Tag Archives: Attitude

Attitude is Everything

On the last page of the book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Prisig, we find the following quote, “Is it hard?” “Not if you have the right attitudes. It’s having the right attitudes that’s hard.”

That sums it all up. Attitude is everything. We see it in every sphere of life. We see it in sports, we see it in business, we see it in relationships, we see it in the classrooms. The attitude determines most of the outcome in whatever field of endeavor that we are in.

Attitude might be the most important factor to success but it might also be the one that we pay the least attention to.

When things are not going as well as they should, how many times do we look toward our attitude to find the solution to the roadblock?

Almost never. Most of us will spend more time on hand wringing or worrying than we spend of trying to regain the winner’s edge, the right attitude.

Robert Pirsig said it very well, “It’s having the right attitudes that’s hard.” Especially when we are on the scary slope of impending disaster.

So, what’s the best way of gaining the “right attitude?”

First, we need a pattern interrupt. A word of explanation is needed here for the neophytes. Moods are created in the brain through small electrical circuits between the neurons. And, the longer or the more intense that the debilitating mood has occupied our conscious, the harder it is to break it in order to replace that circuit with a more empowering one.

So, what we need is a pattern interrupt that will break the circuit. And, the best pattern interrupt is affected by doing something outrageous.

Tony Robbins tells us that one of his favorite and most effective pattern interrupt used to be to standup on a chair yelling, “I’m an idiot.” You can’t remain in the same mood for a long time while going through that process.

Now, that may be a little drastic for most of us. but, with a little imagination, we can think of other ways of breaking the pattern of an undesirable mood so that it can be changed for a better one.

Once the pattern has been broken, we can start filling our minds with the feeling of self-confidence that stems from knowing that, if we really put our mind to it, we can surmount any obstacle and turn a lemon into a lemonade.

The right attitude is the basic material out of which every success is formed and achieved. So, we would be well advised to pay more attention to our attitude and less on the consequences that the present course could lead to.

Having and keeping the right attitude is self-mastery. It’s the key to successful living. It’s the most determining factor in our life. With the right attitude we cannot fail. With the right attitude, we won’t even think about failure. And, best of all, having the right attitude is free and available to anyone who is willing to take the necessary step to acquire it.

Dr. Raymond Comeau aka Shamou is the Author of ShamouBlog and Owner Administrator of Personal Development for Personal Success Forums.

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Importance of Positive Attitude and How to Develop It

I am the only child for my parents and was pampered well in my family. Not sure how, I picked up a bad temper in my child hood. I used to be a jerk and hurt the feelings of my friends and family many times. I didn’t realize what I was doing until I read a story in my tenth grade. This story had a great impact on me and helped me to understand that a verbal wound caused by anger/ temper is as bad as a physical wound caused by a knife. Today, I want to share this story with you.

There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. On the first day, the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down.

He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than hammering the nails into the fence. Finally, the day came when the boy did not lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and his father suggested that he pull out a nail each day he was able to hold his temper.

The days passed and the boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the fan and led him to the fence. He said “You have done well, my son by holding your temper. But, look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, you leave a scar like the hole in the fence. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won’t matter how many times you say sorry, the wound is still there”.

When I read this story, I flash backed to my child hood and thought of all the incidents when I had hurt the feelings of others. I was really ashamed of my behavior and apologized to each one I hurt knowing that I could only alleviate the pain of the wound and burden of my guilt but cannot remove the scar.

Today, after years of practice, I could say that I am very conscious of my attitude and have been quite successful in dealing complex situations without hurting the people involved most of the time. Here are some of the ways you can develop a very healthy attitude (control your anger) and have long lasting enriched relationships ( family and business)

1. I always try to remember the story above when I have a strong urge to blast off. It really helps me to look at the situation from a different perspective and cools me down for the moment. Similarly, You can create a mental picture of an incident and its repercussions that happened in your life ( when you were either an victim of some one’s temper or you had verbally wounded someone) and had a deep impact on you.

2. Invest some time and effort in personal development. If you are reading this article, you sure are investing and are on the right track. Every time you invest into Personal development, you are increasing your mental and emotional strength required to handle the curves life throws at you. A person who has high level of emotional and mental strength will either not panic or lose temper during stressful times as he understands the simple fact that how you treat others is a true reflection of how you treat your self.

