Job Search Blues — How to Stay Positive

It is a difficult to be between jobs. Even though another job will eventually come to you, it can be challenging to stay positive and motivated.  Searching and rejection can be emotionally and physically exhausting.  It is easy to become anxious, depressed and suffer feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy.


Remember is that currently there are a lot of other people out of work. It’s a small comfort, but you are not alone. You have not been singled out. It is an unfortunate change in our economy that many people have been caught up in. Which means that when a job is posted the company will get bombarded with hundreds of resumes. In that pile is you, along with all of the other very qualified people. It’s possible this might be a long process, so why not learn how to make the most of it?


There are many things you can do to shorten your unemployment, or at least make it a productive period of growth that benefits you and others.  The first thing to do is to make sure to get out of the house.  You really need to keep your mind active and have a reason to get up in the morning.  Take a part-time job or volunteer. Become active in a trade association.  By working outside of the home you are out meeting people. You are communicating and networking with a whole new group of people that may not know you otherwise. All of those people also might know someone with a job opening. But aside from that you are contributing to society and your profession. This will give you positive energy and value while you look.


You can also keep busy by walking or any type of exercise. Physical activity can clear your head and get you in touch with people. You’ll look great for your new job too.


Why not do some reading each day?  Fiction can take you anywhere, but this could be the perfect time to learn something new. You can read about how to be a better leader. You can read about social media or teach yourself some new software. You can read things that can make you a better candidate and that will make you more current in the marketplace.


Lastly, be sure to surround yourself with positive people.  Join support groups or work with a career coach who can help you keep your eyes on the prize and remind you of all the great things you have to offer.


Do something every day that propels your job search forward.  Stay positive, that job is out there.


This article may be reprinted when the copyright and author bio are included.
©2010 Catherine Lang-Cline, Portfolio Creative, LLC.

Catherine Lang-Cline is co-founder and owner of Portfolio Creative, a workforce innovation firm that was named the 326th fastest growing company in the U.S. by Inc. magazine in 2009.  Portfolio Creative helps companies streamline and innovate their creative work to save time, energy and money.

Catherine spent more than 20 years in the creative industry as a designer. She worked for ad agencies, in-house marketing departments and as a freelancer in both Chicago and Columbus. 

With Kristen, Catherine felt that Columbus had a real need to help artists find work and clients find talent. (As a freelancer, she would have really appreciated the help, too!) So, they combined forces and opened Portfolio Creative.

 She has a real love for helping people and understands the needs of our clients. So with that, Catherine’s main responsibility became client relationships. She’s had a great time providing this service to the creative community.

Catherine is a Certified Staffing Professional with the American Staffing Association. She is also an active member of Columbus Society of Communicating Arts, Advertising Federation of Columbus, Columbus Chamber of Commerce, Women Presidents’ Organization, and is a committee member for the National Association of Women Business Owners®. She graduated in the “Home of the Huskies” at NIU.

She resides in Columbus, Ohio with her family and when not working, she enjoys spending time with her family. Catherine likes traveling, cooking, doing home renovation, and riding motorcycles (of course, she rides her own motorcycle).

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