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Story about the Process of Mindset Apprentice- John Assaraf, Part 2 & 3

This article tells you a story of how an ordinary, everyday voracious learner took huge inspired action to become the Apprentice of one of the teachers from the hit movie: “The Secret”. It will inspire you about risk & faith.



When I joined the Having it All Challenge at the end of August 2007, I was temporarily living with my parents before heading back for my final year of college education in Washington. In their minds I would be leaving around the middle of September (I hadn’t told them about the Challenge or that my intention was to not go back to school!)


Even after joining the challenge, I didn’t tell them for another two weeks about my decision because I feared their reaction. Once I did tell them, my unease proved to be right: I was invited to leave home and given one week to find a new place to live.


It was an extremely difficult time for me to be so passionate about this journey I had chosen to take, but to find my parents so unsupportive. At the time I felt angry, hurt, and sad. I reminded myself of times when I had heard my parents say how sad it is when a child chooses a specific route in life, and the parents don’t support the decision…Or a child converts to a different religion than their family, and the parents excommunicate the child.


‘Well, dang…that’s pretty much what they just did to me,’ I felt.

“You’re not going back to school? You’ve got one week to leave.”


While it hurt, my commitment to my new journey was unwavering. Nothing would stop me from moving forward in the direction of my dreams.


I learned later from John that…


‘There are those who are interested, and those who are committed. Those who are interested in something will do what’s convenient, while those who are committed will do whatever it takes!’


Apparently I was applying this principle before I even knew it consciously.


So what was my goal and outcome in joining the Having it All Challenge?


As I mentioned in Part 1, I had the intention of being mentored by one of the great personal growth teachers.


In the personal profile questions for the Having it All Challenge I was asked, “Where do you see yourself 6-12 months from now?” Still not knowing how in the world I would achieve it, I reaffirmed what I put on my vision board, and wrote, “The Apprentice of John Assaraf…”


Little did I know that my goal would not take 6-12 months, but merely 1 1/2…


P.S. As a side note about my parents: We now have an incredible relationship. The feelings I expressed were how I felt in 2007. Now I fully understand they were only doing what they felt was the right thing to do. I absolutely love my parents, and so should you!


For more mindset transforming tips and ideas for creating an extraordinary life, I’m inviting you to visit http://www.TheMindsetApprenticeNow.com

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What Everybody Should Know About the Power of Positive Thinking

Does it sound simple? The power of positive thinking?

Is it something you wish just came naturally? Having positive thoughts?

It’s important to let the Universe know what you want. Not everything in life that is good just happens.

Sometimes we need a little push. Sometimes we need a little help to get going again and to get into a positive attitude.

During a time when the world seems a bit uncertain the power of positive thinking is more important than ever. One reason is when one person puts out a vibe or certain type of energy it can and will be picked up by everyone! Your positive thoughts are being felt by others all the time, whether you realize it or not.

It’s important that we all send positive love and energy to each other every day.

I am putting out into the universe that everyone who wants to feel great can. That everyone who wants to fulfill their dreams should.

Don’t worry if you’re struggling that is all a part of life. The struggle can and will turn into gold if you allow it! The greatest gift we have is the ability to change the way we see things. If you feel stuck in your life and need a place to start here are ten guidelines that I use.

Take one of these principles everyday and put it into practice. Spend an entire day on only one principle. When you let the experience of each guideline become a part of your day the power of positive thinking starts to work its magic!

My Ten Power of Positive Thinking Guidelines:

1. Reserve Judgment. Spend a whole day not judging anyone or anything.

2. Create a happy zone in your mind. There are many ways to do this. Visualization is a great way to start.

3. Believe in yourself as someone without limits. Spend the day doing things you felt you were to afraid to try.

4. Use positive words. Watch and listen to what you say to yourself all day long. Make sure you are using positive words to speak to yourself.

Example of positive words would be taking to yourself as kindly as you would to your best friend. Use positive words like honey and sweetie in referring to yourself.

5. Smile today every fifteen minutes. Smiling changes your perception about life. Know that what you think about all day is your reality.

6. Practice acceptance of knowing there is a purpose for everything that happens in life. Find the lesson in each situation and know it is meant to be.

7. Take time to get in touch with your spiritual self, start meditating every day. Spend some time in silence. You can use guided meditations as well. I offer free mp3 downloads that are very popular.

8. Be of service to everyone you come in contact with. Start out your day asking how can help?

9. Tune in to your intuition on daily basis and ask what you should be doing today? Be on purpose when you plan your day then listen.

10. Count your blessings everyday then thank the Universe for them. Gratitude is huge in maintaining positive thoughts.

My journey in this life has not always been fun but I have always had control over it. The problem was I didn’t know that. I found the most effective way to change my reality is by getting into action.

Each one of these guide lines gets you into action. Take the challenge and don’t just read this page take the action and watch how your life gets soooo much better.

Let everyone know how the power of positive thinking works for you. If you have any of your own ideas share them on my webs site qualified life-coach.com I would love to hear them.

