Tag Archives: Affirmations

Top 10 Positive Affirmations to Success in Life

Mind Over Matter. I am sure many of you have heard of this statement before, it is a very powerful statement. In fact, the mind is a very powerful thing, everything happens first on our mind. What the mind can conceive, it can achieve. Perhaps you have often heard of this statement as well.

But, WHY most people tend to think negative instead? Even though we know that positive thinking is a very powerful thing. The reason is because we listen to others. When other people complain, we pay attention. In fact, most people like to hear negative news. Just take a look at the television news these days, bad news spread very fast.

That is why we tend to have negative internal dialogues in our mind. This is bad because negative thinking will keep you from doing the right things or things that will lead you to success.

Negative self-talk can be a roadblock to doing your best, pursuing your dreams, and enjoying life. On the other hand, positive self-talk can spur you on to do great things and live an exciting life full of passion!

A great way to get motivated is to use motivational affirmations. Using affirmations can change how you think about yourself and how you view the world around you. These positive statements can bring you the motivation you seek, as well as happiness, joy, and passion.

The motivational affirmations work because they push away the negative thoughts that are limiting you day in and day out. You can leave your negative thinking in the past if you fill your current thoughts with positive, motivational affirmations.

Here are some of the top motivational affirmations you should develop in your mind and make them become second nature to you:

1. I am a positive thinker and I will always think positive even when I face difficult challenges in my life!

2. I will use positive thinking and positive attitude to carry out my duty in life!

3. No matter what I’m working on right now, I will strive to do my best and achieve the best results!

4. I am confident and I trust my own ability. I can achieve what I want!

5. I am highly motivated to do the best in both my career and personal life!

6. I will never give up! If I fail, I will treat it as a lesson learned. I will learn from my failure and do a better job next time!

7. I am not fearful of problem in life. I will face it and go through it courageously!

8. I am a responsible person. I am responsible for my own actions!

9. I have a purpose in life and I intend to live a purposeful life!

10. I will always look at the bright side of life!

Please note that different people may have different motivational affirmations. You should write your own affirmation statements that are related to your own life experiences. Make sure you write them down and read them out everyday. Before you know it, these motivational and positive affirmations will become your second nature. When this become your second nature, you will feel more confident and positive in whatever you do. Trust me, it works!

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EMPOWER Law of Attraction Subliminal Affirmations for a Positive Mindset with Delta Waves hypnosis


EMPOWER Law of Attraction Subliminal Affirmations for a Positive Mindset  with Delta Waves hypnosis

Get My FREE Meditation MP3 Here ► http://www.relaxmeonline.com/free

Law of attraction subliminal affirmations to help create a positive mindset. Can be listened to with headphone or speakers. Gentle music that you can listen to anytime, anywhere (best not listened to whilst driving due to the delta waves) MP3 now available here: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/jasonstephenson46 See below for affirmations used:
Affirmations used:

My subconscious receives positive affirmations with ease
I am open to new ideas
I am open to ideas that are good for me
I empower my mind to act on positive messages
I empower my mind to act on healthy messages
I empower my mind to act on commands that are good for me
My mind and body bond together and help each other
My mind can do anything I want it to do
My mind is healthy
My body is healthy
I reach all my goals
I am always improving
Every day I get better at what I do
I am positive
I am succeeding
I am happy
I am always successful

~ Jason Stephenson’s positive affirmations is ideal relaxing, and positiviely charged music to help you rest whilst at the same time reprogram your negative thought patterns. Our music for sleeping is great music to help with insomnia, relieve aches and pains and any stress or tension. Most of our sleep music has added delta waves in which to help you reach a deeper and more peaceful state of mind within minutes. Our peaceful sleeping music can be used as music to go to sleep to, study music, background music and music for meditation. Allow the deep and soothing calming music to help you get some deep sound sleep.

~ I create positive affirmations, sleep and meditation music and guided meditations to help you live in the present moment and become mindful. Using my relaxing music on my channel, (which has been selected from various new age artists world-wide) will help you to relax deeply, sleep, or reach tranquil states in your meditation practice. Take time each day to listen to a guided visualization, meditation music with which you can reflect and meditate. Even if only for five minutes each day. Meditation, like anything, takes time.

