Tag Archives: Attitude

Online Dating Hints- The Power Of Positive Attitude – How To Keep A Positive Attitude

Have you ever heard that “Our Attitude Determines Our Altitude!” I think that nothing could be more accurate, especially when it comes to our love life. Many of us have had so many bad experiences we are just fed up. So how do we keep a smile on our face when everything around us seems to crumble? Perspective is the key when you are dealing with life’s problems. The bad times can kill us or make us stronger. Everyone gets knocked down, the only real losers are the ones who don’t get back up.

I heard a story once about a kid who wanted with all his heart to have a pony. The boy’s father thought it would be funny so he gave him a shovel. He took the boy to the barn and put him in a room that was filled four feet high with horse manure. The boy was told that he needed to shovel out all the horse dung. Several hours later the Dad came back only to find the boy with a smile on his face and happily still in the room shoveling away at the mess. When the Dad asked him why he was so happy the boy said, “With all this manure, I know my pony is in there somewhere!” Life’s problems are all about perspective.

I have met a guy who spent seven long years in a prison for something that he didn’t even do. He told me that he made a vow to himself during his first week in there that he would redeem his time. He used his time wisely by spending it reading books, writing and going to college classes. By the time he went through all that he was well educated. He even had a college degree. No matter what your struggle is you can choose whether to let it master you, or you be the master of it. The bad times can kill us or make us stronger.

I heard a very wealthy man in response to someone saying how “lucky” he is say this, “It seems the harder I work, the luckier I get!” Everyone gets knocked down. Life is a battle for everyone, some face tougher challenges but none of us are without pain. If you want to be truly successful in anything remember Winston Churchill’s famous quote, “Never, ever, ever, ever give up!” Everyone gets knocked down, the only real losers are the ones who don’t get back up.

When you are just about ready to throw in the towel on your dating life, when you want to give up remember what has been said here. I cannot think of a single thing that is more important than who you spend your life with. There is no greater task that you can be given than to find the right partner. Don’t give up! Make the best out of bad times, and remember that life is all about perspective.

When it seems hard to smile, just remember I am on your side. I think you are a winner and I want to make you a champion. Visit Seduction Secrets today Receive a free 7 day E-course on seduction principles, normally valued at

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Being a Positive Leader – How Can Your Attitude Affect Your Team?

What is one of the most important tools a leader can have? Extensive training, a handful of certificates, or an impressive resume maybe? Surprisingly, all these things pale in comparison to one tool no leader should be without, a positive mental attitude.

That’s right, having a positive mental attitude determines how you experience your life. In turn, it determines how you behave as a leader, and the influence you have on others. We have talked before about smiling and the positive to negative ratio – so this information shouldn’t come as a surprise to you. The underlying message behind all those tips we enjoy sharing with you, is to have the right mental attitude.

When you smile, you make others happy. When you concentrate on being the positive factor in your team’s day, their productivity goes up. When you seek out good things to say about others, you will find more good things about them. This is not coincidental. This is the power of being positive.

I know sometimes that can seem like an impossible task. With all the worries and stresses of today, staying positive might not be at the top of your to do list. You hear everyone speak of the down economy, you watch horrors on the news, and you may have lay-offs or shut-downs in your company. I am certainly not saying staying positive isn’t a challenge sometimes. However, as leaders . . . should we not rise to the challenge? You don’t need to be unrealistically upbeat, just try to remember that you can affect a lot more than you think by adjusting your perception.

Your attitude has the power to not only lift you up or pull you down, but affect your team in the same way. Look for the positives in situations. Remember, as the saying goes, you need “to accept the things I cannot change, and the courage to change the things I can”. You simply need the wisdom to know the difference between the two. Try hard to focus on only the things you can directly influence. Work at making a positive difference on those things. Every day seek out new ways to keep yourself positive and new positive people to be around.
Remember, “Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.” What good will you find today?

Leanne Crain is a Marketing and Administrative Assistant for the business consulting company BizXcel which publishes Generating Greatness, the bi-weekly ezine for business professionals. If you are ready to push your business to new heights, make more money, save time and improve productivity, then get your FREE tips now at http://www.bizxcel.com

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Attitude is Everywhere

I have been ranting, I mean speaking, about the importance of attitude for most of my career. In the last three years I have done more programs on attitude then all my other topics combined, which tells me that managing our attitudes is more important now than ever. For several weeks I collected a sampling of headlines from newspapers, magazines, and blogs that reference attitude just to see how the rest of the world views the impact of attitude on life. The results were surprising, even to me, covering everything thing from sports teams to the economy as you can see below:

