Self-Improvement Tips : How to Be Affectionate


Self-Improvement Tips : How to Be Affectionate

Display affection by touching and creating intimacy with your partner. Find out how to become affectionate with tips from a professional psychologist in this free video about self-improvement tips.

Expert: Dr. Paul Vehorn
Bio: Dr. Paul Vehorn has been a nationwide talk show host on Sun Radio Network and He is also the author of ‘Dynamic Dating’ and ‘Boomer Girls, a Women’s Guide to Men and Dating.’
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
Video Rating: / 5

To improve communication skills, focus direction of conversations around who, what, why, where, when and how. Learn to improve communication skills with tips from a professional psychologist in this free video about self-improvement tips.

Expert: Dr. Paul Vehorn
Bio: Dr. Paul Vehorn has been a nationwide talk show host on Sun Radio Network and He is also the author of ‘Dynamic Dating’ and ‘Boomer Girls, a Women’s Guide to Men and Dating.’
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz
Video Rating: / 5

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32 Responses to Self-Improvement Tips : How to Be Affectionate


    It's the most stupid thing I've heard.

  2. MegaMissfitz says:

    I want to bond with you, you little animal!!!

  3. thethirdq says:

    However you come up with these great videos keep them coming!

  4. thethirdq says:

    However you come up with these great videos keep them coming!

  5. Jess& Games says:

    this guy is amazing

  6. TadRaunch says:

    Holy cow, this guy is classy!

  7. bigheadbang says:

    LOL. I'm absolutely sure I'm not an animal! I'm human being. HAHAHAH

  8. AVIATIO says:

    I hate to admit it, but he has a point.

  9. Conroyd Jarralt says:

    Wow we must be some demented animals then.

  10. Inspector Gadget says:

    wow…he's actually dressed and has no wine…whoa…he does own clothing..

  11. Tuyen Le says:

    I love the video. Thanks Dr

  12. internetsgoldenegg says:

    Hey I really enjoyed your video. I just posted a new one you might like. I look forward to your next one

  13. Allen Sivan says:

    he says there is 6 at the end

  14. ondd1 says:

    great advise, good to keep in mind!

  15. HowToMakeFriends says:

    Haha. Just a slight mistake from the doc, man.

  16. Sharda Johnn says:

    Hahhha he totally got me at the end. Hahahah
    Great advice

  17. xlwaiyiplx says:

    a boomer guide a boomer girl boomer woman?

  18. ccciiippprrryyy says:


  19. saurabh saurabh says:

    Actually It is 7cs of Communication

  20. richieisland says:

    This Dr. Paul is pretty darn smooth isn't he..

  21. Joel Wark says:

    Whos Fn Counting?

  22. mariah128 says:

    Ironically, this guys makes me terribly uncomfortable.

  23. vcetcsic says:

    Great information and brief! WhooHoo. Can you tell me if my brief video hits all 5 [or 6]?

  24. LJ says:

    If Dr Paul kicks off a conversation with "How was the opera? Who are you with now? How do you feel about that person?" Then he deserves a schmack

  25. Petter says:

    woho i can move the subtitle

  26. Jack Riley says:

    @Kevin15480 ……………………

  27. Matt K says:

    @phillykeith Ya i bet he enters a lot of doors

  28. EarthH2oLuma says:

    @phillykeith – Good observation!….LOL!

  29. EarthH2oLuma says:

    What's with the alter in the background?

  30. jason franklin says:

    that was cool

  31. Jack Riley says:

    @stoltobot ah that explains it!

  32. stoltobot says:

    @yabitchonmydikk How was imaginary

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