Tag Archives: Always

4 Nasty Mind Tricks on How to Get Your Ex Back – Tricks That Always Work

I know that you are probably hurting right now… everybody that goes trough a breakup feels like you do, but instead of just sitting there and doing nothing you need to take action. If you still love this person then you must get up and do something about it. This article shows 4 nasty mind tricks on how to get your ex back, these tricks always work and you will be shocked at just how basic but yet effective these are.

Trick No. 1 Let them miss you.

This may seem hard but you need to leave them alone for a while. Don’t call them, don’t text them, don’t email them, don’t ask his friends about them. DO NOTHING. This will let them miss you, and it will confuse them about what you are doing why aren’t you taking the first step and so on.

Trick No. 2 Have fun.

It’s important that during these hard times you don’t sit in your house and get depressed. You need to get out and live your life. (or at least let you ex think this) It doesn’t matter if you can have fun at this point (if you can, that’s great, because it will get your mind off the breakup), it’s important that you make it seem as you are having fun. Go out where your ex or his/hers friends go out, if you get seen as having fun then you are most surely over the situation and not desperate. This will get your ex thinking what? so fast? etc and it will make them either jealous or make them realize just how much they missed you.

Trick No. 3 Let them make the first step.

Now that you have been seen. Now that you have stirred emotions into your exes hard you are one step away from getting your ex back. Sit back, relax and wait for them to call you. They will… Don’t feel tempted to call them yourself, let them make the first step. Once they do, you’ll be on the right track to getting back together.

Trick No. 4 Stay in contact.

Now that first contact has been made you need to keep it up. Don’t call them every 2 hrs, not even every day, call them once in a while and let them make more calls. This will show that you are not desperate but interested. Great isn’t it?

There you have it 4 nasty mind tricks on how to get your ex back, they always work, just put them to the test. What are you waiting for? Now pay close attention to this.

If you apply these techniques with no underlying strategy you can do more damage than good. What I mean is if you do manage to get them back, can you keep hold of them? The main idea is to get your ex back and keep them there and for this you need a well organized PLAN! See Plan Here!

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