– Success in life may depend on your ‘attitudes’
– A Positive Attitude Can Go a Long Way After a Layoff
– On the brighter side: Can Attitude affect economy, health?
– How to Deal With an Employee With an Attitude
– The Attitude That Will Save Your Job
– Attitudes That We Can Do Without
– Old age is about mental attitude and spirit
– Coach wants Sounders to be ‘more aggressive attitude’ around the goal
– Change your body language, attitude

Even more eye-opening was realizing it’s a worldwide problem from the USA to Malaysia to Russia to India to Australia, meaning we are all in this together. Certainly the economic slow down and recession has had an impact on people’s attitudes but then I wonder how our attitudes of the past impacted the onset of our current economic condition? We are a global community and what we do and the attitudes we have can eventually affect someone half way around the world.

As individuals we can only be responsible for our own attitude, but what a source of power that attitude can be for those around us! How many of us have started out the day in neutral, meaning it can go up or down, and encountered something or someone that tipped our attitude toward the negative? It might be congested traffic, bad service, a rolling of the eyes, a forgotten appointment, or the rainy weather that flipped our internal switch, but we can usually pinpoint what made the difference. Often we might be the negative force, (who me?), that pushes a family worker, co-worker, or fellow commuter to the dark side of attitude! So what do we do about it?

Day in and day out there will be experiences that frustrate us and leave a lot to be desired. You can make a difference in your day by choosing to be aware and personally responsible for your own attitude at all times. Taking control of your attitude is the best way to influence the attitude of others and involves desire, practice, the courage to feel uncomfortable until you get it right, and focusing on the moment at hand rather than getting caught up in mistakes of the past or perceived problems of the future. It isn’t easy and I know from experience some days it’s very hard to keep my rotten attitude to myself, and I’m an attitude expert! If you must have a bad attitude then please go into your personal cave and inflict as little pain as possible on those around you.

If you have any question that attitude plays an important role in the quality of life, consider the words of this young girl who faced obstacles far worse than our struggles:

“Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is! How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world… The final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” • Anne Frank

Darla shows people how creativity and personal responsibility can change the world by positively effecting perceptions, attitudes, and relationships. For additional information on Darla’s presentations, consulting, and artwork or to sign up to receive her Sharing Creative Energy Newsletter, visit http://darlaarni.com

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A Positive Attitude is What Cures Anxiety

What cures anxiety is the biggest problem when you treat panic disorder. In the early stages, panic disorder must have been dismissed as some thing out of deep emotional problem. A person tends to ignore the changes in his or her perception and this can really cause the problems to aggravate. The immense tension felt by a person while seeing or doing something is called as nervous problem. When accompanied with a physical condition like accelerated heart beat or difficultly in breathing this can be termed as panic condition. This per se does not harm the person but is very much a part of the mental behavior. The person may mask the behavior by avoiding situations or social functions but a cure must be found.

The nervetonic is a homeopathic medicine that helps you soothe your nerves. You will experience the perfect calm that will help you iron out all the pending issues. There are many tasks that require perfection and a good tonic that works in calming your nerves is recommended. Supposing you are working in a firm and need to work out a group exercise. You may suddenly be in awe of the situation and experience deep fear and not able to perform or move. This is the trigger and every time you need to address a group you may face this attack. Backing out is not at all the healthy aspect of living as we progress only by participating in a group.

What cures anxiety is a mixture of good life, healthy eating, good friends and a work life balance. It is true that sometimes everything that seems perfect for a person may still not be right for the personality. You can experience deep fear out of anything. It could be the gym or even a cinema hall. This situation worsens if not treated and it is quite difficult for your family too. The constant medication can have side effects and other physical changes which will not erase for a long time. Hence one can switch to physical fitness, relaxation methods and the goodness of a tonic that will calm your nerves.

Check out what cures anxiety:

1. Get more out of life with a positive frame of mind.
2. Take help for all your friends.
3. Stay determined and find the real reasons about your anxiety.
4. Many programs are available on the online forum.
5. Join a club and also take help from homeopathic pills.

The sensory system helps you to function and nervetonic can really bring about the goodness in you. You can help yourself with a regular dosage and appear calm and composed in every situation. This is not a sedative and very safe. It also does not contain any artificial colors that can do much harm to your body. Available online, they are safely packed and white in color. In case you are still feeding your baby, it is best to consult your pediatrician who will give you a solution. Get the best for yourself and your children by treating yourself with the goodness of homeopathy.