Dawn Abraham /CTACC
Qualified Life Coach
As a Life Coach / Business Coach, I specialize in working with professionals and entrepreneurs to create balanced lives while earning more money.
Law of Attraction, Motivation, Inspiration, Marketing on a budget. Individual Coaching, Group Coaching and tele-classes are offered. Go to my web site to get your free mediation Mp3’s and Free “Shoot for the Stars tele-class. http://www.qualified-lifecoach.com

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A Few Words About Self Improvement

Every individual born in this world has been gifted with inherent capabilities and inborn strengths. It is these strengths that help a man become a strong individual. But at times, there are certain geographical or genetic factors, which curtail the development of certain traits which attribute to a normal and a successful person. These traits which result in shortfalls in the personality of a man should be developed and honed, so that a strong personality emerges out of these. There is a need for self improvement and polishing of the life skills, which already exist in a man.

The parameters on which self improvement takes place include economic development, intellectual development and emotional development. Intellectual development happens out of education and gaining knowledge. We should possess the will to gain knowledge and make attempts for the same. Education leads to the broadening of horizons and thereby refines ones thought processes. The final outcome of these is a self actualization within a person.

Intellectual development leads to the economic growth of a person. Therefore these self improvement factors are correlated and should be achieved in totality for a balanced personality. Other traits which require self improvement include confidence level, which are also correlated to intellectual as well as economic development.

Any person who is educated and is economically independent and self sustaining, then his confidence is bound to be par excellence and amount to high self esteem. Low education results into lower confidence levels and thereby leading to low self esteem.

Another key to self improvement is reading lot of books, which help you imbibe positivity and therefore a happy and contented life. You should also mingle with people emanating positive vibes and who are successful in life. Such people will generate positivity around themselves and eventually help you derive some positivity and secrets to their successful life from them. Your conversations should revolve around positive aspects of life and not discuss the failures.

Self improvement will happen only if you learn to focus on your goals and not look at life with a blank look. Search for an opportunity in every task that you get and make the best of the opportunities. Learn to prioritize in life, because there would be ample choices before you, but it is you who know, what is the best for you at a particular point of time. Leave out the meaningless elements of your life and spend a maximum of your time to accomplish the important priorities.

One major feature of a successful individual is that he has achieved success through his hard work and education. But he still is aware of his roots and is grounded. Down to earth nature of an individual is the mark of a man of mettle. He, who has not seen hardships or fails to recognize them will never reach the threshold of success.

Often they have used coaches, tutors, mentors to reach success. These professionals will have many techniques and exercises to help with your brain fitness. Finding ways to use successful strategies and be accountable to perform them are one way that mentors can assist in self improvement. Yes, sometimes self improvement takes a little help from others.

Identify the people who are your well wishers and those who emanate positive energies. People with negative energies will spell doom for you, therefore as one of the major secrets to self improvement remain away from such people. Have a long vision in life and remain away from short sighted people.

Dr. Jane Stewart is an expert in Brain Fitness. Her company http://www.optimindsct.com. is comprised of customized, individualized, exercises designed to stimulate targeted areas of the brain that can be utilized online or in person.

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“It is All About Attitude,” She Said – Positive Attitude That Is

Have you checked your attitude lately? If attitude is everything, then our attitudes will make or break our success in life. So, it makes sense to have a positive attitude as much as possible. Of course, with all the negative news on TV, the local economy, the political sound and fury, and all the traffic it is no wonder that so many people have a negative attitude so much of the time. Just don’t let it affect you.

For those that play sports at the championship level they know that an attitude will make or break the athlete and their team. If you are on any type of team regardless of your area of human endeavor, your attitude will affect others, and the team’s attitude will affect their ultimate achievement. If everyone has a positive attitude, and they are committed to going the distance, the achievement of victory is almost foretold.

It takes a lot of strength of character to allow all the negativity in the world to bounce off of your superman cape, and you don’t dare let your guard down for one minute or some manic-depressive will tell you something, and you’ll fall into their trap. You can’t let that happen, so you must maintain a positive attitude that is stronger than anything else out there.

If you will encapsulate yourself in that sort of mindset there is nothing you can’t do and there is no one that can prevent you from doing it. Please consider all this because it took me a long time to learn these truths about success in life. And I’d like to see you get there quicker without having to go through all the adversity that I, and others have had along the way. Once you learn to maintain your positive attitude you will be amazed at how hyper successful you can become.

Lance Winslow – Lance Winslow’s Bio. Lance Winslow is also Founder of the Car Wash Guys, a cool little Franchise Company; http://www.carwashguys.com/history/founder.html/.

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A Positive Story About Reconstructive Surgery

If you’re not familiar with the story, in 2004, Ms. Culp’s husband, Thomas G. Culp, tried to kill his wife by shooting her in the face with a shotgun. She survived (as did he, unfortunately, and is now serving a seven-year prison sentence for aggravated attempted murder).