3.Understand that there is no such thing as constructive criticism. Sometimes, we do either criticize or get frustrated with the person involved ( for example, kids) for their actions. Unknowingly, we might hurt them. It is important we understand others perspective and be patient with them. Patience is a virtue and should be practiced diligently. Always expect the best to happen with strong faith and enduring patience.

4. Practice some form of meditation for at least fifteen minutes a day. For starters who are not used to meditation, take some time out for yourself and relax . This simple exercise would release the stress/anxieties accumulated within and rejuvenates you.

And there are many more ways to maintain a healthy attitude in life . In this article, I have listed the ones that I have been using diligently to maintain a healthy attitude towards others.

In a nut shell, you can have a positive attitude towards others by simply being very conscious of the fact that the words you speak reflect your attitude and can be used to either add value or to hurt others. The choice is yours. The good news is that you can be in total control of your attitude and develop life time relationships by taking simple steps as mentioned in this article.

Wishing you all the best and I will see you at the top

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Improve Conversation Skills With Positive Attitude Techniques

When you try to make conversation or small talk with other people, do you find that you put yourself down a lot? Does your mind quickly fill with negative thoughts about yourself?

Here are several ways you can use to start filling your mind with positive thoughts about yourself instead of negative thoughts when you are having a conversation.

When you catch yourself saying negative thoughts, watch out for statements where you say that you always do something wrong. This is a very extreme and negative statement to make about yourself. Instead of saying that you always do things the wrong way or the stupid way, phrase your remarks to yourself in a more neutral or more positive manner.

For example, tell yourself, “Sometimes I say things that are not exactly perfect, but so what? Nobody is perfect all the time. I am doing my best, and what I am saying is good enough for now.”

You can also make an inventory of all your positive qualities and write them down. Look often at your list. Give yourself credit for all your good qualities and give yourself the respect you deserve for trying to make progress in your life.

Another way to boost your conversation confidence is to actively use the techniques of positive visualization and affirmations.

What are affirmations? Affirmations use words to affirm something about yourself that you would like to be true, even though at the present time you don’t feel fully confident that it is true.

For example, you could tell yourself, “I grow more confident about my conversation skills every day.” Positive affirmations become more powerful when you repeat them frequently. Remember, in many cases you have already repeated a negative statement to yourself hundreds of times. It may take thousands of times of repeating a positive affirmation before you start to believe it.

You can try using written affirmations as well as spoken affirmations. There are many important points to remember about using affirmations effectively. An affirmation technique that works well for one person may not work well for another. Feel free to try many ways of using positive affirmations to overcome the negative affirmations you have used in the past.

You may also try using various visualization techniques to increase your comfort level in making conversation. Visualize yourself speaking happily and in a relaxed manner to other people. Feel the happy emotion you would feel during a friendly conversation with another person.

If you happen to be very critical of yourself, you can learn to become kind to yourself instead. It is only when you show true kindness and understanding towards yourself that you will make true progress. You need to be kind to yourself to create true conversation confidence.

A positive attitude towards yourself is the first step to conversation success.

This article was written by conversation expert Royane Real. To learn more about how to improve your social skills and conversation skills, download her new book “Your Guide to Finding Friends, Making Friends, and Keeping Friends” at http://www.lulu.com/real

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Success, Positive Attitude & Erasing Negative Memories

A positive attitude can make the difference between success and failure, yet too many individuals struggle with the creation and maintenance of a positive outlook. Why is that and can anything really be done to permanently fix this problem? Yes!

A positive attitude, believe it or not is actually supposed to be our normal set point as human beings. Well if that is so, you might ask, then why are so many stuck in a negative mind set?

Well the answer is both simple and revolutionary. Let me use a metaphor to describe the situation. Suppose your computer is operating on software that is exceptionally slow because you have failed to update it regularly. Clearly this is going to leave you feeling frustrated, annoyed, and perhaps angry and falling behind.

Now suppose you realize the problem and you decide to download the updates. Almost immediately your computer’s performance will improve and you will feel your mood shifting into positive territory. So now let’s shift back to you and your attitude situation.

If I said that you, that is your conscious mind is operating on outdated software that lives in your unconscious mind and is stored there in the form of negative memories that constantly darken the perception of yourself and your world how would that feel to you? If that resonates with you then try the following exercise, place one hand over your Heart and as if you are speaking from there simply affirm the following statement to yourself:

“I resonate with the fact that I am being negatively affected on a daily basis by the software of my negative memories and I would like to erase/extract/uninstall this software and replace it with life enhancing software that is more optimally aligned with my true authentic and positive self.”

