Tag Archives: Attitude

How to Relieve Stress With a Positive Mental Attitude

We tend to think that stress is something that happens to us due to external events and circumstances outside of ourselves that we cannot control. We may be uncomfortable with the idea that we could possibly be the creators of our own stress. Yet, a great deal can be done to relieve stress by taking charge of our inner thoughts and developing a positive mental attitude.

Think of this. If two different people can respond to the same situation in two different ways, does this not suggest that there is a direct correlation between the individual and their response?

So, why is it that one person can feel completely overwhelmed and stressed out by a particularly situation, and another is able to respond calmly and without anxiety?

The answer to this is in our own heads. All of us think differently and perceive situations in different ways. For example, being made redundant may be a disaster to one person. To another, it is an opportunity to make a change. It is the same situation, but two different ways of looking at it.

We all have an inner voice which constantly chats away in our heads telling us what we should do, what we shouldn’t do. It also tells us how to react. Often this voice is self-critical. It may tell us that we look awful when we look in the mirror or that there’s no way we’re going to pass that exam, or the one that says: “he’s never going to look at me!”

Why do we have this voice, where does it come from, and how does it have such an impact on our stress levels?

From the moment of birth, we are absorbing experiences and learning how to think. When we were very young, we did not question what we are told by our parents or teachers, even when they told us we were no good. At that age we could not sift out what would work for us and what wouldn’t, we just believed what we were told to be true, and these ideas, values, beliefs and statements become our world view, whether they are negative or positive.

People who have grown up in an atmosphere of difficulty or negativity can have a more negative way of perceiving things. If you grew up in a family where financial loss meant constant dramatic changes, you may develop a fear around money, so that any difficulties you have later in life may occur to you as greater than they actually are. Or, if you were constantly told that money was hard to come by and that you have to work hard to stay on top, this could also develop a sense of insecurity.

Negative self talk makes things much worse. If you say to yourself that a situation is ‘stressful’ or ‘impossible’, you will actually create stress and feelings of inadequacy. The good news is that this kind of destructive thinking can be changed. You need to be aware of what you are saying to yourself and change this kind of thinking to more positive self talk, such as describing the same situation as ‘a challenge’, which suggests that it is solvable.
It has been scientifically proven that practicing positive self talk on a regular basis has proven benefits for stress, health and productivity.

Your subconscious mind does not differentiate between positive and negative, or what is the truth. It will believe everything you tell it, and respond accordingly. When you tell yourself that you can’t do something, you subconsciously stop looking for a way to solve it.

If you need to relieve stress, try catching yourself in the act of negative thinking, and then switch it to something more empowering. Next time you find yourself thinking that something is too difficult, try asking yourself how you are going to do it, instead of saying that you can’t. Asking the question, ‘how?’ opens up your mind to solutions, whereas the latter closes it down.

There are many ways to relieve stress, but changing your inner voice and viewing things in a more positive way can make a profound and lasting difference to your stress levels. A positive mental attitude takes practice and time, but you can start to see results immediately, and this will increase as long as you practice every day.

Ros Bott owns the website Natural Stress Reducers which offers natural remedies and advice for natural stress reduction. Ros is a life coach and writer by trade, and you can see her coaching website at Career Coaching

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Attitude ? Lessons from the Happy Barista

This post tells the story of how a positive attitiude leads to a positive outcome – wear your Friday attitude!

Yesterday afternoon while heading downtown to a showing, I stoppped off for a coffee at my favourite (independent) coffee shop here in Kitsilano. The Barista greeted me with a huge, warm smile and asked “How can I help you today sir?”. I asked for a small medium blend drip coffee and then couldn’t help but compliment her on her pleasant, positive demeanour and ask whether something unusually nice had happened to her that morning.

Her response was beautiful, she said, “No, nothing unusually good happened to me this morning, I just make a habit of wearing my Friday attitude every day of the week”. We laughed again and off I went.

Ten minutes later I was stuck in grid-lock traffic down on Burrard street. Since that chemical spill problem in the Electra building has kept Nelson Street closed, vehicle commuting downtown has been a nightmare. Drivers were upset, everyone running late for something. The guy next to me was losing it, flipping off everyone around him and swearing constantly under his breath.

