Change Positive Thinking to Positive Believing

Affirmations alone don’t work. Almost everyone has heard of positive thinking being a key to success. You are to start out repeating affirmations like “I am Rich.” “I am Healthy.” “I am getting better and better everyday.” When your life doesn’t change quickly, you quit. You tell yourself it doesn’t work.

What you may not realize is that your sub-conscious is a little voice inside you that’s telling you the affirmations are wrong. It’s all a lie. You know better. You’re not wealthy and never will be. Money is hard to get. You’re fat and doomed to stay that way. Or any number of negative things that contradict the affirmation.

This diminishes or even completely cancels your efforts. And you may not even be aware of this little voice. But it is this voice that holds you back.

This voice comes from beliefs that you hold that you may not be aware of. It could be some hidden belief like being rich is evil. Do you know the saying “Money is the root of all evil”? That could be where your block comes from. Or maybe you have a belief that rich people are selfish and feel that being selfish is something to avoid at all costs.

If you are trying to lose weight by repeating “I am thin and healthy” when you are far from “thin and healthy”. You won’t believe in the affirmation. In fact, it can boomerang right back and the negative thoughts come back stronger. This is similar to what happens with yo-yo dieting. You lose weight on the diet then when you stop that particular diet, you can all the weight back and more.

Now positive thinking can work. But you need to be able to believe in the affirmation. Tone down that affirmation until it is something you can believe in. Something that little voice can’t argue with too much. Then change it little by little.

Here’s a possible progression for weight loss:

* I am building a desire to be thin and healthy.
* I will like my healthy body.
* I will enjoy the increased activity.
* I am working to become healthier everyday.
* I can picture my new body and I’m pleased with it.
* I work diligently to be healthy.
* I eat mostly vegetables and feel satisfied.
* My level of activity is increasing and I enjoy it.
* Exercise is great.
* My muscle mass is increasing.
* My body is well toned.
* I am thin and healthy.

Here’s a possible progression for increasing wealth:

* I know of people who are wealthy and still nice, thoughtful and generous.
* I can learn what I need to increase my wealth.
* I am as smart as wealthy people and opportunity will come my way.
* I am looking for ways to increase my wealth.
* I expect opportunities to come into my awareness.
* The world abounds with opportunities and there are some for me.
* I will recognize the perfect wealth creating opportunity for me and take it.
* Prosperity lies just ahead.
* Money is flowing my way.

I’m sure you can come up with more and I would be interested in hearing them. Send me your ideas and read more about Changing your thoughts at

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