But while Ms. Culp survived, her face was horribly disfigured. Do a search online for Connie Culp and you can get photos of her before the shooting and after. The shotgun shattered her cheeks, nose, one eye and the roof of her mouth. Ms. Culp has reported that it was terribly uncomfortable for her to go out in public because of the stares she would get.

Enter Dr. Risal Djohan. While not a plastic surgeon by normal practice, Dr. Djohan combined plastic surgery methods with transplant procedures to perform what is being hailed as the first human face transplant. A donor had left permission to use the biggest portion of the organs and constructions that comprised her face to be used later for this procedure.

Dr. Djohan and associates have performed six major reconstructions and 30 total operations before the face transplant itself,and then the actual transplant. He says the patient can expect two or three more operations to improve the look of the face, including removing excess skin tissue. Most of these two or three procedures will be almost entirely plastic-surgery-related.

According to what I read in The Associated Press, Ms. Culp can now smile and eat and drink. Her face remains a bit bloated and squarish, and there are skin droops. However, this bloatedness and these folds should be improved with the operations yet to come, as the doctors pare away some of the excess skin. Eventually, they say, her face will begin to look like something of a combination of Ms. Culp’s own face and the donor’s.

This, I believe, is a tribute to what modern medicine can be and should be. Remember every time you read about the quacks and the whackos in the plastic surgery field and the tragedies that taken place, there are ten more stories of instances in which plastic surgery has genuinely saved a person’s way of life and way of looking at themselves. This story of Ms. Culp and Dr. Djohan is a story of heroes. But there are lots of other unsung heroes in the world of plastic surgery.

Dr. Helen Colen is a board certified plastic surgeon in Manhattan. Visit her blog for more information about vaginoplasty and labiaplasty

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Staying Positive About a Church Fundraising Effort

Back in the good old days, a church fundraising effort was something that was done as an extra activity, since fundraisers were just there to give the church some extra help with income. But these days, with things being the way they are with the economy, many churches are relying more heavily on a church fundraising effort to help build new facilities, refurbish existing facilities, or support the youth group or choir. Fundraisers can be beneficial no matter how much money your church needs or what it is needed for.

If you are organizing your fundraiser this time around, it may seem like a lot of responsibility and pressure. If you feel like you are expected to get everything right, you may find it difficult to face this challenge in a positive way. After all, the bottom line is that a church fundraising campaign is there to bring in the cash, and that has to be the number one priority, to get the money rolling in. It’s enough to leave you feeling stressed, and maybe even having a negative outlook about just how much impact you can possibly make.

However, church fundraising can actually make a huge difference in the future of the church, and it’s time to start thinking about it in more positive ways, because with your effort, everyone’s load will be lightened and you will have affected your church and your community in a very beneficial way.

Remember, from the very moment that you take on the responsibility for this job, you are moving in a positive direction toward helping the church reach its monetary goals. That’s something to feel good about, and with a good church fundraising idea on your side and a team of enthusiastic people, you can turn this situation into a success the church will remember for many years.

Howard Gottlieb

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Positive Things About Rocket French

Different folks have different reasons why they study languages other than their native tongue. If they are tasked to travel and work for a branch of their company located, say, in India for half a year, some people tend to consider learning the Indian language so that it won’t be that hard for them to socialize and live by. Even those who are only traveling to a certain country and would be staying there for just a short time manage to get themselves familiar with whatever the language that country has.

You can study how to speak and understand a particular dialect with no reason at all. It’s your choice and it’s your life. Let’s say you need to find out the best way to learn French. There are three known methods that you can try. One is through hiring a private tutor. Another is by enrolling in a French class. The third way is a by-product of the digital age wherein you can already download language tutorials off the Internet. One good example for that is the  Rocket French product that’s being recommended by many users.

Many people consider downloading language tools off the Internet as the best way to learn French, Spanish, English and other available languages. Let’s say you’ll be learning French for a couple months or more since you are going to visit your relatives who are now living in France next year and may be staying there for a while. How about you try using the Rocket French product? If you are looking for reasons why that should be your choice, here are the known benefits of using that tool:

It’s financially beneficial. In these tough economic times, what you need is something that’s effective enough but doesn’t require you to empty your pockets all the time. If you can’t afford to pay someone to privately teach you how to speak and understand French, that language tool mentioned earlier is what you need. This is also true if enrolling in a class is too much for you. Why spend a lot when you can have an effective learning through Rocket French which only costs an affordable one-time fee?

-Financially beneficial What’s more practical to do? Is it spending a lot on tuition fees and other expenses when you enroll yourself in a class or buying and downloading a language tutorial online? What can help you save more? Is it paying your private tutor every session or paying a one-time fee for the  Rocket French product? In these tough economic times, you should be very careful how you spend your money.

-Convenient learning Would you rather learn French or any language for that matter in the comforts of your home without pressure from a tutor or distractions in a class? Perhaps you need to get familiar with online language tools. Learning how to speak and understand French has never been this convenient.

You should give Rocket French a try. After all, it’s more practical than hiring a private tutor whose services may empty your pockets in no time.

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