Now notice how you feel there in your Heart. You may have begun to feel a sense of relief, feelings of release, freedom, lightness, warmth, joy, optimism, peace, clarity and so on. If you like this experience then simply affirm that too to yourself via your Heart and it will grow stronger.

Now if you’d like to learn more about how to make this new state a permanent and solid experience kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory telephone consultation.

A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone Consultation is available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

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How to Become a Better You With a Positive Attitude on Life

Everyday fun, happiness, enjoyment needs to be incorporated into your daily life. Watching the sunrise from the top of a mountain after an early morning walk on a weekend tramp might not be everyone’s idea of an adrenalin rush, but if it’s what you enjoy, you need to ensure you’re doing it in your life. You are unique, there’s no one in the world like you and it’s up to you to become yourself.

You have to feel positive and have a positive attitude to want to engage in some of these things. If you don’t you decide it’s easier to stay in bed or slouch around home and your attitude becomes more and more negative about your life. I know, I’ve had to learn and now teach others through my attitude training.

Your life is about fulfillment and enjoyment and it’s your choice to include this into your life. Maybe it’s the beach, or forest, temple, church, mosque, or golf course where you experience tranquility and a sense of inner peace. You need to discover it as well as your ideal relationship, job, financial and lifestyle choice on your journey to become yourself,

When you have a goal, target, intention or mission in life, you have a sense or urgency in life and an ‘energy’ to achieve. You are more motivated and enthusiastic about life.

At the beginning of each year, it’s a good idea to think back to the previous year and what you didn’t achieve. However, if you’ve missed doing it then, anytime you start Is the perfect time for you. If you’re struggling with achieving your goals you need to analyse why. Here are a few possible reasons.

1 Did you need to do some ‘background’ work first and was working towards achieving those goals.

Some big goals require a series of small goals (the background work) to be achieved before achieving the ‘big final goal’. That’s great because each step is progress in the right direction. I.e. To run a marathon you may have needed to lose weight and improve your diet to give you stamina.

2 Did you lose motivation?

When you’re working towards achieving a goal, it’s important it is what YOU really want. If someone else who wants you to run a marathon to join them, you’re less likely to be motivated. You could be feeling you ‘should’ do it to keep them happy. However in the process, you are making yourself unhappy. This is a common challenge with many people. In some instances it feels easier to ‘go with the flow’ rather than cause a disagreement. It’s not an intentional cop-out of being responsible for your own life, it is that the person is lacking the personal development skills, communication, self-esteem and knowledge, about how to break the cycle, of being kind to others versus being kind to themselves.

3 Were you afraid of losing friend because you were changing your life?

In the process of working towards a goal, you are experiencing change. If losing weight is your goal, the people who you might have gone on social outings with, may encourage you NOT to change. The liked you ‘as you were’. When you choose to become healthier, the decision to change is your choice. However, your associates are having change forced upon them. Your weekly routine may have included two visits to a local restaurant, which serves ‘unhealthy’ food. Now you don’t wish to go, but instead visit the gym. They are lonely and forced to accept your decision. Rather than be pleased that you wish to address your health issues, they encourage you to remain as you are, because it suits them. So remember when you are unique and learning to become yourself, it’s important to learn to become yourself, which in this example is fit and healthy.

However, don’t be dismayed about losing a friend, new people will enter your life as you continue to make positive changes

4 Did you change your goal?

Not achieving because you’ve changed your mind is great. You weren’t on track with the right goal. Now you have the opportunity to refocus the next year.

You want to achieve your dreams and live the life you want as early in your life as possible. Some people seem to have the knack of achieving it early in life, for others it takes longer and some people never achieve it. You want to eliminate the zigzagging through life to find fulfillment and happiness, you want to zero straight towards your dreams. For some people, it may even be discovering what your own dreams are, because you’ve been caught up in other people’s dreams.

If you understand your values, beliefs or rules for your life, you will set goals that will be specific to your dreams and desires. By that I mean there’s’ a WIIFM what’s in it for me. eg. If a health related goal involves losing weight and building stamina for your marathon, the additional benefits you may experience might include: more vitality, looking good, feeling attractive, opportunity to modernize self-image, purchase new clothes, sense of achievement, increased enthusiasm about life, and more energy to include new activities in life. All of these factors raise your levels of enthusiasm towards achieving your goals.

