Category Archives: Postive Mindset Secrets

Staying Positive

Why is it important to remain positive? The Law of Attraction states that what you focus on expands. Whether you fill your mind with positive or negative thoughts, you will attract more of the same.

A couple of important points to consider:

Only one thought can occupy your mind at a time
You choose your thoughts

While most people accept the first point as a fact, some might take exception to the second. They claim that thoughts just pop into their minds. It may seem like this at times, but your current emotional state has an impact on what thoughts come in. If you are very happy and positive it is unlikely that negative thoughts will creep in. Of course, “bad things happen,” but that doesn’t mean bad thoughts have to happen. Your thoughts are created from your reaction. Of course you will sometimes be sad, or angry. The important point is to not dwell on those thoughts any longer than necessary. Try to find the silver lining in every cloud as soon as you can.

There are some things we do voluntarily that introduce negativity, and you may not have realized it before.

Watch violent or sad TV shows or movies (or the news!)
Read the news (paper or online)
Listen to sad songs
Argue with people
Spend time around negative people

Now of course you can’t totally avoid these; you can’t live in a cave! You may be in a waiting room or a restaurant where there is a TV on and you can’t change the channel. In the same places there could be a radio playing a sad song. You might overhear people arguing or talking about negative things, or someone might bring a news item to your attention. You could be tweeting your website link and see other tweets that are negative. The idea is to control as much as you can.

Try not to watch TV shows and movies that are disturbing. I have often asked my husband to watch a show in his office and listen through headphones so I won’t have to hear gunfire, shouting, screaming, etc. If you hear people arguing, tune it out. Don’t engage in arguments. Change the radio station in your car or better yet, turn it off! I purposely do not watch, read, or listen to any news anymore except the weather. What if something “important” happens? I find it comes up in conversations with people, I do not have to go looking for it because I don’t live in a bubble!

I do need “down time” sometimes, and when I can’t be somewhere to just watch people, I will sometimes watch TV. If watching fiction I just remember that it IS fiction and don’t let the story bother me. Or I watch something funny or educational (Animal Plant, anyone?)

I might even learn to appreciate sitcoms! Or…not!

Dale Reynolds

Success is a decision. Decide today!

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The Importance Of Having A Positive Attitude

A calculated aimlessness. A conceptual and structuralist experiment. Event-oriented investigations of language, chocolate cereal, narrative, and the nature of still life, landscape and figure-ground relationships in motion pictures.

Having A Positive Attitude In The Latter Years Of Life / Video. Eight Faces of Age (1979) / Stewart Cheifet. This one-hour television documentary looks at eight senior citizens who are taking a positive attitude toward dealing with the later years of life. They show that the older years, while challenging, can still be rewarding and exciting. Producer: Stewart Cheifet; Production Company: KCSM TV; Contact Information: Stewart Cheifet; Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0.

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TF2 – Medic Self analysis (Medic tips and self improvement) KyKitsu


TF2 - Medic Self analysis (Medic tips and self improvement) KyKitsu

Hey everyone, I’ve been meaning to do this for awhile now, I wanted to do videos on tips and tricks for medic improvement, especially with competitive around the corner, but I though why not first analyze myself first, and see what I myself do wrong first.

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Overcome jealousy by having a sense of humor and counting personal blessings. Learn more about overcoming jealousy with tips from a professional psychologist in this free video about self-improvement tips.

Expert: Dr. Paul Vehorn
Bio: Dr. Paul Vehorn has been a nationwide talk show host on Sun Radio Network and He is also the author of ‘Dynamic Dating’ and ‘Boomer Girls, a Women’s Guide to Men and Dating.’
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
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A Positive Attitude Attracts Success! – Law Of Attraction

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NAPOLEON HILL-Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

NAPOLEON HILL-Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude


1.-Napoleon Hills-17 Principles of Personal Financial Achievement
2.-Napoleon Hill-The Law of Attraction-AUDIOBOOK FULL
3.-NAPOLEON HILL-Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude



6.-NAPOLEON HILL-Outwitting the Devil The Secret to Freedom and Success

7.-NAPOLEON HILL-10 GOLDEN RULES-Video 1-Definiteness of Purpose HD

8.-NAPOLEON HILL-10 GOLDEN RULES-Video 2-Mastermind Principles HD

9.-NAPOLEON HILL-10 GOLDEN RULES-Video 3- The Habit of Going the Extra Mile HD

10.-NAPOLEON HILL-10 GOLDEN RULES-Video 4- Applied Faith HD

11.-NAPOLEON HILL-10 GOLDEN RULES-Video 5-Pleasing Personality

12.-NAPOLEON HILL-10 GOLDEN RULES-Video 6-Self Discipline HD

13.-NAPOLEON HILL-10 GOLDEN RULES-Video 7-Positive Mental Attitude HD

14.-NAPOLEON HILL-10 GOLDEN RULES-Video 8-Enthusiasm HD

15.-NAPOLEON HILL-10 GOLDEN RULES-Video 9- Personal Initiative HD

16.-NAPOLEON HILL-10 GOLDEN RULES-Video 10-Learn From Adversity and Defeat HD

Your mind has a secret invisible talisman. On one side is emblazoned the letters PMA (positive mental attitude) and on the other the letters NMA (negative mental attitude). A positive attitude will naturally attract the good and the beautiful. The negative attitude will rob you of all that makes life worth living.

