Do You Have a Positive Attitude For Your Life and Business?

I have played percussion in a military band, wrote articles for several military publications, tried my hand at business analysis and technical writing but, because of the gloomy economic indicators a couple of years back, I finally went back to school to become a nurse and entrepreneur. Through all my work experiences in life, there is one quality in every person that seems to stand out as THE most powerful characteristic for every successful person I have ever met – a positive attitude.

When I started my entrepreneurial adventures a little over a year and a half ago, I studied and read the biographies of several “business big dogs” like Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Donald Trump and Andrew Carnegie. In these readings, each man had a mindset that said anything was possible and that what ever came their way, they would approach the issue with a positive mental attitude and expectation.

Each of us carries certain amounts of genetic material that are the overriding essence of our character. Have a close look at your mother and father. You have some personality blend of your parents with a couple of ancestral traits thrown in. With our characteristics and childhood, we develop traits and habits that are molded by our experience and training. So, if you take a good look at the men I just mentioned and read their stories, you will find out what elements made them the persons they are and were during their time….but ultimately, it was their attitude that got them through the dark periods during their ascent to business success. How does all of the “attitude” talk relate to you?

Attitude affects every part of our life and those who understand its power will do everything they can to nurture and protect this valuable quality. Attitude is what makes the difference between an average performer and a peak performer in life. No amount of money can replace what a person like this can do for your organization. But what is a great attitude as it applies to business?

Through all my professional experience, a positive attitude is a mindset that says there will be consistent and positive outcomes to every situation and problem. In other words, someone who expects the best will always bring a good attitude to the table. Looking at each situation in life realistically and expecting the best outcome is what sets successful people apart from average Joe.

How do you encourage, nurture and protect your attitude? You can protect your attitude by working hard to truly like yourself. We all have faults about ourselves that are less than desirable but we also have traits which others find energizing and powerful. What are your positive traits? Why do you feel loved and cherished? When you look at yourself positively, you bring a spring to your attitude and others will want to be around that attitude.

As you go forward in your business, remember – people are looking at your products or services but mostly, they are looking at you and the message you bring to the table. As you work on self-development, search for books and articles that contain information which nurture this valuable quality in you. What kind of attitude do you have? Are you ready for success?

To find out what business is helping many people earn income from home, go to Make your success a reality! For more home based business resources, go to Just say Hi!

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