How To Create A Positive Shopping Experience For Customers

For most businesses, developing a positive customer experience is directly related to their future stream of revenues. Highly satisfied customers can help a business create more personalized relations in the aim of driving repeat business. However, to achieve that as a business owner, you need to create a positive image of your products and services so that your customers become emotionally associated to your business.

Marketing researchers suggest that emotional associations are created either through direct experience, where customers experience a firm’s products or services, or through a web environment that creates indirect associations.

In particular:

Direct customer experience is extremely important, particularly if you plan to reach repeat customers. Customers need the personal contact, seek for personal interaction and are willing to do business with you if they feel appreciated and highly valued.

On the other hand, it is hard to use a website as a means to brand your product or services. You have to be really talented to reflect your company’s culture on a well-structured website so that you manage to turn customer experience into a favorable one, where your customers will be able to gather information about your business simply and quickly.

By enabling your customers to effortlessly navigate through the products or services of their interest, you automatically create high visibility for your products and you enhance the chances of creating emotional associations as well. Besides, if you choose the right words to describe your products, the right pictures to attract your customers’ attention, and the right graphics to make your website more attractive, you may create emotional associations with them, even if personal contact is missing.

Whether established directly or indirectly, emotional associations are important when used to brand your firm’s products or services. But, you have to make sure that they reflect the same qualities that drive your business. Customers are sensitive and able to understand if your business works in harmony to provide a hassle-free shopping experience. This is why you need to think what your customers think when they walk in your store’s door or when they visit your webpage. You need to put yourself in their shoes when they call your business or send an email. If you ask yourself these simple questions, you will be able to feel what your customers feel when they interact with your business. In other words, you need to brainstorm and become your own customer to improve possible areas that need improvement so that customer experience is really unique and unforgettable.

Another important consideration that often inhibits positive customer experience is not having good ‘radar’ for your customers. This may create huge barriers in your interactions with them because you won’t be able to recognize their wants and, inevitably, you won’t be able to satisfy their needs.

In conclusion, positive customer experience is the lifeblood of any business. Satisfied customers can turn into loyal advocates of your business and increase your sales revenues through word of mouth advertisement in no time. To achieve that you need to develop direct or indirect emotional associations with your customers and be able to ‘read’ their wants to satisfy their needs.

Christina Pomoni has acquired her MBA Finance from the American College of Greece. Her advanced familiarity with financial statement analysis, capital budgeting and market research has been acquired through her professional career at high-esteemed organizations. Besides, having lived at Chicago, IL, Boca Raton, FL and Paris, France has helped her, not only to be a successful professional, but mostly to see life under a more creative and innovative perspective.

Since 2005, Christina provides high quality writing services to where she is also appointed as a Channel Steward of Economic Values ( Besides, she contributes her knowledge and expertise to several websites and research companies. Her areas of specialization are Business, Finance & Investment, Society, Politics & Culture. She also has a very good knowledge of Entertainment, Health & Fitness and Computers & Technology.

Christina recently launched her own writing company (

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