Positive Daily Affirmations

Positive Daily Affirmations

Everyone has things in their life that they wish they could change to make life easier. Whether you want to make more money at work or you just want to ease the stress in your home life, you will find obstacles in your way. These obstacles may be large or small, it doesnt matter. What matters is that you can actually overcome any obstacle placed in your way with the proper way of thinking. Waking up every morning going through a list of positive daily affirmations is a great way to start training your mind toward a positive way of thinking. Coupled with other positive thinking exercises, these positive daily affirmations will help you overcome any obstacle that is put in front of you.

There are literally hundreds of positive daily affirmations that you can use to help begin your day on the right foot. The list would go on for pages just beginning to list them all. It doesnt matter, in the end. The specifics of your positive daily affirmations will be suited for your own life, but in general, you will want to include thoughts such as these in your positive daily affirmations:
I am successful
I am a worthy person
I make mistakes, but will forgive myself for them
I deserve happiness

Positive daily affirmations are what you will repeat to yourself every morning. The object of these positive thinking exercises is to ensure that you train the most powerful muscle in your body: your brain. If you want to change something physical about your body, you would exercise that part physically to make it stronger. For example, to strengthen your legs to achieve faster running speeds, you would practice running every day, as well as doing squats, lift weights, or leg thrusts. Positive daily affirmations are to the mind what running is to the legs. You are using these exercises to tone the muscle you are training into being stronger and acting the way you want it to. And much like physical exercises, the more positive thinking exercises you do, the more they will become almost automatic for you.

The power of the mind is something that is often under rated. Simply by practicing positive thinking, you will be able to change the circumstances of your life, or at the least, change the way you view your circumstances. Changing the way you view your circumstances can be just as important as what the actual circumstances are. For example, if you make a mistake during the day, instead of dwelling on that mistake, fall back on your positive daily affirmations and realize that making a mistake is OK. Not just that, but if you learn from your mistake, then you have used that mistake to better yourself in some way. Keeping points like this in mind will help you create a set of positive daily affirmations that will fit your own lifestyle, and will be a solid base for all of your positive thinking exercises.

RichardALuck.com is where Richard posts weekly (or thereabouts) thoughts, tools, wisdom and advice to help guide and move you powerfully toward your boldest dreams and goals, and to live a truly remarkable life. The aim is to show you how to rapidly close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Richard is a Master Practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Neurological Re-patterning. He has helped more than 3,749 people in the past 5 years to break free from their limiting beliefs and live the life theyve always dreamed of. Go to RichardALuck.com to get 5 Free Techniques That Will Begin To Move You Rapidly Towards Your Goals.

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