I thought of my encounter with the happy barista, phoned my clients and calmy explained I’d be ten munites late. I then sat back, cranked up 103.5FM (yes, soft rock) and laughed in pity at all the poor angry souls around me taking the grid lock personally.

The lesson is one about attitude, your outlook on life at any point in time will directly reflect lifes ‘inlook’ on you.

I have attached a quote on positive attitude by Charles Swindall;

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company … a church … a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude … I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you … we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

I am a Vancouver realtor and mortgage broker who has been in the real estate industry for 12 years.  My formal education includes a Bachelor’s of Commerce from the University of Natal and a diploma in Urban Land Economics from UBC

I enjoy many outdoor pursuits such as fishing, surfing, kayaking, windsurfing and camping.

Vancouver is a great place to live!

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Developing a Positive Attitude With Affirmations – An Approach That Works!

A positive attitude doesn’t stem from blind luck. It isn’t the result of getting a discount on your morning coffee or a smile from a stranger, either. A real positive outlook on life comes from within. So doesn’t it make sense to focus on what’s happening on the inside to develop one?

It seems a lot easier to change our outlooks by making external alterations. A new car. A new haircut. A new house. Things of that nature “feel” like shortcuts to a better disposition. Sometimes they work, too–but only temporarily. The shine wears off quickly and we’re back to where we started.

That’s because attitude has nothing to do with our external realities. Mother Theresa, by all accounts, managed to keep a pretty upbeat perspective even though she was surrounded by the horrors of disease and poverty.

How do we get there, though? Changing our hair is easy. Changing our minds seems impossible by comparison. Our thinking is a complex combination of socialization, experience, genetics and assorted other mysteries that traditional science still can’t get handle on. How are we supposed to make that internal adjustment?

One of the most effective ways to do it involves the use of affirmations. By making positive, affirmative statements to yourself and feeling them in a very real way, you can start to reprogram your disposition. You can empower your mind to reject negativity and bask in the glow of the positive. Affirmations, in essence, shove out the ugly thinking, replacing it with positive hooks on which we can hang our daily hats.

This is a highly effective way to improve your outlook on life and when it’s done correctly, you’ll notice changes in your disposition quite quickly. You’re not stuck with your current attitude and there’s no reason to rush out for a box of donuts, a great new set of clothes or a bottle of wine to improve it. Don’t bother with those trivial externalities. Happiness and a positive perspective come from within.

Develop your positive attitude by using self-affirmations. They’re fast. They’re easy. They’re fun. And best of all, they really work.

So, you want to know more about developing a positive attitude. I strongly recommend this fascinating site that absolutely revolutionizes the process of using affirmations to create a more positive outlook on life. It makes the development of a positive outlook as easy as flipping a switch! If you don’t know about affirmation jingles and their potential, it’s time for you to take a look!

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4 Steps to Maintain a Positive Attitude When Unemployed

You just woke up at 11:00 AM for the third straight day… 4 days after you were given the boot for no reason of your own you are still in that unemployment funk. If you want to get out of that cloud, you need to read the following and make the necessary adjustments.

The first thing to realize is that you are not the only person in this predicament. Others, in situations much worse than you, are in the same boat named unemployment. Some of them are facing utility shutoffs, concern about their food bill… even evictions.

So, let’s look at some ways to get that attitude back where it belongs and make your world a happier place. One thing to keep in the forefront of your mind is that nothing lasts forever on this earth. Being an unemployed person will pass.

Going forward follow these simple steps to keep from falling back into a depressing funk:

• Get up early and when you get up, wake up. Daylight is known to help keep a person positive.

• Dress as if you were going out in public. You may just wear ratty jeans and your favorite torn t-shirt around the house but in an effort to keep you from the unemployment funk, dress as though you were having lunch or dinner with a friend.

• Communicate, communicate, communicate. Nothing holds you down more than just internalizing everything going on in your life. Call a friend, chat with old coworkers, make an effort to share a little something with the bagger at the local grocery store.

• Be your Boy Scout best. Do a good deed… better yet, do several. Giving to others will lift your spirits and make a positive impact on your community as well. It’s not all about you and your problems and doing good deeds helps you realize that.