Your success, health, happiness, and wealth depend on how you make up your mind!

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Attitude – It’s Your Choice

The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.” Charles R. Swindoll – Having A Positive Attitude At Work

What is the benefit of having a positive attitude at work? If you want to have better quality days at work having a positive attitude at work is critical. In this video I talk about having a positive attitude at work.

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Talisman – Positive Mental Attitude

Yesterday my post was about NMA or negative mental attitude on a side of an imaginary talisman. Today let’s talk about we can reverse that side to having PMA or positive mental attitude, a side that you’ll want to have with you wherever you go.

Now one might be able tell from the title, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, that the title says it all. However, the book goes deeper than just success; it talks about PMA as it is a way of life. “Success” to everybody means different things, but in order to achieve their kind of success, one has to develop a positive mental attitude through practice and perseverance. It doesn’t just come “pre-packaged”.

In the previous post, I stated that most people become unhappy because of things that they don’t have. Instead of finding a solution to their woes, they develop a negative mental attitude from inside to out. Realize that, with PMA, it is possible to achieve anything you want including what was stated yesterday:

Dream House
Dream Car

This is not a full list of things so feel free to add to it. I also realize that there are some things in life that are permanent. These things are a lot more difficult to conquer and usually even on the mere thought of these permanent things, it brings out a negative mental attitude in us.

But also realize that even if some things are permanent, there are ways that are unknown to your mind at this point to solving the problem and in order to even see that, you have to first try to at least develop a positive mental attitude.

Think of it as a see-saw. There is a balance. For everything that seems negative in your life, there is something that equality positive that you can have. If there is a low degree of negative, there will be a low degree of positive. If there is a high degree of negative, there will be a high degree of positive as well. It just depends if you’re willing to see that other side or not.

Napoleon Hill once said, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of equal or greater benefit.” It is true that even with the worse adversities, failures, and heartaches, there is something to learn from it and receive from it in a positive form.

That’s why it’s important that instead of saying things such as I cannot, it will bring in a way of looking at things if we say things such as:

I can!
It’s doable!
It’s possible!
There is a way!
I choose how to react to him!
I choose how to react to her!
I need to change myself!
I can change!
I am as gifted as anybody else!
I can do anything!

When you start to reframe the I cannots to I cans, you’ll start to see a power within yourself manifesting all the situations to something positive. You’ll find yourself holding the power to influence yourself and others too.

One of the biggest messages of the book was having a magnificent obsession. And that is simply having an obsession of helping others to make the world a better place through positive mental attitude. Even if you can’t help yourself, and you can’t find happiness within yourself, you might be able to find happiness by helping others feel good or succeed.

Whether this is giving them a compliment, doing a deed, smiling, or any other small thing, these all make a difference in raising people’s moods and allowing yourself to be a more positive person as well. Through PMA, a person will no longer have to use negative ways to get through life. It will build a character of the following traits:


A character with these traits do not view problems as bad things, but as challenges to overcome. Most people view problems and what the word implies – problem, headache, frustration etc.

Instead of seeing a problem that you may dislike, view the problem as something that is suppose to help you grow as a person. If the problem involves other people, and what they have done to you, it doesn’t matter about them.

What matters is you, so let them go as you cannot be burdened by people problems for your time, whether this is a year, five years, or ten years.

When you let positive mental attitude in the worst of times, you motivate yourself when you feel like you can’t do anything. It will help you motivate others when they feel down as well. It will help you find a way out of what seems impossible for you at the time and it will spread like a fire effecting everybody around you. It will help you attract wealth if you are poor or help you find love in your life if you are alone. It builds character and a pleasing personality that others want to be around and want to learn from.

But most importantly, by having a positive attitude, you will feel healthy, you will feel happy, and you will feel terrific every single day. You will wake up with enthusiasm because you no longer want to waste time sleeping. You notice that there’s a lot of unhappy people who oversleep because they are thinking way too much about their worries, rather than what they can be doing in life! You are what you think about. So never let time pass you by because we only have on life to live and time will be gone. Utilize every moment that you have with an attitude that shines from inside out.

For more self-improvement tips on personal success, please visit my blog. Thank you.

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Test Your Brain

A test for your brain, good luck!

Our website:

Music: Silent Parter – Close My Mouth

Test Your Brain
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Using the power of suggestion Derren manages to trick several American shop keepers into accepting plain paper as payment.

