Employee Mindset Versus Entrepreneur Mindset

The decision to become an entrepreneur is a tough one, what will people think of you, how are you going to cope? What does it mean you need to do? What are the main reasons you are going to choose to be an entrepreneur rather than an employee? What are the actual benefits to the entrepreneur, and their mindset?

Firstly, I chose to become an entrepreneur, not for the money, the money is a secondary benefit, I chose to become an entrepreneur because of the lifestyle! Being able to work from home, not having to worry about the how much the next bill is going to cost, I wanted to be able to know I can pay off my loans for a car before I even had them.

Many people choose to become entrepreneurs for the freedom, but what does that actually entail for you? Flying first class whenever you want, having a new Beamer in your garage, at your awesome house? Does it mean staying at all of those 5 star resorts when you aren’t at home? Skip trying to climb the corporate ladder and college, and you will be able to retire earlier, avoiding the rat race.

As opposed to being an employee, working constantly, trading time for money, having no money saved in the bank for them to retire on. Having to retire later than an entrepreneur and having to work harder, not smarter for everything, and struggle in the rat race.

Entrepreneurs are known to be the ones who do whatever it takes to get something done, they don’t give up, and employees are just worker bees, serving a ‘greater’ cause, unaware how ineffective trading time for money is.

What choice are you going to make, to have the benefits of an entrepreneur, or be caught in the rat race, as an employee. I sure know what choice I am going to choose.

At my entrepreneur’s blog you can learn more and read similar content.

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