Follow those simple steps and your period of unemployment won’t sting nearly as much and your interaction may very well lead to a job opportunity that will change your economic status.

Will Stone has offered employment tips and company background information for years to those that are looking to improve their lives. Click here to apply for Recession Proof Jobs or to learn more about what Will Stone offers take a look at his Job Information Site. It has always been important for one to be a productive member of society and one way is to have a positive impact as either an employer or employee and Will does all he can to offer aid to those with the same though process.

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How Can I Keep A Positive Attitude At Work? 6 Tips To Keep Your Head High

How are you supposed to keep a positive attitude at work when Jim always tells you that he knows how to do it better than you and your boss always catches you daydreaming even though you only do it one time a day! Your coworkers are full of negativity and despair and it’s hard to keep your head up after talking to them and you keep getting work piled on you that you don’t really have time for in your schedule.

Work should be a place that you go to, do a job, and make some money but instead it sometimes can be the most negative place of your day that you have a hard time getting through and no longer look forward going to.

So how can you stay positive at your work?

1. Change Jobs – First and foremost if you are unhappy with your job and you don’t enjoy the tasks that you are given each day to do then you have to change jobs for your sanity. You can lie to yourself and say that you enjoy what you are doing even when you don’t but that will only get you through so many days of the work week.

Remember this. There are many people who stay in their jobs out of fear of not being able to get another one and they live their life complaining and unhappy when they could have just took a shot at a new job and spent their life doing what they loved.

2. Get Your Sleep – If you get the right amount of sleep every night then this will allow you to have more energy to deal with problems effectively throughout the day like finishing extra work or running from that annoying co-worker.

3. Take Your Breaks – There are many people who work through their breaks thinking that they will get more done in the work day but the truth is the quality of your work is suffering from this and your stress level is also suffering.

You have to take a few minutes to let your mind think about something other than work to be at your most productive self throughout the day and you will become frustrated very easily if you don’t. Even after a 10 minute break you will find yourself more productive.

4. Eat a Healthy Lunch – Do not opt in for processed or fried foods for lunch and do not overeat during lunch or your work will pay for it after lunch. When we overeat or eat unhealthy food our bodies use tons of energy to digest this mess of food, which means the energy that should be going towards work will be busy and you will not be that productive and you will feel negative about your days progress and possibly having to be there.

5. Do Not Join In The Misery – It can be hard not to get caught up in the complaining and negativity that your co-workers put out but if you want to have a better outlook about your job then you need to put a stop to it and no longer let other people drag you down.

If everyone else is complaining about the meeting that is going to soak up all of your work day then you can be the one that talks about how the meeting is going to teach you things to make your job easier or better and you are looking forward to it. If you don’t think that talking about it will do anything then at least avoid the talk and think the positive thoughts for yourself. The truth is when most people are in a land of negativity they can’t see the positive side of things and won’t engage in that kind of talk anywase.

6. Do Not Let Your Coworkers Bully You – There is so much bullying going on in today’s workplace that it’s almost as if high school has taken over everywhere.

There are the people who think they are better than you and let you know it at every turn. There are the clicks that talk about you while you walk by or behind your back. There is the boss that makes you feel as though you are worthless and not able to do your job properly. There are so many people at work that want to bring you down to their level of misery and they can be hard if not impossible to avoid.

The thing is you have to fix the problem or you will suffer through your days and drag it home after work with you and make yourself even more unhappy.

Either stand up for yourself and tell them directly that they can’t treat you like this or talk to someone higher up than them. Sometimes you boss may be the one bullying you and in that case you have to go over their head.

Whatever you do, do not be afraid of the outcome as you don’t deserve to spend your time being bullied anywhere, let alone a place you are trying to do a job.


Kari is the owner of Manifest Connection, a self help website geared towards making your life happier and healthier and achieving goals.

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Positive Attitude – It’s Essential For Us

 For any person in this world a positive attitude is the most important asset to posses. It makes one life much easier.  Life is much unexpected and more often than not, it doesn’t turn out the way we want it to. There will be many times in life when you go through hard times and problems. And this is the most challenging part of living our lives. Everyone can keep a positive attitude when his or her life is going good. But the real test of our attitude comes when we face challenges and obstacles in our life.

