How to Be Positive – Stay Away From Negative People

Today is a good reflection of how far I have come from negative thinking to positive thinking and positive actions. I was coaching a client who is processing her breakdowns in a stuck state, the feeling of confusion whether the forward actions is going to create the result she wanted. It reminded me of how I got a Life Coach to work with me and experience being positive most of the time.

Stay away from negative people

Don’t make the mistake of talking to the wrong people. People who are negative. Either they have had bad experiences because of lack of knowledge or strategies or they have no clarity of their own direction. They do not have positive experiences to share with you. Stay away from them.

The solution is to talk to people who are already successful in doing what you wanted to do. Model after them. Get them to mentor you, or collaborate with them. They will have many success stories to share with you. That would give you more confidence, support and encouragements to move forward.

Get a Life Coach

There is a great difference with talking to a Life Coach or your friend. The positive thinking and the positive energy from a Coach is uplifting. Most of my clients said, I wish the people out there could be as positive as you. The way they talked are “noise” that often held them back from the decision that they want to make. As a result, they become indecisive. It’s through some powerful questions that clients become clear with their thoughts. When clients are sure of what making that decision would give them, e.g. More confidence, more time to have a balance life, better relationships with family and more income, they are open to taking positive actions.

“Noise” are unfounded fears from people who may mean well, thinking that they are protecting you; But they do not know what you really want. It’s based on their own pattern of thinking and their own fear which is projected onto you and is quite often negative. Unknowingly, they operate from fear.

How a Life Coach can help

A Life Coach can certainly help you with the breakthrough from thinking negatively to thinking positively and taking actions that move you towards achieving the outcome you want. This is the support and encouragements that most people need, to have a breakthrough. The positive energy is automatically transferred to you. The confidence is projected onto you. These comes from having experienced that journey.

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