Making Positive Changes in Your Life

In each of our lives everyday, there is always something changing that affects us. It can be the environment, a downsizing at the company you work for, an economical recession, or even bad luck with getting dates. How can one continue to smile and make positive changes through it all ? For starters, it all starts with placing thoughts, dreams and visualized goals into action. At times, when we tend to think on something too much, we most likely follow with acting upon it, if it positively benefits us. Despite not getting a pay raise, or having a shaky marriage/relationship/or even unstable finances, do you see yourself making positive progress in what you desire to accomplish ? The changes you make today for the better will affect your future, slowly but surely.

One of the major changes I’ve made since working on bettering my life, was staying on track with what I spoke into existence. Just speaking it into existence before almost 18,000 friends helped emotionally to turn the “switch” back on in my brain. I’ve slacked for so long, and now was time in my early 30’s to clean up my act and back back rerailed on track. At the same time, I acknowledge I can’t continue to grow, without first acknowledging GOD, and extending my support of others throughout my mission of being a positive influence to someone else who needs uplifting in their pursuit of transforming into happiness and a better quality of life!

In efforts of cleaning up the mildly wild character of myself, I now analyze everything, in my expressions, videos, words and so forth. It helps to intellectually remain acute, while tweaking other areas which are being spiritually welded, such as image, relationships, how I come across to others, remaining optimistic about turning around as a completely new person. In anything in life, and the business world, OUR success depends on the meaningful relationships we have with others, and serving one another.

In additional changes being made today, I’ve learned and felt forgiveness lightens up the load on the heart. By default, before a vast majority of us take the time to focus on spiritually restrengthening ourselves in a closer walk and relationship with GOD, most of us “talking about myself too” tend to walk around with anger, bitterness, resentment and hatred in our hearts. If you’ve ever analyzed your actions in straightening up your life, if you’ve ever felt like you fell in love with someone, felt you had a chance to succeed at something, or could become a new person and leave the bad stuff behind, it helps to create a new love for life. In this new love for life, if you are truly in love , LOVE helps anyone to see where he or she went wrong , and work feverishly in cleaning up their act, in hopes that their character and persona is potentially acceptable, before GOD and others. Forgiveness also restores hope in anyone’s life, without the need to ingest St. John’s Wort on a daily basis (smile) LOL

Last but not least, daily exercise helps the mind to remain positive intact. What I mean is, when you workout constantly, while incorporating healthy cardiovascular activity and a clean diet , it helps to reduce the anxiety, cortisol and lactic acid buildup. As most of us know, cortisol and lactic acid buildup on the mind not only leads to muscle deprivation, but it also contributes to feelings of skipping the gym, and may possibly affect one in having an obtuse attitude in general. When most folks are starting out in their exercise endeavors is overweight, they may tend to have a negative attitude, due to life’s problems, not feeling sexy, or desired by the opposite sex.

As we strengthen our minds through cardiovascular activity “both Spiritually and complimenting it with the physical” , we are congruently placing ourselves in a position for “infinite possibilities. Infinite possibilities includes the spontaneous respect we may receive from others, increased deepening of relationships, increased admiration, increased feelings of love and emotional wellness in OUR hearts. The list goes on. So, it always helps to exercise daily, in one form or another, even if you perform a stationary bike or mild treadmill run for 5 minutes a day. Not only will it strengthen your heart , but it helps you in the long run, performance wise, in exercise, daily productivity at work and feeling better about yourself.

Shawn Drewry is the CEO of

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