Negative or Positive Art

It is the correct of every creature to breathe, and live his/her life with freedom of speech and respect for spiritual preferences. As a member of a society and a Nation, it is the responsibility of each individual to respect one another in all ways in which possible.

For a free society to measure in harmony and peace, respect for all races, respect for all religions with out discrimination, is the path each individual desires to tread to bring regarding world peace. It’s the ground work for making equilibrium in each free society.

The Power of the Arts

Why do we tend to build our energies do things which will hurt alternative humans? Why

produce acts against humanity through negative art and produce violence in our World?

Art is therefore powerful and we tend to are using it not to promote Peace and Harmony, but to destroy them.

Therefore if we tend to take a more focused look, we tend to can say that art can and does

affect the life of an individual. Why not use art in its sensible and

positive perspective as it is given to us by God? Why not use Art’s

Positive Power and heal the World?

This is often what I believe. Through my music I continuously try and offer this

message of peace. Music has the ability to deliver a sense of inner peace

and harmony at intervals our selves and our world. As this sense of inner

peace grows it’s reflected in our outer world as well. Peace is our

world will not return till we tend to notice peace within ourselves.

I invariably provide this straightforward example: A knife within the hands of a killer,

kills. A knife within the hands of a surgeon saves a life. It’s not the

knife itself that’s smart or unhealthy, it is its usage. The identical applies to

Art. If it is employed in a smart manner its effects uplift humanity.

So I see Art/Music as a synchronization tool for souls. Let us

synchronize our souls with each other and work to make a peaceful

world for the upcoming generations. A world where people of every religion are given respect. Where the humanities aren’t used in a negative manner. Where there are not any political, racial or non secular borders.

As artists, we have a tendency to have a huge responsibility to use our art forms during a

positive powerful way to heal our world and object to any artwork or

music which will cause emotional turmoil or violence in any way to any

individual. Allow us to all as Artists unite for Peace.

Muhammad Iqbal Behleem March eight, 2006

Singer & Musician for Peace I am a singer and musician devoted to the promotion of Peace through Music and I think that music has the facility to market conflict transformation by Enhancing nonviolence, creativity and empathy. I need To figure together with artists from throughout the planet, for Love & Peace. My Mission is to place my musical talents at the service of humanity, lending a helping hand to those full of injustice, with the goal of empowering them with hope and energy. I want to use the universal language of music to communicate the beauty of humanity and promote positive peace. I anticipate working along with you for a higher world through music, and love forever and people.  

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