For more amazing clips of Derren subscribe to our channel –

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Texas Holdem Secrets ? 2 Mindset Secrets To Win Easily

Texas Holdem is a very funny game. You can have the best strategy in the world but if you’re not on the ball than you will fall flat on your face. Also, you can have practically no strategy in the world but if your brains all there when you are playing you can do surprisingly well.

It’s not discussed enough, which I think is a real shame, but mindset is extremely important in Texas Holdem. The Texas Holdem secrets I’m going to reveal to you today talk directly about mindset. After reading this article you will be in a much better state if mind for achieving success with poker.

Texas Holdem Secrets – Mindset Secret #1

The first mindset secret doesn’t just work for poker, it works for your whole life. It is the power of positive thinking. But before you think ‘oh great, a hippy positive guy’ hear me out.

I’m not just talking about if you keep telling yourself you will win, you will win. That isn’t exactly true. What you really need to be doing is telling yourself that you will become successful in poker, you will get better, you will make money sooner (or make more money than you do now).

This is especially important when you take a few losses or bad beats or have a bad run of cards. Those times it can be very easy to get up, and the important mindset here is to be positive and keep going.

Texas Holdem Secrets – Mindset Secret #2

The second mindset secret is to be able to play poker in the best possible mindset. Have you ever played poker when you are angry, or tired, or annoyed, and you have made bad calls and lost? Ever been fed up being in a tournament for so long and just called an all-in so see what happens, even though it probably wasn’t the best mood.

This happens to a lot of people. It’s easy to play in the wrong state of mind and if you do your chances of success will be a lot less. So it is important to always be in the best frame of mind, the best mood, and be on the ball and keen to win whenever you play poker.

Now, I’m sure you are becoming more aware of the critical effects your mindset has on your success in poker. All too often people focus on the physical, the cards, the betting, the probability, and they don’t focus on the non-physical. Their mind, their mood, their thoughts, and how these affect there game.

Another crucial mindset to have is one of continual learning. The players that have taken it upon themselves to continue to study and learn about poker are the ones who are becoming successful and making a lot of money. So I urge you too to take on the mindset that you will find new information, read it, learn it and practice it, and you will never turn down an opportunity to get your hands on some new info on how to player poker better.

Click Here To Learn More Texas Holdem Secrets
And Don’t Miss Out On My Brand New Free Tips Ebook. Get It Free Now At
Alex is an avid Hold Em player. Shoot him an email at

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Postive Fat Reduction For Positive Differences

Many people think of failure when they think about dieting. Could it be that we have all learned through trial and error that diets simply do not work? Now many of you reading this may be finding these first few sentences strange. After all, this is an article about dieting, right? It is and it isn’t. Dieting is the kiss of death for many while a new phase in your life or lifestyle adjustment may be just the thing that will mean success for you and your fitness and health goals.
For many eating is almost like an addiction that they find hard to stop. Unfortunately, you can’t exactly give up eating all together as a smoker can give up cigarettes. Now im not saying giving up cigs is easy. Its the same with food. You must eat in order to survive. This means that if food is a problem in your life, you must find a healthier way of viewing food.

Won’t a diet help? The brief answer is absolutely no. This can be where diets do not work for people.. Why is this? Well most diets do not alter our view of our food. In fact, most diets only serve to tell us which foods are good, which foods are bad, and which foods (typically most of the foods we enjoy most) are strictly taboo. Diets begin by forcing people to feel deprived or punished.

What can be worse is that many people end up punishing themselves when they do not stick to the limits impossed by the strict diet. This can cause the dieter to feel guilty and fall back into their old ways.

To be able to have real good results you should make a lifestyle change. This will be the only way that you simply will be able to shed those unwanted pounds without experiencing the horrible guilt that so many dieters go via each and every step of the way with their diets. Set objectives for yourself. Maintain them aggressive but realistic for fitness, dropping kilos, and consuming new healthy foods. Even when your goal is as easy as eating 5 vegetable servings each day it is really a fantastic location to begin.

Change your way of consuming. Then change your way of seeing food and you will encounter incredible changes inside your attitudes toward your health, your body, and even your health level. Because the initial pounds start to drop you will start to encounter much more energy and less pain when exercising. This ought to assist keep you motivated to do even much more as time goes by.

Do not believe that lengthy term weight loss objectives will be as simple to attain as the first five or ten kilos. Consistency is vitally essential when making these lifestyle adjustments. Take every day as it comes and begin once more the very next day. This implies that even when you fall totally “off the wagon” today, you can start over tomorrow.

Failure is a posibility with regards to dieting and I know people who have failed in almost every 1 I can possibly imagine. There is no method to fail, however, when you’re generating constructive changes in your life that are getting constructive results. It might take weeks, months, or even years to reach your objective. As long as you’re making steady and continuous efforts and progress, you’re doing several fantastic things for your health and nicely being.

Want to lose weight without having to do lots of exercising at the gym? theres actually a DIET designed to do just that, it basically helps you change your whole eating pattern

The diet is called fat burning furnace

PS – Another great article on: health and wellbeing

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