Category Archives: Postive Mindset Secrets

Stay Positive in Time of Recession – Not Easy, But Possible

How to stay positive in time of recession can be tricky if you do not take same careful steps. The global economy is really struggling, and there is no doubt that many people will be going through some very tough times. Pretty much everyone has felt the effects of the recent recession, and financial issues have impacted the entire world. It seems like a lot of things are falling apart, but it is not all bad. If you are trying to keep things positive, there are a few good ideas that can help you stay on the right track.

As a professional, it is important to know how to stay positive in time of recession. Without some resilience and careful action, you could end up in a bad situation. There are some smart moves that will help you keep your job or find a new one should things go south. Try to start by researching your industry field. See what the trends are. Does it look like there is room for growth, or are massive layoffs affecting most businesses in that sector? This will tip you off as to how long you will last at your current job. Stay positive by evaluating your expertise and skill set. Think about all the qualifications you have that make you special for potential employers. Putting together an updated resume is good so you are ready to show off your talents and capabilities at any given point in time.

When you think about how to stay positive in time of recession, remember that others out there are going through the same problems. There are also others out there who may have just the solution you need for professional advancement. Stay flexible and try to network as much as possible. By networking you can learn of interesting job opportunities as well as ways to save money. Talking to people about what they do to get by can give you ideas too. Speak with a mentor or a friend to get some connections.

Finally, always keep your head up and stay focused on the brighter future that will eventually come. You are not the only one struggling with all the negativity in today’s economy. You may not know exactly how to stay positive in time of recession, but if you follow these simple guidelines you will have a better chance of staying afloat amidst this sea of negativity. As always, careful planning and solid effort will prevail.

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How to Sing – Lessons on the Right Mindset For Singing

Have you ever wondered how all these professional singers are able to sustain their careers throughout multiple decades, even getting stronger as they go on? The secret to their success is simple: It’s the right singing mindset which allows them to focus on improving their skills and look forward, even if they can’t seem to make any progress at all. In this article, I’m going to show you how to attain this mindset – so that you can boost your singing career to the sky.

The right singing mindset that I as a vocal coach personally advocate is based upon a few common sense principles that I will lay out to you in this article. These principles will become more natural to you as you stick to them and remind yourself of the advantages they have. So, here goes:

– The first principle is persistence. Without persistence, you will not get anywhere as a singer. To sing can be very exhausting and demanding at times, but you need to keep working hard! Too many people take their early setbacks as signs that they do not have any potential as a singer. This is the biggest mistake you can make. You must persist and consider the fact that all of the pros were once at the same stage you are. And they still made it!

– The second principle is determination. Now, how is determination different from persistence you ask? Persistence regards your career and singing skills as a whole while determination is related to your will to achieve individual goals lying in front of you. For example, if you are about to attend a singer’s audition, you must be determined and practice especially for this occasion. You must have the first principle already in place in order to be really successful because you will tell yourself that you can indeed succeed. But determination means that you will practice as hard as you possibly can in order to succeed at this specific audition.

– And the final principle is relaxation. Don’t make a chore out of your singing career. You can and even should take a few days off every once in a while, completely forgetting about singing. Read a book, watch a few movies, just relax! It will help your mind to stay focused once you return to singing – and it will prevent you from ever experiencing burnout.

Next, what you will want to do is find the right singing lessons that carry on these principles. If you want to learn how to sing, lessons that teach you more on the right singing mindset can be found at singing lessons online! Just give it a go and remember – persistence, determination, relaxation!

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Combat Self Defense – Mindset and the Art of the Attack

Catapult Your Ability To Protect Yourself To A New Level With These Inside Secrets

There are a number of misconceptions regarding self defense and the mindset required to be effective at it. On occasion the mere mention of the fact that you are a practicing martial artist was enough to strike fear in the minds of would be attackers.

This may have been correct at one point in history but barely holds water today. The mindset of true martial arts has changed. It has become more of an entertainment or sport but the objective of every martial art at its root is to deal with your opponent (or opponents) as quickly and efficiently as possible and survive the altercation intact without over exerting yourself.

The method of attack was geared towards using any and all means to overcome your opponent. This meant no holds barred and most certainly no set of rules or conduct. Now, of course this is not to be confused with the code of conduct to be followed while training in these arts. One can only conclude that through time, legends and storytelling that these mindsets have been blended and watered down corrupting these arts and its true representation.