You should keep a positive attitude to handle the problems in your life and take the problems as a test for your character. By keeping it, you must try to learn from your every mistake and failure, instead of getting demoralized by them. You should feel encouraged to work better and harder to achieve your goals. You would not be able to see your failure as a motivation, if you do not keep your attitude positive, and would rather be extremely discouraged with it.

Even though the situation of two people can be same but they may get extremely contrasting results only because of their mindsets. If we look at it this way; each one of us has been provided the same amount of time by God. Everyone’s day is of twenty four hours. Therefore, instead of wasting your time and energy in thinking about negative stuff, you should spend your days with a positive attitude. You must understand that life is already filled with disappointments and problems. Therefore, you should invest your time in thinking positively. 

Because having a positive view towards life makes us happy. Studies have proved these people are healthier and also live longer than people with negative attitude. Happiness and positive thinking is contagious. It has been observed that people with a positive outlook have more friends because they appear to be more attractive to have as company. If you are with a person who has a positive attitude then you will also start feeling happier and more positive towards life.

Finally, We can say that a positive outlook towards life makes things much easier. It also motivates us to work towards our goals as positive thinking gives us the confidence that we can achieve anything we want. 

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How Can I Keep A Positive Attitude At Work? 6 Tips To Keep Your Head High

How are you supposed to keep a positive attitude at work when Jim always tells you that he knows how to do it better than you and your boss always catches you daydreaming even though you only do it one time a day! Your coworkers are full of negativity and despair and it’s hard to keep your head up after talking to them and you keep getting work piled on you that you don’t really have time for in your schedule.

Work should be a place that you go to, do a job, and make some money but instead it sometimes can be the most negative place of your day that you have a hard time getting through and no longer look forward going to.

So how can you stay positive at your work?

1. Change Jobs – First and foremost if you are unhappy with your job and you don’t enjoy the tasks that you are given each day to do then you have to change jobs for your sanity. You can lie to yourself and say that you enjoy what you are doing even when you don’t but that will only get you through so many days of the work week.

Remember this. There are many people who stay in their jobs out of fear of not being able to get another one and they live their life complaining and unhappy when they could have just took a shot at a new job and spent their life doing what they loved.

2. Get Your Sleep – If you get the right amount of sleep every night then this will allow you to have more energy to deal with problems effectively throughout the day like finishing extra work or running from that annoying co-worker.

3. Take Your Breaks – There are many people who work through their breaks thinking that they will get more done in the work day but the truth is the quality of your work is suffering from this and your stress level is also suffering.

You have to take a few minutes to let your mind think about something other than work to be at your most productive self throughout the day and you will become frustrated very easily if you don’t. Even after a 10 minute break you will find yourself more productive.

4. Eat a Healthy Lunch – Do not opt in for processed or fried foods for lunch and do not overeat during lunch or your work will pay for it after lunch. When we overeat or eat unhealthy food our bodies use tons of energy to digest this mess of food, which means the energy that should be going towards work will be busy and you will not be that productive and you will feel negative about your days progress and possibly having to be there.

5. Do Not Join In The Misery – It can be hard not to get caught up in the complaining and negativity that your co-workers put out but if you want to have a better outlook about your job then you need to put a stop to it and no longer let other people drag you down.

If everyone else is complaining about the meeting that is going to soak up all of your work day then you can be the one that talks about how the meeting is going to teach you things to make your job easier or better and you are looking forward to it. If you don’t think that talking about it will do anything then at least avoid the talk and think the positive thoughts for yourself. The truth is when most people are in a land of negativity they can’t see the positive side of things and won’t engage in that kind of talk anywase.

6. Do Not Let Your Coworkers Bully You – There is so much bullying going on in today’s workplace that it’s almost as if high school has taken over everywhere.

There are the people who think they are better than you and let you know it at every turn. There are the clicks that talk about you while you walk by or behind your back. There is the boss that makes you feel as though you are worthless and not able to do your job properly. There are so many people at work that want to bring you down to their level of misery and they can be hard if not impossible to avoid.

