Ready For My First Positive Action

Ready For My First Positive Action

Junk food is sweet poison, but it tastes good. If Junk food came with a

warning label I still would not have resisted.

Warning: These chemically engineered, fake food products may cause……

your gut to expand, while sprinkling various sizes of lard like goo all over your thighs, butt waistline. Continual use of this product may also produce love handles of enormous proportion.


Are you kidding me? I would never have heeded such a warning. Sure I might have had a twinge of guilt, but I had my excuses.


One……………I was not going to eat that much (translated, she will not

stop until the last drop is gone)


two………..Besides I really do have a slow metabolism (translated my

I can guzzle down food ten times faster than my body’s ability to

utilize it.


three….. Is there anything wrong with enjoying the simple pleasures of life (translated, she will consume all this food, feel bad that her body is

expanding and gripe to everyone who will listen about why she can’t get her

weight under control)


Four…….I’m over forty (translated ah the old age card, this is great for getting out of everything …heck she probably only has another 40-50

years left on the planet she might as well give up on everything that

is too difficult now)


My excuses were starting to get on my own nerves. Okay already…… they weren’t excuses they were blatant lies. I was lying to myself, and I had to stop it before I slipped into a hole that was even darker than the one I was already in. I realized the action I was going to have to take, was going to be painful, very painful.

Losing unnecessary body fat is a hard job, staying in shape is even harder. You have to want to change, more than you want to remain the same. Either way it will be a fight, fight for what you really want and then safeguard your investment.  You can win the battle.

Tammie-Maria Allen ©2006-2010


Tammie-Maria Allen is a passionate artist,writer,model and musician,She is also a  multifaceted business woman and a certified personal trainer.

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