Often you’ve never thought about your values, so when you’ve been setting goals they’ve been contradictory to who you are and what you believe. In your goal to be yourself it’s important you take time to assess your values as step one. Then as you start setting your goals, every one needs to be aligned to your values. Failure to do so will inevitably mean failure of your goals because of inner conflict. Eg. You want to be healthy, but you continue to smoke. Decide what you want and overcome the challenges to achieve it. You’ll feel much better about yourself and life when you’re working towards and achieving your goal.

Here are ten tips that will assist with your goals, intentions or target setting for your Keeping your attitude positive as you create your dream life.

10 Tips towards achieving MAGIC in your Life

1. Take time to daydream and write down or draw your goals.
2. Created your MAGIC from your right brained creative thinking (the first thing to come to your mind)
3. Use your left analytical side of your brain plan out HOW to achieve it.
4. Understand that you will be challenged and it’s okay to ask for help.
5. Visualise achieving your goal.
6. Be prepared to make sacrifices and changes.
7. Take the risk and enjoy life as you’re achieving
8. Value your health, have fun, laugh and love along the way.
9. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
10. Pat yourself on the back and reward yourself constantly.

In your quest to be yourself you will be challenged. The opportunity to be you is exciting, scary and even daunting for some. It takes personal growth, understanding, communicating, and overcoming fear, courage and knowledge to align your mind body and soul, or mental thinking, physical direction and spiritual self to work together harmoniously. When they do you’ll find fulfillment, happiness, love for yourself and others, and inner peace. It’s a great way to live. You may need to attend courses, read books, ask questions and be open to learning. Across your path will come signals about which path to follow. It’s up to you and your free will to make your choice and enjoy the ride. The fabulous thing is you don’t need to conform to others. Here’s an example.

Some months ago I enjoyed a round of golf with my partner who has a very low handicap my seventy-four year old mother who is midway handicap and I’m ….a novice. I had a wonderful time, it was a beautiful walk, surrounded by lovely trees and bird life. Out of the hundred or more shots I played, maybe fifteen percent went in the direction I aimed and travelled a reasonable distance. Throughout my game, I replaced my ball on the nice pieces of grass and when my ball ‘flew’ over to another fairway, rather than disrupt the other people’s game, I explained I was new to the game, and rather than further disrupt them, could they please throw my ball back. They obliged. My mother was shocked! I will never make a golfer, my putting on my partners $ 500 putter was good (I’d practiced as a child up the hallway when we had family parties), so it was an enjoyable time….for me. I’m not sure my mother will play much golf with me unless she understands this if fun for me, not a serious game. However, I’ll go for a walk and pull my partners trundler and when I chose and when my we’re ready for a laugh, I’ll play a game of golf. However …if I chose to continue with golf, professional lessons will definitely benefit me and in that year I’ll include it in my goals. Meanwhile, it’s a lovely environment, good exercise, fun and enjoyable and that’s what golf is about for me. Good Luck with your journey to be uniquely you.

Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist, who teaches people to be positive and empower themselves through Attitude Training. As a Professional Speaker, Success Coach and author Janice educates people at conferences, workshops and through books. Janice is the founder of the global movement International Self Esteem annual awareness day and features in the new True Happiness DVD. Janice has an online products featuring about attitude, goals, stress, happiness, relationships and more. Visit http://www.attitudespecialist.co.nz for other complimentary articles and tips.

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How to Create a Positive Attitude in a Negative World

Keeping positive in a negative world is sometimes a challenge. Other people are ‘sad sacks’, moaning and groaning about the weather, the lotto results, the traffic, the price increases, the government. It’s easy to pick up on the negativity and the doom and gloom they want to spread, but the other side of the coin, is being positive and a success.

It takes between 21 and 28 days to change a habit. You alter one and there’s another habit you need to change. Your success is stepping stones in progress, but it’s positive and you will succeed. Maybe not overnight, but then you’ve heard the old words “it’s taken my fifteen years to become an overnight movie star.”

Our top sports people have been practicing for years. It’s the same with our life. Practice leads to improvement. The difference is the movie star and sports heroes have coaches, we just bungle along in life and expect successes.