The thing is you have to fix the problem or you will suffer through your days and drag it home after work with you and make yourself even more unhappy.

Either stand up for yourself and tell them directly that they can’t treat you like this or talk to someone higher up than them. Sometimes you boss may be the one bullying you and in that case you have to go over their head.

Whatever you do, do not be afraid of the outcome as you don’t deserve to spend your time being bullied anywhere, let alone a place you are trying to do a job.

Kari is the owner of Manifest Connection, a self help website geared towards making your life happier and healthier and achieving goals.

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The Best Career Advice Would Include Learning How to Project a Positive Attitude

Everyone wants to get their dream job and most people are quite nervous when they go in for the interview. Some of them choke, and say the wrong thing, and their chances of their once-in-a-lifetime dream are dashed. After all, you can have the best resume in the world but if the human resource director that is interviewing you thinks that you’re somewhat weird or you have personality issues they are not going to overlook all that and hire you anyway.

This is why I often recommend, and I believe this is some of the best career by that anyone could ever give. You need to learn how to have a good attitude during conversations, not let things get to you personally, and project a positive attitude wherever you go. A company wants to hire people that will get along with all the other workers, someone that will fit good on their team, and yes, someone that has all the proper qualifications.

Now, assuming that you already have the qualifications and a resume to back it up, it’s time that you work on your positive attitude. There are a number of ways to do this but the best thing you can do is get out in the real world and socialize. Far too many people these days spend all their time online and very little time meeting people out in the real world.

One great thing that people can do to maintain a positive attitude and get used to dealing with all types of people is to go with volunteer for a local nonprofit group. By the way that also looks very good on your resume because you are helping out the community and most corporations like to see community spirit. I sure hope you will consider all this and I hope you do get that dream job you’ve always wanted.

Lance Winslow is a retired franchisor – Lance Winslow’s Bio. Lance Winslow is formerly the CEO of WashGuys family of franchises for instance one of Lance Winslow’s favorite companies on the team; http://www.windowwashguys.com/links.shtml.

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Positive Attitude – Easy Ways For Easier Lives

There are people who would rather hold the negative attitude than a positive one, but as the world is changing the people are also changing; some are getting darker, some are getting brighter. With being more positive you can totally change your life’s direction to the white side which will in turn cause other people to respond more positively to you because you feel good about whatever they say. You can have the ability to change the others positively as well!

First lets see the difference between positive and negative attitudes.

Negative: I will fail 100%.

Positive: I am sure that I won!

How can I create the positive attitude?

Everything valuable in the world takes a bit work, and so does replacing positiveness with negativeness in your minds. You can start to shift your attitude by changing the unconscious thinking. Every time a negative thought comes in your mind, change it into positive. Of course it is not easy because negative thoughts come all the time, but you can change this as well because its you and YOUR MIND which is creating the negative thoughts.

There are many ways to destroy a negative attitude…

– By thinking positively of course… which means that you should expect the best, be optimistic, choose to win, choose to be happy, be motivated, always try harder, look for solutions, believe in yourself, be confident, see the failures as opportunities to learn and succeed.

What do I get by holding a strong positive attitude?

– There are many advantages if you hold the positive attitude such as: success, happiness, feel of better health, wealth, getting less stress, having more confidence, feeling that everything is possible, never giving up, etc.

Now take CONTROL of your MIND and shift your ATTITUDE and start creating glorious results.

“Everything at the beginning is without colors, it is your attitude which paints it brighter or darker.”

My name is HyunSoung Kim, I am student in International Baccalaureate (IB). When I grow up I will be an actor and positive psychologist. If you have any problems or questions about your life, future and frustrations please feel free to ask me by sending an e-mail to kim_h_soung@hotmail.com.

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Advance Your Attitude to Positive For Your Awesome Life!

Your attitude will determine your future. It sounds simple, but it’s harder to do. When you turn on the television, read the newspaper there’s negativity being broadcast, so it’s easy to ‘tune in’ to that type of thinking. BUT you have a choice. Advance and aim for an awesome life…or not. The Choice is yours.