~ The music I select is music from various ambient and new age artists across the world that have inspired me, relaxed me and that I have personally used for reflection or meditation. You can expect to hear gentle sounds of the piano, peaceful guitar, binaural beats, isochronic tones, yoga music, music to meditate to, study or concentration music, music with positive affirmations, reflective music, healing music, Buddhist and Tibetan tones, singing bowls, and more.

~ Please reach out and connect to me and say hello!

~ MEDITATION MASTERS COURSE: http://www.meditationmasters.tv/
~ FACEBOOK: https://goo.gl/Xk6mgy
~ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/askjasonnow
~ GOOGLE: https://goo.gl/F2Jpgx
~ YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/w4J47K

~ Production of isochronic tones by Transparent NP3. More about that software here: http://goo.gl/c053I5

~ Production of Subliminals by Mindzoom. More about that here: http://goo.gl/pJlL3c

For a FREE Yoga video by a little “guru” named Garrett (who is only 14 years old!), please visit his site! http://garretttiebens.com/





Thank you for taking the time out to relax, rejuvenate and cherish your mind, body and spirit. You deserve this!

training the secret hypnosis

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Affirmations and the Power of Positive Thinking

To think positively, one has to change their mental and emotional thinking about every aspect of themselves. There are steps that you can take to create positive attitudes toward other people and different situations.

You have to learn what the most important factors are that affect your attitudes. In this way, you learn to eliminate all negative things that can affect the way you make decisions.

You have to take charge of things that affect your life, instead of allowing other people and circumstances to decide how your life will play out. You must also associate with others preferably with greater skills and knowledge that will help you develop in a positive direction and pull you up to their level. It is said that if a positive and a negative person are around each other for any length of time that the negative person will almost always bring the positive one down instead of visa Versa. Avoid negative people like the plague and take small steps each day to achieve your goals. Remember, ” How do you eat an elephant ?” Answer, “One bite at a time”. You should always associate yourself with like minded people who can motivate to achieve your goals.

Look in the mirror and say positive things about yourself to yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself how do you expect anyone else to believe you are successful. This is called positive affirmations. The way you communicate to yourself influences the way you think and the way you approach other people and situations.  Read about those who have overcome great difficulties, fought their fears, overcome obstacles to succeed in life. You will then be able to learn understand new ideas. You will also begin have a positive outlook on life in general. Your mind cant hold a positive and a negative thought at the same time. So anytime you catch yourself thinking a negative thought, change it immediately to a positive one. Remember, you have control over your mind and what you think!

Always make lists to stay motivated in achieving your goals no matter how hard they may seem. Always take time to work on your goals. Accomplishing one task will motivate you to conquer another, and another and another, ect. This momentum snowballs and makes you more self-confident and when you are more self confident it is much easier to achieve more goals.

Replace your old sad depressing mental images with happy positive images that you want to experience. Become aware of your attitudes and behavior. You can then make an action plan to create those attitudes you like and and discard the ones you dislike.

Always think about, “what you want, not what you don’t want”, if you believe in the,”Law of Attraction”, you will bring into your life, what you think about. So only think about what you want!

You cannot control all things all of the time in your live, but you can change the things that you think about in a positive way. You have the option to choose what you think about to increase your self-esteem.

Positive affirmations are a powerful tool that can influence your attitude and behavior. When you say positive things about yourself, you will be able to respond and react internally on what you would like to happen in your life. Your thoughts determine your personal feelings and your reactions to certain situations. When you practice positive affirmations, you start taking control of things that can affect or change the way you see the world and your life.

The way you speak to yourself allows you to see your emotional side. What you say to yourself should relate to things that are currently happening in your life. Remember, you are in control of what you think and what you think determines how you feel and therefore your actions.

Get a Mentor! A Mentor is someone who has achieved the results you desire in life that agrees to take you under their wing and teach you how to do it. Your gains under the direction and guidance of a mentor will supercharge your progress many times faster. Example, The U.S. Small Business Administration offers a program of retired business executives that act as mentors to those wanting to start their own businesses using their experience to help people avoid many of the pit falls they have already experienced.