If that’s what you want in you life…here are a few tips that will assist you. I know they work, because I’ve had to learn them myself and now I include these and many others similar to them in my Attitude Training Programme. Copy them and put them on your office board or at home on the fridge.

1 Turn off the television – Negatively is rife in life. It’s in the media, magazines, people. If you want to be positive you need to rid yourself of negativity.

2 Achieve Results. – You need to have a goal, dream or desire you’re working towards. Maybe it’s money in the bank, increased cash flow in your business. A holiday, new car or ten new clients. As the saying says in the Wizard of Oz. Any road will take you there, if you don’t know where you’re going.

3 Overcome Fear – Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. There’s a great book Feel the Fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffries. Imagine not attempting to walk when you were young. You wouldn’t want to live without it now…. but you didn’t give up. You tried and succeeded. Take small steps to over come your fear.

4 Improve your Attitude – My Attitude postcard reads: Past, Present, Future, Every second you have a choice. Choose Positive and be your own Success Story. It’s true; you can only think one thought at a time. Make it a positive one.

5 Gain Confidence – Walk tall, stand straight, wear your best clothes, use eye contact (careful with some cultures) Smile! Robyn Henderson the International Networking guru says Fake it until you make it. You might have butterflies in your stomach, but no one can see them.

6 Improve your communication – Join Toastmasters and at the same time gain confidence. Attend assertive communication courses, learn about confident communication and remember Hello and Thank You.

7 Become Interactive – Just do it…is the Nike advertisement. Make the appointments and approach new clients, meet new people, join social clubs. Life is for living.

8 ‘Do’ Victory – With every small success reward you. After ten sales calls, have a coffee, after a completing a task well, find a way of patting yourself on your back.
Acknowledge that you’ve achieved something.

9 Get Enthusiastic – Find the ‘it’s great to be alive’ feeling. Discover your passions, experience and enjoy them. Smell the roses, enjoy good health, eat well and find the vitality in life from within. You’ve got it, but it’s up to you to discover it. Everyone has free will, the choice is yours!

Attitude Training, is learning to change the negative thoughts that float around in your mind to positive thoughts. Every time you DO something positive, you start to feel better about yourself. As
Nike says: Just do it!

Janice Davies is The Attitude Specialist, and who teaches people to be positive and empower themselves through Attitude Training. As a Professional Speaker, Success Coach and author Janice educates people at conferences, workshops and through books. Janice is the founder of the global movement International Self Esteem annual awareness day and features in the new True Happiness DVD. Janice has an online products featuring about attitude, goals, stress, happiness, relationships and more. Visit http://www.attitudespecialist.co.nz for other complimentary articles and tips.

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Developing a Positive Mental Attitude – A Task Impossible?

The question that comes up in the mind of any individual that has come across Gordon Brown’s book is, can people really develop a positive mental attitude to life? Does it really work?

Well, my aim here is not to give all the answers to the dozen questions that emerge as a result of this, but as long as I have chosen to delve into the matter, I will try as much to alleviate some pains that these questions have created in the lives of people. The book in question caught my attention by its catchy caption and when I tried to read through, my attention was quickly drawn to simply explore the world through imaginative thinking and a proper, careful study popularly referred to as Research and Findings. I was also captivated by another unique avenue which is attending seminars, workshops, symposiums, conferences basically for renewing of the mind. His theory of developing the habit of viewing or listening to information products such as documentary and educative programmes, presentation and reading of inspirational books that would awaken the giants in me, stayed in my mind for a long time.

All the same, I later discovered that it is one thing for a man to go through a thing and come out without that thing going through the man and remaining. I have watched a lot of people passed through an institution, yet they never become a true representation of that institution. What makes a man is the man in the man. Without the man in the man, everything else is an inference. People go to school for the simple purpose of having a qualification attached to their names, not that they want to become what they opted to study about. Little wonder then many people with certificates of great institutions are not making impact in their generations.

Every man, every woman is created to fill a niche. When you make an input in your field and I make another in my field, this generation will be advanced. Creating a positive mental attitude is to ignite the man in the man to perform his niche, assume his rightful position, and build a conducive world for all to live. Development and progress would have been the goal if every man and woman is working towards the development of a positive mental attitude. Gordon has done a nice job, but who among us will bell the cat? Who is to inculcate the true traditional values and norms to our young ones? Who among us has truly developed that positive mental attitude towards himself or another? Take a look at our home-fronts – Divorce has taken the place of love and good relationship. Children born in such homes cannot be said to be 45% balanced, emotionally. They are deranged by the activities of those that could have given them love and care. How could we offer help, when majority of us are living like people without conscience, ambition and purpose? Our institutions of learning have become a place of all kinds of evil activities, instead of a place to call people to manhood. Our religious affiliations have all the same become places division rather than the peace, discipline, love, morality, care, good relationship and worship of God in truth and in spirit. Are we not guilty of the problems of our time?

