Key Success In MLM Is Mindset

I am looking at my garden which is full of weeds, it is due shortley to be landscaped. As humans our minds can sometimes get filled with lots of clutter. We read the newspapers, watch the news on the television and all our concious minds may hear is lots of bad news. The economy is dipping, or there is a conflict somewhere, or some scandal has destroyed a politicians life. We are basically taking in all this garbage and it filters into our sub-concious mind.


Our minds are just like soil. When we plant good thoughts in our mind then good things will grow. Thoughts become things, when we think of something our sub-concious mind takes note. The more we focus on that thought the more memories we create. These memories develop into strong emotions. At this point the sub-concious mind learns how important these thoughts are and takes note. Our sub-concious mind does not know what is right or wrong, or good or bad.


Our sub-concious mind is our power house. The more positve thoughts that come into it, the stronger the chance of us succeeding in life. Slowly but surley the more we manifest our plans, dreams and desires through positive thoughts, the better we can design our life.


So what we need to do is to have a dream board and on that dream board post that house, business idea and other future plans. Each day we need to manifest those ideas on the dream board. Our universe is full of abundance. We need to be thankful for what we have and ask for what we want. “Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you.” Which is a saying of Christ.


I would like to quote from Napoleon Hill, he said, “More gold has been mined from the thoughts of humans that has been taken from the earth”. Our minds are our power house. Our minds are our greatest asset. So we need to plant seeds of positive thoughts in our minds. Coupled with a solid business plan prosperity and abudance will follow.



Paul works with Sam Brook who are seasoned veterans and passionate online entrepreneurs in network marketing who love motivating & coaching others in their ‘Home Based Businesses. Sam & I mentor those who want to learn on how to improve their income by focusing on ‘Free to Inexpensive Marketing Methods’ that will in return get excellent results. We inspire entrepreneurs who are possibly struggling or ready for the next stage within their home based business careers



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