READ, READ, READ. Your mind is like a sponge. Let it soak up all of the knowledge possible. Never stop learning. This is one of the main reasons people shortly after retiring. They quit life and learning ! Never retire from learning and doing new things.

Help someone else, it’ll make you feel great!
“Now go out and make someones day”

Corky Carsons”

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Believe and Receive – Positive Affirmations

Today is great! I believe today is going to be the greatest day of my little ole life. I will succeed, achieve, and accomplish goals today. I will be happy, healthy, and wealthy today. I have a smile on my face right now and I will smile the entire day.

Without believing you can never receive the blessing God has for you in this day so believe, believe and believe again and again and then one more time determine to place your faith in God. God is God, you are His kid, and He is blessing you right now in this day.

Name ten things you believe God does for you that you can’t do for yourself. Well, stop scratching your head and just start shouting them out. Ok, God hangs out the sun, yep. He keeps me safe on the freeway. He keeps my kids safe and on and on and on. Now, He also provides for me. Things like toothpaste and cool water and toilet paper. Wow, God provides toilet paper. Yes, he provides you with the power to work which brings money, which pays for the toilet paper.

Believe and receive. I tell you what, quickly without too much thought write out or shout out ten positive affirmations about this day. Base these affirmations on the word of God. Go, I am happy. I am going to succeed today. I am ……… fill in the blank. Do you believe these affirmations? Ok, believe and receive. Your day is going to be the greatest day in your life.

One more thing, positive affirmations are beliefs and beliefs results in actions. Now start acting like you have received these affirmation. The affirmations are coming true right now, so act as if they are true and alive in your life. Actually, affirmations can be prayers. Prayers God wants to answers in your behalf because He loves you and He loved you enough to provide Christ Jesus just for you.

Dr Bob Wilkerson is author of the book, “I Will Not Be Defeated Anymore”. He is dedicated to helping others recover from life altering circumstances. Dr. Bob is a motivational speaker/singer with a true life story of God’s power to change any individuals life. If you would like more information go to http://www.freewebs.com/bobwilkerson

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The Philosophy Behind Positive Affirmations

When the philosophy behind positive affirmations is explained, it is really easy to see why so many people practice this method every day of their lives. It becomes habit forming, and when one goal is achieved, you find yourself moving onto another goal.

The philosophy is really simple. You have two levels of absorbing, retaining and reacting to information. The first level is called the ‘ conscious mind’ and the second is called the ‘subconscious mind’.

I like to think of the ‘conscious’ mind as the ‘surface’. It takes things at face value and issues an answer based on that instant information.

The ‘subconscious’ mind however, is the ‘deeper’ part of the mind that we unconsciously tell things to and it reacts emotionally by the information we are constantly feeding it.

For instance, if we tell ourselves often enough that we are gross and ugly, that is what our subconscious would absorb and we would see ourselves in this vein. However, if we tell ourselves that we are fit, healthy and glowing, our subconscious leads us to believe that this is true and we naturally feel this way whether we are or not.

By constantly repeating positive affirmations about something we desire, we can in effect ‘re-program’ how we think about ourselves. This positive attitude will then attract positive things back to you (you may have heard of ‘The law of attraction’).

There are a couple of rules of thumb that you will need to follow. First be absolutely definite about what it is you want. Talk about the desire as if you are already in possession of it. For example, instead of ‘I want to be a millionaire’  you might want to say ‘I own a million dollar house with a swimming pool etc and a red Porche 911with…….

Be sure to be specific. Describe the details of the house, the spec of the car and the amount of money you have. The more precise you are, the more real it will seem and the quicker things will come to you.

You need to be disciplined and practice your positive affirmations every day. Feel and believe what you are saying or thinking and you will soon see major changes to yourself and your life.

Find ideas and inspiration when composing Positive Affirmations. Learn techniques that can catapult your life forward and obtain all your desires. Visit http://www.positiveaffirmations1.com/

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Be Positive Every Day With Subliminal Positive Affirmations

Good personalities attract better results. That is true whether you are at home, at the office, in a party, or anywhere else. So if you want to achieve the best results in everything you do every single day, you need a daily dose of positive thinking and subliminal mag cd that can maintain it.

