate and find that inner peace so that it will be easier to alter the negative attitude to positive attitude. Try to be still and convince yourself that everything will be alright. When you are in that state of stillness, it’s easier for you to accept positive aura that will give you the passion to see life in its beautiful form. Never mind the imperfection – what matters is that nothing can keep you from acquiring that fire to live your life to the fullest.

Following these steps above will help you on the road to transforming your life into one that’s more fulfilling, happy, prosperous and successful through simply altering your debilitating negative attitude to positive attitude.

A negative attitude can have serious and damaging consequences on your life. Your attitude is the one thing that will determine whether your life will be happy and successful or one filled with endless struggles. Learn powerful techniques to quickly transform your negative attitude to positive attitude.

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