If you want to have a fun and exciting life…you just do as Nike says…”Just do it!” I had to learn how to ‘do it’ and now I teach others how to create a positive attitude 24/7.

Your past has created who you are today. It’s been based on the decisions that you’ve made and for most people some have been good and some ‘not so good’. It’s the choices you’ve made and you learn more from the ‘not so good’ decision’s you’ve made. You’ve had some failures and some successes and that’s okay because that’s what life is about… creating steeping stones to your future. The key now to your future success is to release your past, and move onto your future.

Often you’ve had experiences, which I call ‘critical turning points’ in your life. This is where you’ve had a ‘situation’ that becomes a turning point for major decisions about your future. If you’ve had a major health scare, it may be that you’ve got to change your diet dramatically and exercise regularly.

Statistics worldwide prove that greater health is maintained by regular exercise. It’s not an old wives tale and unfortunately our younger generation is having major health challenges, firstly with their diet and also their exercise. Most baby boomers (like me) walked, or biked or some people like my mother, rode a horse to school. So we exercised regularly. Today many children are transported to school in a parent’s vehicle or the bus, so the early morning exercise is non-existent. This includes adults as well as we’ve become couch potatoes who watch television, use the remote to change the channel, sit at the computer and generally do not get as much exercise as previous generations. I’m sure there are not many people who spend time digging the vegetable garden anymore! Congratulations to those who do.

If you think of our top sportspeople, we admire them and they are skilled because they practice their sport. You have to learn how and then practise to have a positive attitude. That’s where my Attitude training and these tips can help you.

So…. if you’re feeling sluggish and not enjoying life as much as you’d like, here’s seven steps to help you.

Step Two – FIND A TYPE OF EXERCISE THAT SUITS YOU – walking is great!!
Step Three – Write in your diary 3 or 4 times a week as “make you beautiful” time.
Step Four – Write out the attitude poem below and read it regularly.
Step Five – Get a health check if necessary.
Step Six – Write yourself an affirmation. Eg: I am exercising and my body is trim and taut. With an affirmation you write it as if it has happened and repeat it 2/3 times per day.
Step Seven – Get your gear on….and ….JUST DO IT!

A great New Zealand Motivational speaker Tony Christianson always inspires me. He’s from Tauranga and was a ‘mystery’ speaker at the National Speakers Conferences in USA a couple of years ago. Tony had a sign writing business, has a pilot’s license, black belt in a martial art, was a regular competitor at international sports in a number of fields and his list of accomplishments goes on and on. An autobiography has been written about Tony and when people hear his message they are in awe of him, You would be too. as….Tony lost both his legs in his teens. He’s overcome huge challenges physically and mentally, and it’s Tony’s attitude that’s helped him succeed. Just like this poem.


Attitude is more important that facts. It is more important that the past, than education than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.

It will make or break a company…a home… a relationship.
The remarkable think is we have a choice, every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day.

We cannot change our past.
We cannot change the fact that other people will act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90 % how I react to it.
-Charles Swindoll

If ever you’re not achieving, it helps to remember people like him and others who support charities and achieve great things and overcome their challenges. They’ve become winners, they’ve had physical challenges but their mental thoughts and attitude have ensured their success.

In a local newsletter I had a little chuckle with some of the new fitness classes that were advertised. I especially like this one “Born Again Bodies” and another was LEGS – Linda’s Easy Going Strollers, for women who have various health challenges.

I walk or jog regularly through a gully with native bush and a 20-foot waterfall in central Auckland. It’s an unknown haven situated behind the grounds of UNITEC. It’s wonderful to hear the birds sing and see the ducks diving in the stream and the dewdrops glistening on the leaves with the morning dew. I try to ensure I’ve ‘sparked’ up each of my senses as these are the ‘real moments’ in life and I stop and take time to breathe them in. This is what makes life ‘special’. What are you doing? If not much, I urge you to go and explore. Seek out these moments during your physical exercise program.

If it’s ‘attitude’ and inspiration and it’s up to you to get your thoughts right and to Advance your Attitude for your Awesome Life!

Janice Davies is ‘The Attitude Specialist’, who teaches people to be positive and empower themselves through attitude training.

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