Here are some tips on how to start thinking positively:

1. Identify the negatives in your mind. You may be unaware of it, but the way you think eventually and very easily becomes a habit. Everything you see, hear, and absorb from since you were a child contributes to these thoughts and turn into habits.

So if you have accumulated a lot of negative thoughts, like how your grades have always been average or how your parents have always favored your other siblings, these make it hard for you to believe in positive ideas, such as you are capable or you are admirable. Eventually, this becomes a habit, that when someone asks you to do something or assigns a task to you, you automatically think that you cant do it.

So before positive thinking can take over, you need to be aware of these negative thoughts and guard your mind against them.

2. Take control of your subconscious mind with self help subliminal messages. Once negative thoughts become habits, however, weeding them out can be harder than you think. Usually these negative thoughts set up shop deep in your mind that they are bound to come up every now and then. If you want to be positive every single day, you cant let them survive, not in your conscious mind and not in your subconscious.

Its easy to control your conscious mind. But if the negatives are in your subconscious, the only way to attack them is with affirmations like these:

I enjoy life.
I am enthusiastic.
I am content and satisfied.
I am energetic.
I am passionate.
I appreciate everything I have.

DIY subliminal messaging can help you customize these affirmations to help with your worst negativity issues. Subliminal programming is a way of communicating with your subconscious mind. These can involve customized affirmations in various forms like subliminal text, images, audio/music, and film/videos. Whats special about them is that they go straight to the subsconscious, ignoring the filtering and analysis of the conscious mind. Ultimately, they are more effective since it is easier for thoughts that rule the subconscious to turn into habits.

3. Live it. The joint effort of your subconscious mind and your conscious decisions to choose positive activities and decisions is the key to being positive every day. With negative habits at bay, you can make conscious decisions and actions; you can simply choose to live positively. Nothing is hindering you anymore; no negative thoughts are holding you back.

So every day, you can be proactive and actually make something good happen to your life. If an old friend from the past invites you for coffee, take the opportunity. When you see an ad to help plant trees, joint the cause. Do not just let life go by; you have to actually live it.

Positive subliminal suggestions will tell you that you are fully capable of enjoying life to the full. You can invite positive results and circumstances to your life with that shining positive attitude.

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at 0, click for 4 Free Subliminal messages!

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Positive Daily Affirmations

Positive Daily Affirmations

Everyone has things in their life that they wish they could change to make life easier. Whether you want to make more money at work or you just want to ease the stress in your home life, you will find obstacles in your way. These obstacles may be large or small, it doesnt matter. What matters is that you can actually overcome any obstacle placed in your way with the proper way of thinking. Waking up every morning going through a list of positive daily affirmations is a great way to start training your mind toward a positive way of thinking. Coupled with other positive thinking exercises, these positive daily affirmations will help you overcome any obstacle that is put in front of you.

There are literally hundreds of positive daily affirmations that you can use to help begin your day on the right foot. The list would go on for pages just beginning to list them all. It doesnt matter, in the end. The specifics of your positive daily affirmations will be suited for your own life, but in general, you will want to include thoughts such as these in your positive daily affirmations:
I am successful
I am a worthy person
I make mistakes, but will forgive myself for them
I deserve happiness

Positive daily affirmations are what you will repeat to yourself every morning. The object of these positive thinking exercises is to ensure that you train the most powerful muscle in your body: your brain. If you want to change something physical about your body, you would exercise that part physically to make it stronger. For example, to strengthen your legs to achieve faster running speeds, you would practice running every day, as well as doing squats, lift weights, or leg thrusts. Positive daily affirmations are to the mind what running is to the legs. You are using these exercises to tone the muscle you are training into being stronger and acting the way you want it to. And much like physical exercises, the more positive thinking exercises you do, the more they will become almost automatic for you.

The power of the mind is something that is often under rated. Simply by practicing positive thinking, you will be able to change the circumstances of your life, or at the least, change the way you view your circumstances. Changing the way you view your circumstances can be just as important as what the actual circumstances are. For example, if you make a mistake during the day, instead of dwelling on that mistake, fall back on your positive daily affirmations and realize that making a mistake is OK. Not just that, but if you learn from your mistake, then you have used that mistake to better yourself in some way. Keeping points like this in mind will help you create a set of positive daily affirmations that will fit your own lifestyle, and will be a solid base for all of your positive thinking exercises.

