HOW TO STAY POSITIVE! | Colleen’s Corner


HOW TO STAY POSITIVE! | Colleen's Corner

In this episode of Colleen’s Corner, I talk about farts, performing, gagging, and positivity. :)

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Dallas, TX – 12/14 –
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How We Stay Positive

This week we’re taking on a more personal question: what are some tips and tricks for staying positive when things aren’t going the best? The whole Eatyourkimchi crew heads outside during Cherry Blossom Season to enjoy the pretty trees and talk about what we do to beat the blues.

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40 Responses to HOW TO STAY POSITIVE! | Colleen’s Corner

  1. smile love 101 says:

    did anyone else think that Colleen was crying in the thumbnail?

  2. AngelaDarkness04 says:

    happines is veru happy like Colleen!!!

  3. Lily Burke says:

    thank you Colleen!
    I loved the way you put that!

  4. Linda Calderon says:

    God why am I eating right now when she is talking about sharts

  5. Ashley O says:

    Happiness is a choice -shaycarl and Colleen

  6. Katie Stuart says:

    thx u really helped me

  7. Jess Murphy says:

    Can you pleaseeeeeeeeeeee come back to Ireland ! I have been waiting for ages for you to come back !!! It has been my dream to see you and always will be until I will !!!!!!!

  8. OMG ITZ “the2weirdones” SCARLETT says:

    In Australia we call a cooler and esky

  9. James Simpson says:

    I gag violently when I'm really nervous too lol

  10. Karsin Smith says:

    ive been feeling down lately…can u please give me some positive words? (:

  11. Emily Watkins says:

    you are so inspiring and you inspire me every day

  12. Emily Watkins says:

    you are so inspiring and you inspire me every day

  13. Kate K says:

    i needed the positeiety

  14. Madeline Daunt says:

    When I get nervous before shows I have diarreah :)

  15. Isaac Shuh says:

    Can you give me your email acount

  16. Olivia Blowers says:

    I lllllllllloooooooooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you💙💙💙💙🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱

  17. Anastasia Iiames says:

    This needs a "love" button

  18. SuperIcecream15 says:

    of course your positive you have like a bajillion fans a character with a bajilion fans so you tec. have a 2 bajilion fans a really carrying loving boyfriend who will do anything for you your rich your talented and have a awesome carrer so yeah… you

  19. Kate Wickenden says:


  20. Kate Motz says:

    An esky is a big bucket with a lid and you fill it with ice and you put drinks in it and shut the lid the will stay cold for HOURS 

  21. Tibby San Diego says:

    simon and martina are my parents

  22. Diana says:

    Love how you guys look here, Simon looks particularly gooood :)

  23. Brian Orr says:

    Steadily I fill up with enjoyable experiences like talking to mature people, playing video games, or watching enjoyable videos and I feed off those good memories when I have some challenge in my life. Also, go away from the difficulty and reason how best to respond to it. I don't get stressed out very easily though, mainly with human relationships…

  24. maylien says:

    I so agree with the focusing on good things or a future fun plan. I used to teach high school and if something negative happened at the end of the day I totally forgot about the earlier part of the day which was pretty great. I had to scold myself.
    Another thing I would do (and should start doing again) is be a bright spot in someone else's day. Look for opportunities to be that good thing for someone else. It brightens both your outlooks.

  25. wasilaify says:

    My friend stays positive by going clubbing the night before midterms. He got a full ride to MIT after graduating from Berkeley (where he also went on scholarship). Yup, he's a freak. And I mean that in the nicest way possible of course.

  26. TheDrakon says:

    Martina, perhaps you were thinking of a day-planner?

    I used to use buying comfort food at the end of a crappy day at a crappy job to help cheer me up. Best thing ever as long as you burn those calories.

    I always felt like this was the main message of the movie the Labyrinth. The teenage girl is acting really spoiled. Suddenly important things are taken away from her and she learns to appreciate them through the movie. She learns to stop over-reacting over everything. Even David Bowie with his huge bulge keeps mentioning how she takes everything for granted.

  27. E Villar says:

    Good Advice :).

  28. E Villar says:

    Good Advice :).

  29. Liv Nemier says:

    Hey simon and martina i know this is probably a bit strange however i wanted to say this and thank you. Lately i have been having really anxiety and stressful and gross weeks my anxiety's acting up and i'm taking a break with the person im dating which is killing me and ive been crying about it constantly the first thing i went to do to try to super calm down was watch your videos and its been working so i tried to take a break maybe watch a tv show and about five minutes after turning your videos off my chest got tight and my anxiety started acting up again. SO thank you guys for having these videos or idk what mentality i would be in right now because i'm grossly stressed and sick and i just mentally feel horrible and these have helped calm me down thank you so much guys i love your channel and look up to you guys so much its funny how alike me and Martina are and how alike Simon and the guy i'm dating are and when i watch your videos you guys honestly remind me alot of me and the person im with and they always bring a smile to my face i have shown him sooo many videos from you guys and there have been so many times ive stopped and we started laughing because it reminded us of well us thank you guys so much for brightening my other wise horrible past couple days

  30. dena81 says:

    i think i really needed this video today especially since i was feeling all stressed out and crappy….thank you YT recommendation links!

  31. Dan McCarthy says:

    This video has done more to help me than 4 months on a therapist's couch.  I will try to use the "2 positives for every negative" rule every day.  Thanks, guys.

  32. craniumbear says:

    cute animals, some cake, my wife, sun shine, watch something funny.

  33. Gamyeon says:

    Martina made me think I need to go buy a new calendar for the new year! And I'll decorate it with stickers and drawings!!! =D

  34. thedaniaf says:

    that was an awesome video it makes me really glad I subscribed to your channel ^^ fighting guys

  35. bananaCake says:

    My dog was 'supposed' to die a year or so ago and she survived, so I was even more thankful for every single day I got to spend with her. Then suddenly she got very bad and died… Rest in piece my lil angel (5th october)
    I have 2 other dogs to give love, but it's hard when a dog dies…

  36. hyperhappy sloth says:

    i lock myself in my room 😜

  37. MKMonster says:

    My 1 year old niece came wandering over while I was watching this an decided that kissing the lady multiple times was a good idea. Martina, you were virtually kissed by a cute baby today.

  38. Camilla De Cicco says:

    I'm a new subscriber. What does TL DR stand for?

  39. tasniah says:

    Superkid forever

  40. MorganUmbra says:

    I work in an ice cream shop where we mix the ice cream on a cold stone. this is relevant. When I get grumpy, I like to make bread by hand, and imagine I'm smushing up whatever thing is making me grumpy. If I'm at work and someone's being really rude to me, I take the hardest ice cream out of the cabinet and smush it up on the stone until I feel better. smushing things is productive!

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