Positive Relationships and Your Health

Building positive relationships with your family, friends and dating partners can give you more than just excitement and thrill. These vital relationships with other people can actually help you live a healthier life!

How do healthy relationships keep you strong and healthy? Here are some of the reasons why.

Physiological wear and tear

According to research, people’s bodies function better when they experience positive events from their relationships with other people. Meanwhile, those who experience negative relation experiences are more likely to suffer from disorders such as high blood pressure, depression and poor mental health.

Fun and laughter

Having positive relationships with other people give you days of endless fun and laughter. By enjoying plain old fun with your friends and family, you can forget all your worries from work and laugh your way out of the most stressful situations.

Laughter, which is associated with positive relationships, is a strong medicine for the body and the mind. It serves as the perfect antidote for conflict, stress and painful experiences. By laughing at your friends’ jokes and funny antics, you will find your whole body relaxing. It also increases the flow of endorphins in your body, allowing you to experience an overall sense of well-being.

Lessens the pain

Here is another good way to demonstrate how positive relationships can keep you healthy.

Try to imagine yourself lying down on a hospital bed with broken arms and legs. The pain from the accident is killing you, and the painkillers you have taken are not yet working.

All of a sudden, your friends and family arrive to cheer you up. Within a few minutes of their stay, you magically forget about your painful legs and arms. You started chatting with them as if you were perfectly normal and you were not feeling any pain at all. Is it possible for pain to suddenly disappear just like that?

Of course, the pain will come back after your friends leave your room. Nevertheless, the positive feelings you experienced from their visit are actually enough to make you forget about all the pain and to make you feel better about your situation. Sometimes, the happiness from seeing the people who are closest to your heart can work even better than painkillers do.

As you can see healthy relationships has an effect on our overall health.  Even if you do have health problems, the positive energy that comes from having close friends and family can help you deal with it better. In fact, you may find that having these positive relationship can give you something to live for and that will help you heal faster.

There is no doubt that positive relationships with others can be beneficial in so many ways. Take some time today to renew your ties with family and friends. Your life and theirs will be better because of it.

Jamie spends a lot of time with her children enjoying a nice warm fire, so a good fireplace safety gate is important to her. Jamie loves to have her home look beautiful and be functional so she really like decorative fireplace rugs to dress up her fireplace!

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