RichardALuck.com is where Richard posts weekly (or thereabouts) thoughts, tools, wisdom and advice to help guide and move you powerfully toward your boldest dreams and goals, and to live a truly remarkable life. The aim is to show you how to rapidly close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. Richard is a Master Practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Neurological Re-patterning. He has helped more than 3,749 people in the past 5 years to break free from their limiting beliefs and live the life theyve always dreamed of. Go to RichardALuck.com to get 5 Free Techniques That Will Begin To Move You Rapidly Towards Your Goals.

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Attitude Change: Positive Affirmations Can Help

Are you the type of person that has that view on life that nothing ever works out for you? Keeping this type of mindset can actually keep you into a non-ending cycle where things actually work against you. Positive thinking can be beneficial to actually turning your life into how you want it to be. You have probably heard this before, and it is true, attitude really is everything. And until you have an attitude change your life, and how you see things, will remain as they are now.

Our very being is affected by our attitude. The majority of people fail to realize this. Underestimating how your attitude affects every aspect can create problems in your life, and in the lives of people you love. 
If someone constantly believes that nothing will work out is caught in a cycle of negative thinking. What you think on the most, and what you speak out loud, will usually come to pass. That is why positive affirmations can work wonders for someone wanting an attitude change. Speaking positive sayings out loud, every day, can bring positive results in your life. 
There are many people that will tell you these affirmations do not work. They will as long as you do them correctly. One reason why positive affirmations do not work for some people is many people tend to cancel them out by negative thoughts or words. If you say a positive affirmation such as that all famous one, “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better”, yet constantly walk around saying negative things that counteract that saying, “I can’t do anything right”, well you cancel the positive one out.
The trick to changing your attitude through positive affirmations is to put them out there and constantly believe that it is true and then they will finally come to pass. Many people want that miracle overnight, it doesn’t happen this way. It takes a constant perseverance of belief that whatever you claim to happen, will. In time, it will finally come to pass.
An attitude change can make a difference regarding everything about your life. Keep believing good things will happen and they finally will. If you have a negative attitude about things, that’s how they will be. Many times when things are going wrong in our life a little attitude adjustment might be just all we need to turn things around. 

If you are looking for information on attitude change, click on the link. Or you can visit http://www.parisalaw.com/

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Top 20 Affirmations For Weight Loss, Positive Thinking: Weight Management

Check out the best of the best GUIDED MEDITATIONS download MP3 pack here. Top Value! http://vid.io/xqRg
Click here for more information on subliminal affirmations for weight loss: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/2014/06/15/subliminal-weight-loss-affirmations-positive-thinking-help-weight-loss/ CD

Click below to learn more about the Top 20 affirmations for weight loss: http://www.theweightlossforlife.com/top-20-positive-affirmations-for-weight-loss/

For this exercise, read these positive affirmations aloud each day (twice per day if you can) and once you read them, repeat them out loud, with passion.

The more passion you have speaking affirmations, the closer you will get to achieving your goals.

20 affirmations are mentioned here in this video blog and then they are repeated once more. Keep saying them over and over until you truly believe them!

Please note that you will hear a pulsing sound in the background and this is due to the Alpha isochronic tones. These are used to relax you and to put you into a deeper , more relaxed stated of mind to allow the affirmations to sink in.

If you want to experience subliminal affirmations on YouTube , please visit:

And again, if you would like to create your own subliminal affirmations with this awesome software called MindZoom, pleas read more about it here:


My best wishes to you with your weight loss journey and please remember that no matter how bad it may seem, things can only get better – always!

Create your own personal goal plans here: http://www.relaxmeonline.com/2014/01/07/how-to-create-personal-development-plan-improving-self-esteem/

Namaste and with love and light, Jason
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1000 Wealth Affirmations. Attract Money. Rapid Mind Patterning to Be a Millionaire-1 hour


1000 Wealth Affirmations. Attract Money. Rapid Mind Patterning to Be a Millionaire-1 hour

Get the mp3 here: http://gumroad.com/trigramhealing
Ultra-rapid blueprinting method for prosperity mindset. Manifest money.
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