How to make Positive affirmation work for you

In order to make the positive affirmation work for you, it is essential to develop a positive mindset. Every affirmation that we say or think reflects our inner beliefs and truths. But it is important to understand that lot of those beliefs might not be true for us. They might be based on inappropriate understanding, we gathered when we were kids. But, now when we analyze them as an adult, those can be unveiled as inappropriate or false.

We need to understand, that positive affirmations are positive statements. They are short sentences which help us negate the negative thoughts and infuse positive self benefiting beliefs. Here we can take a look at few positive thinking statements, after which we will try to find out how to make them work.

Few positive affirmations:

· My thoughts are in control.

· I have a calm mind.

· I am happy and healthy.

· I radiate love and happiness.

· I study and comprehend fast.

· I have a lot of energy.

· I have a satisfying job.

· I am wealthy, healthy and wise.

· Prosperity comes effortlessly and easily to me.

· I am lucky.

These are few basic positive affirmations that we have noted. Any affirmation can be positive as long as it replaces the negative thoughts with positive ones.

Try to find out how to get positive affirmations work for us. We need to concentrate on 7 principles, which influence in developing powerful affirmations.

1. Decision- You need to decide and understand what you really want. You may jot it down in a piece of paper or in a notebook what you are really looking for: better health, wonderful relationship, increased prosperity, new job, greater self acceptance, more slender body, etc.

2. Affirmations should be positive, personal and in present tense- You should use words in present tense. Like, “I am, I receive, I have…”

3. Inclusion of words that carry energetic and positive feelings- For example “I am delighted to…it is fantastic that…I am so happy and excited…”

4. Wait for proper timing – You may feel that you are ready for a particular job, but during interviews you find that you are not there yet. Do not lose heart or patience. Work on it and train more, so that next time when the opportunity comes, you will sail through.

5. Let the inner wisdom guide you- There will be times when you just repeat the affirmations and your want will develop without any effort. But other times, may need some actions from your side. You just let the inner wisdom guide you. 

6. Start believing in you- This statement itself requires few affirmations! You will often find people carrying “do not deserve” feelings that they might have been taught since childhood. You should have a will to believe that you deserve a better life. 

7. Have faith in the results- You should have trust in results. For example, if you find yourself score less than your friend in school, do not lose heart. It does not mean that you are not capable to score as much. It means that your colleague knew a little bit more than you on that particular day. On other days, you can be much better than all of them! 

These are the most basic principles that you need to keep in mind. To reiterate, any affirmation or principle that influences positive thinking is a positive affirmation. By following such principles and practicing positive thoughts, there is no reason why positive affirmation cannot work for you and help to lead a better life.

Jill Magso is a member of the Silva Team and contributes to spreading enlightened ideas and sharing teachings about meditation practices. The Silva Method encompasses a variety of powerful exercises that take you deep into Alpha and Theta levels of the mind so that you can work within your subconscious as well as your conscious mind.

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