Positive thinking: why, when and how?: Fahmi Iskander at TEDxKhartoum

Fahmi Iskander Fahmi manages of one of Sudan’s oldest Bookshops and Publishing companies, Marawi Bookshop & Publishers. Shortly after completing a PhD in Psychology in the UK specialising in the Psychology of Marketing, Fahmi discovered another love – music, in addition to his enduring love of books. Fahmi then started seeing links between happiness and a positive attitude that could be achieved by combining music, the understanding of human energy fields and a sharpened sense of awareness!

Fahmi believes that success is a result of fruitful team work, so he maintains that when one says “I did this” or “I made that”, it is in fact “WE” and credits everything positive in his life to others around him, be it family, friends, students, colleagues or loved ones. He believes that by combining music with the basic human nature of giving and wanting to have fun & just let go has and will continue to be the best way to achieve happiness. Fahmi did his part in spreading happiness through his generosity and benevolence and by volunteering. In 2005, he (along with a whole team of friends) set up salsa4sudan.com in association with the British Red Cross to benefit the Darfur crisis at the time.

Since moving to Sudan, he has been an active member of the Khartoum Caledonian Society, a charity that helps handicapped and under privileged children in Sudan. Having qualified as a dance fitness instructor, he now strives to spread a few smiles, happiness, and good health sprinkled with a dash of positive mental attitude…all through MUSIC!

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7 Responses to Positive thinking: why, when and how?: Fahmi Iskander at TEDxKhartoum

  1. José Luis Pacheco Miranda says:

    I almost cry. Great presentation!!!

  2. Ahmed Kabashi says:

    كلام جميل

  3. Ahmed. A. Alamin says:

    This man is amazing.Incidentally, he throw some light on our major problem in Sudan that is,in my belief, led to  hatred and wars in different parts of Sudan,  we are one of most racist nation in the world .With no obvious reason, we don't accept different ethnic groups

  4. QuietArrow says:

    Great message. Excellent! 

  5. Zainab Ahmed says:

    i don't get you is he supposed to stand there and cry while he's giving a presentation on how to think positively?

  6. h. elf says:

    Very positive speech!! Thank you, you've really inspired me.

  7. Ihab Banayoti says:

    He mentioned nothing about religion mate, he's talking about the human emotions u get from music and dancing and how you can link them to a positive lifestyle. About the way he told his tragic story, maybe you are right, but he did it on purpose to show you that even at a time like that he was thinking positive.

    Here's my a opinion. You are a coward and a hater, and people reading your comment are not dumb. Obviously your thought process began very differently before this man spoke one word.

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