Having a Positive Attitude Changes Your Life


Recently, I asked someone how he was and he replied, “Life is good, but sometimes it gets hard.” I was so moved by his remark that I asked if I could tell others about it. To me, it’s quite a profound statement. I truly believe that in these short eight words, this individual has a positive attitude as well as a really good sense of the reality of life.

It struck me on so many levels that I felt I wanted to share it with you. I’ve often discussed that we can’t change a situation and we can’t change someone else’s behavior; the only real control any of us has in how we react to what is happening around us. I think that if you look at the way this person looks at life, you will appreciate more where your true power is.

I’ve also discussed how significant one’s expectations are. Well, if you expect that at times life will get hard, then when something happens, you won’t get blown over by it. Additionally, if your expectation is that life is good, then you approach each day in a more positive way.

Frankly, I wish I had thought of this phrase. Though I didn’t, I can offer you some tips to help you embrace the concept:

1. Know that you can change your thoughts; after all, they’re yours.
2. Start to be aware of your thoughts and if they’re negative, do thought stopping.
3. Practice seeing the small positive things around you and appreciate them.
4. Embrace the idea that you are in control of your reaction and learn techniques to do so.
5. Expect that life will have ups and downs. Though the downs won’t feel great, they’ll be followed by ups.

Think about these eight simple words. Try to develop a more positive attitude; I truly believe they will help Empower you!
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http://www.gotlcdiet.com/4101051 The Power Of Having A Positive Attitude {Rhamya’s Day 16 of 90 Day Video Challenge} You are what you think! If you have a funky attitude, your day will be bad. If you have a nice attitude you will have a nice day!

Work from home: http://www.gotlcdiet.com/4101051

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The Power of Positive Thinking
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The Positive Principal Today
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4 Responses to Having a Positive Attitude Changes Your Life

  1. Karen Sherman says:

    I'm SO glad you found this helpful. Certainly, living thru a transplant is 1 of life's greatest challenges. Of course, the transplant (as you well know) is what will be the vehicle to help you face more of life's challenges. I wish you well.

  2. RISÉ Gans says:

    Awesome! I just shared your video on transplant friends

  3. Karen Sherman says:

    This video is the result of something that was said to me.  I found it SO profound and I really believe that this statement applies to every part of your life.  Take a look and leaves comments on how you react!

  4. BillionaireEmpire says:

    I loooove this! Thanks

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