Jedi Mind Tricks Presents: Stoupe – “Transition of Power.” feat. M.O.P. [Official Audio]

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Jedi Mind Tricks Presents: Stoupe "Decalogue" (Vinyl LP)

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You are now listening to “Transition of Power” feat. M.O.P. by Jedi Mind Tricks Presents: Stoupe from “Decalogue” in stores now on Babygrande Records. For more info on Babygrande, visit:
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Dr.Sneh Desai’s Mind Power Seminar Part 1 (in Hindi)
Dr.Sneh’s Mind Power Workshop
The Ultimate Mind Control Workshop
We have two types of Mind – Conscious & Subconscious. Our Conscious Mind has 10% powers & Subconscious Mind has 90% powers. If we can do programming of the Subconscious Mind scientifically, it has the power to convert our desires & goals to reality. Between our Conscious state & sleep there is a most important state of Mind which is called Alpha State of Mind (Subconscious activated state). During alpha state our Subconscious Mind is ready to accept our commands & starts working on it. By learning how to go into alpha state when desired & to program our Subconscious Mind we can get lots of benefits. This workshop is all about practically using our Subconscious Mind.
• Relieve Stress & Gain Mental Peace. Learn to Get more rest & refreshment in lesser time
• Generate Self-Confidence & Power to take required Actions by breaking mental limitations
• Get out of Depression & Emotional set-backs. Get everlasting Happy Relationships, release any hatred & guilt or anger
• Come in Peak-Performance State by generating physical & mental strength. Get back your real energy
• Get Positive Mental Attitude & Get rid from negative thoughts & emotions
• Learn Goal setting & achieving, along with lifelong progress secrets
• Learn to receive Cosmic Energy & Meditate. Get Total Life-Balance in Every field of life
• Learn how to get perfect Fitness & Body Shape & relief from health diseases
• Get rid of fears & phobias
• Attract money by learning financial principles & increase your income
• Remove insomnia & get sound sleep. Also Learn to wake-up without alarm in morning
• Increase memory, concentration & grasping
• Increase Convincing & Influencing Power
• Learn to control pain
• Understand Human Psychology & get Self-Control to get Everlasting self-motivation & drive for progress
• Change in Habits & Behaviour Patterns and learn Addiction Removal Technique

Mind Power Workshop is a combination of…
Mind Control Methods
+ Belief & Thought Pattern
+ Alpha Meditation
+ Laws of Attraction
+ Pranadharna / Meditation
+ Neuro Linguistic Programming
+ Human Psychology
Mind Power Workshop is Dr.Sneh’s SIgnature Event & this is the introductery Seminar of that 2 Days Life Changing Mind Power Workshop.
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25 Responses to Jedi Mind Tricks Presents: Stoupe – “Transition of Power.” feat. M.O.P. [Official Audio]

  1. Michelle Gilmore says:
  3. Pratanu Banerjee says:
  4. Pratanu Banerjee says:
  5. Shntlal Tivari says:
  6. Shiv Prasad Patel says:
  7. Shiv Prasad Patel says:

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