Contrary to popular practice it becomes much more advantageous to show your opponent rather than tell you opponent what you’re capable of holding it back in surprise only for them to discover the grave mistake they have made. This enables us to capitalize on our opponent’s assumption that we are unable or unwilling to defend ourselves effectively.

Your method of attack should be designed as such to be as efficient and as violent as necessary as to allow your opponent to reconsider their action. Attacking your opponent in this manner affects their mindset in a very advantageous way for you. In many cases you attacker is not psychologically prepared for the method, intensity or sheer violence of your actions. This can provide you with the necessary influence to end the altercation without further violence.

It can be further recommended that as a practitioner a certain lack of compassion will serve you most well under these specific circumstances. The art of the counter attack is dependent on the opponent’s initial attack. That being said if the opponent chooses not to attack there are no consequences.

Your opponent’s fate most assuredly rests in their own hands. They will choose the method of their own destruction. In other words, everything becomes your opponent’s responsibility in regards to their well being. If they do not attack, they do not get hurt. This enables you, the practitioner to feel no guilt about your actions as they are only in response to the choices of your assailant.

Every situation is different and circumstances vary but it is up to the practitioner to use only the precise power necessary to end the altercation.

Find out more at

Wisdom, insight, balance and dignity are just but a few of the qualities that one can harness from having the knowledge of true self-defense. Self-defense is not about violence, quite the contrary, it’s about putting an end to it, quickly and efficiently. Find out more and get a FREE bonus gift at

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Tips on Staying Positive in a Stressful Life

In today modern world, technology plays a very important role. It has many side effects. However, the reverse is also true. Technologies allow us to work smarter, faster and more efficiently. However, the downside is that we can get carried away by advanced technologies. We sometimes try to cram too many things in our life. Hence, creating stress and anxiety that may get the better of us.

Stay Positive And Take Care of Yourself

In today fast paced world, everyone needs to work extra hard to keep up with the demands. However, do not get carried away by your work. Your career is important but our health is the most precious thing in life. You need to be healthy in order to be productive in your work. Without health, everything will crumble!

You may feel like you should always be doing something productive. However, taking care of yourself is ultimately the most productive thing you can do. When you have given yourself proper rest and permission to do whatever you want once in awhile, you will be better able to focus great efforts on the other things in your life that matter.

Exercise Regularly To Beat Stress

Exercise can help to beat stress. You don’t need to go to gym to have a good and effective exercise. You can just walk in the park and enjoy the surrounding fresh air for 30 minutes. You can do this after a dinner. If you eat out after work, take a walk home if possible.

I know that we all have a very busy work schedule these days. But we can’t ignore exercise because our body needs it. You will feel a lot more healthy and more productive at work if you exercise regularly.

People who make time for regular exercise will have lower stress levels. Also, remember to give yourself a proper amount of time for rest. Get 6-8 hours of sleep at night and avoid the temptation to stay up doing something else with that time.

Self Reflection

Self reflection is very important in life. It allows us to have a better perspective in life. “Mind Over Matter”; perhaps you have heard about this phrase before. It is a very powerful statement! The mind is a very powerful thing; “What the mind can conceive; it can achieve”. If you think positive, you will feel and act positive! Surrround yourself with positive people and stay away from negative people!

When you reflect on your life, you can concentrate on the meaning of it all. You will be more likely to truly enjoy your journey. It is so easy to let life pass you by if you don’t take some time to reflect.

Learn To Deal with Stress Naturally

Whether you like it or not, stress is part of our lives! You will experience stress from time to time during your daily routine, it is very normal. However, what is important here is your ability to monitor the amount of stress that you are experiencing and prevent it to overwhelm your life. If you allows too much stress to creep into you, it can cripple and destroy you!

Therefore, it is very important that you learn how to deal with stress effectively. Do what you can to relieve your stress in a healthy way. Avoid using prescription medication or drugs. Focus on the natural stuff like taking up a yoga or meditation course. Work on relaxation and breathing techniques. As long as you are doing something to relieve your stress naturally, you will be able to jump back into your fast paced life with a positive attitude.

If you use and apply the tips that we have just shared with you, you will be able find calmness in life and keep stress at bay.