Friend, the way forward is the way up. Our lives started from cradle to end up in the grave, so we need to re-discover ourselves as individuals, as fathers, mothers, entrepreneurs, agents, civil servants, etc and begin to do what is expected of us. Discovering ourselves is the first step, the next is to position ourselves to our individual assignments and pursue our set goals to the end. However, we must be daring enough to go for not only gold but also for diamond. Let us develop the mindset to climb the mountain, reaching the pinnacle of anything we set our mind to be.

Finally, making good use of our time is of utmost importance. When we manage our time well, we can truly have time to think about ourselves and others. We cannot accumulate time as we do to money or raw materials, because time waits for no one, and the best time we have to develop is NOW, not tomorrow!

Ejiogu GCE Vitus is a writer and publisher with the Fire-Brand Int’l Ministries, a media ministry that is based in Nigeria. He is the editor of FOUNDATION SATELLITE magazine also published by the ministry. He pastors a Church in Bauchi and is married with two children. You can reach him at: firebrandhq@yahoo.com or, 234 802 8181 829.

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Self Talk and Attitude

Here’s a quick quiz question for you. What controls your attitude?

Here are a few clues for you. It has nothing to do with your clothing selection, haircut, choice of automobiles, bank account balance, or whether your house is cleaned up and orderly. Those kind of externalities may have an occasional, temporary impact on your outlook toward life, but they certainly don’t control it.

The correct answer is that you control the way you feel.

That’s tough for some people to swallow. That’s probably because accepting the premise that you are the boss of your own disposition creates a personal responsibility for happiness. Sometimes, it’s just easier to lay everything at the feet of the rest of the world! Nonetheless, we really are in charge of how we see the world. We get to make that decision–whether we opt for joy or sorrow. It’s our call to make.

And that leads us right into a follow up quiz question (you didn’t know this article was going to be a test, did you?). How can we transform the way we feel?

Well, we already know better than to try to find that answer in retail stores or bank vaults. If we can to alter our feelings, we’ll need to start looking inward instead of outward. And when you do that, you begin to realize that part of the solution may be to start talking to yourself a little more often.

No, you don’t need to run around town editorializing on everything you see to yourself. You don’t need to invent a new imaginary friend, either. You do, however, need to make a conscious effort to control and alter your self talk in order to build a better attitude.

All of us spend our waking hours involved in an ongoing internal conversation with ourselves. When that conversation involves a great deal of self-criticism (or in more extreme cases, self-loathing) it’s hard to develop a rich, positive outlook.

However, if we can transform our self talk by intentionally cheating ourselves to deal in positivity instead of negativity, it’s possible to produce an attitude change. That’s one reason why so many people are finding a new perspective on life by properly utilizing positive affirmations. They’re taking control of their self talk with some great results.

So, you want to know more about self talk and attitude. I strongly recommend this fascinating site that absolutely revolutionizes the process of using affirmations to create a more positive outlook on life. It makes the development of a positive outlook as easy as flipping a switch! If you don’t know about affirmation jingles and their potential, it’s time for you to take a look!

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Simple But Effective Ways To Convert A Negative Attitude To Positive Attitude

Within this article we will be introducing ways to converting your negative attitude to positive attitude that will help you cope up with life better. For most people it is far easier to remember the bad things that happened to them in life than the good things. Our minds seem more programmed than ever to indulge on what’s wrong with our lives rather than what’s right. We always seem surrounded by bad news stories, whether it’s the economy, conflicts and wars, poverty………you name it we seem to seem to constantly see it. Being confronted by all this negativity drives the majority of us to have more negative feelings such as hate, anger, insecurity, jealousy, loneliness and many more. Constantly revolving around these feelings, makes it extremely hard to enjoy life and see the world how it’s supposed to be seen. There are some things that we can do however to change these negative attitudes to positive ones.