What cures anxiety must be found out so that you can recognize the symptoms. Most people with panic disorders cannot really express themselves but most of the people feel disoriented. It is quite difficult to put up with the situation as you could be in the midst of travel or work when you feel overwhelmed. It could be a thought or a scene that can cause deep fear in you. There is no need to feel shy as panic disorders are faced by many people. It has to be appreciated that these days people are out in the open and accepting that they have a problem. There is no single solution but homeopathy surely helps in calming the senses.

Nervetonic is good as you are not addicted to the same. Mild and effective it also helps you sleep well and you will experience better interests in life as you are effectively being cured of the panic attacks. Cure is not rendered by addiction as your nerves and brain are now able to tackle the situations arising in your life. Overcoming the panic attack is a matter of improving your coping skills too and you will know that cure is possible with a bit of discipline and life style changes. No more mood swings and depression with nerve tonic. There is focus and hence success which brings with it overall happiness in all walks of life.

Article by Beth Kaminski of AnxietyDisorderCure.com, a website with the best panic disorders and panic portal information on the web.

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How to Get a Bikini Body – Start With A Positive Attitude

When you are following any weight loss lifestyle you need to make sure you have a positive attitude.  One of the mistakes many people make is to have negative thoughts about themself.

You have to make sure you have positive thoughts running through your head at all times.  You cannot think “I can’t do this” or “I never lose weight” or “I will never have a body like that”, because whatever is running through your mind is what is going to eventuate in your life.

You have to visualise that you can do it! You can get that body, you can lose that weight.  If you repeat that to yourself as much as possible then you will have more chance of success.

You should keep repeating affirmations to yourself as much as possible.  You should also visualise yourself having the body of your dreams.  Look in the mirror and visualise your head on the body of your favourite bikini model.

Actually, a great way to get a visual picture of yourself looking how you want is to find a picture of the body you want and then photoshop your head onto the top of that body.  There is a great picture which will help you visualise yourself at your goal.  Print the picture out and keep a copy in your wallet, print it out and pin in on your noticeboard near your computer.

Every time you feel yourself having negative thoughts and you realise that you are going to self sabotage yourself just look at the picture, visualise yourself with the body that you want and repeat your affirmations like “I can get a bikini body”, “I am achieving my goal”

You can also make your affirmations in the present tense such as “I am doing this” and “I have a bikini body”.  That will help you picture yourself at your goal even more and keep you on the track where you will achieve all that you want to achieve.

Getting the bikini body that you want is a hard road which takes commitment and lots of hard work.  Maintaining a positive attitude is essential to keeping you on track to achieving what you want.  Of course you will hit bumps in the road and negative thoughts sometimes emerge.  That is inevitable.  When that happens just take a look at your picture, visualise yourself at your goal, say your affirmations and you will sooner rather than later be back on track.

I have already lost 60 pounds and I am well on my way to getting the bikini body I want.  Why don’t you check out my site to see my story and what I am doing to achieve this Get A Bikini Body

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Have A Good Attitude For Golf

In golf, you need to have the skills and the proper training for you to become a professional player. In order for one to play the sport well, he has to have the dedication to learn it. Tiger Woods did  not achieve his status in an instant. He worked so hard for it. He has given much effort, time and dedication towards the sport. It is very important that a player has a good attitude towards golf for him to play it well. If you want to be good in it, there are some things that you need to remember for you to know the best attitudes that you have to possess. Get golden bear golf clubs now.




Golf is a game that must be enjoyed. It can be a hobby that you can do with your friends and can surely entertain you a lot. You need to take things easy. Do not pressure yourself too much. The harder you will push yourself, the more likely that you will miss your goal. Make sure that you take things easy as always and do not give yourself so much stress.



In golf course, you will see a lot of greens, trees and bodies of water. These elements bring you close to nature and makes you feel relaxed all the time. Take this opportunity for you to be able to relieve yourself from the stress that you get from your work. Learn to appreciate the surroundings that you have as you play.



It will never be good if you keep on comparing yourself to others. This will not do good to you. Keep in mind that in life, there will be people who will always be better than you are. But this must not sadden you because of the fact that you are always free to improve and get better. Just make sure that you will focus on improving your performance.




Sometimes, golf can be so challenging especially if the golf course is hard to deal with. You also have to deal with the equipment that you use. There are so much things to consider and these can be very stressful for you. Keep in mind that nothing big will be accomplished in easy ways. You have take these things as challenges that you need to overcome.


There are various things that you need to remember regarding the attitude that you need for golf and with the golf club head covers. It is very important that you stay positive about it. The tips mentioned are some of the best that will surely help you. Keep them in mind for you to have a guide later on.