How to overcome financial stress? Learn how to make passive income to improve your finance. Visit this site CB Traffic Warrior for more information. You should also check out this site: Dominating Video Review.

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6 Easy Secrets To Eliminate Your Shyness

It is necessary for you to have three different factors to remove your shyness when dating, these are your mindset in dating, your comfort around women and your conversation skills. Beside these factors, this article will shows six essential tips to support you to get the confidence you need  to convince the heart of women…


Six Methods to Effortlessly Get Rid of Your Shyness

1. Improve your self-image

Regardless of how many girls say you’re not bad looking, if you really feel that way, you will forever be playing a self-defeating mantra inside your mind every time you approach women. To overcome this, you must improve the way you see yourself. This means you must focus on your strengths and downplay your weaknesses. Here’s a good example to illustrate this point. You know you’re not the athletic type so you probably will never look like all those men with ripped abs and big muscles. However, you know you can get fit even without killing yourself to get the ripped look. Not being able to master a sport should not keep you from working out. By going to the gym every now and then, you’re toning your body so that you will look like an athlete even if you’re not into sports. If you do something for yourself to improve the way you see yourself, you will get rid of your shyness around women faster.


2. Self Validate

If you’ve ever said the line “do you think I’m cute” or “do you like me” to a woman you just met, listen up. You may be committing one of the biggest mistakes in dating. The fact is, if you try too hard to gain a girl’s approval, your words and your actions will show this neediness. Needless to say, women find this desperation repulsive. The really confident guys around are those who can ‘hold their own’ even with all the other men around who may be better-looking or richer, These men have learned how to self-validate.

3. Practice Approaching Women

Go to places where there are women and approach some of them for any reason at all. You can ask for the time, for directions, or for suggestions (if you’re in a bookstore or a food shop). It doesn’t matter what you talk to them about, what’s important is that you’re practicing how to approach women.

4. Control Your Body Language

One time I watched a guy deliver his Toastmasters speech and I found myself thinking “hey this guy isn’t nervous at all”. Boy, was I wrong. He was actually very nervous but he did not let it show, or so he told me after I asked for public speaking tips after his speech. He learned how to control his body language so that anyone watching him closely will never know of it. So, with that said, if you ever feel your hands shaking while talking to women, shove it inside your pocket until you get a grip of your emotions. When you regain control, you can take it out again.


5. Clear your throat

This is the easiest way to cure shyness. Clear your throat and just speak. Even if it’s just a greeting, you will manage to get a word out and the rest will be easy.

6. Be around women

This is the most basic thing you have to do to get used to having women around you and busting your shy attitude once and for all. Go to a cooking club and learn how to cook. Even if the women around you are not necessarily your type, you will still be able to build rapport with women, which is the important thing.


Now listen carefully! If you want overcome your fear of talking to women and learn how to flirt and create sexual chemistry with ANY woman then click the link and finally learn how to flirt with women without getting stumped.

Also as a “Thank You!” Grab your FREE preview copy of Flirt Mastery by visiting Flirt Mastery. No email required!

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Learn The Tricks Of The Trade With Learning Hypnosis

The world of employment has changed drastically in this information-driven world. Before, specialized skills and knowledge in your chosen field of work is enough to get you a promotion and a good salary. These days, though, employers are placing greater importance in well-roundedness and knowledge that spans multiple disciplines.

So how can you stay competitive in such a challenging work environment? Here are some useful tips to stay in power at your dynamic workplace:

1. Have an open mind. As the world becomes a global marketplace, the standards of competitiveness are also increasing. In other words, the stakes are now higher. And before you can succeed in this changing environment, you need to adjust to it first. And you cant adjust to it if you still havent accepted that the world really is changing.

So what you need is to have an open mind. This sounds simpler than it really is. See, the mind works like an ultra-powerful sponge. Chances are that habits of the past are so deeply embedded in your mind that simply deciding to have an open mind is not enough. Even if you make a conscious effort, those old habits stored in your subconscious are still there and are bound to make a much unwelcome appearance from time to time. You wont notice it but most of your actions, despite your conscious desire to embrace this new work environment, will still be affected by habits of old.

And you cant succeed like this, not with new graduates entering the workforce laden with all their interdisciplinary knowledge.

