How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)


How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)

How to reprogram your mind for more positive thinking.
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In this episode of The Charged Life, high performance coach and motivational speaker Brendon Burchard shares how to reprogram your mind for better and more positive thinking.

Brendon Burchard is a #1 New York Times bestselling author whose books include THE CHARGE, THE MILLIONAIRE MESSENGER, and LIFE’S GOLDEN TICKET. He is also the founder of High Performance Academy, the legendary personal growth and development training for achievers. Larry King named Brendon “one of the top motivation and marketing trainers in the world.”

After a car accident at 19 years old inspired him to turn his life around and follow his dreams, and then having the blessings to become a multimillionaire writer and trainer by the age of 32, Brendon has dedicated his life to helping others find their charge and share their voice with the world. He is now one of the most in-demand motivational speakers and high performance coaches in the world.

The Charged Life is a weekly YouTube show full of #motivation, #inspiration, and #high performance strategies with personal growth legend Brendon Burchard. Filmed in one take, without any notes or prompter, the show has become one of the most viewed personal growth video series in the history of Youtube. It’s also been the #1 Podcast in all of iTunes, and is regularly the top podcast in Self-Help and Health categories around the globe. Subscribe to the free podcast here: .

*Free book details: While supplies last. You get the book with our compliments, but you have to pay your shipping to receive it. This offer expires in 30 days from date of this post or whenever supplies run out.

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20 Responses to How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)

  1. David Meredith says:

    Great Vid!! Negative thinking will never make your life better!

  2. idan raifer says:

    thank you

  3. Jerome Forman says:

    Boom – Nailed it Brendon.

  4. Trinadha Raju says:

    how is flirt with someone a positive thought ????

  5. Ersan Hasan says:

    Thank you

  6. Talal Zbidi says:

    to reprogram your mind the repetition is the key , trick (you can write something and keep read it )

  7. John Amose says:

    Excellent talk. The greatest step towards self improvement is identifying and defining the problem. Negative thinking has always been with me as a 'friendly' companion. It was sadness from 'inside out' having the loudest voice in my head that my mind chose to focus on. I have missed out on great opportunities and have failed to capitalize on opportunities I have earned too because of 'the fear' coz of negative thinking. I never realized till recently that it was a problem. Quite a big problem actually and that I entertain such thoughts a lot. Solution is to reprogram your mind to positive thinking. Thank you sir.

  8. Clare Ryan says:

    I enjoyed this thank you.

  9. annya kamel says:

    This guy is just awesome I'm going to just make him my favorite you tuber I need to be able to live through his mind set more often

  10. Dawn Starr says:

    What do you think Television for example is doing to you when you watch it?..programming? mind controlling? full of subliminals, so if Brendon says the mind can be programmed then think about it, what beliefs have been inserted through media, movies, institutions, religions, cultures, all the intellectual systems and your family? Own your mind because the lenses through which you see the world can be manipulated!

  11. Acronixz says:

    It's all a choice you can choose positive thoughts or negative thoughts simple as that

  12. Joey Johnson says:

    Awesome video man seriously

  13. patricia turgeon says:

    Thank you!! Very helpful!!

  14. bentom345 says:

    Your an amazing man brendon

  15. Abdikalik Hussein says:

    this guy changed my life

  16. ChatterCoachMargaret says:

    Great video.

  17. Jim Beam says:

    even if a meteor is about to strike earth soon, living positive and happy till your last moment is the only way to live

  18. Jason Balcaitis says:

    Negative thinking exist for a reason. That reason being a positive can't exist without a negative. There is no balance in life if you are 100% positive. Without negativity, there is nothing to compare positivity to. Negative thinking is your body and mind telling you that you need to fix this, do that, or do something differently. To sit there and be positive 24/7 is pretty much lying to yourself, and lying to yourself is never a good thing. Life has its ups and downs, and to those who suffer from too much negative thinking (depression) your body and mind is telling you in a big way that you need to change drastically and evolve to find balance. Everything you need to fix yourself, and adapt to this world exist in you. Peace & love to you all.

  19. Kaouther Mokrane says:

    you are the best hands down !

  20. ThemSoccer Kicks says:

    This guy is really good

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