Josh Santebanes is a father who likes to play golf and billiards. He is also fascinated with airplanes and helicopters. Being a man does not stop him from doing household chores especially in choosing the best tools and accessories that will match the house. He is a father of 3 cute children.


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Positive Thinking: 5 Superb Hacks For A More Positive Attitude

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Science has proven time and time again that using positive thinking when working increases performance across the board (compared to working with a neutral or negative mindset). Studies have shown that having a positive attitude boost productivity by as much as 31%, as well as creativity, willpower, energy, imagination and even mood.

Yet, keeping a positive attitude is one of the most misunderstood and unappreciated drivers of performance. Everyone looks for the latest app, or time management system, when a much happier (and easier) productivity-boosting solution is available: happiness.

What’s worse is that few people know how to intentionally get themselves in a good mood. Most wait for something positive to happen in order for them to be happy. People even tie their happiness to their success, when in reality, positive thinking leads to faster achieved goals, not the other way around.

If you ever wondered how to have a better attitude, this training is for you.

In this video you’ll learn 5 different, simple to implement, yet very effective ways to keeping a positive attitude. Master these and you’ll be a positive thinker with increased productivity in record time.

Being happy and having a good and positive attitude has never been easier.


FREE Training and Download on “How Super Successful People Schedule Their Time For Maximum Performance (And How YOU Can Do It Too):



Kosio Angelov is the #1 Amazon bestselling author of the “Lean Email Simple System” and a master trainer in the art of “doing the right things, the right way”. Subscribe to his “Successful By Design” daily productivity show and learn how to break the busyness bubble, achieve exponential productivity and live life by design, not by default.

Subscribe to this YouTube channel for more remarkable training!

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“It is All About Attitude,” She Said – Positive Attitude That Is

Have you checked your attitude lately? If attitude is everything, then our attitudes will make or break our success in life. So, it makes sense to have a positive attitude as much as possible. Of course, with all the negative news on TV, the local economy, the political sound and fury, and all the traffic it is no wonder that so many people have a negative attitude so much of the time. Just don’t let it affect you.

For those that play sports at the championship level they know that an attitude will make or break the athlete and their team. If you are on any type of team regardless of your area of human endeavor, your attitude will affect others, and the team’s attitude will affect their ultimate achievement. If everyone has a positive attitude, and they are committed to going the distance, the achievement of victory is almost foretold.

It takes a lot of strength of character to allow all the negativity in the world to bounce off of your superman cape, and you don’t dare let your guard down for one minute or some manic-depressive will tell you something, and you’ll fall into their trap. You can’t let that happen, so you must maintain a positive attitude that is stronger than anything else out there.

If you will encapsulate yourself in that sort of mindset there is nothing you can’t do and there is no one that can prevent you from doing it. Please consider all this because it took me a long time to learn these truths about success in life. And I’d like to see you get there quicker without having to go through all the adversity that I, and others have had along the way. Once you learn to maintain your positive attitude you will be amazed at how hyper successful you can become.

Lance Winslow – Lance Winslow’s Bio. Lance Winslow is also Founder of the Car Wash Guys, a cool little Franchise Company; http://www.carwashguys.com/history/founder.html/.

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Become Positive – Benefits of a Positive Attitude


Become Positive - Benefits of a Positive Attitude

Explore more at: http:www.Effective-Positive-Thinkinh.com
The benefits of a positive attitude are numerous, but one of the best benefits is that having a good attitude and staying positive actually makes physical changes in the body. In fact, when you harness the power of thinking positive long enough, the chemistry in your body changes enough that keeping a positive attitude becomes easier. Positive attitude and health are intertwined because our brains are the chemical factory for our bodies.
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Sales Tip: A Positive Attitude is a Winning Attitude for a Salesperson

http://www.blitzmasters.com Welcome to another episode of Coffee Coaching with Andrea Sittig-Rolf, CEO of BlitzMasters and creator of the Blitz Experience. If you’ve chosen sales as your career, it’s very important to choose a positive attitude. Notice the word choice of “choose” rather than “have.” A positive attitude is not beyond your control.

If you’re a sales professional, you know that having a positive attitude makes a world of difference in your success. You must be able to deal with the sometimes negative circumstances that occur. Attitude is a huge part of what makes up your reputation and is one of the first things someone will notice about you when meeting for the first time.

One example of how to make use of a positive attitude after losing a sale is to analyze where you went wrong and plan on how to do better next time. Thanks for watching and be sure to check out other episodes of Coffee Coaching.
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