2. Re-program your mind. So what you do is re-program your mind. You can do this with subliminal messages. These messages can help replace your old thoughts with new ideas, your negative thoughts with positive ones.

Some examples you can use are:

I am active and dynamic.
I am well-rounded.
I am fully capable in everything I set my mind to do.
I am knowledgeable and talented.
I like learning new things.
I love expanding myself.
I am unlimited.

3. Go back to basics with subliminal learning. This time, learning wont be focusing on just one field. The more niches you can learn, the better. However, it would be very difficult for you to learn all of them at the same time. Learning is complex and requires a lot of physical and mental effort; it is also hugely affected by emotional and external factors. This means that to learn, your mind and body should be conditioned together.

One good way of gaining interdisciplinary knowledge is through subliminal learning. This is a new aspect of subliminal technology that has been gaining ground in recent years. This has opened up to the possibility of learning even without the use of thick textbooks and examinations, so you dont have to enroll in a graduate course and tire yourself out.

Subliminal learning focuses on making the brain more receptive to new information, improving memory retention, boosting creativity, improving learning potential, and promoting more efficient problem solving all of which will make you a powerful knowledge machine at the office.

You can achieve this with free subliminal learning software downloadable online. Learning is done by sending messages to the brain in the form of brain waves, the language of the brain. One of the most successful techniques is the use of music formed by binaural beats; in fact, this has been proven effective in improving the learning capacity of people with ADHD. How much more powerful will it be for you? Soon your employers will have the highest regard for your knowledge and competence.

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal messages!

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The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind

Each and every millionaire in the world has their own little secret on how to get rich fast and easy. They all know how to do it, and how it needs to be done. But they never share their secrets with anyone or let them in for a sneak peak on what their get rich fast scheme might be. Well now, that I’ve done some research, I can tell you that not every get rich fast plan becomes successful.

Every millionaire in this world knows, that he/she has worked very hard to get to the peak of their financial income. There’s always inventing a brand new product in technology break through and selling it to the world. But not many entrepreneurs or business men have been successful when inventing and coming up with new ideas.

So there’s that little secret in every millionaire mind, how to get rich. Most people believe that if you got a good education and a great job that becoming rich is easy. That’s not the case at all, no millionaire goes into a job thinking that he/she is going go get mega rich from it. There’s always doubts that you put into the job and what your doing. Those doubts need to go away, you cannot be doubting yourself when working to achieve a high set standard goal. You need to be confident, and you need to fight for what you think is what you deserve.

If you want to start making money like all these high classed people, i recommend starting out small and working your way to the top. Each millionaire has started out with no or a very small amount of money in their pocket. They took what they had and turned into something big, that’s what you should be concentrating on. What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses, this knowledge comes in handy. You want to be doing something that you’re good at, not a profession that you have no knowledge in.

So when your asking yourself why you’re not making the money you should be, or what those scheming millionaires are hiding in the back of your head. Just tell yourself, their working hard to get their living, their not sitting back watching TV or surfing the net, their out there selling their investments.

Find out how to develop your own millionaire mind and discover how you can quickly begin to think like a millionaire.

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Confessions of a Self Improvement Junkie

Are you a self improvement junkie?

Do you do have more than 3 of the following self help addictions:

Are you on more than 3 self help newsletters?

Do you devour the self help section of your local bookstore?

Do you know “The Secret”?

Are you a devoted follower of Dr. Phil? Dr. Laura? Any self-help guru with a Dr. in front of their name?

How many self improvement books do you own?

How many audio self help programs do you have?

Do you buy the latest program or book but don’t use it consistently for at least 30 days?

I feel your pain. I’ve been there too. Okay, I’m STILL there.

Fortunately, I’ve been able to take my confirmed habit and produce a business out of it by reviewing self improvement products. Now I get fresh products and books sent to me on a frequent basis to evaluate and include on my website or newsletter.

You may not be so lucky. But don’t despair. I am here to tell you that desiring to better yourself is not a bad thing. In fact, man has been searching for enlightenment since the early eastern philosophers like Siddhartha and Confucius.

The person that is not looking to better themselves probably has very limiting beliefs and is not ready to change. They are the type of people that would benefit most from self improvement. So don’t regard your pursuit for self improvement as a bad thing.