The first step in converting negative attitude to positive attitude is by listing down the negative things that are happening in your life. There might be a lot of things that you don’t like so just list them all and assess how you feel about those things. After listing them down, check those things that you can still change and those things that are irreversible. Once you have sorted them out, burn the piece of paper containing the bad things that you can not change. This will symbolize your letting go of these things. After this, create a strategic plan on how to turn the negative things around that you can still change.

Focusing on the good things is the next step in changing negative attitude to positive attitude. Being grateful is one way of working out positive vibes. So you have to list down the good things that is already happening or has happened in your life and the things that you want to happen in the future. Just by looking at it you’ll realize that there are still things that you need to be thankful for, and sometimes these are more overwhelming that those bad things that you let go of. This will give you the realization that whatever happens, life is still good and that there is always something to look forward to.

After listing the good things down, the next step in switching negative attitude to positive attitude is focusing your thoughts on all the good things. This will be hard at first but with constant exercise, you’ll get used to it. Every time something that you don’t like is happening, try to forget about it and keep your focus on the things that you like to happen. Just shrug it off and keep moving forward. At first there would be positive and negative thoughts that will be fighting in your mind so just let it be and make sure the positive ones win. Always keep in mind that nothing can pull your focus away from your goal.

Every time distractions come to keep you from your focus, try to meditate and find that inner peace so that it will be easier to alter the negative attitude to positive attitude. Try to be still and convince yourself that everything will be alright. When you are in that state of stillness, it’s easier for you to accept positive aura that will give you the passion to see life in its beautiful form. Never mind the imperfection – what matters is that nothing can keep you from acquiring that fire to live your life to the fullest.

Following these steps above will help you on the road to transforming your life into one that’s more fulfilling, happy, prosperous and successful through simply altering your debilitating negative attitude to positive attitude.

A negative attitude can have serious and damaging consequences on your life. Your attitude is the one thing that will determine whether your life will be happy and successful or one filled with endless struggles. Learn powerful techniques to quickly transform your negative attitude to positive attitude.

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Having A Right Attitude To Get Success

There are two types of small business owners: those who have the right attitude for success, and others who don’t. There are many reasons to explain why people want to get into entrepreneurship, but some people get into it while they don’t realize that they are not really cut out for this hard work. Whilst many people are seemingly born for this, having an instinctual proficiency for running a business and making it become bigger.


However, even if you aren’t a natural businessperson, this doesn’t mean that you are necessarily doomed to fail. It’s all about what type of attitude you take toward your business, and practically everyone is capable of finding that right mindset.


Knowing you will succeed


The first and most important element of a successful attitude is to know that you are going to make it no matter what. Many people are so filled with self-doubt that they hobble themselves from the beginning, lacking the confidence to take the bold steps and committed action needed to get a business off the ground. In contrast, when you are absolutely certain that you are going to succeed, you proceed with a great degree of self-assurance, and in many cases that self-assurance in itself leads to business success.


Meanwhile, having faith in your own success also helps you get through those difficult moments where the profits aren’t rolling in as you wish they were. People who aren’t cut out for this work tend to fold at these moments, telling themselves, “Well, I gave it my best shot,” and then calling it quits. However, if you truly believe in yourself, you will persevere through these moments, making the necessary adjustments to become profitable and keep growing.


Determination and a hard work ethic


Of course, if confidence were the only thing necessary for business success, then business would be easy, but there is more to it than that. Successful entrepreneurs aren’t just confident; they also love their work, have passion for it, and approach it with an unquenchable determination. Not everyone can achieve this type of attitude. Successful people even revel in temporary failure, in a way, as these setbacks can prove instructive and, for a smart business owner, can lead to greater success.


But it’s more than just an overall, philosophical love for one’s work. It’s also about having the right attitude to stick it through the daily grind. Especially if you’re going to be running your business from home rather than from a traditional workplace, getting up every morning and setting to work with determination can become challenging at times. If you want to be successful, you’ll get through these moments. Even when every fiber of your being is telling you to sleep in or slack off, you’ll set to work anyway.


And to make a small business work, you have to be able to do this in the long run. Anyone can keep a positive attitude for a few weeks or even a few months, but to sustain it over the course of years is the real challenge. If you think you can do this, then starting a small business may be the perfect course for you.


Caterina Christakos is a published author and reviewer. Read her latest articles on Hallmark christmas ornaments selection and other christmas ornaments tips.

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