Positive Language in the Education in Nigeria

Language may refer either to the specifically human capacity and using complex systems of communication or to a specific instance of such a system of complex communication. Language is an exceedingly powerful tool. Whether you communicate orally or in written form, the way you express yourself will affect whether your message is received positively or negatively.  Managers of Restaurants in Lagosalways ensure that their staffs have a very welcoming attitude to all customers no matter the situation at hand. Even when they are conveying unpleasant news, its impact is softened by the use of positive language.

The naysayer is the person who often offers criticism of ideas or always provides reasons why something won’t work. The extreme naysayer rarely offers suggestions or alternatives, but is very good at picking holes in the ideas of others.  Working with such a person can be very fatiguing. The constant challenging of the naysayer, while it may stimulate discussion, also creates a negative environment and increase confrontation.  People who work in most of the Lagos Entertainmentcompanies always politely avoid such people especially when there are other customers around.  These naysayers don’t always have negative attitudes even though in many cases they simply use language that gives the impression of negativity. They have not learned to phrase their comments in more constructive and positive ways.

Negative phrasing and language often have the following characteristics:

Tells the recipient what cannot be done
Has a subtle tone of blame
Does not stress positive actions that would be appropriate or positive consequences


People working in Restaurants in Lagoshave the following positive phrasing and language qualities:

Tells the recipient what can be done
Suggests alternatives and choices available to the recipient
Sounds helpful and encouraging rather that bureaucratic


Positive phrasing should be emphasized more in the Education in Nigeriaso as to build a nation with future great minds since they speak positively.  Young ones are going to be taught to eliminate negative phrases and replace them with positive ones.

Examples of few positive phrases are:

1. If you can send us the documents, we can complete the process for you

2. The information we have suggests that you have different viewpoint on this issue. Let me explain our perspective.

3. One option open to you is…………

4. Might we suggest that you………..


Negative language conveys poor image to customers and those around. Sometimes it causes conflict and confrontation where none is necessary or desired. Due to this most people in the Lagos Entertainmentcompanies ensure their staff have the right attitude and speak the positive language to customers at all times.

Education in Nigeria having the all information related to Nigerian Education. Get the knowledge and you can also post your business related to Education at www.nawaooo.com.

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