The secret is to take action or apply the new information you are aquiring so you will really see some self improvement. That is the key difference between a self help junkie and a self help performer.

If you are looking to get started in any self improvement field, start small. Sometimes trying to devote a whole hour a day to meditation, or brainwave entrainment can be too much to fit into your day.

For information about a brand new program that only takes 7 minutes a day to work self improvement thoughts into your subconscious, click on the link below. You’ll be taken to a review site for a free 30 trial of this simple yet highly effective program.

Remember, self improvement is an ongoing process but something that requires action – everyday. Use this chance to create some change in your life.

GiGi manages a review site for self improvement products. To read a review about the revolutionary 7 minutes a day program and a free 30 day trial, go to: Self Help in 7 Minutes a Day

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How to Stay Positive While Looking For a Job

Back in March of this year I joined the millions of people out there looking for a job. If you are also part of the millions of people looking for work then you know that it is brutal out there and keeping your head up is not easy.

For me personally, I had never been laid off from a job before, never applied for unemployment, nor have I ever been unemployed for longer than 3 weeks. Being without a job has made me crazy! I hate not having the money I am used to, I hate having to count on my husband to help me out, and I am a far cry from a housewife. I can tell you first hand that it is really hard sometimes for me to keep it together. With that said, I know I am not alone, so I thought I would share some of the things I tell myself in order to stay positive. Hopefully, they will help some of you in the same boat.


This is the main theme of today’s blog post. I know sometimes it can feel like you are but just turn on the news and you will know it is not just you. When you feel like it is just take a minute to be grateful for what you do have – whatever that may be. Talk to your family and friends, they are your support system. Be thankful that you have them and that there is someone on your side.


Again, just a reminder that you are not alone. There are millions of people looking for work. Some are more qualified than you, some are less, some have college degrees, some don’t. Companies are doing their best to stay afloat just as you are. So when you don’t get that job, don’t take it personal, just keep truckin’ – your time will come.


After sending out hundres of resumes and getting no call back or turned down, it is safe to say that your ego is going to take a hit. Don’t let it get to you. Know who you are and know what you are worth and be confident in that. Remember again that you are not alone and plenty of people feel just like you. Also remember, if you start to doubt yourself it will start to show and that is the last thing you want to show any recruiter. Be confident, you are fabulous and it is only a matter of time before the right position comes along.


This is a lesson I learned from my mother in law. I wish she was here today because she would be proud that I really did listen to her. When I was down in the dumps about anything she would always tell me that nothing is forever. As impatient as I am, I know she is right. Be patient, this is just a temporary set back and with time this too shall pass.


This is a great way to get your feelings out. I am sure there are going to be times that you are not going to want to share everything you are feeling for whatever reason. For me, I have a pride problem. I try not to let people know I am feeling vulnerable. I don’t like people to see me as “weak”. My mother always told me to put up a strong front and cry in private. This does not work for everyone but if you are a more private person then this is definitely the way to go. And once you get a job you can throw it out as a way to symbolically throw away your worries.


I just learned that this can happen! I really like to consider myself some sort of superhero. Don’s ask me why because it really does add a lot of undue pressure. But going on so many interviews and getting turned down so many times can get you thinking that there is something wrong with you. And I am starting to notice that sometimes I am starting to notice that I am becoming just as insecure in other aspects of my life. This is very out of character for me. I am lucky enough to have the greatest husband in the world and the best family and friends I could ever ask for – it is not their fault that this happened to me and if anyone is on my side it is definitely them. Make sure you don’t forget that about your own family and friends and partners or spouses. They are on your team!


Volunteer work is great for 3 reasons; it gets you out of the house, it is very fulfilling and it keeps your skills sharp. Check with your local church or your town hall, check places like YMCA or Boys and Girls Club, go to your local hospital or soup kitchen. I don’t think there is anything more fulfilling then being able to help someone in the simplest of ways. You will be amazed at how good you feel afterward.

I hope this is helpful for everyone. Just writing it has made me feel better. If you have some advice that I may have missed please feel free to drop me a line or comment on this blog – I would love to hear from you!

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Advance Your Attitude to Positive For Your Awesome Life!

Your attitude will determine your future. It sounds simple, but it’s harder to do. When you turn on the television, read the newspaper there’s negativity being broadcast, so it’s easy to ‘tune in’ to that type of thinking. BUT you have a choice. Advance and aim for an awesome life…or not. The Choice is yours.

If you want to have a fun and exciting life…you just do as Nike says…”Just do it!” I had to learn how to ‘do it’ and now I teach others how to create a positive attitude 24/7.

Your past has created who you are today. It’s been based on the decisions that you’ve made and for most people some have been good and some ‘not so good’. It’s the choices you’ve made and you learn more from the ‘not so good’ decision’s you’ve made. You’ve had some failures and some successes and that’s okay because that’s what life is about… creating steeping stones to your future. The key now to your future success is to release your past, and move onto your future.

Often you’ve had experiences, which I call ‘critical turning points’ in your life. This is where you’ve had a ‘situation’ that becomes a turning point for major decisions about your future. If you’ve had a major health scare, it may be that you’ve got to change your diet dramatically and exercise regularly.

Statistics worldwide prove that greater health is maintained by regular exercise. It’s not an old wives tale and unfortunately our younger generation is having major health challenges, firstly with their diet and also their exercise. Most baby boomers (like me) walked, or biked or some people like my mother, rode a horse to school. So we exercised regularly. Today many children are transported to school in a parent’s vehicle or the bus, so the early morning exercise is non-existent. This includes adults as well as we’ve become couch potatoes who watch television, use the remote to change the channel, sit at the computer and generally do not get as much exercise as previous generations. I’m sure there are not many people who spend time digging the vegetable garden anymore! Congratulations to those who do.

If you think of our top sportspeople, we admire them and they are skilled because they practice their sport. You have to learn how and then practise to have a positive attitude. That’s where my Attitude training and these tips can help you.

So…. if you’re feeling sluggish and not enjoying life as much as you’d like, here’s seven steps to help you.

Step Two – FIND A TYPE OF EXERCISE THAT SUITS YOU – walking is great!!
Step Three – Write in your diary 3 or 4 times a week as “make you beautiful” time.
Step Four – Write out the attitude poem below and read it regularly.
Step Five – Get a health check if necessary.
Step Six – Write yourself an affirmation. Eg: I am exercising and my body is trim and taut. With an affirmation you write it as if it has happened and repeat it 2/3 times per day.
Step Seven – Get your gear on….and ….JUST DO IT!

A great New Zealand Motivational speaker Tony Christianson always inspires me. He’s from Tauranga and was a ‘mystery’ speaker at the National Speakers Conferences in USA a couple of years ago. Tony had a sign writing business, has a pilot’s license, black belt in a martial art, was a regular competitor at international sports in a number of fields and his list of accomplishments goes on and on. An autobiography has been written about Tony and when people hear his message they are in awe of him, You would be too. as….Tony lost both his legs in his teens. He’s overcome huge challenges physically and mentally, and it’s Tony’s attitude that’s helped him succeed. Just like this poem.


Attitude is more important that facts. It is more important that the past, than education than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.

It will make or break a company…a home… a relationship.
The remarkable think is we have a choice, every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day.

We cannot change our past.
We cannot change the fact that other people will act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90 % how I react to it.
-Charles Swindoll

If ever you’re not achieving, it helps to remember people like him and others who support charities and achieve great things and overcome their challenges. They’ve become winners, they’ve had physical challenges but their mental thoughts and attitude have ensured their success.

In a local newsletter I had a little chuckle with some of the new fitness classes that were advertised. I especially like this one “Born Again Bodies” and another was LEGS – Linda’s Easy Going Strollers, for women who have various health challenges.

I walk or jog regularly through a gully with native bush and a 20-foot waterfall in central Auckland. It’s an unknown haven situated behind the grounds of UNITEC. It’s wonderful to hear the birds sing and see the ducks diving in the stream and the dewdrops glistening on the leaves with the morning dew. I try to ensure I’ve ‘sparked’ up each of my senses as these are the ‘real moments’ in life and I stop and take time to breathe them in. This is what makes life ‘special’. What are you doing? If not much, I urge you to go and explore. Seek out these moments during your physical exercise program.

If it’s ‘attitude’ and inspiration and it’s up to you to get your thoughts right and to Advance your Attitude for your Awesome Life!

Janice Davies is ‘The Attitude Specialist’, who teaches people to be positive and empower themselves through attitude training.

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